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09-08 投稿



hocks 发音

英:[hɑ?ks]  美:[h?ks]

英:  美:

hocks 中文意思翻译



hocks 短语词组

1、upright hocks ─── 直立的公鸡

hocks 词性/词形变化,hocks变形

动词第三人称单数: hocks |动词过去分词: hocked |动词过去式: hocked |动词现在分词: hocking |

hocks 常用词组

in hock ─── 在典当中;负债;在坐牢

hocks 相似词语短语

1、hacks ─── 出租汽车;老马(hack的复数);n.(Hacks)人名;(德)哈克斯

2、shocks ─── n.[力]冲击;震动;缓冲装置;蓬乱的一堆;禾束堆(shock的复数);v.使震动;使休克;感到震惊;把…堆成禾束堆(shock的三单形式)

3、bocks ─── n.一杯啤酒;烈性黑啤酒;n.(Bock)人名;(英、德、西、葡、罗、捷、瑞典、匈)博克;(东南亚国家华语)木

4、cocks ─── n.[禽]公鸡(cock的复数);闷头;塞子;n.(Cocks)人名;(英)科克斯

5、Jocks ─── 大学的运动员(jock的名词复数)

6、hoicks ─── int.噫!(猎人激励猎犬的叫声)

7、chocks ─── 楔子;三角垫木;[船]导缆钳;定盘(chock的复数)

8、docks ─── n.[水运]码头;[船]船坞;港区(dock的复数);v.船入港;设置船坞(dock的三单形式)

9、hecks ─── int.糟糕,见鬼;n.该死,见鬼;n.(Heck)(美)埃克(人名)

hocks 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Multi-functional spring with hock to standard pothook without any tooling. ─── 多功能通用卡簧无需工具,就能自由安装于标准挂钩式的雨刷。

2、His signature dishes include “Braised Australian Fresh Whole Abalone in Oyster Sauce”, “Braised Soon Hock Fish in Clay Pot” and “Braised Superior Shark's Fin Soup”. ─── 他也是积极参与慈善事业的善心人士,曾获得新加坡前任总理吴作栋亲自颁发的奖牌。

3、Her jewellery is all in hock. ─── 她当掉了所有的首饰。

4、Ample bone, strong and flexible, moderately angulated at stifle and hock. ─── 充足的骨量,结实且柔韧,后膝关节和飞节的角度恰当。

5、Viewed from the side, the hind legs have little apparent angulation and the hock joint and metatarsals are directly beneath the hip joint. ─── 从侧面看,后腿几乎没有明显的弯曲,膝关节和后跗骨在髋关节的正下方。

6、Hocks of moderate angulation. Dewclaws are not desired; if present, they must not obstruct gait. ─── 飞节角度中等,不希望有狼爪,如果有,应该不影响步态。

7、Tail Long with bone reaching at least to hock joint. ─── 尾巴长,尾骨延伸至飞节或以下。

8、The hindlegs when viewed from the rear should parallel each other from hock to heel. ─── 从背后看,两条后肢自飞节至脚跟部分相互平行。

9、The large tendon in the back of the hock of a quadruped. ─── 后腿腱四足动物跗关节后的一个大肌腱

10、If a family unit development district teachers, while also developing several projects, the original bank loans suddenly changes Tan good, then come to find hock financing. ─── 如有家单位开发一个教师小区时,也在同时开发好几个楼盘,原来谈好的银行贷款突然卡壳,于是前来寻求典当融资。

11、Hindlegs muscular at thighs, clean and sinewy below, with well bent stifles . Hocks well let down and powerful. ─── 后大腿肌肉发达,小腿匀称规则且强壮有力,膝关节倾斜,飞节有力。

12、The rump and hind legs down to the hocks are also covered with thicker, longer hair forming the characteristic breeches. ─── 从臀部到大腿,向下到飞节的位置,一样覆盖着长而浓厚的被毛,形成了特殊的所谓“马裤”。

13、It is characterised by a pronounced engagement of the hindquarters, a more accentuated flexion of the knees and hocks, and the graceful elasticity of the movement. ─── 其特点是后躯有力的深踏,膝关节和飞节充分弯曲,动作优美,富有弹性。

14、The trial was launched at the Central Hall of the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum by Heng Hock Cheng, Chair of Shell Companies in China, and Wang Junmin, Deputy General Manager of Shanghai Pudong Bus Transportation Co., Ltd. ─── 壳牌中国集团总裁王郁章和上海浦东巴士交通股份有限公司副总经理王军民在上海科技馆中央大厅启动了该项试车活动。

15、The action of the rear legs should be square and true and, at the trot, both the hocks and stifles should be flexed with a vigorous motion. ─── 后肢的动作呈直角、准确,快步走时,后膝关节和飞节都应该弯曲,动作有力。

16、Hind legs have well developed thighs with moderately angulated stifles and hocks in balance with the moderately laid back shoulders. ─── 后肢:大腿非常发达,膝关节角度适中,飞节与适度向后倾斜的肩胛骨相互平衡。

17、Muscular thighs and second thigh long and strong as in the Greyhound, and hocks well let down and turning neither in nor out. ─── 大腿肌肉发达,且第二节大腿长而结实,象灵缇犬的腿。飞节位置低,既不向内弯,也不向外翻。

18、Look for a muscular rear, both on the inside and the outside of the legs, with parallel hocks set wide enough so the front feet can be seen just inside the rear feet. ─── 不论在后腿的内侧和外侧,后驱应强壮,平行的两个踝关节间距应该够宽,从正后方两个后足之间可以看到前肢。

19、Curls also extend up the entire neck to the occiput, down the thigh and back leg to at least the hock, and over the entire tail. ─── 头部到鼻尖为止,几乎呈一个笔直的连续的锥形,线条清晰,没有任何粗糙、短粗或厚脸皮的迹象。

20、The backs of the front legs should be well feathered, as are the rear legs down to the hock. ─── 前肢后面长有羽状饰毛。后肢的羽状饰毛延伸到飞节。

21、Hind legs are covered to the hocks with abundant breeches (culottes). ─── 前腿背面长有饰毛,到脚腕处减少。

22、The legend that the queen had to hock the crown jewels is as spurious as the fable that Columbus set out to prove the earth was round. ─── 传说王后抵押了自己后冠上的珠宝来资助他,这纯属无稽之谈,就和说哥伦布航海是为了证明地球是圆的一样荒谬。

23、Hocks well let down and straight when viewed from behind. ─── 飞节位置低,从后面观察,显得笔直。

24、Mr Lau is a family real estate company mister, because of cash flow problems have occurred, and therefore often get hock OK. ─── 刘先生是某家房地产公司的老总,由于资金周转不灵的情况时有发生,因此经常涉足典当行。

25、The hind legs should be muscular at the thighs, clean and sinewy below, with well bent stifles. Hocks well let-down and powerful. ─── 后腿大腿肌肉发达,下部整洁强壮有力,膝盖弯曲良好,飞节放松有力。

26、To disable by cutting the tendons of the hock;hamstring. ─── 割断跗关节的筋使残废;割断腿腱

27、How to handle the procedures of real estate mortgage hock? ─── 如何办理房地产抵押典当有关手续?

28、"We're in hock to the Chinese up to our eyeballs because of the war in Iraq, for one thing. ─── “首先,由于伊拉克战争,我们已经把身上几乎所有的东西都典当给了中国。

29、Angulation of the hindquarters is in balance with the forequarters;the angle at the hock is relatively sharp, although the Belgian Malinois should not have extreme angulation. ─── 后躯的角度与前躯平衡,飞节的角度比较明显,虽然,比利时玛利诺犬没有太夸张的角度。

30、The hind legs are less fleshy, muscular at the thighs, very sinewy and the hocks and stifles are well bent. ─── 后腿不那么丰满,大腿肌肉发达且非常有力,飞节和膝关节适度倾斜。

31、Feet--if the rear toes turn out very slightly when the hocks and metatarsus are parallel, then the position of the feet is correct. ─── 后肢足爪如果非常轻微的向外翻,但飞节和跖骨是相互平行的,这样的情况是正确的。

32、QD Type of Hock Crange is a serial product manufactured according to intemational advanced standards.The whole crane has a novel structure,beautiful figuration,excellent craft. ─── QD型吊钩桥式起重机是采用国际先进标准制造的系列产品。

33、Well angulated stifles with low hocks which are parallel when viewed from behind. ─── 后膝关节角度恰当,飞节低,从后面看,两腿平行。

34、Some shareholding and private hock acts pursuit rapid flow of funds to accommodate the enormous amount of real estate mortgage very interested. ─── 一些股份制和民营典当行为了追求资金的快速流动,对单笔金额巨大的房地产抵押十分感兴趣。

35、If there is a No.8 hockshop in the world, I will hock anything to gain our love!But who can tell me where is the hockshop? ─── 假如世上真有第八号当铺,我愿意当掉我的所有来换取我们的爱,但是谁能告诉我八号当铺在哪??!!

36、Hind legs drive on a line with the forelegs, with hocks (metatarsus) turning neither in nor out. ─── 如果有些柔软的毛发,不论在身体上,尤其在头顶,属于缺陷。

37、They eat a dish called Hoppin’ John, which is comprised of black-eyed peas simmered with ham hocks, spicy seasonings, bell peppers, and rice. ─── 在古巴,西班牙和匈牙利喜欢烤猪及猪的脚,这也是瑞典的一种广受欢迎的小菜。

38、Stifle: Well turned. Second thigh: Long and well developed. Hocks: Set low. From the rear, the hocks should be quite straight. ─── 后肢:臀部发达,宽阔而有轻微的拱线,肌肉丰满而浑圆;膝关节弯曲良好;大腿长而肌肉发达;跗关节位置低从后部看跗关节部应直,不能使足部呈现任何的内翻或外翻。

39、To disable by cutting the tendons of the hock; hamstring. ─── 割断跗关节的筋使残废;割断腿腱。

40、The hocks are well let down, long and vertical when standing. ─── 跗骨能充分下降,长,且站立时垂直。

41、Too much angulation at the hocks is as faulty as too little. ─── 飞节太多角度高达太少故障。

42、Viewed from behind, the hind legs are parallel, with the hocks turning neither in nor out. ─── 从后面观察,后腿彼此平行,飞节既不向内弯,也不向外翻。

43、Angulation at the stifle and hock are in proportion to the forequarters. ─── 后膝关节呈合适的角度,而且飞节与后躯的比例恰当。

44、His wife,pick all the bedsheet out and hock them all.With the little money,he bought a new red one. ─── 可是,我万万没有想到,厄运会这么快到来。

45、Viewed from the rear, the hocks should follow on a line with the forelegs, neither too widely nor too closely spaced. ─── 从后面观察,飞节与前肢在同一直线上运动,距离既不太宽,也不太靠近。

46、According to the insiders, the real estate industry hock hock operational phase of the operation is still in the exploration, most adopt a more conservative posture. ─── 业内人士认为,典当行业内房地产典当业务的操作还处在摸索阶段,大多采取较为保守的姿态。

47、Tail set on moderately high and reaching to the hocks or a little below. ─── 尾巴:位置为高度适当,能延伸到飞节或更低。

48、If there is a real 8th popshop, what will you hock? ─── 假如真有“第8号当铺”,你愿意典当什么?

49、TAIL : Bushy, reaching at least to the hocks; hanging straight down when at rest; carried level with back or slightly above when moving. ─── 尾巴:毛发浓密,至少抵达跗关节处。休息时尾部下垂,走动时尾部向上与背部持平或者略高于背部。

50、Cow-hocks, spread hocks, and sickle hocks to be faulted. ─── 小牛状,松散状,镰刀状的脚踝关节都不合格。

51、The upper thighs are well-muscled and powerful, the stifles well bent, the hock joint well defined and set low to the ground. ─── 后腿上部肌肉发达,强有力,后腿膝关节充分弯曲,裸关节踝关节轮廓分明,距地的位置较低。

52、Shanghai has just opened the first half of last year mass hock OK, but now the authorities to make their recruiting applications. ─── 上海大众典当行去年上半年刚刚开张,但是其现在已经向有关部门提出增资扩股的申请。

53、"I don't know if China is any different, but our relationship with China is certainly different,""We're in hock to the Chinese up to our eyeballs because of the war in Iraq, for one thing. ─── “我不知道中国是不是有什么不同。但我们与中国的关系绝对是不同的。”“有一件事可以肯定的是,由于在伊拉克打仗,我们已经把身上几乎所有的东西都典当给了中国。

54、Continue to visit the biggest Temple in Pulau Ketam - Nang Thiam Keng Temple and Hock Leng Keng Temple.The temple is beautiful with intricate sculptures and colourful painting. ─── 南天宫以宏伟的南天门为其景点,而福龙宫以其普陀山为景点,各位可以到庙里进香、拜拜祈福或拍照纪念。

55、The action of the rear legs should be square and true and, at the trot, both the hocks and stifles should be flexed with a vigorous motion. ─── 后肢的动作呈直角、准确,快步走时,后膝关节和飞节都应该弯曲,动作有力。

56、The hind legs, from the hock joint to the ground, when viewed from the rear, should be parallel. ─── 从后面观察,后退飞节一下刀地面应该是平行的。

57、Hindlegs muscular at thighs, clean and sinewy below, with well bent stifles. Hocks well let down and powerful. ─── 后大腿肌肉发达,小腿匀称规则且强壮有力,膝关节倾斜,飞节有力。

58、Lower thigh is long, broad and powerful, with extensive muscling leading into a strong hock joint. ─── 下腿是长的,宽的和有力的,和广泛的肌肉引起的强壮跗关节一样。

59、Hock Lee Centre, Kuching. Venue for the Blood Donation Campaign. ─── 古晋福利大厦,捐血活动的场所。

60、During the mobile service, many of the Sandakan folks approached the MP and the Sandakan chief to enquire about and expressed their anger on the sad case concerning the death of Teoh Beng Hock. ─── 在该流动服务站,许多山打根人前来向邱议员和张衍文,查询并且表示他们对涉及赵明福不幸死亡案件感到非常愤怒和关注。

61、The stifle should not be so angulated as to place the hock joint far out behind the dog. ─── 后腿:膝关节弯曲,膝关节角度不应该太大,而使飞节位于身体下后方太远的地方。

62、These (gelojoh) actions directly resulted in the death of Teoh Beng Hock. ─── 他急于立功的行为后果导致了赵明福死亡事件的发生。

63、He was in hock for three years. ─── 他坐了3年牢。

64、The hind legs should be muscular at the thighs, clean and sinewy below, with well bent stifles. Hocks well let-down and powerful. ─── 后腿大腿肌肉发达,下部整洁强壮有力,膝盖弯曲良好,飞节放松有力。

65、The hind legs should also be abundantly covered by hair falling in curls or waves, except that the hair should be short and smooth on the front of the legs below the hocks. ─── 后腿上也覆盖着丰富的卷毛或波浪状的毛发,除了后腿飞节下方的前面,毛发短而平滑。

66、The leg from hock joint to foot pad is perpendicular to the ground. ─── 从飞节到足爪这部分后腿完全垂直于地面。

67、The tail is set on nearly level with the croup as a natural extension of the topline, strong at root, tapering to a fine point, nearly long enough to reach the hock. ─── 尾巴:尾根位置与臀部相平,更象是背线的自然延伸。根部结实,尖端细,且精巧。长度差不多能够延伸到飞节。

68、Hair is short and smooth on the head, ears, front of forelegs and below the hocks. ─── 头部、耳朵、前肢前部和后肢飞节以下的毛发短而平滑。

69、Quarters are well boned and muscled.From hip to hock long and sinewy, hock to pad short and strong.Stifles and hocks well bent and not inclining either in or out. ─── 就象他的名字所描述的,颜色煤黑色带有丰富的褐色斑纹,斑纹位于眼睛上方、口吻侧面、胸部、腿部、屁股,在脚趾、有黑色铅笔纹。

70、His coat for the coming winter was in hock. ─── 他冬天穿的大衣已经当掉了。

71、Viewed from behind the quarters thrust with strength and flexibility, with hocks not close nor too far apart. ─── 从前面观察,路线应该是笔直,且肩部,肘部,脚腕强健有力。

72、In Germany, they take sausage form and collards in the U.S. just aren’t the same without some ham hocks thrown in, although eating hog jowls is also believed to ensure good health. ─── 在德国,他们采取的形式和羽衣香肠和美国不相同的只是有没有放入一些火腿,而吃猪肉在那里也是被认为是可以让身体健康的。

73、The hindlegs are less fleshy than the forelegs, are muscular at the thighs, very sinewy and the hocks and stifles are well bent. ─── 后腿肌肉比前腿少,大腿肌肉发达,强健有力,飞节和膝盖弯曲良好。

74、From hip to hock long and sinewy, hock to pad short and strong. ─── 从臀部到飞节长而强壮有力,飞节到脚垫短而结实。

75、The stifles are moderately bent and taper smoothly into the hocks. ─── 后膝关节角度恰当,向下逐渐地、平滑地变细,与飞节连接。

76、When viewed from front and/or rear elbows and hocks move parallel. ─── 从前面或后面观察,肘部和飞节的动作相互平行。

77、To take 2 million yuan, the Beijing real estate information Advisory strong West will be a limited liability company property hock to Beijing days Hongbaorui - hock OK limited liability company. ─── 为借200万元,北京强西房地产信息咨询有限责任公司将一处房产典当给北京天鸿宝瑞通典当行有限责任公司。

78、His watch was in hock. ─── 他的表已经拿去当了。

79、If natural, the tailbone should extend to the point of hock, but should not extend to the ground. ─── 如果自然的尾巴,尾骨应该延伸到飞节,但不能拖到地面。

80、When extended, the bone must reach to the hocks. ─── 伸直时,尾巴能延伸到飞节。

81、HINDQUARTERS : Strong and flexible, well angulated stifle. Legs short. Ample bone carried right down to feet. Hocks straight when viewed from behind. ─── 后肢:强壮且灵活,后膝关节角度适当。后腿短。骨量足,后视时,肘关节与地面垂直。

82、Parallel, with strong tarsis, metatarsis slightly bent, higher than the metacarpis. The stifles and hocks are moderately angulated. ─── 两只后小腿平行,与后腿跗关节有中等的角度,

83、Lastly, temples are the predecessors of clan associations.For example, the Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan was first set up within the Thian Hock Keng Temple. ─── 四、庙宇还是会馆的前身,或是像孪生兄弟一样,神庙与会馆同时诞生。

84、Located at the junction of Padungan Road and Song Thian Cheok Road, Kuching, Fock Hai (or Hock Hai) Tim Sam Cafe is famous for its hot steamed stuffed bun (or "bao" as we locals call it). ─── 位于古晋浮罗岸路与宋天祝路交接处的福海点心茶餐室是古晋爱包人熟悉的点心店。

85、The rear legs are broad and heavily muscled through the thighs; stifles moderately bent; hock joints are moderately bent and well let down. ─── 后座腿广阔和重肌透过大腿;扼杀中度排架;福接头中度执意要和好失望。

86、Hocks are parallel when viewed from the rear. ─── 从后面看跗骨平行。

87、Having paid off the pawnbroker, I now had my watch out of hock. ─── 偿还了当铺老板的债,我赎回了自己的手表。

88、The rear legs have the previously described culottes, and in mature dogs, light feathering from hock joint to the foot. ─── 后腿 的被毛就是先前描述的裙裤,成年狗,在飞节至足爪部分长有轻盈的饰毛。

89、The rear of the forelegs and hind legs has somewhat longer hair extending to the pastern and hock, respectively. ─── 前肢和后腿后方,毛发略长,分别延伸到骹骨和飞节。缺陷:被毛柔软;丝状被毛;

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