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09-08 投稿


penal 发音

英:['pi?n(?)l]  美:['pinl]

英:  美:

penal 中文意思翻译



penal 词性/词形变化,penal变形

副词: penally |

penal 短语词组

1、actions penal ─── [法] 刑事诉讼

2、penal colony ─── [法]流放地

3、penal facility ─── [网络] 刑罚设施

4、comparative penal law ─── [法] 比较刑法

5、model penal code ─── [法] 标准刑法典

6、do penal ─── 服徒刑,坐牢

7、penal clause ─── [法] 罚则, 刑事条款, 刑事条例

8、a penal code ─── 刑法

9、penal jurisdiction ─── [法] 刑事管辖权

10、penal institution n. ─── 刑罚机构; [法] ─── 刑罚执行机关

11、international penal law ─── [法] 国际刑法

12、penal farm ─── [法] 劳改农场, 劳役农场

13、emergency penal ordinance ─── [法] 紧急治罪条款

14、institute penal proceedings ─── [法] 进行刑事诉讼

15、penal jurisprudence ─── [法] 刑法学

16、penal code ─── [法] 刑法典

17、auxiliary penal measure ─── [法] 辅助惩罚措施

18、penal deduction ─── [法] 罚款扣除额

19、penal action ─── [法] 刑事的民事诉讼

penal 相似词语短语

1、pen pal ─── 笔友(等于penfriend)

2、penial ─── 阴茎的;adj.阴茎的

3、petal ─── n.花瓣

4、venal ─── adj.贪污的;用金钱买得的;贿赂的;贪赃枉法的;n.(Venal)人名;(英)维纳尔

5、renal ─── adj.[解剖]肾脏的,[解剖]肾的;n.(Renal)人名;(法)勒纳尔

6、genal ─── adj.(解剖学)(与)脸颊(有关)的;n.(Genal)(美、塞、匈)盖纳尔(人名)

7、pennal ─── 便士

8、peal ─── n.响亮的声音;洪亮的钟声,钟乐;编钟;幼鲑;v.鸣响;大声作响;轰然大笑;n.(Peal)(美、英)皮尔(人名)

9、pedal ─── n.(车辆,乐器的)踏板;v.骑(自行车);踩踏板;adj.脚的;脚踏的

penal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、So the rationality of punishing drunk crime is proved according to the analysis of drunk crime and the drunk criminal's penal ability. ─── 为此,通过对醉酒犯罪行为、醉酒犯罪人刑事责任能力的剖析来论证处罚醉酒犯罪的合理性。

2、From another perspective, circumstances for penal judgments can also be classified by the standard of ethos, technicality, morality, and social value. ─── 从另一个角度来讲,对于量刑情节,还可以从思想观念、技术要求、道德层面、社会价值等方面进行分类。

3、From the 2 points of penal codes: no-value of acts and no-value of effects, the characteristics of the crime of illegal medical practices emphasize the no-value of the illegal medical practices. ─── 在情节犯与行政犯的双重视野下,基于刑法中行为无价值与结果无价值的立场,非法行医罪的犯罪构成注重的是行为无价值,主观罪过是犯罪故意,并且只能是直接故意。

4、The judicial department and Hubei superior court constituted and published some systems, on the penal servitude, putting in prison and protection, management respectively, education and tuition. ─── 司法行政部、湖北高等法院及其所属监狱也都制订和颁布劳役、收监与戒护、分管分押、教诲教育等管理制度。

5、Under Turkey's draconian penal code, anyone who dares to describe the Armenian tragedy as a genocide can end up in jail or even dead. ─── 并且根据土耳其刑法的严厉规定,任何胆敢将“亚美尼亚悲剧”描述成“种族灭绝”的人都会面临牢狱之灾,甚至死刑。

6、The Penal Code from 1976 in force, stipulates long imprisonment for adultery and pederasty. ─── 同性恋仍然是犯罪行为,但是死刑不再适用。

7、The severity of the penal code had no serious effect on the prevalence of crime. ─── 刑法的严厉对制止犯罪蔓延并没有很大的效果。

8、The penal version of the Tour de France (TDF) will see 196 prisoners pedal across the country from June 4. ─── 6月4日,法国将上演一场监狱版环法自行车赛,届时,196名囚犯将骑自行车环法一周。

9、It is no bases to review its basic theories in the two aspects of criminal nature and penal responsibilities, which also results in the series of theory contradictions. ─── 但从犯罪本质和刑事责任两个角度,对恢复性司法的基础理论进行深刻的反思,其是没有根据的,且会导致了一系列的理论矛盾。

10、According to the theory of social liability, the modem school objects to retribution penal theory and is in favor of intent penal theory. ─── 基于社会责任论,近代学派反对报应刑论,主张目的刑论,认为刑罚目的在于防止再犯、防卫社会;

11、The Argentine Penal Code (1958), Fred B Rothman & Co. New York University, 1963 P103. ─── 作者:未知文章来源:网友提供点击数:更新时间:2006-12-15

12、Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed. ─── 刑罚不得重于犯罪时适用的法律规定。

13、But in the viewpoint of people, nobody would like the exorbitant taxes and levies;not to mention the endless services and penal sheets. ─── 可是站在老百姓的立场,又有哪个人会对那些苛捐杂税、还有做不完的劳役,以及交不完的罚单欣然接受呢!

14、First settled by the French in 1604, French Guiana was the site of notorious penal settlements until 1951. The European Space Agency launches its communication satellites from Kourou. ─── 1964年在库鲁地区建成火箭发射中心。欧洲宇航局在此从事阿丽亚娜火箭的发射业务。

15、A penal system that lacks due process laws and often employs psychological and/ or physical torture, e. g. Alan Moore's V for Vendetta . ─── 处罚系统缺乏适当程序的法律而且常常使用心理或生理上的拷问。例,艾伦摩尔的V怪客。

16、I do not wish, however, to embark upon the subject of penal reform. ─── 但我并不想在此谈论刑法改革。

17、The penal machine can no longer function simply with a law, a violation and a responsible party. ─── 刑法机器不再单靠法律,违法事件与刑事责任能力人就能运作。

18、Penal trial court transact normal penal cases and private persecution penal cases; other relevant business. ─── 刑事审判庭依法审理第一审普通刑事案件及自诉刑事案件;办理其他有关事项。

19、The notebooks date from his incarceration on the infamous Robben Island penal colony . ─── 他曾经被囚禁在臭名昭著的流放地罗宾岛,这两本日记就是那个时候记下的。

20、There is no support in the historical context for the proposition that equal protection meant only that penal laws must apply equally to both races. ─── 历史文本没有支持平等保护只是意味着刑事法必须平等应用于两个种族的主张。

21、Captain Arthur Phillip leaves Portsmouth, England with eleven ships full of convicts (First Fleet) to establish a penal colony in Australia. ─── 1787年的今天,亚瑟·菲利浦船长率领11艘装满犯人的船队(第一舰队)离开英格兰的朴次茅斯,前往澳大利亚建立囚犯隔离区。

22、But it would also have had to charge less than a penal rate, to encourage them to do so. ─── 但为了鼓励它们采取这样做,英国央行收取的利率也要比惩罚性利率低。

23、Another father, because crime arrives stump bicrural is penal. ─── 另一个的父亲,因犯罪到砍断双腿的刑罚。

24、The durance of 4 years, and hunger of years, and the Cap of Right Wing left after left the penal farm, had destroyed any other ideals of mine. ─── 四年的禁锢,四年的饥饿,处分解除后依然戴在头上的“右派”帽子,已经把我任何别的志向都摧毁了

25、National Directorate for Penal Institutions ─── 国家监狱管理局

26、The average daily penal population in 2007 was 78% higher than that in 1973. ─── 2007年的平均每日在囚人口,较1973年的数字高78%。

27、Bullard examines the validity of human rights in the context of a non-European society, specifically the French penal colony of New Caledonia. ─── Bullard分析了除欧洲社会外的人权的有效性,尤其是法国的罪犯流放地新咯里多尼亚的情况。

28、Like others, utilitarians want penal institutions designed so that, as far as humanly possible, only those who break the law run afoul of it. ─── 像其他人一样,功利主义者希望刑罚制度是可预见的,穷尽人类可能的,只有违法的人才能与其发生冲突。

29、There occur formidable hours in our civilization,there are moments when the penal laws decree a shipwreck. ─── 在我们的文明里,有许多令人寒心的时刻,那就是刑法令人陷入绝境的时刻。

30、Consequently, he bears penal liability instead of ciil tort liability, and is culpable in the light of PRC's penal code. ─── 因此,该男子应承担的是刑事责任,而不是民事侵权责任,依据中国的刑法典应受到追究。

31、Two of the men gave a live television interview before their arrest in which they harshly criticized the penal system. ─── 其中的两人在他们接受了现场采访,在采访中他们严厉抨击了刑事系统。

32、The Fed has lent freely, not always at penal rates. ─── 美联储已经实施自由借贷,但并未对所有这样的借贷均课以惩罚性利率。

33、He was a reformer in the tradition of his father, and jail reform and penal legislation became an absorbing interest in his life. ─── 他是他父亲传统思想的改革者,而监狱改革与刑事立法变成他生活中令他乐此不疲的兴趣。

34、In Morocco, women are much more likely to be charged with having violated penal code prohibitions on sexual relations outside of marriage than men. ─── 在摩洛哥,女性比男性更容易被控告与他人发生婚外性关系违反刑法典禁令。

35、Penal prejudicatiOn is a kind of pre judicatiOn, but it can not be regardedas the origin of law in our country. ─── 古代中国的法律刑民不分,诸法合体,援引成案做为判案依据的司法传统十分悠久,中国古代的判例主要是刑事判例。

36、Inside the wall is the penal institution for the settled. ─── 墙里面就是为那些安顿之人而设的刑所。

37、The right to legal protection should rest from multi-angle approach such as the Constitution, the Labor Code, the Civil Code and Penal. ─── 休息权应当得到宪法、劳动法、民法和刑法多种法律制度的保障。

38、Penal policy plainly needs to change. ─── 显然,刑法政策需要改变。

39、After scorning the scientific work of the colonel who headed the institute, Mr.Solzhenitsyn was banished to a desolate penal camp in Kazakhstan called Ekibastuz. ─── 在嘲笑领导研究院科学工作的上校后,他被发配到卡萨克斯坦一座名为艾基巴斯图茨的荒凉集中营。

40、For example, family, penal, and citizenship laws throughout the region relegate women to a subordinate status compared to their male counterparts. ─── 例如,相对于男性而言,婚姻家庭法,刑法和与公民权益相关的法规中全都将女性归类到从属的社会地位中。

41、Military Penal Code determines the unique values of the country should focus on protecting the interests of the military. ─── 军事刑法独特的价值取向决定了军事刑法应当突出对国家军事利益的保护。

42、The criminal law differentiates between the legally obligatory and discretional circumstances for penal judgments. ─── 刑法理论按照效力的大小,将量刑情节分为法定量刑情节与酌定量刑情节两类,按照惩罚的结果将量刑情节分为从宽情节与从重情节等各种类型。

43、AIG would pay a penal interest rate and cede to the state an equity stake of just under 80%. ─── AIG要支付一个惩罚性利率并把近80%的股权转给政府。

44、According to Iran's New Islamic Penal Code, prisoners can apply for conditional release after serving a third of their sentence. ─── 根据伊朗新的伊斯兰刑法,囚犯在服刑三分之一后可以申请有条件释放。

45、Looking on, Trotsky's wife, Natalia, joked about this punishing form of "penal labor. " ─── 托洛茨基的妻子娜塔莉亚在一旁看着,开玩笑说这是一种“劳役”式的惩罚。

46、No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. ─── 任何人的任何行为或不行为,在其发生时依国家法或国际法均不构成刑事罪者,不得被判为犯有刑事罪。

47、The passenger's side safe ball could be locked by the lock of the central penal, in order to install the child seat back forward. ─── 乘客侧安全气囊可以通过位于中央面板后部的止锁装置用车钥匙锁止,以便安装背部朝前的儿童座椅。

48、Experience in agencies like the Occupational Safety and Health Administration suggests that a rigid, penal style of enforcement can be counterproductive. ─── 像职业安全和卫生管理署这样的机构的经验表明,严格、刑罚式的执行决定很可能产生不了什么作用。

49、An island penal colony. ─── 一个岛的流放群体

50、It include includes several * flat walls, or penal panels, that directly reflex reflect the suns sun's light on to onto the food. ─── 它由几块可以将太阳光直接反射到食物上平坦的似墙物(或板)组成。

51、This paper focuses on the detailed study of crime construction,juridical practice,penal responsibility and legislation perfection. ─── 在犯罪构成论中,明确了其双重客体;

52、The penal said math books are much smaller than (in) many nations where students do better in math than American children. ─── 专家组称,很多儿童整体数学水平比美国要好的国家,所用的教材都比美国的小得多。

53、The second part is the bases of penal liability including philosophy and ethnics and law and criminal bases. ─── 包括哲学和伦理学根据、法理学根据、刑法学根据。

54、Conditions in penal institutions for both political prisoners and common criminals generally were harsh and often degrading. ─── 刑事机构内的环境对于政治犯与一般罪犯来说是一样的苛刻与丧失人格。

55、The penal code prohibits torture or inhuman treatment; however, many sources continued to report these practices. ─── (朝鲜的)刑法禁止酷刑和不人道的待遇;但是很多消息来源持续报告现实中的此类做法。

56、Reprieving prosecution,one of free evaluation rights,is to meet the demand of economy prosecution and penal prevention,which has been adopted in many countries. ─── 作为检察机关自由裁量权之一的暂缓起诉制度,符合诉讼经济以及刑事政策特别预防的要求,为世界上许多国家广泛采用。

57、I have not, however, left entirely unnoticed cither the law relating to offences dealt with in a summary way or the law relating to penal actions. ─── 但是,我既未对与以简易的方式处理的犯罪相关的法律也未对与刑事诉讼相关的法律全然置若罔闻。

58、Criminal trial work divides to judgement and penal discretion two stages,criminal trial process can't depart the support from logic. ─── 刑事审判工作分为定罪和量刑两个阶段,刑事审判的过程离不开逻辑的支持。

59、The contract will be rescinded when Party B is subjected to penal or laboring punishment. ─── 乙方被依法追究刑事责任或劳动教养,本合同自行解除。

60、Article 301 of the penal code, under which Orhan Pamuk, Turkey's best-known novelist, was prosecuted last year, remains on the books. ─── 去年土耳其著名的小说家OrhanPamuk,根据刑法典第301条已经被起诉,这件事仍然历历在目,使人难以忘记。

61、The financiers and the borrowers are not allowed to deviate from the terms and any deviation may have specified or unspecified penal compulsions. ─── 主要为中小企业的发展、融资和个人的小额资金贷款提供服务,架起企业与银行之间的桥梁。

62、China is revising its penal law to criminalize gender-selective abortions. ─── 中国目前正在修正其刑法,将因性别选择而遗弃婴儿的行为列为犯罪。

63、In China penal law, action aim of hijacking aircraft is mostly civil aircraft, and national aircraft in especial condition. ─── 在我国刑法中,劫持航空器罪的行为对象主要是民用航空器,但也不排除特定条件下的国家航空器。

64、The agitation of penal reformers is not shared by psephologists, who note the tiddly numbers involved. ─── 刑罚改革者的“激愤”并未得到选举学理论家的支持,他们注意到涉及数量微乎其微。

65、With the development of legislation in common law system countries since the 20th century, American and Canadian legislators also put the provision about private secretes into their penal codes. ─── 20世纪以来,随着英美法系各国立法运动的发展,美国各州以及加拿大都制定了各自的刑法典,并在其刑法典制定之初就将侵犯隐私权的犯罪明确规定在法典当中。

66、To offer liquidity at a penal rate, when Greece has no access to the market, would worsen its solvency problem. ─── 在希腊无法向市场融资的时候,以惩罚性的利息提供流动性,将导致它的偿付能力进一步恶化。

67、The internal academic circle pays less attention to the penal law of Norway, the country of north Europe whose criminal legislation is a paragon. ─── 作为北欧国家刑事立法之典范的挪威刑法典,国内学界较少给予关注。

68、Five set of Dinning table, table penal can be extended, made in Thailand. Good condition. Original price $880.00 + TAX. Now half price at $440.00 (TAX included). ─── 五件套全木餐桌,桌身可拉长。椅背做工精美。泰国制造。保养良好。红色。原价$880.00+tax。现半价出售($440)。非诚勿扰。

69、If no election is made the trust will be reclassified as a non-complying trust and potentially subject to the penal tax regime as set out above. ─── 如果在此期间未做如此选择,该信讬则重新归类为“非照办信讬”,受以上所列之惩戒性税法约束。

70、There was a clearing up of the penal code; ─── 它对刑法典进行了清理;

71、charged with a criminal (penal) offence ─── 受刑事控告

72、There exists restricting relation between the prescription stipulated in penal law and the protection of copyright. ─── 刑法规定的诉讼时效与著作权的保护期之间存在著制约关系。

73、The chief aims of the penal system are to deter the potential lawbreaker and to reform the convicted offender. ─── 刑罚制度的主要目的是阻止潜在的违法者,并改造已判刑的违法者。

74、The penal code be used ases a kind of norm to adjust the means, calculator crime the lawmaking particularly such. ─── 刑法作为一种规范性调整手段,其产生具有滞后性,计算机犯罪立法尤其如此。

75、Turkey could start by scrapping article 301 of the penal code, which makes it a crime to “insult Turkishness”. ─── 丁克认为土尔其应该将刑法第301条“侮辱土尔其”废除。

76、Another was Australia, which became a penal colony now that America was no longer available for prisoners and debtors. ─── 另一个国家是澳大利亚,因为美国不再是容纳罪犯和欠债者的国度了,澳大利亚就变成了一个惩治罪犯的殖民地。

77、If he had burned the flag as a means of disposing of it because it was dirty or torn , he would not have been convicted of flag desecration under this penal law. ─── 因为言论自由不是绝对的,但是对特定言论的限制或处罚,要有充分理由,而这种理由便是保护其他权利或利益。

78、Another common name is "419 fraud" after Section 419 of the Nigerian Penal Code, the section that specifically prohibits this type of crime. ─── 另一种较常见的名称是“419诈骗”,源于尼日利亚刑法第419节,该节明确禁止此类犯罪。

79、So, it in our obligation as a state party to stipulate international crimes in our penal law, and it is a good measure to prevent the international crimes and punish the offenders. ─── 因此,在我国全面或者大部分地规定国际犯罪,既是作为条约缔约国的义务,也是防止、有效惩治国际犯罪所必需的措施。

80、He underwent nineteen years of penal servitude for theft. ─── 他因犯了大窃案受过十九年的苦刑。

81、The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights advises countries in expanding human rights laws, improving penal codes and protecting freedom of expression. ─── 人权事务高级专员办事处在推广人权法律、修订刑法和保护言论自由方面为各国提供咨询。

82、Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence. ─── 一、凡受刑事控诉嫌疑者,有未经获得辩护上所需的一切保证的公开审判而依法证实有罪以前,有权被视为无罪。

83、Penal redress requires full compensation of the injured person as an instrument for punishing the offender. ─── 刑事救济规定对受害人进行充分补偿,由此作为对罪犯的一种惩罚机制。

84、Peter Leopold Joseph of Habsburg-Lorraine, Grand Duke of Tuscany, promulgates a penal reform making his country the first state to abolish the death penalty. ─── 1786年,洛林哈普斯堡皇室的托斯卡纳区大公(阶级仅次于国王)彼得·利奥波德·约瑟夫颁布了一项刑法改革,从而使他的国家成为第一个废止了死刑的地区和国家。

85、America, exceptional as ever in penal policy, bans inmates from voting in most states and even bans former inmates in a few. ─── 刑罚政策最独特的就是美国,大部分州禁止囚犯的选举权,甚至有些州还禁止有前科的人选举。

86、Essentially, Article 356 Of Penal Code stipulates special recidivist. ─── 刑法典第三百五十六条实质上是关于特别累犯的规定。

87、Justices of the Peace visit penal institutions and VM centres fortnightly or monthly, depending on the type of institution. ─── 太平绅士每隔两周或一个月,便会前往各惩教机构和越南船民中心巡视,相隔时间视乎有关机构所属种类而定。

88、Because of some imperfects in the regulations of the intellectual property crime in the Chinese criminal law,it is not beneficial to penal ... ─── 因此在理论上对我国中医药知识产权刑法保护的现状进行检讨与反思,并适时对知识产权犯罪的刑事立法进行完善是完全必要的。

89、Relating to the administration of penal law. ─── 与刑法实施有关的

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