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09-08 投稿



elba 发音

英:[?elb?]  美:[?elb?]

英:  美:

elba 中文意思翻译



elba 短语词组

1、elba in cats ─── 猫的厄尔巴

2、elba nebraska ─── 内布拉斯加州厄尔巴

3、villa il fico elba ─── 厄尔巴图别墅

4、elba tiger football ─── 厄尔巴虎足球

5、elba arroyo ─── 埃尔巴阿罗约

6、elba mn weather ─── 埃尔巴明尼苏达州

elba 相似词语短语

1、Melba ─── n.梅尔巴(女子名)

2、Alba ─── n.脑白质;晨曲(法国南部Provence地区的一种传统抒情诗,多描述情人清晨临别情景);n.(Alba)人名;(西)阿尔瓦;(塞、法、西、葡、罗、瑞典、阿尔巴)阿尔芭(女名),阿尔巴;(匈)奥尔鲍

3、elbow ─── n.肘部;弯头;扶手;vt.推挤;用手肘推开

4、elvan ─── n.[岩]淡英斑岩;脉斑岩;脉斑岩之大岩脉;n.(Elvan)人名;(土)埃尔万

5、Abba ─── n.天父;阿爸

6、eliad ─── 列表

7、Elba ─── n.厄尔巴岛(意大利西岸的岛屿)

8、Galba ─── 土蜗属;n.(Galba)人名;(法)加尔巴;(匈)高尔鲍

9、-ba ─── n.波黑;身魂(古埃及假象中人或神的灵魂);n.(Ba)(日)马(人名)

elba 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He escaped from Elba and restored the throne again. ─── 她的话惊醒了我并立即鼓励了我。

2、He commanded a landing craft taking part in the invasion of Sicily and Elba and later ferried supplies to the Yugoslav partisans. ─── 他指挥一艘登陆艇参加了在进攻西西里和厄尔巴岛的战斗,之后又为南斯拉夫游击队运输补给。

3、This person, a sailor, of turbulent character, and whom I suspected of Bonapartism, has been secretly to the Island of Elba. ─── 书中讲埃及法老梦见七头肥牛和七头瘦牛在河边吃青草。

4、Able was I ere I saw Elba。 ─── 我在到俄尔巴岛之前是有能力的。

5、Methods The anti - rabies virus IgY with a high liter was crudely extracted, digested with pepsin, and purified, and the activity of it was detected by ELBA and neutralizing test in mice. ─── 方法 高效价抗狂犬病毒IgY粗提后,经胃蛋白酶酶解,纯化,用ELISA及小鼠中和实验测其抗体活性。

6、as to losing a day and a half off the Island of Elba, he was wrong, unless the vessel needed repairs." ─── 至于在厄尔巴岛耽搁了一天半的事儿,是他的错,除非这只船有什么故障。”

7、Method:PTM and UTM were measured by ELBA. ─── 方法:用ELISA法检测PTM和UTM。

8、Edmond Dants:Violent Bonapartist; took an active part in the return from elba ─── 爱德蒙·唐太斯拿破仑党分子,曾负责协助逆贼自厄尔巴岛归来。

9、"Well, sire, the usurper left Elba on the 26th February, and landed on the 1st of March." ─── “陛下,逆贼已在二月十八日离开了厄尔巴岛,三月一日登陆了。”

10、Objective:In order to build the method to apply Torpedo Acetylcholinesterase(AChE) labelled second antibody in ELBA. ─── 目的:以电鳐乙酰胆碱酯酶标记二抗,建立该酶的酶联免疫吸附方法。

11、we will inform you,from 12th April 2007 italy aiba company will be managed by ital fuxuepaike,to be a subsidiary company,according to the decision of ELBA stockholder . ─── 我们将通知你们,按照ELBA公司股东会议决定从2007年4月12号开始,意大利爱芭公司正式归属意大利费雪派克公司管理,成为意大利费雪派克公司旗下一子公司。

12、Methods The experimental study was performed by three methods, test CTL cells activity test, Tcell subsetstest, and serum IgG ELBA test. ─── 方法 通过检测小鼠细胞毒性T细胞(CTL)杀伤活性、T淋巴细胞亚群、IgG水平来观察龙威口服液对免疫功能的调节作用。

13、The CCID50 was calculated by Reed - Muench formula. [Results] CCID50 increased with the culturing time and reached its peak on day 18, which was about 1 week earlier than that of conventional cell culture ELBA. ─── [结果]随着培养时间的延长,感染性滴度逐渐增高,18d可达增长高峰,比常规组织培养ELISA法提前1周左右;

14、86. as to losing a day and a half off the Island of Elba, he was wrong, unless the vessel needed repairs." ─── 至于在厄尔巴岛耽搁了一天半的事儿,是他的错,除非这只船有什么故障。

15、Turn Down the Ocean: A guest at Spain's Gran Hotel Elba Estepona & Thalasso Spa found the sound of the sea so irritating he actually asked hotel staff if they could stop it. ─── 拒绝大海:入住西班牙GranHotelElbaEstepona&ThalassoSpaA酒店的一位宾客觉得海浪声太讨厌了,他竟然问酒店工作人员,能否别让大海再出声。

16、Method:The TFPI antigen level was detested by ELBA. ─── 方法:测定上述各类疾病患者血浆中TFPI抗原(TFPI:Ag),采用双夹心FLISA抗原测定法。

17、"I wished to inquire why you stopped at the Island of Elba" ─── “我想问问你为什么要在厄尔巴岛停泊耽搁了。”

18、The antigenicity of seven predicted peptide was analyzed by the competitive inhibition ELBA and optical interferential biosensor technology. ─── 采用ELISA竞争抑制法和光学干涉生物传感器试验对预测的7个段肽进行抗原性鉴定。

19、Objective To establish the ELBA for detection of antibody to simian B virus. ─── 目的建立猴B病毒抗体ELISA检测方法。

20、He accompanied Napoleon to the Island of Elba. ─── 他随着拿破仑到了厄尔巴岛。

21、1815.Napoleon Bonaparte escapes from exile on the Isle of Elba to begin his second conquest to France. ─── 1815年,拿破仑逃离了他被放逐的厄尔巴岛,开始第二次征服法兰西。

22、After Napoleon was exiled to Elba, who became king of France? ─── 拿破仑被放逐到厄尔巴岛后,由谁做法国的国皇??

23、Shanghai ELBA Trade Co., Ltd. ─── 上海爱芭贸易有限公司

24、"I wished to inquire why you stopped at the Island of Elba?" ─── “我想问问你为什么要在厄尔巴岛停泊耽搁了一天半时间。”

25、It laid a foundation of developing a sandwich ELBA for detecting cTnI. ─── 为应用一步夹心酶联免疫吸附法检测cTnI奠定了基础。

26、Two hours afterwards he came on deck, as the boat was about to double the Island of Elba. ─── 两小时后,他又回到了甲板上,船已快要绕过厄尔巴岛了。

27、The vessel did touch at Elba, where he quitted it, and passed a whole day in the island. ─── 船的确停靠过厄尔巴岛,他的确曾离船在岛上呆了一整天。

28、He refused to see him, as he passed through on his return from the island of Elba, ─── 拿破仑从厄尔巴岛回来时,他拒绝到路旁去欢迎他,

29、When both IFAT and ELBA were adopted, the positive rate of IFAT was 82.89% , and ELBA 40.78% . ─── 间接免疫荧光技术与ELISA同时检测,间接免疫荧光法阳性率为82.89%,ELISA法阳性率为40.48%。

30、LARA, Elba Janet ─── 埃尔瓦·哈内特·拉腊

31、He refused to see him, as he passed through on his return from the island of Elba, and he abstained from ordering public prayers for the Emperor in his diocese during the Hundred Days. ─── 拿破仑从厄尔巴岛回来时,他拒绝到路旁去欢迎他,在“百日帝政”期间,也不曾替皇上布置公祭。

32、Methods Ischemic-feperfusion model was made by clamping the common carotid artery of one side for 30 min and then reperfused for 72 h. Sections of hippocampus were staind by HE and studied. Serum IL-8 was determined by ELBA. ─── 方法新西兰大白兔夹闭单侧颈总动脉制成模型,缺血30 min再灌注72 h后通过HE染色进行组织观察,同时检测血清中IL-8的含量,探讨硫酸镁和低分子肝素对保护脑的作用机制。

33、Hie resultant vector was checked by expression of phage antibody, ELBA and in vivo recombination. ─── 通过噬菌体抗体的表达、ELISA及细胞内重组试验鉴定所获得的表达载体。

34、METHODS: VEGF protein production from ECV304 cells was determined by enzyme- linked immunosorbent assay (ELBA). ─── 方法:在人脐静脉内皮细胞株ECV04培养基中加入不同浓度的LPC,培养不同时间,用基础酶联免疫吸附实验(ELISA)检测各组EC条件培养基中VEGF蛋白含量;

35、1815, France's Napoleon Bonaparte returns to Paris and regains power after escaping exile on the island of Elba. ─── 1815年,法国的拿破仑波拿巴在逃离流放地厄尔巴岛后,回到巴黎,重新夺取了政权。

36、He was exiled to Elba, returned to France for one last effort in 1815 and was defeated by the allied British, Belgians and Prussians at Waterloo. ─── 他被流放到厄尔巴岛,1815年卷土重来,垂死挣扎,在滑铁卢被英国、比利时和普鲁士的联军打败。

37、as to losing a day and a half off the Island of Elba, he was wrong, unless the vessel needed repairs. ─── 至于在厄尔巴岛耽搁了一天半的事儿,是他的错,除非这只船有什么故障。

38、Able was I ere I saw Elba ─── 在我看到

39、Go to Elba and ask for Marshal Bertrand. ─── 你到厄尔巴岛,去打听伯兰特元帅。

40、Napoleon's exile to elba was brief ─── 拿破仑被放逐到厄尔巴岛的时间很短。

41、Methods: The levels of serum MBP were measured with ELBA in 22 cases with single episodes and 16 cases of the control group. ─── 方法:采用ELISA法对癫?发作组22例和正常对照组16例患儿进行血清髓鞘碱性蛋白(myelin basic protein,MBP)检测。

42、" "Everybody is ignorant that you are the bearer of a letter from the Island of Elba, and addressed to M. ─── “没有人知道你从厄尔巴岛带一封信给诺瓦蒂埃先生吗?”

43、Napoleon, in the Island of Elba, is too near France, and his proximity keeps up the hopes of his partisans ─── 那在厄尔巴岛上的拿破仑,离法国仍然太近了,由于他近在咫尺,他的信徒们就会仍然抱有希望。

44、Napoleon was banished to Elba. ─── 拿破仑被驱逐到爱尔巴岛。

45、Thereafter Elba was restored to Tuscany. ─── 之后厄尔巴岛恢复隶属于托斯卡尼(Tuscany)。

46、Keywords red-tide algae;polyclonal antibodies;ELBA; ─── 赤潮藻;多克隆抗体;酶联免疫吸附分析法;

47、" "Why, you know I told you," replied Danglars, "that I considered the circumstance of his having anchored at the Island of Elba as a very suspicious circumstance. ─── “噢,您知道,我已经对您说过,”腾格拉尔回答说“我觉得他在厄尔巴岛停靠这件事是非常可疑的。”

48、In the case of Edwards or Spitzer, that meant banishment to a political Elba. ─── 在爱德华兹或斯皮策那,这意味着政治流放。

49、Methods The concentration of IL-6, SAA and CRP in serum were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent(ELBA) in 40 neonates with HIE and 20 normal neonates without asphyxia and infection during the acute period and restoration period. ─── 方法 用ELISA法检测40例HIE患儿急性期和恢复期血清IL-6、SAA、CRP水平,并与20例无窒息及感染的新生儿比较。

50、Results The results of ELBA, IFA and Wetem-blot indicated that the HBc-Mep fusion protein, about 33kDa was expressed in transfected HepG2 cells. ─── Western-hot结果显示表达产物约为33kDa,并能与抗preS2多抗特异性结合。

51、or on the island of elba, with its historical associations; ─── 他又望望自己附近的目标。

52、Methods: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELBA) was used to detect the plasma levels of TpP,TAT and D-D in 38 cases of ACI and 31 normal controls. ─── 方法:采用ELISA法检测38例急性脑梗死和31例正常健康对照组的血浆TpP、TAT、和D-D水平。

53、And used MTT assay, ELBA, FACS to value the effects of BMSC on the murine immunocompetent cells. ─── 体外实验采用MTT法、ELISA和FACS等方法检测BMSC的免疫调节作用。

54、Napoleon was banished to Elba in 1814. ─── 拿破仑在 1814 年被放逐到厄尔巴岛。

55、Methods: ELBA method was used to detect the plasma and urine levels of t-PA and PAI-1. Results: the plasma levels of t-PA in renal disease groups were higher than that of the control group. ─── 方法:用ELISA法分别检测慢性肾小球肾炎(CGN)、慢性肾功能不全(CRF)、肾病综合征(NS)及正常对照组的血浆和尿液t-PA和PM-1含量。

56、The lever of uPA, PA1 - 1, HA, IVC and LN were measured in all cases with ELBA. ─── ELISA法测定uPA、PAI-1,并同时测定HA、IVC、LN。

57、Give up this letter which you have brought from Elba, promise to appear before me again,if I call you; ─── 放弃你从厄尔巴岛带来的信吧,答应我,传你来时,你再来。

58、Methods The PPS sampling method was applied to investigate the target children; The ELBA method was used to detect HBsAg. ─── 方法 调查儿童用标准组群抽样(PPS)方法,检测HBsAg用ELISA方法。

59、Concentration of FN secreted into the media was determined by ELBA. ─── ELISA方法测定培养液上清中FN的浓度。

60、F-PCR is obviously superior to ELBA, and higher than B-PCR in sensitivity. ─── F-PC的灵敏度显著优于ELISA,也高于B-PCR;

61、Two hours later he came up, just as the ship was leaving Elba behind.They were just coming up to the green island of Pianosa. ─── 两小时后,他起来了,此时船正离开厄尔巴岛,立即又驶近了一片翠绿的比亚诺萨岛。

62、He accompanied Napoleon to the Island of Elba. ─── 他随着拿破仑到了厄尔巴岛。

63、Methods: PBMC was incubated with rhCSa, PMA, Chelerythrine, CalphostinC, Dequalinium for 24 hours, the IL-8 in the supemate was detected by ELBA. ─── 方法:将PBMC分别与rhC5a、PMA、Cheleythrine、 Calphostin C、Dequalinium孵育24 h,取上清用法测定IL-8。

64、aBle was I ere I saw ElBa. ─── 我在见到厄尔巴之前是能干的。

65、The method was similar to conventional cell culture ELBA in reproduc-ibility and sensitivity (P>0.05) . ─── 此法的重复性良好,灵敏度与常规组织培养法相似(P>0.05);

66、The emperor made an impressive comeback from his exile on Elba, but it lasted only a momentous "hundred days" (111, to be precise). ─── 那位皇帝从他在厄尔巴岛的流放地重新崛起令人印象深刻,但是只持续了“一百天”(准确的说,是111天)。

67、Method Serum level of IL - 8 in 23 AA patients and 10 normal controls were examined by ELBA assay. ─── 方法 采用双抗体酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)检测23例AA患者和10例正常人血清白细胞介素8水平。

68、When the emperor returned from the Island of Elba, my brother instantly joined the army, was slightly wounded at Waterloo, and retired with the army beyond the Loire." ─── 当皇帝从厄尔巴岛回来的时候,我的哥哥立刻就去参了军,在滑铁卢受了轻伤,随军退到了卢瓦尔。”

69、Internal Quality Control for Testing Anti-HIV by ELBA Method in Blood Donors ─── ELISA检测供血者抗-HIV室内质控初探

70、Emperor Napoleon I of France arrives at Portoferraio on the island of Elba to begin his exile. ─── 1814年的今天,法兰西皇帝拿破仑一世抵达波尔图的厄尔巴岛,开始其流放生活。

71、When Napoleon was forced into exile on Elba, the only unit he was allowed to have with him as the guards were the Polish Lancers. ─── 当拿破仑本人被放逐厄尔巴岛时,唯一被允许跟随他但当警卫的便是那支波兰枪骑兵。

72、was Idris Elba, a British film icon praised for his role as a warlord in Beasts of No Nation. ─── 一位是英国电影领军人物伊德瑞斯?艾尔巴,他在电影《无境之兽》中饰演的军阀角色备受褒奖。

73、Since I'm not going back to coaching for a while, I can propose Pianosa, Capraia, Elba, Corsica. ─── “我暂时不会回去执教。我计划去皮库岛、卡普雷拉岛、厄尔巴岛和科西嘉岛。

74、Napoleon, in the Island of Elba, is too near France, and his proximity keeps up the hopes of his partisans. ─── 那在厄尔巴岛上的拿破仑,离法国仍然太近了,由于他近在咫尺,他的信徒们就会仍然抱有希望。



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