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09-08 投稿


congratulated 发音

英:[k?n?ɡr?t?ule?t?d]  美:[k?n?ɡr?t?ule?t?d]

英:  美:

congratulated 中文意思翻译



congratulated 短语词组

1、congratulated her ─── 恭喜她

2、congratulated meaning ─── 祝贺的意思

3、congratulated synonym ─── 恭喜同义词

4、congratulated defined ─── 恭喜定义

5、congratulated thesaurus ─── 祝贺词库

6、congratulated means ─── 祝贺意味着

7、congratulated biden ─── 祝贺拜登

8、congratulated definition ─── 祝贺定义

congratulated 词性/词形变化,congratulated变形

动词过去式: congratulated |动词过去分词: congratulated |名词: congratulator |动词第三人称单数: congratulates |形容词: congratulatory |动词现在分词: congratulating |

congratulated 常用词组

congratulate oneself ─── v. 感到庆幸

congratulate on ─── v. 祝贺

congratulated 相似词语短语

1、congratulate ─── vt.祝贺;恭喜;庆贺

2、congratulates ─── 向某人道贺(congratulate的第三人称单数);祝贺

3、congratulating ─── v.向(某人)祝贺;赞美(某人)(congratulate的现在分词)

4、congratulator ─── n.祝贺者;庆贺者

5、congratulatory ─── adj.祝贺的;庆祝的

6、congratulative ─── 祝贺

7、confabulated ─── vi.交谈,闲谈;虚构

8、conglobulated ─── vi.结聚成球状

9、congratulation ─── n.祝贺;贺辞

congratulated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Today's competition has not imagined the intensity, congratulated Liaoning to attain on the echelon road the essential 3 points. ─── 今天的比赛没有想像中的激烈,祝贺辽宁拿到了保级路上关键的3分。”

2、He congratulated himself that he had found a job. ─── 他厌幸自己找到了工作。

3、Pilkington once again congratulated the pigs on the low rations, the long working hours, and the general absence of pampering which he had observed on Animal Farm. ─── 但是至今为止,无论是猪还是狗,都还没有亲自生产过一粒粮食,而他们仍然为数众多,他们的食欲还总是十分旺盛。

4、"After the Coppa tie this season, (president) Claudio Lotito congratulated me on my performance," said Concetti. "I replied, jokingly, that I would love to return to Lazio." ─── "在打完这个赛季的比赛后,洛蒂托为我的表现向我祝贺,"孔塞蒂说道,"我再重复一遍,说句玩笑话(????),我愿意回到拉齐奥."

5、Nasa chief Sean O'Keefe congratulated mission officials while scientists jumped up-and-down in jubilation. ─── 美国太空署署长奥基夫向执行这次使命的官员们表示祝贺,而科学家们不禁欢腾雀跃。

6、The whole class congratulated me on getting the first prize in the English competition. ─── 全班的同学都祝贺我在英语竞赛中获得了一等奖。

7、He clapped the champion on the back and congratulated him. ─── 他拍拍冠军的肩背,向他祝贺。

8、To be honest , when you congratulated me on success, I had a sense of achievement and satisfaction. ─── 坦白地说,当你们祝贺我成功时,我有一种成就感和满足感。

9、In Korea, birthday, festival sends orchid to be congratulated in order to show, visit a patient to send an orchid to wish recover at an early date, this already became a kind consuetudinary. ─── 在韩国,生日、节日送兰花以示祝贺,探望病人送一盆兰花祝愿早日康复,这已成为一种习俗。

10、When the crowd heard this, there wasn't one of them who didn't dance for joy as they congratulated one another.One by one, leaping and running, they hastened homeward. ─── 众人听了,莫不欢欣鼓舞,额手称庆,一个个连跑带跳,都赶著要回家。

11、Well, that is wonderful, you are to be congratulated. ─── 喔,真了不起,可贺,可贺。

12、During his meeting with Chinese Olympic gymnastic champion Li Xiaoshuang at the Atlanta Olympic Games,US President Bill Clinton congratulated Li on his success. ─── 在亚特兰在奥运会上,美国总统克林顿会见了中国奥运体操冠军李小双并向他表示祝贺。

13、Simon Ho, Dean of School of Business officiated at the ribbon-cutting ceremony and congratulated the Society on the successful launch of the Program. ─── 商学院院长何顺文教授为计划主持剪彩仪式,并恭贺会计学会正式成立职业指导计划。

14、After brief discussion, Board congratulated Swanson and asked her to pass on their congratulations to Browne as well. ─── 经过简短的讨论,董事会斯旺森表示祝贺,并请她转达他们的祝贺和布朗。

15、His teachers congratulated him on winning the first prize in the speech contest. ─── 他的老师祝贺他在演讲比赛中获得一等奖。

16、When the game was over, they each came over and congratulated me as if I had won the game. ─── 比赛结束后,他们一个个跑过来向我祝贺,好像是我赢了这比赛一样。

17、Pauls classmates congratulated him on his winning the first prize. ─── 保罗的同学们祝贺他了一等奖。

18、Speaking in Phoenix, Arizona, Senator John McCain conceded the presidential race to Obama and congratulated the Illinois senator on his historic victory. ─── 参议员约翰.麦凯恩在亚利桑那州菲尼克斯市发表讲话,承认竞选失败并祝贺奥巴马取得了历史性的胜利。

19、Speaking for the foreign navy delegations, Admiral Julio Soaresde Moura Neto, commander of the Brazilian navy, thanked Hu for his meeting and congratulated the PLA Navy for its 60th anniversary. ─── 不论现在还是将来,不论发展到什么程度,中国都永远不称霸,不搞军事扩张和军备竞赛,不会对任何国家构成军事威胁。

20、He congratulated himself on having made a narrow escape from death. ─── 他死里逃生,为此感到庆幸。

21、He congratulated them on their development of a plan to meet the emergency. ─── 他恭喜他们想出个计划来解决这次的危机。

22、I have congratulated him on his success in winning the first. ─── 他成功获得第一名,我已向他表示祝贺。

23、She was congratulated for her valuable contribution to the education . ─── 她因对教育的重要贡献而受到祝贺。

24、The Delegation of Nigeria made a brief observation on behalf of the African Group regarding the Chilean proposal and congratulated them for presenting it. ─── 尼日利亚代表团代表非洲集团对智利提案作了简要评论,并对其递交表示祝贺。

25、Health Minister Roselyne Bachelot-Narquin congratulated the surgeons and praised the courage of the patient, who had to wait one year before a suitable donor was found. ─── 卫生部长巴舍洛特恭喜执刀的外科医生并赞扬病患的勇气;这位病患等了一年才找到适合的捐赠者。

26、He was received with great enthusiasm by the employer, who congratulated him on possessing so valuable a "slave." ─── 厂主热情地招持了他,并祝贺他拥有一个如此有价值的“奴隶”。

27、Her parents congratulated Jim on his new appointment ─── 她的父母祝贺吉姆的新任命。

28、The authors are to be congratulated on producing such a clear and authoritative work. ─── 向创作出这样一部具有权威性又清晰易懂的作品的作者们祝贺。

29、All who are ascending are to be congratulated for holding space for this shift, along with the release of all human warfare karma in the year past. ─── 伴随去年对所有人类战争业力的释放,为此变化而维系空间的提升万物都将被庆祝。

30、He congratulated him on entering the bonds of matrimony at an age when many young men thought only of their pleasures ─── 他祝贺新郎年纪轻轻就承担起婚姻的责任,而许多年轻男人在这样的年纪还只考虑如何寻欢作乐。

31、He congratulated himself on his foresight ─── 他庆幸自己有预见。

32、He congratulated himself. ─── 他向自己祝贺

33、He congratulated Jose on his discovery. ─── 他祝贺约瑟夫的发现。

34、When celebrating Zhu Jianguo ceremoniously 50 years around the country, we cherish glad mood, to arms industry broad worker states enthusiastic festival is congratulated! ─── 在举国上下隆重庆祝建国50周年之际,我们怀着欣喜的心情,向兵器工业广大职工表示热烈的节日祝贺!

35、They congratulated him on winning the race. ─── 他们祝贺他赛跑获胜。

36、Paul's classmates congratulated him on his winning the first prize. ─── 保罗的同学们祝贺他获得了一等奖。

37、His rival, Republican Sen.John McCain, conceded defeat in a speech Tuesday night a little after 11 p.m.EST.He congratulated Sen. ─── 他的对手共和党参议员迈凯恩在美国东部时间周二晚11点多的一场演讲中承认选举失败。

38、I congratulated him on having passed the examination. ─── 他考试及格, 我向他致贺。

39、Aoma Lu congratulated the success of the Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Games. ─── 奥马鲁祝贺中国成功举办北京奥运会、残奥会。

40、She congratulated him on the birth of his son. ─── 她祝贺他添了儿子。

41、They congratulated us and also urged us to keep up our good work. ─── 他们向我们祝贺,并嘱咐我们继续好好工作。

42、In their recent meeting in Washington, President George Bush congratulated Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung for his work in this regard. ─── 布什总统近日在华盛顿会晤越南总理阮晋勇时,对他在这方面的努力表示祝贺。

43、He congratulated the poisonous hand who defeated him. He used his own hand and effortto help others to puch the car. ─── 他恭喜了打败自己的毒手,他用自己的手和力气帮别人推车。

44、If you will marry, then congratulated you!You drew a prizewinning ticket! ─── 如果你要结婚了,那么恭喜你!

45、The Democratic leaders of the House and Senate jointly congratulated “the thousands of Iowans who can now express their love for each other”. ─── 众议院和参议院的民主党领导人共同祝贺“数以千计的爱荷华人现在可以向彼此表达自己的爱意。”

46、We congratulated them on the successful completion of the project. ─── 我们祝贺他们工程顺利竣工。

47、With gratitude he congratulated me on the celebration. ─── 他怀着感激向我祝贺庆典。

48、People crowded behind the scenes, met her and congratulated her. ─── 人们拥向后台,去跟她见面,向她祝贺。

49、The partners and the brother units sent the congratulatory telegram respectfully congratulated the company discarding the old for the new, developing vigorously and opening a new chapter of agriculture. ─── 合作伙伴及兄弟单位纷纷发来贺电,恭祝浩丰公司辞旧迎新,蓬勃发展,开辟农业新篇章。

50、congratulated him on becoming the 43rd president of the United States, and I promised him that I wouldn't call him back this time. ─── 晚安。我稍早与小布希联络过,恭贺他成为第四十三任美国总统,也向他保证这次不会再收回败选声明。

51、Tang Tianyou, 2002 (905) to create, two years later, Zhu Wen congratulated for the enthronement, renamed "Long live the Temple" (Common name Tasi). ─── 唐天祐二年(905年)创建,两年后,为祝贺朱温即位,改名为“万岁寺”(俗名塔寺)。

52、He congratulated on me and pledged the full support of the Department. ─── 他向我表示祝贺,并保证全力支持国务院。

53、You say Alan is to be congratulated,but I think I'm to be congratulated,too. ─── 你说该恭喜,我想我也该得到恭喜。

54、Just moments ago, I spoke with George W. Bush and congratulated him on becoming the 43rd president of the United States. ─── 刚才,我与布什总统交谈了,我对他当选美立坚合众国第43届总统表示祝贺。

55、At graduation, your idea of a good friend was the person who was crying on the inside but managed the biggest smile one could give as they congratulated you. ─── 在毕业时,你心目中的好朋友向你祝贺,他会掩饰内心的眼泪而在脸上展现最灿烂的笑容。

56、Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says even though Obama congratulated Iranians on the Persian new year, US policy toward Iran hasn't changed. ─── 他说,尽管奥巴马在新年时就波斯湾问题对伊朗表示祝贺,但美国对伊朗的政策依然没有改变。

57、She wrung his hand and congratulated him on his epoch-making feat. ─── 她紧握着他的手,祝贺他创造了划时代的功绩。

58、They are congratulated on having ATTO(All That Time Off). ─── 人们羡慕教师有各种假期。

59、She always congratulated me on my grades. ─── 她总是祝贺我取得的成绩。

60、President Bush said he has been strongly supporting China's accession to the WTO. He congratulated China on its imminent entry into the WTO. This is beneficial to both China and the United States. ─── 布什表示,他一直强烈支持中国加入世贸组织,他对中国即将入世表示祝贺,认为无论对中国还是对美国,这都会带来好处。

61、I congratulated him on his home. He was clearly delighted to show a visitor all his ideas and improvements. ─── 在他家里,我向他祝贺。很显然,他乐意向来访者表白他的主意和进步。

62、Nepal's Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala congratulated China on China's National Day, expressing his hopes for Nepal and China's continued and strengthened friendship. ─── 尼泊尔首相吉里贾?普拉萨德?柯伊拉腊在中国国庆节当天恭贺中国,并表达希望尼泊尔和中国之间的友谊能持久、稳固。

63、You are to be congratulated . ─── 你该受到祝贺。

64、He is to be congratulated on his excellent book. ─── 人们将祝贺他这本好书的出版。

65、He congratulated me on my good exam results. ─── 他向我祝贺考试成绩优秀。

66、Obama on Thursday also congratulated the Penguins for winning hockey's Stanley Cup in seven games over the Detroit Red Wings. ─── 奥老板在周四也同样向在七场比赛中战底特律红翼而获得斯坦利杯的匹兹堡企鹅发去了祝贺。

67、He congratulated himself on his escape. ─── 她厌幸自己得以脱逃。

68、A starter for four years, Kuo Yuan-chih this year was changed to a reliever. Here he is congratulated by the manager on his first relief victory. ─── 四年来一直担任先发投手的郭源治,今年首次被任用为救援投手,图为他救援成功后,球团监督向他道贺。

69、The doctors congratulated each other. ─── 大夫们互相祝贺。

70、She congratulated him on the birth of his son. ─── 她对他儿子的出生表示了祝贺。

71、He congratulated and wished loads of luck to the new team. ─── 他祝贺了新团队的成立,并预祝他们好运。

72、Carrie seemed quite tractable, and he congratulated himself. ─── 嘉莉看上去很温顺,他暗自感到庆幸。

73、“You already won five,” Andy and Federer bantered during the presentation as the two congratulated each other. ─── “你已经赢得5个冠军了,”安迪和费德勒在仪式上互相开起了玩笑,并向对方表示了祝贺。

74、They congratulated him on his seventieth birthday. ─── 他们祝贺他的七十寿辰。

75、They also congratulated the peaceful resolution of the land dispute between Spain and Morocco. ─── 他们还对西班牙与摩洛哥的领土争端得到和平解决表示祝贺。

76、Administrators, researchers, extension workers and all individuals involved in technology transfer are to be congratulated for their foresight and efforts in this area. ─── 应祝贺所有参与传播技术的管理人员、究人员、广人员和个人在这一领域的远见灼识和勤奋努力。

77、He's just finished golfing with guys, all the men in the car including him congratulated me out loud and said they all are proud of me! ─── 他正好跟男生们打完高尔夫球,所有在车里的男人包括他大声对我吼恭喜而且他们说他们以我为荣!

78、He soon realized what was happening and congratulated Pinocchio on being a good watchdog. ─── 他很快就了解到是怎么回事,并且赞许皮诺奇是很棒的看门狗,

79、Both men sat down wow gold and MVP congratulated Triple H on his win over Cena and welcomed him to Smackdown. ─── 一个巡回演出的高尚剧团,想带一点文化到西部。

80、I congratulated them all on their results. ─── 我为他们取得的成就向他们所有人表示祝贺。

81、In Olympus, Zeus congratulated himself that his favorite son had behaved so nobly ─── 宙斯在奥林波斯山上庆幸自己心爱的儿子表现得如此高尚。

82、He liked also being seen and being congratulated on growing up such a fine looking and fortunate young fellow, for he was not the youth to hide his light under a bushel. ─── 他也喜欢人家看到他, 称赞他的漂亮和好运, 因为他不是那种谦逊不好表现的年轻人。

83、He is to be congratulated for his success. ─── 他的成功是该受到庆贺的。

84、He congratulated himself on having survived the air-crash. ─── 他庆幸自己在空难中幸免於死。

85、she congratulated him somewhat insincerely. ─── 她向他祝贺时没有太大诚意。

86、he congratulated them on their development of a plan to meet the emergency; they funded research and development. ─── 他恭喜他们在遇到危机后计划得到进展。

87、be congratulated for ─── 因 ... 受到祝贺

88、He's just finished golfing with guys, all the men in the car including him congratulated me out loud and said they all are proud of me! ─── 他正好跟男生们打完高尔夫球,所有在车里的男人包括他大声对我吼恭喜而且他们说他们以我为荣!

89、At graduation, your idea of a good friend was the person who crying on the inside but managed the biggest smile one could give as they congratulated you. ─── 在毕业时,当你心中的好朋友向你祝贺,他会掩饰内心的眼泪而在脸上展现最灿烂的笑容。

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