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09-08 投稿



crumbing 发音

英:[?kr?m??]  美:[?kr?m??]

英:  美:

crumbing 中文意思翻译




crumbing 词性/词形变化,crumbing变形

动词过去分词: crumbed |动词过去式: crumbed |动词第三人称单数: crumbs |动词现在分词: crumbing |

crumbing 反义词


crumbing 短语词组

1、crumbing meat ─── 碎肉

2、crumbing shovel ─── 碎土铲

3、crumbing a table ─── 捣碎桌子

4、crumbing blade ─── 粉碎刀片

5、crumbing down ─── 崩塌

6、crumbing dating ─── 断代

7、crumbing slang ─── 碎俚语

8、crumbing a cake ─── 弄碎蛋糕

crumbing 同义词

trifle | nibble | titbit | nip | rat | soupcon |fragment | chip | stinker | bite | bit | puke | snippet | splinter | git | skunk | mouthful | mite | molecule | so-and-so | dot | spot | minim | rotter | atom | dab | lowlife | scrap | grain | teensy-weensy | scum bag | particle | iota | sliver | dirty dog | stinkpot | little | shred | crumb | morsel | tiny | pinch | bum | speck | tidbit

crumbing 相似词语短语

1、scrubbing ─── n.[核]洗涤;v.用力擦洗(scrub的现在分词)

2、crumpling ─── n.扭曲术;v.压皱;击溃;变皱;崩溃(crumple的ing形式);adj.起皱的;扭曲的;崩溃的

3、crumping ─── n.炸弹;嘎吱声;vi.发嘎吱嘎吱声;猛烈爆炸;vt.嘎吱作响地嚼;adj.脆的;易碎的;n.(Crump)人名;(英、德)克伦普

4、climbing ─── n.爬山;攀登;上升;adj.上升的;攀缘而登的;v.爬;上升;(植物)攀缘而上;费力爬出(狭窄空间)(climb的现在分词)

5、crumblings ─── n.碎片

6、clubbing ─── v.用棍棒打;去夜总会;联手(club的现在分词);n.泡夜总会,逛夜店

7、crumbling ─── v.破碎;崩溃(crumble的ing形式);adj.破碎的;n.破碎;皱纹;岩块剥落

8、-rubbing ─── n.摩擦;研磨;摹拓;v.摩擦;按摩;触痛(rub的ing形式)

9、scrambing ─── vt.用指甲抓

crumbing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、milk crumb chocoate (excl. whit choclate) ─── 巧克力(不包括白巧克力)乳精

2、The team's 2:1 win on Saturday has provided a small crumb of comfort for their manager after an unsuccessful season. ─── 整个赛季都未打好,星期六球队以2:1获胜,才给经理稍许安慰。

3、She crumb the bread before feeding it to the birds. ─── 她把面包弄碎,然后喂给鸟吃。

4、He gave me a few crumb of information about the writer ─── 他为我提供了有关这位作家的一些情况

5、Application of 80 mesh whole tire crumb to tread compound of bias tire ─── 80目轮胎混合胶粉在斜交轮胎胎面胶中的应用

6、A crumb slot pulls out to keep it clean.Electronic controls include defrost, bagel mode, light to dark toasting and cancel. ─── 另外这款烤面包机还带有一个通风冷却系统,可以自动调节烘烤面包时的温度。

7、Application of waste tire crumb to EPDM compound ─── 废轮胎胶粉在EPDM胶料中的应用

8、Not a crumb is thrown away.If the bread gets too sour he takes it downstairs to the concierge who, so he says, has been very kind to him. ─── 哪怕一点儿面包屑也不能扔掉,如果面包变得太酸了,他便拿下楼去给那个看门人,据他自己说这人对他一直很好。

9、I've heard it in the chilliest land And on the strangest sea Yet, never, in extremity It ask a crumb of me. ─── 在前世上,不论是宗教、哲学等范畴,都是你们探讨的问题,就算别人觉得你们孤立不太能沟通,但你们却可以在相互理解中得到慰藉。

10、Door mats flocked with Polyester, Nylon. Printed with design. Backing is anti-slippery rubber frame or crumb rubber.Strong & Heavy duty. Can do customer's design too. ─── [相关分类:混杂织品,尼龙织品,聚酯织品,室内装饰纺织品,编织织品

11、Some soils, such as sandy soils, have a loose crumb structure with good drainage, whereas in clay soils the particles are small and stick together to give a dense crumb structure and poor drainage. ─── 一些土壤例如砂土具有松散的结构,因而有良好的排水性,而在粘土中,由于土壤颗粒小而互相粘合导致粘土结构紧密排水性较差。

12、As the material of Tenbura shrimp Crumb wrapped shrimp BBQ shrimp ─── 制作天婆啰虾制作面包粉虾烧烤虾

13、Mix with salt, garlic, chilli, black pepper and Chinese parsley. Dip into the egg. Coat with the coconut crumb and shake off the excess. ─── 再拌入盐、蒜头、辣椒、黑胡椒和中国芫荽内,蘸上鸡蛋,扑上椰丝,拍出多馀椰丝。

14、If the company goes down the pan, ordinary shareholders are at the end of the line and seldom get a crumb. ─── 如果公司破产的话,普通股股东排在清盘队伍的最后面,连一点面包屑都分不到。

15、The methods for determination of solubility of crumb rubber after desulphurization and degradation in bitumen are compared. ─── 对胶粉在沥青中脱硫降解后的溶解度测试法进行比较研究。

16、Our products includes frozen foods (sea products, meat products etc), seasoning foods, bee honey, crumb etc, which are exported to Japan, Korea and Southeastern Asia. ─── 我公司主要产品包括冷冻食品(水产品、肉类产品等)、调理食品、蜂产品、面包粉等,产品品质优良,常年大量出口日本、韩国、东南亚市场。

17、Stand here beside me baby in the crumbing walls ─── 到我这里来宝贝在崩裂的墙垣边

18、I have not a crumb of kindness for you. ─── 我对你没有丝毫仁慈。

19、TAURUS: goes over the same spot a million times with the vacuum, refusing to bend down to pick up the offending crumb. ─── 倔强的金牛座宁可不厌其烦地用吸尘器吸脏物,也不愿弯下腰来直接捡起纸屑。

20、returned Silver, smiling away, but warier than ever, his eye a mere pin-point in his big face, but gleaming like a crumb of glass. 'That? ─── 希尔弗微微一笑说,但他的笑容很不自在。 他那张宽脸盘上的眼睛眯得只有针尖那么大,但像玻璃一般闪闪发亮,“你问那是怎么回事?

21、Crumb the chicken strips and then fry in a pan of oil. ─── 在鸡肉条上裹上面包屑,然后在油锅里炸。

22、Optimization on graduation composition of waste tire granulated crumb rubber in asphalt mixture ─── 废橡胶颗粒沥青混合料级配组成的优化

23、I have not a crumb of comfort, ─── 我没得到一点安慰,

24、crumb structure ─── 团粒状结构团块状结构团粒结构

25、Adding more crumb rubber will increase viscosity of bitumen and decrease mass transfer in the system and apparent solubility of rubber calculated in percentage ... ─── 增加胶粉加入量会提高沥青的粘度,使体系内部之间的传质下降,以百分比计的橡胶的表观溶解度下降,但橡胶的绝对溶解量仍会增加。

26、When you're begging for a crumb ─── 当你在乞求面包屑

27、IMAGINE a macaroon, its pink surface smooth and delicate as paper, crushing through into a soft crumb perfumed with rose petals. ─── 想象一片蛋白杏仁饼干,粉色表面光滑均匀,饼身薄如轻纸,轻轻压碎,软软的饼干屑散发着玫瑰花瓣的芳香;

28、Experimental Research and Application of Crumb Rubber Modified Asphalt Concrete ─── 废旧橡胶颗粒改性沥青混合料的试验研究与应用

29、Should it ever miss a crumb on the floor or something, we also assume that it can fire itself, head out for a drinking binge, and spiral into an inevitable, lonely depression. ─── 如果它真的在清扫过程中漏掉了一根头发,我们可以认为它会自己炒自己的鱿鱼,然后跑去酒吧买醉,最后不可避免的陷入无限懊悔自责的深渊中。;)

30、Baked products with a porous crumb, such as bread, are obtained only after the dough is leavened. ─── 具有多孔屑状结构的焙烤制品,例如面包,是经面团发酵后预制得的。

31、But the system requires several successive pressings after crumbing and turning over of pulp. ─── 但是系统要求果肉破碎后要有几个连续的压榨。

32、Crumb structure The texture of a soil in terms of the size of the soil particles and how they interact, often determined simply by rubbing the soil with fingers. ─── 团块状构造:根据土壤颗粒的大小及颗粒之间的相互作用而决定的土壤的质地结构。

33、A solid cake that won't crumb. ─── 不会碎裂的坚硬蛋糕

34、10.Add Oreo crumb and wheat germ and blend well. ─── 搅奥利奥饼和小麦胚芽进芝士内。

35、Uniform leavening over an extended time improves the quality of many baked end-products, the crumb structure acquires finer and more uniform porosity, while the crust has greater elasticity. ─── 在持续时间内均匀发酵可以改善许多焙烤终产品的品质;面包屑状结构具有了更好的更均匀的多孔性结构,而面包表皮也具有了更大的弹性。

36、Kita: Thousands of years ago, the streets were lit and our people did not have to scavenge for food at the edge of the crumbing city! ─── 姬塔:几千年以前,这里的街道灯火辉煌,我们的人民不用在这日渐败落的城市里以腐食为生。

37、An auger is positioned within the chamber for moving crumb which has been charged to the chamber in a substantially, even, continuous manner along its horizontal longitudinal axis. ─── 一个螺丝钻被放置在移动已经被收费到室的碎屑的室里面在一实质上, 平坦的, 连续的沿着它的水平纵观的轴样子。

38、I failed my exam,and my only crumb of comfort(ie the only thing that consoles me)is that I can take it again. ─── 可鄙的家伙

39、Kenobi's lead gunship is the "Crumb Bomber." ─── 克诺比乘的领头的炮艇是架“细屑轰炸机”。

40、He had picked up every crumb that had been left from his former meals, and was beginning to eat the matting which covered the floor of his cell. ─── 他捡完了以前进餐时掉在地上的每一颗面包屑,开始嚼起干草来了。

41、Application of RT fine rubber crumb to tire compound ─── 常温法精细硫化胶粉在轮胎胶料中的应用研究

42、I just played a little while with that birdie, birdie spits my saliva, so my to twist off its neck, crumb its bird egg, return a baked wheaten cake its roost. ─── 我只是和那只小鸟玩了一会儿,小鸟吐我口水,所以我拧断了它的脖子,捏碎了它的鸟蛋,还一把火烧了它的鸟窝。”

43、You can puree, chop, grate, grind, crush, shred, mix, crumb and whip with many models. ─── 你可以用它和很多型号混合在一起煮,剁,磨碎,嚼碎,压碎,撕碎,搅和面包屑。

44、crumb brush ─── (餐桌用)面包屑刷子

45、Let's say you're a crumb. ─── 就算你是个窝囊废。

46、crumb rubber modified asphalt mix(CRUMAM) ─── 废橡胶颗粒改性沥青混合料

47、Based on the review of the existing specifications home and abroad, rubber gradation is decided, which obtained by mixing two types of crumb rubber in a certain proportion. ─── 文中通过对国内、外现有规范的总结,首先确定出试验胶粉的级配,并选用两种规格的胶粉按比例掺配得到试验所用的废轮胎胶粉改性剂。

48、Keywords Modified asphalt;Crumb rubber;Orthogonal experiment; ─── 改性沥青;废胶粉;正交试验;

49、The construction experiences indicate that the construction techniques of crumb rubber-modified and fibers-reinforced asphalt mixture are different from the general asphalt mixture. ─── 实体工程施工经验表明:橡胶粉纤维多碎石沥青混合料施工工艺有别于普通的沥青混合料施工。

50、She crumb the bread before feeding It to the birds ─── 她把面包弄碎,然後喂给鸟吃

51、Keywords waste tire granulated crumb rubber;asphalt mixture;central composite design;response surface methodology;overall desirability; ─── 废旧轮胎橡胶颗粒;沥青混合料;星点设计;效应面优化法;总评归一值;

52、a bit; a little; a crumb; a fraction; a grain; an inch ─── 一点儿

53、You little crumb! ─── 你这无耻小人!

54、I failed my exam, and my only crumb of comfort (ie the only thing that consoles me) is that I can take it again ─── 我没考及格,唯一可宽慰的是还能补考

55、When he had slowed to twenty and stretched his wings again at last, the boat was a crumb on the sea, four thousand feet below. ─── 后来他把速度一直放慢到二十英里,最后展开双翅,四千英尺下面的渔船已经变成漂在海面上的一粒面包屑了。

56、He flicked away a crumb ─── 他拂去一块面包屑。

57、In such cases, the proteins added to the dough increase its water binding capacity and provide a juicy crumb. ─── 在这种情况下,向面团中添加的这些蛋白质就可提高面团结合水的能力而且可使面包汁液较多。

58、By comparing the results of two tests on different asphalt mixtures, the mechanisms of the crumb rubber-modified and fibers-reinforced asphalt mixture are analyzed. ─── 摘要通过比较几种试验方案,从不同的理论角度分析纤维加筋和橡胶粉对混合料的改性机理。

59、Addition of shortening and refined lard improved steamed bread quality, including specific volume, surface brightness, crumb texture, and shelf life. ─── 发现,固态油脂(起酥油和精制猪油)的适量添加能够改善馒头的表面色泽和内部质构,增大了馒头的体积和延缓了馒头的老化。

60、The addition of lime to saturated clay soils (liming) is a common agricultural practice, improving soil structure by encouraging crumb formation and making heavy soils more workable. ─── 加入石灰使其饱和是农业上常用的一种方法,通过促进小块形成改变土壤结构,使粘重土壤变得可以使用。

61、Efficacy: Walnut grain and rice crumb are the best materials for exfoliation and are able to make skin smooth and fine, making you possess the noble's smoothing and honorable skin. ─── 功效:蕴含核桃粒子和米碎是用以去角质的好材料,能够使身体肌肤柔滑、细腻;令你拥有皇者般柔软、尊贵的肌肤;

62、When she decisively in the hands of two of the crumb a panacea to all living things to reproduce a bright moment, the revival of the dead were children. ─── 当她决然地捏碎了手中的两颗灵丹,万物瞬间重现光明、死去的人儿复活。在那一时刻,我却感到刻骨的悲哀。

63、Keywords low temperature grinding;scrap tyre;ground rubber;rubber crumb; ─── 低温粉碎;橡胶轮胎;硫化胶粉;应用领域;

64、There is a rise in the content of both free amino acids in the crumb and volatile carbonyl compounds in the crust when proteinase is used. ─── 当使用蛋白酶时,面包屑中的游离氨基酸与面包皮中的挥发性羰基化合物的含量都会有所增加。

65、He was a real crumb at times and I'm glad to be away from him. ─── 他有时候真是个卑鄙小人,我很高兴可以离他远远的。

66、Particles may act separately or they may act in clumps. The first are spoken of as single grain structures and the second as crumb or granular structures. ─── 土粒可能呈单粒状,也可能结成团块。前者叫做"单粒结构",后者叫"团块状结构"或"团粒结构"。

67、Girl bate: Talk nonsense again, I with respect to crumb your egg! ─── 少女大怒:再胡扯,我就捏碎你的蛋!

68、The mountains that we climbed is crumbing before my eyes ─── 我们一起爬过的山在我眼前崩塌

69、waste tire granulated crumb rubber ─── 废旧轮胎橡胶颗粒

70、Pigeons wandered unconcernedly about the concourse seeking the old crumb here and there while round them the tide of commuters ebbed and flowed. ─── 广场上上下班的过往旅客蜂拥如潮,而鸽子却无惧无恐地在人流之间大摇大摆地走来走去,到处觅食面包屑。

71、crumbing black soil ─── 团粒状黑色土

72、I failed my exam, and my only crumb of comfort is that I can take it again. ─── 我没考及格, 唯一可宽慰的是还能补考.

73、He gave me a few crumb of information about the writer. ─── 他为我提供了有关这位作家的一些情况。


75、Baked goods leavened with baking soda, therefore, generally have a light crumb and are aerated with many holes left by the escaping bubbles of carbon dioxide. ─── 因此考出的东西会有许多的孔和裂缝,就是因为其中的二氧化碳气泡跑出来的结果。

76、So Timmy Willie said goodbye to his new friends, and hid in the hamper with a crumb of cake and a withered cabbage leaf; and after much jolting, he was set down safely in his own garden. ─── 就那样,提米威利向他的新朋友道别了,带着一小块蛋糕和一片枯萎了的包菜叶躲在柳条篮里;然后经过许久的颠簸之后,他平安地在自己的庭园下了车。

77、Think of every food scrap, crumb or spot as a potential reservoir of germs. ─── 想想看,一丁点的食物废料、碎屑及污物都可能是潜在的细菌携带者。

78、I have witnessed one of my best friends were marred by the affect of hint, and his crumbing moment is always in my memory. ─── 年初无意间看到了所谓的运势分析,说我今年是大起大伏的一年,只有经历了重重磨难才可以有一个质的飞跃。

79、It asked a crumb of Me. ─── 向我索求一片面包。

80、And the effects of storage temperature and glucose addition on browning of bread were investigated, and it was further confirmed that the main browning reason of bread crumb was Maillard reaction. ─── 同时研究了贮存温度、葡萄糖添加量对面包褐变的影响,进一步验证了美拉德反应是面包褐变的主要原因。

81、Day after day and night after night we have wandered among the crumbing wonders of Rome. ─── 日日夜夜,我们在罗马名胜古迹的废墟中徘徊。

82、crumb robber modified asphalt ─── 废胶粉改性沥青

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