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09-08 投稿


scholarship 发音

英:['sk?l???p]  美:['skɑl???p]

英:  美:

scholarship 中文意思翻译



scholarship 词性/词形变化,scholarship变形

名词: scholarliness |

scholarship 短语词组

1、e scholarship e ─── 奖学金

2、get the scholarship ─── 获得奖学金

3、historical scholarship ─── 历史学术

4、clarendon scholarship ─── 克莱伦登奖学金

5、entrance scholarship ─── 入学奖学金

6、confucius scholarship ─── 孔子奖学金

7、digital scholarship in the humanities ─── 人文学科数字奖学金

8、google scholarship ─── 谷歌奖学金

9、get scholarship ─── 获得奖学金

10、my son got a full scholarship ─── 我儿子获得了全额奖学金

11、great china scholarship ─── 大中华奖学金

12、free scholarship for mining engineering ─── 采矿工程免费奖学金

13、get a scholarship ─── 获得奖学金

14、get a full scholarship ─── 获得全额奖学金

15、china scholarship council ─── 中国国家留学基金管理委员会

16、Fulbright scholarship ─── 富布赖特奖学金

17、athletic scholarship ─── 体育奖学金

18、german scholarship ─── 德国奖学金

19、full scholarship ─── 全额奖学金

scholarship 反义词


scholarship 同义词

erudite | academic | literary | intellectual | knowledgeable | educated | scientific | accomplished | cerebral | wise | highbrow | bookish |learned | literate | well-read | studious | enlightened | donnish

scholarship 相似词语短语

1、scholars ─── n.学者们(scholar的复数)

2、scholastic ─── adj.学校的;学者的;学术的(等于scholastical);n.学者;学生;墨守成规者;经院哲学家

3、scholarships ─── n.奖学金;学问成就

4、open scholarship ─── 公开奖学金

5、scholarch ─── n.校长(尤指古代雅典哲学学校的校长);法国或德国的学校督查

6、solar ship ─── 太阳船

7、schoolmastership ─── n.男校长;教导者;男教师(schoolmaster的变形)

8、school ship ─── 教练舰

9、scholarchs ─── 学者

scholarship 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You have a fa ddwpy ir shot at the scholarship. ─── 你很有希望能拿到奖学金。

2、He hopes to have a scholarship, and I hope so, too. ─── 他希望能获得奖学金, 我也希望那样。

3、He missed winning the scholarship. ─── 他未能得到奖学金。

4、Have you got a scholarship, or are you on your own? ─── 你有奖学金还是自费?

5、He was going for a scholarship in order to go abroad. ─── 为了出国,他准备争取奖学金。

6、Don't dignify his silly scratchings by calling it scholarship. ─── 别把他的愚蠢伪造美化为学术。

7、He had been applying for a scholarship and he won at last. ─── 他一直在申请奖学金并终于获得了。

8、He studied hard with a view to gaining scholarship. ─── 为取得学位,他努力学习。

9、A scholarship granted to a university student in need. ─── 助学金授予需要用钱的大学生的奖学金

10、He combines creative imagination and true scholarship. ─── 他同时具有创造性想象力和真正的治学谨严学风。

11、Scholarship from the university in 1994. ─── 1994年获校级奖学金。

12、You can apply for the scholarship in person or by letter. ─── 你可以亲自或者书信申请这份奖学金。

13、Will you get any kind of scholarship? ─── 你得到何种奖学金了吗?

14、He won a scholarship to Harvard. ─── 他获得奖学金去哈佛读书。

15、Chris is a shoo-in to win a scholarship. ─── 准能申请到一份奖学金。

16、Are you going on any kind of scholarship? ─── 你有奖学金吗?

17、He despairs of winning a scholarship. ─── 他已不抱赢得奖学金的希望了。

18、A: He got the scholarship to Harvard. ─── 他得到了哈佛大学的奖学金。

19、Try for a scholarship,an Olympic medal,a job in the Civil Service. ─── 力图获得奖学金、奥运会奖牌、公务员的工作。

20、No sweet without sweat. I wanna get scholarship this term. ─── 不流汗就没有幸福。这学期我想拿奖学金。

21、She is bearing down on her studies so as to win a scholarship. ─── 为了得到奖学金,她把全部力量都用在学习上了。

22、Boldness and arrogance will be equivalent to scholarship. ─── 冒失和自大会等同于学识。

23、Most of those killed were students and families waiting to hear results of scholarship exams, " he said. " ─── 这次遇害的大都是等候奖学金考试结果的学生和他们的家人。

24、Mary is bearing down in her studies to win a scholarship. ─── 为了获得奖学金,玛丽正在加倍努力学习。

25、But this does not vitiate his scholarship. ─── 但这不会威胁到他的奖学金。

26、Shanghai is a city of scholarship, a city of learning. ─── 上海是一个学术之城,一个知识之城。

27、She and her mother returned to London, where Audrey earned a ballet scholarship and began dancing in small revues. ─── 她随同母亲回到伦敦,在那里获得芭蕾舞奖学金,并开始在一些时事讽刺剧中跳舞、。

28、The news of your music scholarship to the University made my day. ─── 你获得大学音乐奖学金的消息,真使我高兴。

29、He said we would be all right when he was gone and he was sure I would win a Rhodes scholarship when the interviews came in about a month. ─── 他说他走后,我们会过得很好,他肯定我在一个月后举行的面试中能获得罗兹奖学金。

30、It was apparent, however, that Steve was lacking in scholarship. ─── 一望而知,史提夫对学问没有兴趣。

31、Paul went up to Oxford on a scholarship. ─── 保罗是靠奖学金到牛津大学求学的。

32、He was the unquestioned leader of American legal scholarship. ─── 他是美国法学界当之无愧的领袖。

33、VO: Does your scholarship cover the whole two years? ─── 你的奖学金能负担两年的费用吗?

34、We all shared in his happiness when he won the scholarship . ─── 他获得了奖学金,我们大家一同分享他的快乐。

35、He went to drama school on a scholarship. ─── 他靠奖学金上了戏剧学校。

36、We have much to learn from his meticulous scholarship. ─── 他治学严谨,值得效法。

37、He is noted for his meticulous scholarship. ─── 他以治学严谨著称。

38、He went abroad because he landed a scholarship. ─── 他拿到了奖学金,所以就出国了。

39、He rightly deserves respect for his scholarship. ─── 他学识渊博,理应受到尊敬。

40、Although I plan to be at my own expense , I still would like to know if there's any scholarship for a student aboard. ─── 虽然我打算自费,但我很有兴趣想了解一下对留学生是否有任何的奖学金。

41、I refuse, sir, to give up the scholarship. ─── 先生,我决不放弃奖学金。

42、I was thankful that I had won the scholarship. ─── 令我感到欣慰的是我获得了奖学金。

43、They advised him to try for a university scholarship. ─── 他们劝他想法申请大学奖学金。

44、He failed to obtain a scholarship. ─── 他没有获得奖学金。

45、A book that gives ample evidence of the author's scholarship. ─── 一本充分显示著者学术水平的书

46、He sat for scholarship but failed to win it. ─── 他参加奖学金考试,但未成功。

47、He studies on a government scholarship. ─── 他靠政府奖学金维持学业。

48、He went to drama school on a scholarship. ─── 他靠奖学金上了戏剧学校。

49、Xianzi Zeng Scholarship for Life Science in 1993. ─── 1993年获曾宪梓生命科学奖学金。

50、He won a scholarship to Cambridge. ─── 他获得一份到剑桥大学读书的奖学金。

51、He doveted his life in scholarship. ─── 他一生致力于作学问。

52、"You think he might go for the scholarship?" I asked, hopefully. ─── “你觉得他会拿到奖学金吗?”我满怀希望地说。

53、His chances for getting the scholarship were very slim. ─── 他获得奖学金的希望甚微。

54、She is bearing down in her studies to win a scholarship. ─── 为了获得奖学金,她正发奋学习。

55、Have you been awarded any scholarship before? ─── 你是否曾接收奖学金?

56、You should be thankful that your son has won the scholarship. ─── 你应该为你的儿子获得奖学金感到高兴。

57、I should be very grateful if you would let me have details of any scholarship that your school may be offering to foreign students . ─── 你若能函告贵校向外国学生提供奖学金的具体规定,我将非常感激。

58、The teacher had both extensive knowledge and profound scholarship. ─── 先生的学问博大精深。

59、Scott got a handsome scholarship this semester. ─── 史考特这学期得到了高额的奖学金。

60、He won the scholarship to Harvard University. ─── 他获得了哈佛大学的奖学金。

61、They promised me a scholarship, and I will hold them to it. ─── 他们答应给我奖学金,我会坚持要他们履行诺言。

62、He was clever enough to compete for the mathematics scholarship. ─── 他很聪明,可以参与竞争以获得数学奖学金。

63、He tops the rest in scholarship. ─── 他的学识超过其他人。

64、Are you planning to go for the scholarship to Harvard University? ─── 你打算争取上哈佛的奖学金吗?

65、Lucy is eligible for the scholarship. ─── Lucy有资格拿奖学金。

66、He has no claim to scholarship. ─── 他不配称做学者。

67、If did not win scholarship, influential to visa? ─── 假如没有获得奖学金,对签证有影响吗?

68、He'll lose his shot at an athletic scholarship. ─── 他将会失去争取运动奖学金的机会。

69、We all shared in his happiness when he won the scholarship. ─── 他获得了奖学金,我们大家一同分享他的快乐。

70、He's a lock for the baseball scholarship. ─── 他一定会得到棒球奖金。

71、With his excellent grades, he'll get a scholarship to Princeton. ─── 他的成绩那么好,拿奖学金上普林斯顿大学没有问题。

72、His major interests and main scholarship were on philology. ─── 他治经治学的重点和主要学术成就体现在朴学方面 ,他的经学思想则倾向于公羊学。

73、He's got a scholarship tenable for four years. ─── 他已得到为期四年的奖学金。

74、He got a scholarship to the Pratt Institute of Art. ─── 他得到了一笔普拉特艺术学院的奖学金。

75、Sherry: I'm in a great mood. Guess what? I've just got the notice that I'm admitted by Harvard and I'm granted a full scholarship. ─── 我心情非常好。你猜怎么着?我刚刚受到通知,我被哈佛大学录取了,而且还获得全额奖学金。

76、I'm so glad to hear of your scholarship to Nelson. ─── 十分高兴获悉你得到了尼尔逊奖学金。

77、He is applying for a scholarship. ─── 他在申请奖学金。

78、He is a teacher of great scholarship. ─── 他是一位学识渊博的教师。

79、When can I know whether I am awarded a scholarship or not? ─── 什么时候才能知道我有没有拿到奖学金?

80、With all his scholarship, he seems unable to produce. ─── 他学识渊博,但好像没有创作力。

81、To write in a scholarly fashion;produce scholarship. ─── 创造博学的著作用学者的方式编写;产生学问

82、Does your university give you the scholarship? ─── 你们学校给你助学金了吗?

83、His excellence in baseball earned him a scholarship. ─── 他因擅打棒球而获得奖学金。

84、He or I will apply for a scholarship. ─── 他或我将要申请奖学金。

85、She is applying to the dean for the scholarship. ─── 他向系主任申请得到那笔奖学金。

86、He won a scholarship to Eton. ─── 他获得了伊顿公学的奖学金。

87、He has experience, to say nothing of scholarship. ─── 他有经验, 更别提学识了。

88、He applied for a scholarship and won it at last. ─── 他申请了奖学金并终于获准。

89、Tuition waiver, scholarship, assistantship etc. ─── 减免学费、奖学金和助学金等。

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