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09-08 投稿


anneals 发音

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英:  美:

anneals 中文意思翻译




anneals 词性/词形变化,anneals变形

动词第三人称单数: anneals |动词现在分词: annealing |动词过去式: annealed |动词过去分词: annealed |

anneals 短语词组

1、anneals def ─── 退火定义

2、anneals meaning ─── 退火意义

anneals 相似词语短语

1、annals ─── n.年报;编年史;年鉴

2、annealed ─── adj.退了火的;v.退火;锻炼;煅烧(anneal的过去分词)

3、annealer ─── n.[炉窑]退火炉;炼韧器

4、annuals ─── n.[植]一年生植物;年历记载;一年出版一次的书;一年一度的事件;年度报告(annual的复数)

5、anneal ─── v.使(金属、玻璃等)退火(变坚硬);使(DNA链条)重组成双链形式;加强,使坚韧;n.退火;重组(DNA链条);加强

6、annal ─── n.记录;编年史

7、annexes ─── 附加

8、annas ─── n.亚那(人名)

9、annual ─── adj.年度的;每年的;n.年刊,年鉴;一年生植物

anneals 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Riding also are suffering, some people make riding as anneals, although they don't argue against enjoyment from hiding. ─── 如果骑行完全是快乐,如同世上没有了不幸,大家都到了极乐世界。

2、PCR circulation includes DNA heat denaturation, initiators' anneal and links' extension. ─── PCR循环包括DNA热变性、引物退火、链的延伸三个步骤。

3、two-strand anneal and pickle line ─── 双线退火和酸洗作业线

4、strain anneal method ─── 应变退火法

5、homogenizing anneal ─── [机] 均质化退火

6、Large Aluminum Aging Anneal Furnace ─── 大型铝材时效退火炉的研制

7、Oxygen anneals of passivation structures are also provided. ─── 还对钝化结构进行氧退火。

8、In introducing imitate anneal method genetic algorithm, undertake optimizing to multi-parameter problem. ─── 将模拟退火方法引入遗传算法中,对多参数问题进行优化。

9、Keywords coldworking die steel;modification;anneal structure; ─── 冷作模具钢;变质处理;退火组织;

10、Riding also are suffering, some people make riding as anneals, although they don't argue against enjoyment from hiding. ─── 骑行完全是快乐,如同世上没有了不幸,大家都到了极乐世界。

11、anneal(ing) crack ─── [化] 退火裂纹

12、Design of Forgings Anneal Furnace with Natural Gas has been introduced, which has improved environment as well as forgings quality and productivity. ─── 摘要介绍天然气锻件退火炉的设计,改善了环境,提高了锻件质量和生产率。

13、Dealing with scheduling issue using simulated anneal algorithm ─── 基于模拟退火算法的生产调度问题

14、Even though I haven’t the work experience, but I believe I can be a talent who will satisfied by the anneal. ─── 并在学习过程中考取了大学英语二级、涉外文秘、会计电算化中级等专业技能认可证书。

15、solution anneal ─── 固溶处理

16、Heat quench heat temper heat anneal heat correctitude. ─── 分别是淬火,回火,退火,正火。

17、The Algorithm of Shop Job Attempering Based on Simulation Anneal ─── 一种基于模拟退火算法的作业车间调度算法

18、ISSG anneal ─── ISSG退火

19、The number of twin increased with the increase of anneals temperature and time. ─── 孪晶密度随退火温度和退火时间的增加而增加。

20、What do you mean by anneal? ─── 你说的退火是什么意思?

21、The paper prensents an automatic temperature control system of anneal stove without oxygen protected by steam with 8031 singlechip,and gives alarm signal of every stage. ─── 介绍了采用8031单片机对蒸汽保护无氧退火炉进行自动控温,对退火过程中各阶段发出报警信号的控制系统。

22、Control of Anneal Process by SCM ─── 单片微机在退火炉中的应用

23、Before cold extrusion T3 copper tube surface appears serious corrosion after soften anneal and pickling,which cause the whole products rejected. ─── T3铜管衬套在冷挤压成型前的软化退火、酸洗后其表面产生严重腐蚀,造成整批产品报废。

24、Keywords overall fracturing;fracture length;fracture diverting capacity;net present value;simulated anneal;optimized designation; ─── 整体压裂;裂缝长度;裂缝导流能力;净现值;模拟退火;优化设计;

25、Keywords bimetals wreath manufacture craft;mandrill of heat treatment;re-crystallized anneal; ─── 双金属环成型工艺;热处理芯轴;再结晶退火;

26、As a mortal, we must eat eat eat ,three times a day,to maintain this physical existance.No less,nothing unpalatable will be accepted.This is far from anneal. ─── 作为一个靠吃分段食才能维持生存的人类,为了维持其物质存在还得坚持一日三餐,一顿也少不得,一点不好吃也受不得的,离真正的修行和悟道还很远的.真的.

27、Keywords luminous anneal;measure;control;technp; ─── 光亮退火;检测;控制;工艺;

28、stabilizing anneal ─── [机] 安定化退火

29、post anneal treatment ─── 后期退火处理

30、The Anneal Research on Optical Fiber Grating ─── 光纤光栅退火特性的研究

31、Anneal means make hardened steel soft and remove brittleness. ─── 就是使淬火钢变软并消除其脆性。

32、The Application of Industrial Control Products of DELTA Company for Tiny-Pulling Anneal Device Control System ─── 台达工控套件产品在微拉退火设备控制系统中的应用

33、Three. They are hardening, temper and anneal. ─── 三种。它们是淬火、回火和退火。

34、Firstly, we analysis the physics model of measurement system, then we advanced the optimized model and its solution using Penalty Function Method, Simplex Evolution Method and Simulate Anneal Method. ─── 在分析了测量的辐射物理模型的基础上,提出了优化重建模型,进而提出了将罚函数法、模拟退火法、单纯形法结合起来的切实可行的重建算法。

35、In this process, films react with the active element in anneal atmosphere and recombine structure because of the high temperature. ─── 在退火处理过程中,薄膜一方面与退火气氛中的活性物质发生反应,另一方面在高温作用下发生结构重组。

36、The specific resistivity changes during the different anneal temperature and the resistance relaxation time with pullin... ─── 分析了热处理对电阻特性影响的机理。

37、This paper is dealt with application situation for developed regenerative radiant-tube combustor on use of zincked-plated plank production line continuous anneal furnace in Guangdong Foshan Guangheng Iron and Steel Co. , Ltd. ─── 摘要论述了蓄热式辐射管燃烧器在佛山南方广恒钢铁公司连续热镀锌生产线还原退火炉上的应用情况。

38、The microstructure for copper strip produced by traditional drawing anneals method and continuous extrusion method are analyzed. ─── 分析了传统拉拔退火法和连续挤压法生产铜扁线的组织。

39、The resistivity and flexivity of the resistance thermostat metal change while the anneal process change. ─── 当退火工艺变化时,电阻系列热双金属的电阻率和温曲率等主要性能将产生变化。

40、The microstructure for copper strip produced by traditional drawing anneals method and continuous extrusion method are analyzed. ─── 分析了传统拉拔退火法和连续挤压法生产铜扁线的组织。

41、Difficulty can anneal one's best quality. ─── 困难可以磨练出一个人最优秀的品质.

42、The harmness of the hydrogen frangibility is discussed,and then the appropriate conditions of vacuum anneal are gained. ─── 对氢脆的危害进行了探讨,得出了适宜的真空退火条件。

43、Keywords optical materials;temperature gradient technique;lithium aluminate;anneal;surface structure;surface morphology;absorption spectrum; ─── 光学材料;温度梯度法;铝酸锂;退火;表面结构;表面形貌;吸收光谱;

44、Anneal Structure and Properties of a High-carbon and High-alloy Cold Work Die Steel ─── 新型高碳高合金冷作模具钢的退火组织和性能

45、I was born in country, the hard pullulating and anneal lead me to be a adamant person. ─── 我出身于农村,虽尝尽了生活的磨练,成长的艰难,造就了我坚忍不拔的性格。

46、softening anneal ─── [机] 软化退火

47、Keywords YAP crystal;transmission spectra;anneal;dopant;oxygen vacancy;electron trap; ─── YAP晶体;透过谱;退火;掺杂;氧空位;电子陷阱;

48、21. It can replace traditional isothermal anneal as advance heat treatment of roughcast of bearing rings. ─── 可部分替代传统的等温退火作为轴承套圈毛坯的预先热处理。

49、anneal treatment after cold drawing ─── 冷拉后退火处理

50、The Gas Bell- type Stove of the Whole Hydrogen Introduces and Anneals the Homogeneity to Study ─── 全氢煤气罩式炉介绍及其退火均匀性研究

51、Three:they are hardening,temper and anneal. ─── 三个过程:它们是淬火、回火和退火。

52、A new kind of mini-paperless recorder was introduced to be used in the industrial anneal. ─── 摘要本文提出一种基于AT89C52用于工业退火系统的小型无纸记录仪。

53、two-step anneal method ─── 两步合金法

54、Anneal Process of Bearing Steel Wire Rod and Steel Wire with Strong Convection Bell-type Furnace ─── 强对流罩式炉中的轴承钢盘条及钢丝退火工艺

55、Before cold extrusion T3 copper tube surface appears serious corrosion after soften anneal and pickling, which cause the whole products rejected. ─── 摘要T3铜管衬套在冷挤压成型前的软化退火、酸洗后其表面产生严重腐蚀,造成整批产品报废。

56、quick anneal oven ─── 快速退火炉

57、Keywords dielectrophoresis;contact resistance;anneal; ─── 介电电泳;接触电阻;退火;

58、anneal: To subject (glass or metal) to a process of heating and slow cooling in order to toughen and reduce brittleness. ─── 使退火: 给(玻璃或金属)加热并使之慢慢冷却以使之变硬并减少易碎性。

59、"the time she needed for opinion to anneal around her policy" (Alexander M. Haig, Jr.) ─── “她需要时间来加强她对政策的看法”(小亚历山大M.黑格)

60、People always like remembering when being sentimental, but always like hoping when being happy. Time let emotion of us accept the anneal of life ceaselessly, finally we. ─── 人在伤感的时候总爱回忆,而在幸福的时候总爱憧憬。时间让我们的情感不停地接受生活的磨砺,最后在坚强的后面我们包藏着脆弱,脆弱的后面打造着坚强。

61、The results indicated that the algorithm of Simulating Anneal with Restriction (SA-MMI-R) has more advantages than others. ─── 为了满足先验知识,设计了修正算法用于SA一MMI一R算法的结果修正。

62、malleable anneal ─── 可锻化退火

63、The defeat is shame,is a kind of extremely stern anneal, ─── 失败是一种耻辱,是一种极严峻的磨练。

64、the time she needed for opinion to anneal around her policy(Alexander M.Haig, Jr) ─── 她需要时间来加强她对政策的看法(小亚历山大M.黑格)

65、I'm determined to turn english study to these experiences: a kind of enjoyment, an anneal of life, an improvement of taste, reshaping in personality and a change of fate. ─── 成功者在机会来临时,义无返顾抓住并充分利用它,而平庸者只会在唏嘘,观望中与机会擦肩而过!

66、The step of algorithm includes coding, original genus, match value function and operation choice, intersect operation, aberrance operation and SA state producing function, anneal function, temperature amend and algorithm ceasing rule etc. ─── 其算法步骤含:编码、初始种群、适配值函数和操作选择、交叉操作、变异操作和SA状态产生函数、退温函数、温度修改和算法中止准则等设计。

67、the time she needed for opinion to anneal around her policy(bAlexander M.Haig, Jr) ─── 她需要时间来加强她对政策的看法(b小亚历山大M.黑格)

68、Keywords pore-scale network model;simulated anneal algorithm;digital core;percolation mechanism;conductivity; ─── 孔隙级网络模型;模拟退火算法;数字岩心;渗流机理;传导率;

69、A series of industrial applications showed that the oil has good properties of lubrication,cooling and anneal free of annoyance. ─── 工业使用结果表明,该油具有优良的润滑性、冷却性和退火清净性。

70、short anneal furnace ─── [机] 短暂退火炉

71、This article introduces the anneal process,step,main point of50ton convertor,especially for the installation of heating device,operation and temperature control of anneal heat treatment. ─── 介绍50t转炉炉壳的整体退火工艺过程、步骤、要点,着重介绍了加热装置的安装、操作及退火热处理温度的控制。

72、Three . They are hardening, temper and anneal . ─── 三种。 它们是淬火、回火和退火。

73、Application of Anneal Heat Treatment to Retrieval of Decarburized-layer Over-ranged Bearing Steel ─── 应用氧化退火法挽救脱碳层超标的轴承钢

74、The long-term anneal behavior of the integrated dose record s -threshold voltage of PMOS dosimeters at room temperature has been studi ed. ─── 为掌握PMOS剂量计的应用方式并提高其应用精度,研究了PMOS剂量计的辐照剂量记录-阈电压在室温下的长期退火表现。

75、Keywords Optical Glass;Refractive Index;Uniformity;Tank Furnace continuous meling;match;Melt;Anneal;Technics; ─── 光学玻璃;折射率;一致性;池炉连续熔炼;配料;熔化;退火;工艺;

76、The Gas Bell- type Stove of the Whole Hydrogen Introduces and Anneals the Homogeneity to Study ─── 全氢煤气罩式炉介绍及其退火均匀性研究

77、The main rason of leading to overhigh hydrogen content was insufficient anneal after forged. ─── 导致氢含量过高的原因可能在于锻后退火不足。

78、To do anneal process of bearing steel wire rod experiments with the furnace,a set of sphe... ─── 冷拉轴承钢钢丝,无论中间品和成品,不论规格大小和变形量多少,可采用统一的退火工艺。

79、Investigating the tubes of 6061T1 aluminium treated by both the extrusion and anneal, the effects of forming parameters on neck-spinning process of 3D non-axisymmetric tubes are presented. ─── 摘要以6061T1(挤压态及退火态)铝合金为研究对象,探讨工艺参数对三维非轴对称管件缩径旋压成形的影响。

80、Anneal The process of using heat and gradual cooling to soften a metal such as copper, making it less brittle and, therefore, less likely to break when it is flexed. ─── 使用加热和逐渐制冷的方法软化金属的过程,如铜。使这种金属更坚韧些,在被弯曲的时候不容易折断。

81、Can be online production a few new breed are offerred fit a requirement, finishing of glass of film of the spray when law of the float that be like report reflexes glass, anneal, Leng Duan. ─── 可为在线生产一些新品种提供适合条件,如电浮法反射玻璃、退火时喷涂膜玻璃、冷端表面处理等。

82、Keywords ultrafine Cu-Zn powder;thermal spray;mechanical ball milling;anneal;granularity; ─── 关键词超细铜锌粉;热喷涂;机械球磨;退火;粒度;

83、Abstract: The long-term anneal behavior of the integrated dose record s -threshold voltage of PMOS dosimeters at room temperature has been studi ed. ─── 文摘:为掌握PMOS剂量计的应用方式并提高其应用精度,研究了PMOS剂量计的辐照剂量记录-阈电压在室温下的长期退火表现。

84、The technic performance and construction characteristic of anneal furnace are introduced.Some problems in the installation and adjusting are indicated. ─── 介绍了真空退火炉的技术性能与结构特点,指出了安装调试过程中遇到的问题和解决方法。

85、Anneal for stainless steel goods ─── 不锈钢制品退火

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