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09-08 投稿



teens 发音

英:[ti?nz]  美:[tinz]

英:  美:

teens 中文意思翻译



teens 网络释义

n. 十多岁,十几岁;青少年

teens 词性/词形变化,teens变形


teens 短语词组

1、pink teens ─── 粉色青少年

2、pink teens in times ─── 时代中的粉红色青少年

3、in the teens ─── 青少年时期

4、mid-teens (mid-teen ─── 的复数) 中青年

5、black teens ─── 黑人青少年

6、in one's early teens ─── 在十三、四岁的年纪

7、fun songs for teens ─── 青少年趣味歌曲

8、in one's teens ─── 在十多岁时, ─── 在青少年时代

9、high teens ─── 高年级青少年

10、al offers teens company al ─── 提供青少年公司

11、killer teens ─── 青少年杀手

12、a teens firefly ─── 十几岁的萤火虫

13、books for teens ─── 青少年书籍

14、little teens ─── 青少年

15、charming teens ─── 迷人的青少年

16、first teens ─── 第一批青少年

17、pre-teens (pre-teen ─── 的复数) n. 青春期前 ─── 的儿童;九至十三岁儿童

18、frozen teens ─── 冻结青少年

19、military training for teens ─── 青少年军事训练

teens 习惯用语

1、enter one's teens ─── 刚13岁的

2、in one's teens ─── 十多岁时, 在少年时代

3、out of one's teens (=pass one's teens) ─── (刚)过了少年时代

teens 相似词语短语

1、teems ─── abbr.全面企业电子化管理解决方案(TotalEnterpriseElectronicManagementSolutions)

2、keens ─── adj.敏锐的,敏捷的;渴望的;强烈的;热心的;锐利的;n.痛哭,挽歌;n.(Keen)人名;(英)基恩;(德)肯;(肯)金

3、feens ─── Fae公司

4、teen ─── n.青少年(等于teenager);愤怒;悲哀;adj.十几岁的(等于teenaged)

5、deens ─── n.(阿拉伯)宗教

6、peens ─── n.(球形等的)锤头;v.用锤头敲打使(金属片)弯曲;n.(Peen)(英)庞(人名)

7、reens ─── n.沟(尤指排水沟);n.(Reen)(美)雷恩(人名)

8、teeny ─── adj.极小的;微小的

9、teensy ─── adj.很小的;小小的

teens 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Sixty-three of the teens had brain scans while they took the tests. ─── 在测试的过程中,六十三人接受了脑部扫描。

2、The sum total of her existence will be almost winning miss teen whatever. ─── 她存在的全部意义只是赢得青年小姐什么的.

3、Parents don't give teens enough privacy. ─── 家长们没有给孩子足够的隐私。

4、The 1975 laws bars teens from buying alcohol. ─── 1975年的法律禁止未成年人购买白酒。

5、She married while still in her teens. ─── 她未满20 岁就结了婚。

6、In my teens I began to appreciates the importance of this most misunderstood rite of the Catholic Church. ─── 十几岁的时候,我开始懂得天主教最被人误解的礼拜式的重要性。

7、She told the teens how they could make a difference right now. ─── 她告诉这些十几岁的孩子们他们怎样可以现在就做出一些有意义的事情来。

8、Stars have trainers and diets, real-life teens don't,@ he says. ─── “明星有自己的教练和保健食谱,而现实生活中的青少年则没有,”他说,

9、The largest proportion of teen injuries is the result of motor vehicle crashes. ─── 大部分青少年伤残是机动车辆相撞的结果。

10、The Nemours Foundation has more about teen sexual health . ─── 内穆尔基金会,更多关于青少年性健康。

11、By his late teens he was "prospecting" (being tried out as a prospective gang member), he says. ─── 他说,到了十七八岁,他正“大有奔头”(正被当作未来的团伙成员接受测试)。

12、Bruce E. Hayden, Brits to indoctrinate teens on intellectual property rights. ─── 关键词:财产,所有权,无形,权利,财产法,不动产,罗马法,制度,动产

13、Parents should give help while teens need. ─── 家长们因该在孩子需要的时候给予帮助。

14、One study showed that teens who work more than 15 hours a week have lower grades. ─── 一份研究报告显示,一周工作时间超过15小时的青少年成绩较为落后。

15、Somewhere in his teen s, Chris got on the wrong side of the tracks. ─── 在克里思十多岁的某一阶段里,他走上了错误的(人生)道路。

16、He forced the teen 1 to go away to live with an aunt until the baby was born. ─── 他强迫这个十几岁的孩子离家去跟一个姑母住在一起,直到婴儿出生。

17、In his teens, he switched to piano, and later studied music in college. ─── 在十多岁的时候,他转学钢琴,不久后又去学院学习音乐。

18、Taliban kill teen girl, man for eloping. ─── 一对青年男女因“私奔罪”被塔利班处死。

19、In fact, a new study finds teens spend more time weighing risk than adults! ─── 实际上,一个新的调查发现青少年要比成人花更多的时间去衡量风险!

20、Teens rated Hilfiger jeans as their number one brand in a survey in 2000. ─── 在2000年的青少年民调中指出海肥哥牛仔裤是他们的第一品牌。

21、They were two sturdy young men just out of their teens but looking older because of their hard work on the farm. ─── 他们都是身体魁伟的年轻人,看上去刚二十出头,但由于他们在农场里辛勤劳动,因此都很显老。

22、On the other hand, younger children's or teens watch this show just for fun. So, get ready to laugh. ─── 另一方面,孩子和青少年为了找乐而看这个节目.

23、Help! my teen is pregnant How can we show our love to her in our despair? ─── 十多岁怀孕了要如何告诉她我们还是很爱她并会全力支持她?

24、They were still in their teens but with the full womanliness sun-drenched flesh ripened into so quickly. ─── 她们都才十来岁,但由于风吹日晒,她们的皮肤成熟得很快,看上去有充分的女性风姿。

25、They acknowledge that holding a part-time job can teach teens about responsibility and teamwork. ─── 他们承认做兼职工作能使青少年有责任感和团队精神。

26、When I was a teenager growing up in rural Illinois, other teens and I were expected to make our own spending money. ─── 我在伊利诺斯州的农村长大,在十多岁的时候,和其他同龄孩子一样,期待着能够自己赚零花钱用。

27、Anyone visited outside the country? No hands went up now. The silent teens were puzzled. ─── “有人去过国外吗?”现在没有人举手了。安静下来的孩子们有点儿困惑。

28、Parents always don't listen to teens. ─── 家长们常常不听孩子说话。

29、She began writing poetry in her teens. ─── 她从十几岁开始写诗。

30、I have never lost the weight I put on in my teens. ─── 我在十几岁时增加的体重从没减下去过。

31、In order to do his scientific experiment, Edison had to be out for dust at the age of his teens. ─── 为做科学实验,爱迪生在十多岁的年纪时就得出去挣钱。

32、All too many young people go off the rails during their teens but they seem to settle down after a few years. ─── 太多的年轻人在他们年轻时行为有些愚蠢,但几年后他们似乎就安顿了下来。

33、The silent teens were puz-zled. ─── 安静下来的孩子们有点儿困惑。

34、Jasper's and Trendy Teens are good stores. ─── “贾斯珀”和“特蕾西汀丝”是好商店。

35、The researchers also looked at whether the teens had been trying to lose weight. ─── 研究人员还研究了青少年是否曾试图减肥。

36、Young Jesse soon took to the stage himself, and by his early teens, he discovered that acting was an outlet he desperately needed. ─── 年幼的杰西很快也走上了舞台,在他十岁左右的时候,他就发现表演正是他迫切需要的人生出口。

37、In North America, teen magazines are a huge business. ─── 在北美,少年杂志是一项庞大的产业。

38、In Washington, Clinton was among his own gregarious doers who began running for President in their teens. ─── 在华盛顿,克林顿便处在与自己同样类型的人中;一群喜好社交,从十几岁就开始想竞选总统的实干家。

39、"Among African-American teenagers, about one in two were affected compared to one in five white teens, " she said. ─── “在所有的非裔美国青少年中,大约一半以上受到了影响,而白皮青年们最多只有五分之一,”她这样说。

40、He won distinction even in his teens. ─── 他少年时就已成名。

41、She's in her teens. ─── 她正处于青少年时期。

42、In her mid-teens, her father bought her a piano with the provision that she learn to play to a professional level. ─── 在十几岁时,父亲送她一部钢琴,附带条件是要她练到专业水平。

43、Too many troubled teens end up taking their lives. ─── 太多忧闷的年轻人以自杀了结了一生。

44、And this is our favorite teen shop.This is a little Versace outfit. ─── 她也很喜欢逛街,最喜欢逛这家青少年服装店。

45、Since her parents died early, she had to paddle her own canoe even in her teens. ─── 因父母早亡,她十几岁的时候就不得不自谋生计。

46、What if your Sims teens and toddler years fundamentally changed their destinies as adults? ─── 如果你市民的青少年期和孩童时期会如同成人期一样根本性地左右他们将来的命运呢?

47、One can dump a carping husband, but what of whiny toddlers and sullen teens? ─── 一个人可以丢弃一个挑剔的丈夫,但是烦躁的儿童和忧郁的青少年,可以吗?

48、Paul Copeland was the brother of one of the missing teens and was also staying at the camp when his sister vanished. ─── 保罗·科波兰德是其中一个失踪女孩的哥哥,妹妹失踪的时候他也在那个夏令营中。

49、I was also despairing as a teen because of my weight. ─── 作为一个青少年我为自己的体重感到绝望。

50、What you have done might do harm to those who are in their teens. ─── 你所做的事可能对那些青少年有害。

51、Teen girls always like day dreaming. ─── 十几岁的女孩子都爱做白日梦。

52、"I started in my late teens wanting to be a writer", says Theroux. ─── “我十七八岁时产生了当作家的念头。”塞罗克斯说。

53、By his early teens, basketball began to lure him out of town. ─── 在他十几岁的时候,篮球就开始诱使他走出城镇。

54、Dave was the energetic president of our youth group, rounding up stray teens and giving them a sense of belonging. ─── 他曾经是我们青少年群体精力旺盛的领导人,把散沙似的青少年们凝聚起来,并使他们产生一种归属感。

55、Stars don't dress like this every day, but they should know that teens want to dress like their idols. ─── “明星不是每天都这样打扮,但她们是否明白青少年在着装上时时刻刻都在模仿他们的偶像呢?”

56、Teens today, with their 15)tattoos and baggy shorts, could not seem more different from their grandparents. ─── 今天,青少年们刺着纹身、穿着袋袋裤,和他们的前辈有着迥异的面貌。

57、She is not yet out of her teens, ie is under 20. ─── 她还不到20岁.

58、mothers and teens inevitably at loggerheads? ─── 母亲与青少年不可避免地会发生争执吗?

59、His interest in stamp collecting dates from his teens. ─── 他集邮的兴趣产生于他十几岁的时候。

60、You reach puberty in your teens. ─── 人十多岁就到达青春期。

61、Well, she's quite a lively, talkative person in her.. in her late teens. ─── 她是一个比较活跃、健谈的人,大约十八九岁。

62、Teens get acne because of all the hormones that the body produces during puberty. ─── 处于青春期中的青少年的身体所分泌的荷尔蒙是痤疮形成的原因。

63、Below is the result of a couple of days spent in the world of teen magazines. ─── 下面是几天来我对那些少年杂志进行了解的结果。

64、He is an anti-drug role model for kids and is active in charities for children and teens during his spare time. ─── 他是一位缉毒模范作用,并积极参与慈善事业,为孩子们的儿童和青少年闲暇时间。

65、They say that in tropical countries people usually marry in their teens. ─── 他们说在热带国家,人们在十几岁就结婚。

66、But by and large, teens in East Asia have not followed this trend. ─── 但总的来说,东亚的青少年没有追随这种潮流。

67、A kid in his late teens sat on the stoop eating candy. ─── 一个十多岁的男孩坐在门阶上吃糖。

68、Teens like to go the drive-in to play kissy-face. ─── 十几岁的年轻人们喜欢去露天汽车电影院(及其他类似的不用下车就可享用的商店、厅)场所嘻笑调情。

69、Impulsiveness leads teens to seek immediate results over long term goals. ─── 冲动导致青少年们忽略长期目标而去追求立竿见影的效果。

70、The acne of your teen years has an ugly medical name: Acne vulgaris. ─── 十几岁的孩子,你丑恶多年来医学名称:痤疮。

71、Futurama.Aqua Teen Hunger Force.Robot Chicken. ─── 喜欢的电视节目:Family Guy.

72、Over the desk was a portrait of Drew, probably painted in his late teens. ─── 书桌上方挂着一幅德鲁的肖像,很可能是在他临近青年时画的。

73、She's not yet out of her teens. ─── 她还不到二十岁。

74、Chinese teen to attend Obama inauguration. ─── 中国青少年出席奥巴马就职.

75、If the first wave of Wolf children has fared poorly, the three still in their teens show no signs of doing better. ─── 如果说沃尔夫家的第一批大孩子遭遇不妙,仅十来岁的三个小孩子境况也不佳。

76、You get into your teens, now they can't hold you back. ─── 你成了少年啦,现在没人可以束缚你啦。

77、She measures everybody against Frank who was a kissing cousin of hers in her teens. ─── 她总是以她青梅竹马时间的表哥弗兰克做标准来衡量别人。

78、She started writing plays in her early teens under the influence of Eugene O'Neill. ─── 在欧仁 - 奥尼尔的影响下,她在十几岁便开始写剧本。

79、Some teens will do anything to join. ─── 一些青少年光为了加入进去就愿意做任何事情。

80、Most injuries for teen workers occur in restaurants. ─── 大部分青少年工人伤残事故发生在餐馆。

81、Barack Obama's support for the Jena teens is guarded. ─── 奥巴马对耶拿少年的支持持有分寸。

82、Read books in Sanwei Study in his teen years. ─── 和在三味书屋读书的情况。

83、Are Your Teens Getting Junk Sleep? ─── 你的孩子是不是有无效睡眠?

84、There are signs, though, that more teens and parents are wising up about money. ─── 不过,已有迹象显示有更多的青少年和家长对金钱更有概念。

85、She devoted herself to tennis in her teens. ─── 她在少年时代热衷于网球。

86、Most adults need 7-8 hours of sleep every night, teens need at least 9. ─── 大多数成年人每晚需要7-8小时睡眠,孩子需要至少9小时。

87、He is just out of his teens. ─── 他刚刚20 岁。

88、She began writing poetry in her teens. ─── 她从十几岁开始写诗。

89、She went through an identity crisis in her teens(= was not sure of who she was or of her place in society). ─── 她在十多岁时经历了一次自我认同的危机。






teens表示13~19岁,也就是青少年这个时间段,可以说in one's teens。不过也有把teens等同于teenagers的,个人认为不太规范。


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