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09-08 投稿



haggis 发音

英:['h?g?s]  美:['h?ɡ?s]

英:  美:

haggis 中文意思翻译



haggis 网络释义

n. (苏格兰)肉馅羊肚;羊肉杂碎布丁n. (Haggis)人名;(法)阿吉

haggis 短语词组

1、maggoty haggis ─── 蛆虫

haggis 相似词语短语

1、baggies ─── n.宽松的游泳短裤;喇叭裤(baggy的复数)

2、haggises ─── n.(苏格兰)肉馅羊肚;羊肉杂碎布丁;n.(Haggis)人名;(法)阿吉

3、baggits ─── 行李

4、haggs ─── 哈格斯

5、haggish ─── adj.女巫似的;老妖似的

6、faggish ─── 同性恋的

7、hangis ─── 设置RSDP、XSDT和RSDT.hangis的创建者版本

8、hagfish ─── n.八目鳗类鱼;盲鳗;丑鱼

9、haggles ─── v.讨价还价,争论;乱劈,乱砍;n.讨价还价,争论

haggis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The sons of Gad: Ziphion and Haggi, Shuni and Ezbon, Eri and Arodi and Areli. ─── 创46:16迦得的儿子是洗非芸、哈基、书尼、以斯本、以利、亚罗底、亚列利。

2、I don't understand,” Haggis said. ─── 我不明白,”哈吉斯说。

3、Now what`s that noise I can hear, Ferguson choking on his haggis or Benitez -choking on his Scouse? ─── 现在我听到有一些嘈杂声,是弗格森被他的苏格兰羊杂碎噎住了吗,还是贝尼特斯被他的炖杂烩噎住了呢?

4、But, far from putting the matter behind him, Haggis began his investigation into the church. ─── 但是,哈吉斯绝非将这件事抛在了身后,他开始调查山达基教会。

5、"The sons of Gad by their families: of Zephon, the family of the Zephonites: of Haggi, the family of the Haggites: of Shuni, the family of the Shunites:" ─── 按着家族,迦得的众子,属洗分的,有洗分族。属哈基的,有哈基族。属书尼的,有书尼族。

6、And the sons of Gad: Ziphion and Haggi, Shuni and Ezbon, Eri and Arodi and Areli. ─── 16迦得的儿子是洗非芸、哈基、书尼、以斯本、以利、亚罗底、亚列利。

7、Another thing I'm disappointed not to see today is something called machitos, kind of a Mexican haggis. ─── 还有一种叫machitos的东西我们今天也没看到,真是遗憾。

8、"and the sons of Gad: Ziphion and Haggi, Shuni and Ezbon, Eri and arodi and areli;" ─── 迦得的儿子是洗非芸,哈基,书尼,以斯本,以利,亚罗底,亚列利。

9、” All recite a Scottish grace15 as the haggis is served. ─── 上菜时,大家齐声朗诵苏格兰的谢恩祈祷文。

10、It was a joke," Haggis explained. ─── 那是个玩笑,”哈吉斯解释道。

11、know what haggis is? ─── 知道肉馅羊肚是什么吗?

12、There's the chef bringing the haggis in on a silver plate, with the piper and the reciter behind him. ─── 看,厨师用银盘盛着羊肚包杂碎进来了,风笛手和诵诗者跟在后面。

13、If you are a Scottish, that would be even better.We can share our love in haggis, ceilidh and whisky!Lol. ─── 如果你来自苏格兰,那就更好了,我们可以一起分享我们对haggis,ceilidh和威士忌的热爱!

14、The sons of Gad: Zephon, Haggi, Shuni, Ezbon, Eri, Arodi and Areli. ─── 迦得的儿子是洗非芸、哈基、书尼、以斯本、以利、亚罗底、亚列利。

15、Haggis pipes in pertinent sonorities about war's damage to the soul and psyche. ─── 哈吉斯以恰当的力度表现了战争对精神和心理的损害。

16、As a by-product of this the offal was mixed with oatmeal to make haggis and the blood used to make black puddings. ─── 作为屠宰的副产品,牲畜的下水和着麦片煮食物,牲畜的血被用来做黑布丁。

17、Haggis decided at an early age to be a writer, and he made his own comic books. ─── 哈吉斯很小就决定当一个作家,他创作了自己的滑稽故事书。

18、Feature Commentary with Paul Haggis, Don Cheadle and Bobby Moresco ─── 保罗·哈吉斯,唐·钱德尔和博比·莫里斯科评论特辑

19、Would you like some more haggis? ─── 再吃点苏格兰羊杂碎好吗?

20、Skillfully structured script by William Broyles Jr. and Paul Haggis throws the audience into the harrowing action of the Iwo Jima invasion as a personal memory that can never be softened or forgotten. ─── 由威廉。布罗勒斯和保罗。哈吉斯巧妙设计的剧本将观众带入了惨烈的攻打硫磺岛的战斗,作为个人的记忆,它是永不得舒缓与遗忘的。

21、The descendants of Gad by their clans were: through Zephon, the Zephonite clan; through Haggi, the Haggite clan; through Shuni, the Shunite clan; ─── 迦得子孙,按着家族,属洗分的,有洗分家族;属哈基的,有哈基家族;属书尼的,有书尼家族;

22、A haggis consists of sheep meat, oatmeal, onions and spices, and is cooked by boiling it inside a bag. ─── 羊杂碎布丁是将羊肉、燕麦、洋葱和各种调料包在袋子里烹制而成。

23、It makes a delicious traditional Scottish porridge, and is also excellent for adding texture, as well as nutritional value to haggis, soups, stews and toppings for pies and puddings.Scottish Food. ─── 它制成了美味的传统苏格兰麦片粥,并且也容易加上纹理,和哈吉斯、汤、炖肉、馅饼、布丁一样也有很高的营养价值。

24、Haggis inside the intestines, stomach, liver, lung readily available, and all washed clean, boiled rotten rotten, import food for thought. ─── 羊杂里面肠、肚、肝、肺一应俱全,而且都洗得干干净净,煮的烂烂的,入口回味无穷。

25、"You were told that this information, if released, would cause serious damage to people, " Haggis told me. ─── “他们告诉你,如果这些资料流传出去就会对人们造成严重损害,”哈吉斯告诉我。

26、Lauren Haggis, the second daughter from his first marriage, said that he never connected with his children. ─── 他第一次婚姻中的二女儿劳伦·哈吉斯说,他从不和他的孩子们联系。

27、A Burns-Supper starts when a haggis is brought in to dinner to the sound of the bagpipes. ─── 在风笛的乐声中,随着羊杂碎布丁被端上桌,彭斯之夜就拉开了序幕。

28、What is a haggis? ─── 不认识这个词啊。

29、16 The sons of Cad: Sephian and Haggi and Suni and Esebon and Heri and Arodi and Areli. ─── 加得的儿子:漆斐雍、哈基、叔尼、厄兹朋、厄黎、阿洛狄和阿勒里;

30、Haggis expected that, as an O. T. VII, he would feel a sense of accomplishment, but he remained confused and unsatisfied. ─── 哈吉斯本来以为成为OT七级之后,他会很有成就感,但是他仍然困惑和不满意。

31、Haggis is Scotland's national dish. ─── 羊杂肠是苏格兰的传统食物。

32、A roast Beijing duck haggis pieces of a couple ─── 夫妻肺片

33、And the sons of Gad; Ziphion, and Haggi, Shuni, and Ezbon, Eri, and Arodi, and Areli. ─── 迦得的儿子是洗非芸,哈基,书尼,以斯本,以利,亚罗底,亚列利。

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