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09-08 投稿



steelhead 发音

英:[['sti:l'hed]]  美:[['st?l?hed]]

英:  美:

steelhead 中文意思翻译



steelhead 相似词语短语

1、steelheads ─── n.虹鳟;硬头鳟;北美鳟鱼

2、swellhead ─── n.骄傲自大的人;自负者

3、stemhead ─── n.首柱上端,首柱头

4、shovelhead ─── n.窄头双髻鲨(鲨鱼的一种)

5、sheephead ─── n.羊头鱼

6、steeled ─── n.钢铁;钢制品;坚固;vt.钢化;使冷酷;adj.钢制的;钢铁业的;坚强的;n.(Steel)(德)施特尔;(英)斯蒂尔(人名)

7、steel band ─── n.钢鼓乐队

8、seedhead ─── 种子

9、stephead ─── 斯蒂芬德

steelhead 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、US scientists found steelhead trout reared in hatcheries were much less good at reproducing than wild fish. ─── 美国科学家发现在孵卵所的虹鳟其繁殖能力远不如野生种野生鱼类.

2、Visiting angler Chuck Smock from Nebraska plays a tough steelhead trout on Eighteenmile Creek, New York, while friend Pat Moffitt offers encouragement. ─── 采访的垂钓者是来自内布拉斯加的恰克斯墨客,正在纽约十八公里溪和一条粗野的铁头鳟鱼嬉戏,同时他的朋友派特墨菲特在旁边鼓励。

3、At this moment, all Steelhead wants is to return to simpler, honest times like he once had back in his homwtown. ─── 铁头终于如愿以偿,只想过从前在中国平淡安稳的生活。

4、I shot my first steelhead. ─── 我钓到了第一条虹鳟。

5、Steelhead populations and rainbow trout populations can and do interbreed at different levels. ─── 刚头种群和虹鳟种群可以杂交,实际上也发生不同水平的杂交。

6、The area in question is home to 1, 600 threatened species, including grizzly bears, elk, lynx and cut-throat trout and steelhead. ─── 受争议的区域是1,600多种濒危物种的家园,其中包括灰熊、麋鹿、割喉咙鳟鱼和虹鳟。

7、Steelhead are exactly the same species as rainbow trout. ─── 溯河型(称作“刚头”)迁徙到海中生活,尽管它们需要回到淡水中产卵。

8、Because of the intense pressures of natural selection, Blouin said, salmon and steelhead populations would probably quickly revert to their natural state once hatchery fish were removed. ─── Blouin说,由于自然选择的巨大压力,一旦孵化场鱼类消失,鲑鱼和虹鳟种群可能会很快返回到自然的状态。

9、Steelhead grow longer, ranging from 50 to 122 cm (20 to 48 inches) in length.[1] Steelhead range in weight from 2.5 kg to 10 kg (5.5 - 22 pounds). ─── 这样可以帮助钓鱼人区别野生与放流的鱼,也可以帮助渔政部门保护野生虹鳟。

10、Biologist Andrew Berger sliced open a young steelhead and tucked a vitamin-sized transmitter into the folds of its belly. ─── 切开一条虹鳟幼鱼的腹部,在折皱处塞入一只像维生素片大小的传感器。

11、steelhead rainbow trout ─── 硬头鳟

12、Scientists Seek Clues to Dying Steelhead ─── 科学家找寻垂死虹鳟的线索

13、on salmon, steelhead, and saltwater reels, also becomes important in fighting fish. ─── 连接的结要用nail knot,对于搏鱼很重要(个人理解此种线应该能提供很强拉力并具有很强延展性)。

14、Steelhead decides to stay on in Japan and to obtain citizenship, he agrees to work for Eguchi as a killer. ─── 可惜阿杰与外来黑帮老大高捷(高捷饰)有牙齿印,开始展开一场黑色风暴。

15、It is possible for the offspring of rainbow trout to become anadromous and for the offspring of steelhead to develop a resident life history. ─── 陆封的虹鳟后代可以转变成溯河型,溯河刚头后代也可以转变成陆封型。

16、Steelhead also tend to be more silvery than the freshwater rainbow form.Lake and stream dwellers tend to be lighter as well.River dwelling rainbow trout are generally darker and more brilliant. ─── 刚头相对淡水的虹鳟来说体色更偏于银白,生活在湖泊和溪流中虹鳟的颜色要浅些,而生活在河中的体色通常深些,也更鲜艳。

17、A steelhead is a rainbow trout which migrates into the seas and then they come back up the streams and they re caught in the streams. ─── 钢头就是移居到海洋的虹鳟。当它们回到河溪就在那儿被捉了。

18、A steelhead is a rainbow trout which migrates into the seas and then they come back up the streams and they re caught in the streams. ─── 钢头就是移居到海洋的虹鳟。当它们回到河溪就在那儿被捉了。

19、For example, the steelhead trout in Washington state. ─── 比如说,华盛顿州虹鳟鱼。

20、Biologist Andrew Berger sliced open a young steelhead and tucked a vitamin-sized transmitter into the folds of its belly. ─── 切开一条虹鳟幼鱼的腹部,在折皱处塞入一只像维生素片大小的传感器。

21、Under the leadership of Steelhead, the Chinese establish their own community and power through running illegal activities, their living standard is "improving". ─── 在铁头的带领下,他们一群人从事非法的活动,建立自己的社区,力量亦愈来愈强,生活渐见起色。

22、Unlike other Pacific Salmon, rainbow trout and steelhead do not necessarily die after spawning (they may spawn as many as four times). ─── 不像其它的太平洋鲑类,虹鳟和刚头产卵以后并不死掉。

23、The catch included resident rainbow trout, juvenile chinook?salmon, bull trout, coho salmon, steelhead and sculpin. ─── 他们的渔获包括当地的彩虹鳟鱼、幼年王鲑、公牛鳟鱼、银鲑鱼,鳟鱼和杜父鱼。

24、The most popular steelhead fly rodding technique is the wet fly swing. ─── 最受欢迎虹飞压飞技术是湿秋千。

25、All Pacific salmon, including male steelhead, undergo changes when spawning or migrating to spawn. ─── 所有的太平洋鲑类,包括雄性的刚头,在产卵或者是洄游产卵的途中都要经历形态变化。

26、In the early 1990's, a tractor mechanic from China nicknamed Steelhead enters illegally into Japan to search for his girlfriend Xiu Xiu. ─── 九十年代,拖拉机工人铁头(成龙饰)冒著生命危险偷渡前往日本投靠同村好友阿杰(吴彦祖饰),以便找其到了日本留学的女友秀秀(徐静蕾饰)。

27、Report on the Pathogenic Survey of Gill - Rot Disease of Steelhead Trout Salmon gairdeni ─── 虹鳟烂鳃病病原调查报告

28、Depending on the time of year, fish species such as cutthroat trout, chum and coho salmon and steelhead can be found in the lake. ─── 像所有的 湖和湿地一样,这个地区吸引著广泛与多样的水鸟。

29、Steelhead populations and rainbow trout populations can and do interbreed at different levels. ─── 刚头种群和虹鳟种群可以杂交,实际上也发生不同水平的杂交。

30、All Pacific salmon, including male steelhead, undergo changes when spawning or migrating to spawn. ─── 所有的太平洋鲑类,包括雄性的刚头,在产卵或者是洄游产卵的途中都要经历形态变化。

31、Steelhead (Jackie Chan) works as a tractor worker in China and illegally enters into Japan to search for his girlfriend Xiu-xiu (Xu Jing-lei). ─── 中国拉机工人铁头(成龙饰)偷渡前往日本,找寻到日本留学的女友秀秀(徐静蕾饰)。

32、Steelhead usually lack the pink stripe and have chrome-colored sides. ─── 刚头通常没有粉色的条带,取而代之的是镀铬色的银白。

33、Unlike other Pacific Salmon, rainbow trout and steelhead do not necessarily die after spawning (they may spawn as many as four times). ─── 不像其它的太平洋鲑类,虹鳟和刚头产卵以后并不死掉。

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