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southerly 发音

英:['s???l?]  美:['s???li]

英:  美:

southerly 中文意思翻译




southerly 网络释义

adj. 来自南方的;向南的adv. 来自南方;向南n. 南风

southerly 短语词组

1、southerly 28 for sale ─── 南方28号出售

2、southerly magazine ─── 南方杂志

3、southerly real estate ─── 南方房地产

4、southerly yachts ─── 南航游艇

5、southerly 115 sailboat ─── 南风115号帆船

6、southerly 38 for sale ─── 南方38号出售

southerly 词性/词形变化,southerly变形

名词复数: southerlies |

southerly 相似词语短语

1、northerly ─── adj.北方的,向北的;来自北方的;adv.向北;来自北方;n.北风

2、motherly ─── adj.母亲的;慈母般的

3、southern ─── adj.南的;南方的;n.南方人;n.(Southern)人名;(英)萨瑟恩

4、southernly ─── 在南方,向南方,来自南方

5、southerlies ─── adj.来自南方的;向南的;adv.来自南方;向南;n.南风

6、southers ─── n.正南强风;南风

7、souther ─── n.正南强风;南风

8、scouthery ─── 侦察员

9、souterly ─── 酸溜溜的

southerly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The other could be considered the precursor of the Mediterranean diet and was found in the southerly parts of the peninsula. ─── 其他可以考虑的前身地中海饮食和被发现的偏南地区的半岛。

2、Heavy rain is forecast with a maximum and minimum of 10 degrees with a 23mph southerly wind. ─── 天气预报说会有大雨,并伴随着10度的温差和时速23英里的南风.

3、Here and there in the southerly distance the rough spines of split-wood fences pushed up from the high grass; ─── 在南方的远处草地上,露出了一带粗糙的栅栏,每一道栅栏是用劈开的木条做成的,高高竖立在长长的青草中;

4、Thus, under the command of the General Stilwell, China established the Chinese Expeditionary Force to enter southerly Burma and fight together with the British force. ─── 美国政府考量东南亚和中国的战局后,全力赞助中国出兵缅甸作战。

5、But, in the longer term, a melting of snow and ice might allow more southerly spider species to march northwards. ─── 不过,从长远角度看,(北极)冰雪的融化也有可能促使生活在相对靠南地区的蜘蛛向北方迁移。

6、and the Carrol Ground, an unstaked, watery locality, southerly from St.Helena. ─── 和那在圣海伦那南边未立界的水域的卡罗尔渔场。

7、it more simply," she says, "in the years when strong westerly and southerly winds bring cool water rich in nutrients closer to the Australia coast, there is an increase in the number of fish." ─── 她说:“简而言之,当强烈的西风和南风把富含营养的冷水吹向澳大利亚海岸时,鱼类数量就会有所增加。”

8、Southeast Cape is the most southerly point. ─── 塔斯梅尼亚岛上的最南海角是最南端。

9、Because of the barrier of ice to the east, the Pacific Ocean to the west, and populated areas to the north, there may have been a greater impetus for people to move in a southerly direction. ─── 因为东面有冰的屏障,西面是太平洋,而且北面是人口稠密的地区,所以促使人们向南迁移的动力会更大。

10、Pouring out of the orifices of these two volcanoes, the lava flowed in a generally southerly direction, spreading over an area of more than 60 sq km before petering out. ─── 熔岩的洪峰从老黑山、火烧山出发,由此向南延伸,达60余平方千米,其势逐渐减缓。

11、In the month of September, the band, consisting of perhaps five or six families, moves to a certain well-known pass, generally some narrow neck of land between two lakes, and there awaits the southerly migration of the reindeer. ─── 每当九月来临,一群群由五、家爱斯基摩人组成的小队,便向某个湖口(两湖之间的狭窄地带)去,他们在那儿守候向南边迁移的驯鹿。

12、a southern exposure; took a southerly course. ─── 朝南的;采取向南的路线。

13、And the weekend promises sunshine and southerly breezes. Make the most of it! ─── 周末预计会阳光明媚

14、Hamlet: I am but mad north-north-west: when the wind is southerly I know a hawk from a handsaw. ─── 哈姆雷特:天上刮西北风的时候,我才发疯; 风从南方吹过来的时候,我不会把一只老鹰当作一只苍蝇。

15、southerly winds. ─── 南风

16、In wintertime, a south-facing apartment with its back towards the north is less affected by the cold northeast monsoon, while in summertime it gets breezy under the southerly winds. ─── 另外,气象方面,在冬季,向南楼背向北,受寒冷的东北季候风影响较少。但在夏季却受到来自南面的清风影响,挺凉快啊!

17、the nice and warm southerly wind ─── 暖呼呼的南风

18、The ship was on a southerly track. ─── 船正向南行驶。

19、A generally southerly hot wind from the Sahara that blows across Egypt from late March to early May. ─── 喀新风从三月底到五月初从撒哈拉沙漠上吹来的席卷埃及的热南风

20、The house has a southerly aspect. ─── 这幢房子朝南。

21、"autumnal equinox:The point at which the ecliptic intersects the celestial equator, the sun having a southerly motion." ─── 秋分:指黄道与天赤道相交的一点,自此太阳向南运动。

22、"The wind is blowing easterly. (Westerly, northerly, southerly, southwesterly) " ─── 风从东(西、北、南、西南)方吹来

23、Dry spring weather, less rainfall, often at level 5, 6 southerly or northerly winds, the wind, the temperature picked up speed in April; ─── 春季气候干燥,降水量少,常有5、6级偏北风或偏南风,4月份气温回升快;

24、Ching Ming on behalf of the southerly years old stove is one of the world's oldest龙窑firewood, keep more than 400 years so far, as the "living fossil ceramics. ─── 建于明代正德年间的南风古灶,是世界现存最古老的柴烧龙窑,薪火相传至今400多年,被誉为“陶瓷活化石”。

25、The challenge is how to avoid the high rise towers blocking the southerly aspects of the new city government offices to be built directly to the north of the site, which is almost inevitable. ─── 所面临的挑战是如何避免高层塔楼直接对基地北侧即将建成的新城区政府办公楼南面的遮挡,而这种遮挡几乎是不可避免的。

26、Changchun, Harbin, Qingdao, such as the airport is expected to have 6-7 level southerly gust. ─── 长春、哈尔滨、青岛等机场预计有6-7级的偏南阵风。

27、Peter headed in a southerly direction. ─── 彼得向南走去。

28、For had it blown southerly I had been sure to have made the coast of Spain, and at least reached to the bay of Cadiz ─── 因为,假如刮南风,我就有把握把船驶到西班牙海岸,至少也可到西班牙西南部的加第斯海湾。

29、The wind is blowing easterly. ( westerly,northerly,southerly,southwesterly ) ─── 风从东(西、北、南、西南)方吹来。

30、for had it blown southerly I had been sure to have made the Coast of Spain, and at least reacht to the Bay of Cadiz; ─── 因为,假如刮南风,我就有把握把船驶到西班牙海岸,至少也可到西班牙西南部的加第斯海湾。

31、Command the last fruits that they shall be full; give them another two more southerly days, urge them on to fulfillment and drive the last sweetness into heavy wine. ─── 舞动那最后的果实,该熟了;再准它们两日多南风的辰光,催它们丰满,诱那迟来的芬芳沁入浓酒甜香。

32、47.If proved by DNA evidence, the theory will shatter long established beliefs about the southerly migration of people who entered America across the Bering Strait, found it empty and occupied it. ─── 如果DNA检测证实了这个理论的话,这将动摇长期以来人们一直坚信的观点:一群往南迁徙的移民穿过白令海峡进入美洲后,发现无人在此居住,便占领了它。

33、am but mad north-northwest; When the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw. ─── 但;当风的时候,我知道有鉴别能力。

34、merry girls scampered up and down the long passages, and young men stared out of the latticed windows watching for southerly winds and cloudy skies; ─── 兴高采烈的小姑娘在长长的走廊里跳跳蹦蹦,来来去去;年轻的男子从花格窗里向外张望,守候着南风和多云的天空;

35、LAN GRANT: Yeah, frostbite is something we see most years particularly at the most southerly of the stations. ─── 兰?格兰特:是的,冻伤也是我们多年来经常见到的一种,尤其是在最南边的站。

36、and the weekend promises sunshine and southerly breezes. Make the most of it!" ─── 周末预计会阳光明媚,并刮起徐徐的南风。[被屏蔽广告]尽情享受吧。”

37、O-side focus is also related to the high southerly built during the ancient stove with similar Longyao. ─── 邻侧的高灶也是与南风古灶同年代建成的同类龙窑。

38、give them another two more southerly days, ─── 再给它们另外两三个南方天气,

39、Reliable southerly winds from October to April provided easy passage for ships coming from the westheading up the China coast towards Japan. ─── 每年10月到次年4月,按时刮起的南风,便于来自从西方的船只沿中国海岸北上日本。

40、a warm southerly breeze ─── 从南边吹来的和煦微风

41、While winds over the airport remained generally easterly, the newly-installed weather buoy saw winds changing from northeasterly to northwesterly, then southerly and finally northeasterly. ─── 虽然机场风向维持偏东风,但新安装的浮标气象站却录得风向由东北转为西北,再转为南风,而最后转吹东北风。

42、If the negotiations between the rich northerly nations and the poor southerly nations make headway, it is intended that a ministerial session in December should be arranged. ─── 要是北方富国和南方穷国之间的谈判获得进展的话,就打算在12月份召开部长级会议。

43、A high,cold,southerly w ind.B uster also m eans anything of great size. ─── 意为“南方吹来的寒冷的疾风”。此词也指“任何很大的东西”。

44、I am but mad north-northwest;When the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw. ─── 我只在吹西北风时发疯,吹南风时,我是能分辨锤子与锯子的。

45、Given its southerly location, you can reliably visit a comfortable beach almost all year round. ─── 在南部,几乎会全年都能享受到舒适的沙滩。

46、Our solution is to arrange the tower blocks so that they become the "pillars" of a "front court" expected of in (the southerly) front of an "imperial" complex. ─── 我们的解决方案是将塔楼安排成宏大综合体(南面)面前的一个“前庭”的排柱。

47、A warm southerly wind, could easily lead to go after the winter snow does not thaw Beng Tan. ─── 温暖的南风,易造成冬去后未解冻的雪崩坍。

48、Study on the Building and Reconstructing of Southerly Transport Corridor in Sichuan ─── 四川南向通道改造及建设的方案研究

49、The team underwent a transition from 2004 that cost them dearly in 2005 EAFF Championship, in which they were dealt a demoralizing 1-0 defeat by hosts and southerly neighbours Korea Republic. ─── 自2004年开始球队进行新老更替,为此她们也在2005年东亚女足锦标赛上付出了昂贵的代价,以0-1被东道主--也是她们的南方邻国韩国队击败。

50、The Pacific and Atlantic may be further subdivided by the equator into northerly and southerly portions. ─── 赤道还进一步将太平洋和大西洋分为了南北两部分。

51、Firefighters will again have their hands full as southerly winds pick up in central, northeast and eastern Victoria with little rain in sight as 24 fires continue to rage, Victoria police said. ─── 维多利亚警方称,随着中部地区南风风速加大,消防队员又将忙的不可开交,维多利亚东北部和东部24小时内几乎没有降雨,大火将继续肆虐。

52、10.Strong southerly winds dogged our travel from the outset. ─── 强劲的南风从旅行开始就紧紧跟着我们。

53、I am but mad north-northwest,When the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw. ─── 我只在吹西北风时发疯,吹南风时,我是能分开锤子与锯子的。

54、Occasional strong southerly winds will be observed in offshore waters and on high grounds. ─── 本港离岸地区和高地将间中吹偏南强风。

55、The central Great Plains area, north and south because of the terrain open, the cold winter air can be south, the summer can be hot southerly blowing constantly, and the winter cold and summer heat. ─── 中部大平原区,由于地形南北敞开,冬季寒冷气流可长驱南下,夏季炎热旳南风可不断吹进,因而冬季寒冷,夏季炎热。

56、Personal Forecast landing point in the Maoming area of Zhanjiang, the local eye after careful behind the next southerly back. ─── 个人预报登陆点在茂名到湛江一带,当风眼经过当地时小心后面接下来的回南风。

57、Shortly after the disappearance of Judith, a light southerly air arose ─── 朱迪思走后不久,吹来了轻轻的南风。

58、On maps, Kosovo is Serbia's most southerly province. ─── 从地图上看,科索沃是塞尔维亚共和国最南面的省份。

59、The seas are so strong that passage making in a southerly direction is impossible. ─── 海上风浪很大,向南航行是不可能的。

60、Foggy with a few rain patches. Moderate southerly winds. ─── 有雾及几阵雨。吹和缓偏南风,渐转吹清劲东风,

61、Personal Forecast landing point in the Maoming area of Zhanjiang, the local eye after careful behind the next southerly back. ─── 个人预报登陆点在茂名到湛江一带,当风眼经过当地时小心后面接下来的回南风。

62、The Winter Solstice occurs in the northern hemisphere when the sun reaches its most southerly declination. ─── 冬至发生在北半球,当太阳到达最南赤纬的时候。

63、Southeasterly winds, changing gradually to southerly, are expected to remain strong in the next few hours, and occasional squalls may be observed as Hong Kong is hit by GONI's rain bands. ─── 本港东南强风将于未来数小时维持,并逐渐转为偏南风;当天鹅的雨带扫过香港时,阵风可能仍然猛烈。

64、As the blocking high weakened, the easterly current below and the southerly current at the rear weakened.As a result, the precipitation system abated and moved both easterly and southerly. ─── 减弱阻高使其底部偏东气流减弱及后部偏南气流在高层减弱、低层增强,导致降水减弱,并使系统位置偏东、偏南。

65、While the southerly air current was detained by the easterly cold air ,which resulted in the ascending motion and influenced on the shear intensity and its resultant precipitation. ─── 东路冷空气主要通过阻挡偏南气流形成抬升从而主要影响切变强度和降水。

66、The southerly section of a state in the United States. ─── 美国一个州的南部地区。

67、The northerly winds in westerly band met the southerly winds on the west edge of subtropical high over western Pacific in Shandong region at 500 hPa. ─── 热带气旋登陆后其中心附近的中低层偏南风急流向北伸展,绕过副高脊线直达山东。

68、a hot south wind; southern breezes; the winds are southerly. ─── 南方的热风;从南吹来的微风;风来自南方。

69、Spokesman of the Hong Kong Observatory indicates that the prevailing southerly winds over southern China do not favour further spread of the duststorms to southern China. ─── 天文台发言人表示:现时华南地区吹南风,不利于沙尘暴继续向华南地区扩散。

70、Hamlet:I am but mad north - north - west:when the wind is southerly I know a hawk from a handsaw. ─── 哈姆雷特:天上刮西北风的时候,我才发疯;风从南方吹过来的时候,我不会把一只老鹰当作一只苍蝇。

71、1. Hamlet: I am but mad north-north-west: when the wind is southerly I know a hawk from a handsaw. ─── 哈姆雷特:天上刮西北风的时候,我才发疯;风从南方吹过来的时候,我不会把一只老鹰当作一只苍蝇。

72、More northerly winds at night, more southerly winds during the day. ─── 夜间多偏北风,白天多偏南风。

73、The evolution and enhancement of occluded frontal circulation in upper-level westerly jet and lower-level southerly jet are discussed by using a dry primitive equation model. ─── 利用原始方程模式探讨了高空西风急流和低空南风急流中锢囚锋环流的演变和增强机制。

74、If the negotiations between the rich northerly nations and poor southerly nations make headway, it is intended that a ministerial session in December should be arranged. ─── 要是北方富国和南方穷国之间的谈判获得进展的话,就打算在十二月份安排召开部长级的会议。

75、southerly exposure ─── 向阳面山坡

76、57. Admiralty forthwith deflected all our warships towards the more southerly route. ─── 海军部随即命令所有的舰只驶向更南的航线上去。

77、Sichuan southerly transport corridor ─── 出川南向通道

78、Zheng at the station at the time of the Story County, Zhengzhou Railway Station is a southerly site. ─── 车站位于当时郑县的城西,现郑州站一站台偏南。

79、Starting mid-August is the migration of southerly bound shorebirds. ─── 八月中旬开始是往南方飞的岸鸟的移徙。

80、To improve this configuration, one would have to add stations northerly and southerly of the linac. ─── 如果想改进此构造,应该加上线性加速器北方和南方的站台。

81、According to the Meteorological department notifies, this year the 13th strong typhoon Senlake 2:00 pm centers transfer to the Ningpo southerly direction in about 490 kilometers sea levels. ─── 据气象部门通报,今年第13号强台风“森拉克”下午2点中心移到宁波市偏南方向大约490公里的海面上。

82、I am but mad north-northwest; When the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw. ─── 我只在吹西北风时发疯,吹南风时,我是能区分锤子与锯子的。

83、Yang Yi-teacher Tip: If you reflex zones in the thyroid here's one big southerly, meat has a pleat, you are the secretion of congenital thyroid. ─── 杨奕老师提示:如果您在甲状腺反射区这儿有一个大横褶,肉上有一个褶,说明您先天性的甲状腺分泌的就不好。

84、A strong, cold, southerly wind that blows across the eastern part of New South Wales, Australia. ─── 吹越澳大利亚南威尔士东部的寒冷而强烈的南风。

85、travelling in a southerly direction ─── 朝南行进

86、An active southerly airstream is bringing rainy weather to the south China coastal areas. ─── 积极偏南气流带来的雨的天气华南沿岸地区。

87、We set off in a southerly direction. ─── 我们向南方出发了。

88、The water vapor comes from southerly and easterly flow which converge at the eastern of northwest China with convergence mainly in lower levels and PBL. ─── (3)偏南和偏东气流水汽通道在西北地区东部交汇,水汽的辐合积聚主要在对流层低层和行星边界层内完成;

89、In October of every year, the wind follows a predictable pattern, blowing northerly at higher altitudes and southerly at lower altitudes, allowing for a smooth navigation. ─── 在每年的10月份,风在可以预测的情况下发生,从南北风向在不同维度吹过,非常适合气球导航。

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