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09-08 投稿



rancidity 发音

英:[r?n?s?d?ti]  美:[r?n?s?d?ti]

英:  美:

rancidity 中文意思翻译



rancidity 短语词组

1、degree of rancidity ─── [化] 哈喇度; 哈喇程度; 酸败度

2、rancidity chemical ─── [医] 化学酸败度

3、ketone rancidity ─── [化] 酮败; 酮臭败; 酮坏; 酮哈喇

rancidity 相似词语短语

1、anacidity ─── 酸缺乏

2、rabidity ─── n.急进;猛烈;狂怒

3、translucidity ─── 半透明性

4、flaccidity ─── n.软弱;没气力

5、peracidity ─── n.过酸性

6、acidity ─── n.酸度;酸性;酸过多;胃酸过多

7、rancidly ─── adv.讨厌地,令人作呕地

8、acridity ─── n.辛辣,苦;尖刻的批评

9、rapidity ─── n.迅速,急速;速度;险峻

rancidity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Butyric. Rancid odour of some spoiled wines. ─── 坏奶油味的:描述一些破败葡萄酒所散发出的腐臭气味。

2、Study on Inhibiting of Walnut Rancidity ─── 核桃仁的酸败及抑制

3、Rancid fats, an ingredient in pet food, are often preserved with BHT/BHA and ethoxyquin, to prevent further deterioration. ─── 有臭味的脂肪常用BHT/BHA和抗氧化剂防腐,以防止进一步腐化。

4、In Chinese-style sausage, Weeping forsythia can reduce the rate of lipid oxidation and rancidity during the periods of storage. ─── 将连翘添加于中式香肠中,可有效抑制中式香肠贮存过程中的脂肪酸败,其抑制作用随连翘在中式香肠中浓度的提高而加强。

5、MACADAMIA NUT OIL REFINED exhibits a long shelf life and good resistance to rancidity due to the low content of polyunsaturated fatty acids. ─── 澳大利亚坚果油的多布饱和脂肪酸含量低,因此保质期长,难以腐化。

6、Out of buckets of rancid water in tiger country, out of his canteen in the desert. ─── 在虎乡用腥臭的水洗。 在沙漠中用自己罐头筒盛水洗。

7、Green tea juice was used in the Su-style moon cakes, and it can prevent fat from oxidative rancidity to extend the shelf life of moon cakes. ─── 本实验将绿茶汁用于苏式月饼中,研究了绿茶汁对防止脂肪氧化酸败,延长月饼保质期的作用;

8、The methods of inhibiting walnut rancidity were put forward to extend the shelf life of walnut kernel. ─── 并对如何有效的抑制核桃仁酸败提出了一些解决方法,以便于人们对核桃仁的酸败进行控制。

9、The salad greens were wilted and I think the chicken might've been rancid. ─── 沙拉的青菜都黄了,我想鸡肉可能也腐坏了。

10、if they do contain any water, it is stagnant and rancid. ─── 即使它们有些水,也是停滞、腐臭的。

11、Keywords Spiced fried blanched peanut Oxidative rancidity Shelf-life; ─── 去皮椒盐油炸花生;酸败;货架寿命;

12、rancid milk ─── 发乳

13、Keywords Oxidative rancidity;Tansparency of packaging materials;Shelf life; ─── 氧化酸败;包装材料透光性;货架寿命;

14、Keywords Original flavor sunflower seed;Rancidity;Shelf-life; ─── 原香味葵瓜子;酸败;货架寿命;

15、Keywords yellow rice wine;rancidity;prevention measures; ─── 关键词黄酒;酸败;防止措施;

16、Lintao stones obviously steamed stone flower color orange, crispywei chun , take a long time not rancid. ─── 临洮石子馍石花明显,色泽橙黄,酥脆味醇,久放不馊。

17、British counterpart, speaking over breakfast, compares the process of transferring risk around the financial system to spreading butter on toast.With luck, he says, the butter will not be rancid. ─── 他的英国同行则在早餐饭桌上拿金融系统内转移风险的过程和在面包上涂奶油的过程作比较,他说,幸亏奶油不会发酸变臭。

18、What plant may cure Alzheimer's disease, increase circulation, tastes like almonds and smells like rancid butter?This plant is none other than Ginkgo biloba. ─── 今天的欧洲其实也有很多的银杏树,不过它们都是来自亚洲的外籍移民。

19、a fatty acid having a rancid taste; found in butter and other fats and oils. ─── 有腐臭味道的脂肪酸,发现于黄油及其他脂肪和油脂中。

20、As ginger is innocuous and convenient to get,ginger is suitable for urban and rural household to prevent vegetable oils from oxidative rancidity. ─── 且生姜无毒,取材易,方法简便,很适合城乡居民家庭储油保质的有效方法。

21、Now tens of thousands of appliances are releasing a gag-inducing stench of rancid shrimp, sulfurous eggs, rotting fruit and putrid meat. ─── (现在数万雪柜散发出腥臭的虾、像硫磺的鸡蛋、腐烂的水果、腐臭的肉的让人作呕的恶臭。

22、Rancid butter and margarine are notorious. ─── 哈喇奶油和人造奶油的难闻气味是众所周知的。

23、“The environment in the bag is about 2 percent oxygen to reduce the rancidity of the oil and provide a longer shelf life. ─── “对环境的袋约百分之二氧,以减少腐败的石油和提供了一个较长的保质期。

24、In order to look for simple and effective method to prevent edible vegetable oils form oxidative rancidity, the effect of ginger on edible vegetable oils in laboratory scale were determined. ─── 摘要为寻求简易有效防止食用植物油氧化酸败的方法,在实验室条件下进行了生姜对几种食用植物油抗氧化效果试验。

25、Rancid fats: Industrial processing creates rancidity (free radicals) in commercial vegetable oils. ─── 腐败油脂:工业生产的过程中会使植物油中产生腐败产物(自由基)。

26、oxidative rancidity ─── 氧化臭败

27、rancid remarks. ─── 令人恼怒的评价

28、more unsaturated fatty acids (double bonds) the more susceptible the fat is to rancidity. ─── 不饱和脂肪酸(双结合)越多脂肪越容易腐臭。

29、As a result of propionic acid accumulation, rancidity is one of important factors that restrict stable operation of anaerobic reactor. ─── 由于丙酸积累而造成的酸败问题一直是制约厌氧反应器稳定运行的重要因素之一。

30、According to local villagers, crops have withered, streams have gone rancid, and leakage of poisonous industrial gases, have caused embryos of pregnant women to become abnormal. ─── 据当地村民透露,庄稼枯萎了,溪水变臭了,孕妇因吸入农药厂洩漏的毒气而导致胎儿畸形。

31、China's official Xinhua news agency says a shipment of pistachio nuts from the United States will be destroyed, after four packages of rancid nuts were found in a container also infested with ants. ─── 中国官方的新华社说,来自美国的一批开心果将被销毁,在此之前,有关方面发现一个集装箱里的四包开心果变质,这个集装箱内也有蚂蚁。

32、8.The grocer took back the rancid butter. ─── 杂货店老板让把变了味的黄油退给了他。

33、Onodera’s team added a portion of the digested glop to a second container filled with rancid milk. ─── 小野寺的小组向第二个装满腐臭牛奶的容器添加了部分消化的浓流体物。

34、chemical rancidity ─── 化学酸败度

35、The grocer took back the rancid butter. ─── 杂货店老板拿回了有腐臭油脂味的黄油。

36、Don't put it in your pantry because, at the rate you're using it, it would go rancid. ─── 不要把它放在食品室里,因为以你用面粉的速度,没等你用完,它就已经变质了。

37、In particular, beer, wine vinegar into a more easily rancidity. ─── 尤其是啤酒、果酒更容易酸败成醋。

38、rancid butter ─── 变了味的黄油

39、a fatty acid having a rancid taste; found in butter and other fats and oils ─── 有腐臭味道的脂肪酸,发现于黄油及其他脂肪和油脂中

40、Influence of trace elements, pelleting and antioxidant on lipid rancidity in formula feeds ─── 微量元素、制粒和抗氧化剂对脂质酸败的影响

41、Keywords Walnut;coating;inhibit;rancidity; ─── 核桃;涂膜;抑制;哈败;

42、Kenneth, if it was not for that rancid bubble, I would not be here today. ─── 如果不是那腐臭的气泡,我现在不会在这里。

43、"Antimycotics (e.g., sodium and calcium propionate, sorbic acid) inhibit mold growth; antioxidants (e.g., Butylated hydroxytoluene or BHT) delay rancidity in foods containing fats and oils;" ─── 抗霉剂如钠与钙的丙酸盐、山梨酸可阻止霉的滋生;抗氧化剂(如BHT)能延迟各种含脂肪及油脂的食物的腐败;

44、Influence of Moisture and Different Oil on Lipid Rancidity in Formula Feed ─── 水分和油脂种类对配合饲料脂质酸败的影响

45、When I think of this rancid butter I see myself standing in a little, old world courtyard, a very smelly. very dreary courtyard. ─── 一想起这变质的奶油我就感觉到自己正站在一个小小的老式院子里,这是一个气味很难闻、很凄凉的院子。

46、Bitterness is often a sign of a mild rancidity. ─── 苦味通常就是有轻微的腐烂。


48、In order to look for simple and effective method to prevent edible vegetable oils form oxidative rancidity,the effect of ginger on edible vegetable oils in laboratory scale were determined. ─── 为寻求简易有效防止食用植物油氧化酸败的方法,在实验室条件下进行了生姜对几种食用植物油抗氧化效果试验。

49、We surrender in joy to the lowest of the foul and rank: we submerge through darkness, rancid filthy. ─── 我们放弃了愉悦而处在最低下的阶级;我们淹没在黑暗之中,污秽腐臭。

50、Keywords yellow rice wine;big pot storage;deterioration and rancidity;cause;control measures; ─── 关键词黄酒;大罐贮存;变质酸败;因素;控制措施;

51、Preliminary Studies on the Facts of Rancidity in Walnut Oil and Fat ─── 关于引起核桃中油脂哈败因素的研究初探

52、Is a fat-soluble antioxidant in the common form, soluble in oils and fats, as long as is used to prevent oxidative rancidity of food oils and oil burning phenomenon. ─── 是脂溶性抗氧化剂中常见的一种,易溶于油脂,只要用于防止食品油脂的氧化酸败及油烧现象。

53、The article mainly introduces the rancidity of Oxidation of fatty acids of unsaturates of the soybean oil and the mechanism of reaction. ─── 介绍了豆油中的不饱和脂肪酸氧化变哈的反应机理及其反应动力学。

54、Principles and Methods for Minimizing Rancidity in Meat Products ─── 减少肉制品酸败的原理及方法

55、The principle of walnut kernel rancidity was studied during walnut kernel storage.Walnut rancidity was evaluated by analyzing acid value, peroxide value, TBA value and sensory value. ─── 摘要针对核桃仁在储藏过程容易出现酸败变质的现象,对核桃仁酸败机理及其评价指标进行了分析。

56、I found you, seed of Sparda! I told you that I remember your rancid scent! No matter where you run to, you can never hide from me! ─── 我找到你了,斯巴达的种!我告诉过你我记得你身上的味道!无论你逃到哪里,都不能在我面前隐身。

57、BHT also prevents oxidative rancidity of fats. It is used to preserve food odor, color, and flavor. ─── 对甲酚(BHT)还能防止脂肪的氧化酸败,被用来维持食品的气味、颜色和味道。

58、Now and then in snatches I saw images of icy rivers, of barges and flatboats, of coarse men reeking of animal fat and rancid leather. ─── 偶尔,我的头脑中会断断续续地浮现出一些画面:有结冰的河面,有驳船和平底船,当然也有正用烟熏烤着动物肥肉与腐臭毛皮的人们。

59、oxidative glycolysis; oxidative rancidity. ─── 氧化糖酵解;氧化发出的恶臭。

60、Discussing on Rancidity of Noodles ─── 关于面条哈败问题的探讨

61、The more unsaturated fatty acids (double bonds) the more susceptible the fat is to rancidity. ─── 不饱和脂肪酸(双结合)越多脂肪越容易腐臭。

62、Character: light yellow powder; have a special foul-smelling and sour-smelling, should have no foul-smelling of rancidity. ─── 本品为淡黄色粉末;有特臭和酸味,应无酸败的臭味。

63、Rancid - Olympia Wa Lyrics ─── 奥林匹亚华盛顿

64、they are slow to go rancid, and are more easily digested than refined oil. ─── 它们不容易变味儿,也比一般的精练油更容易消化。

65、Yellow rice wine rancidity was induced mainly by lactobacillus fermentation. ─── 黄酒酸败主要是由乳酸杆菌发酵产酸引起的。

66、The Effects of Transparency of Packaging Materials on Oxidative Rancidity of Fry ─── 包装材料透光性对油炸食品氧化酸败的影响

67、Corrie: Well, this oil is rancid, this butter looks tainted, the vegetables are wilted , and even your canned goods are rusted . ─── 呃,这个油变质了,这块黄油腐烂了,这些蔬菜枯萎了,而且就连你的罐头也生锈了。

68、Character: light yellow powder; have a special foul-smelling and sour-smelling, should have no foul-smelling of rancidity . ─── 本品为淡黄色粉末;有特臭和酸味,应无酸败的臭味。

69、Keywords oil hydrolysis;rancidity;self-burning; ─── 油脂水解;酸败;自燃;

70、The traits measured on fat samples were intensity smell, meat smell, subacid smell, rank pig smell, rancid smell, and off smell. ─── 在肥胖样品测量的特征是强度气味,肉气味,微酸性的气味,茂盛的猪气味,馊气味,和气味。

71、Do not eat food fried in rancid lard for it is harmful to your health. ─── 哈喇油炸出来的食物对人体有害, 不要吃。

72、A shefiend's whiteness under her rancid rags ─── 她那件酸臭破烂的衣衫下面,是魔女般的白皙肌肤。

73、If a bottle is opened and exposed to air, it will likely last only about 60 days before deteriorating (becoming rancid) - especially if it is also exposed to light. ─── 如果打开一个瓶子,并且把它暴露在空气中,它仅能持续60天就会变质,特别是暴露在光下面。

74、2.The antibacterial experiments show that the product has strong inhibition effect on some bacteriums in rancid creamery. ─── 最后研究产品对混合菌群的抗菌活性,结果表明,该产品具有较强的抗菌活性。

75、40-year-old Miss He He Suannai every day, but more than 10 years ago, she is very annoying yogurt: "I do not want to drink the first drink, is a very, very acid, and a rancid smell. ─── 40岁的贺女士每天都要喝酸奶,然而10多年前,她却非常讨厌酸奶:“喝第一口就不愿意喝了,酸得不得了,还有一股馊的味道。”

76、rancid butter; rancid bacon. ─── 哈喇了的黄油;腐臭的咸肉。

77、As ginger is innocuous and convenient to get, ginger is suitable for urban and rural household to prevent vegetable oils from oxidative rancidity. ─── 且生姜无毒,取材易,方法简便,很适合城乡居民家庭储油保质的有效方法。

78、Oil is easy of deterioration and rancidity because of its unsaturated fatty acids. ─── 油脂由于含有不饱和脂肪酸而易于氧化酸败。

79、Sell low, and Patriot widening oil service, oil rancid MA QU web dead, dead oil vapor Aiwang special vomit, love your oil Aiwang special vomit Tap song oil ...... Anti-hooligans forced! ─── 卖低、服务爱国者拉油,油馊麻曲网上死亡,死亡汽油特别爱旺吐、特别爱你爱旺吐油::油塔歌反流氓强迫!

80、As they gnaw away, the stench is overwhelming, a rancid sweetness that stings the eyes and lungs, clinging to hair and clothes like a vile perfume. ─── 当小虫啃完尸肉,恶臭弥漫开来,这种带有甜味的腐臭会刺激眼睛和肺部,就像沾附在头发和衣服上的讨厌香水。

81、rancidity chemical ─── [医] 化学酸败度

82、Poorly fermented silage smells rancid. ─── 发酵不好的青贮料其味道腐臭。

83、Antioxidants stops fat from turning rancid. ─── 抗氧化剂使脂肪停止腐烂发臭。

84、shortened the size of bodies, unbraced the nerves, relaxed the sinews and muscles, introduced a sallow complexion, and rendered the flesh loose and rancid. ─── 各种不同的花柳梅毒,彻底改变了英国人的面貌,使他们变得身材矮小,神经涣散,肌肉松驰,面色灰黄,膘肉恶臭。

85、For example, the production of short-chained fatty acids from fats renders butter rancid and unpleasant odors. ─── 例如,脂肪降解产生的短链脂肪酸使奶油产生腐败难闻的气味。

86、The antibacterial experiment shows that the product has strong inhibition effect on some bacteriums in rancid creamery. ─── 对混合菌群的抗菌实验表明,该产品具有较强的抗菌活性。

87、The seas wouldn't be turning rancid. ─── 大海就不会变得腥臭不堪。

88、China Seizes Shipment of Rancid US Pistachio Nuts ─── 中国没收一批自美国进口的开心果

89、one is continually ascending or repairing fats gone rancid to hold a pure enough thought-form to transcend death. ─── 你需要持续提升或不断修复变质的脂肪来超越死亡。

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