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09-08 投稿


amorphous 发音

英:[?'m??f?s]  美:[?'m?rf?s]

英:  美:

amorphous 中文意思翻译



amorphous 短语词组

1、amorphous region ─── [机] 非晶区, 无定形区

2、amorphous insulin ─── [医] 无定形胰岛素

3、amorphous film ─── [计] 非晶膜

4、amorphous solid ─── [化] 无定形体

5、amorphous graphite ─── [机] 土状石墨

6、amorphous aconitine ─── [医] 非晶形乌头硷

7、amorphous carbon ─── [化] 无定形碳

8、amorphous body ─── [化] 无定形体

9、amorphous phase ─── [化] 非晶相; 无定形相

10、amorphous membrane ─── [化] 均质膜; 无定形膜

11、amorphous semiconductor ─── [计] 非晶半导体 ─── [化] 非晶态半导体

12、amorphous portion ─── [机] 非晶部份, 无定形部份

13、amorphous material ─── [化] 非晶态; 无定形物 ─── [医] 非晶体物质

14、amorphous ground substance ─── [医] 无结构基质

15、amorphous state ─── [化] 无定形态

16、amorphous polyolefins ─── [化] 非晶性聚烯烃

17、amorphous alloy ─── [化] 非晶态合金; 无定形合金

18、amorphous shape ─── [网络] 无定型形状

19、amorphous erythema ─── [医] 不定形红斑

amorphous 词性/词形变化,amorphous变形

副词: amorphously |名词: amorphousness |

amorphous 相似词语短语

1、paramorphous ─── 副形态

2、amorphously ─── 无定形地(amorphous的变体);无一定方向(或目的)地(amorphous的变体)

3、dimorphous ─── adj.[动][植]二态的(等于dimorphic)

4、-morphous ─── 形态;形

5、isomorphous ─── adj.[生物]同形的;[晶体]同晶的

6、lagomorphous ─── 兔形目

7、amorous ─── adj.多情的;恋爱的;热情的;色情的

8、anamorphous ─── 变形的

9、metamorphous ─── adj.变形的;变质的

amorphous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Such a thread is an algorithmic realization of an odd line, which is the only topological defect in glass or amorphous condensed matter. ─── 这样一个线程是一个算法实现奇数行,这是唯一的拓扑缺陷的玻璃或非晶凝聚态。

2、With hte increasing use of PET in plastic processing the efficient use of amorphous regrind material is critical. ─── 产品简介文穗结晶系统可将非结晶PET转变成结晶状来进行干燥,在高温下干燥以得到低水分原料而不需担心结块。

3、When the disk warms from the star's outburst, the amorphous particles of silicate melt. ─── 当行星盘被恒星的爆发加热时,未结晶的微粒受热融化。

4、ECH-EO-AGE terpolymer appeared to be an amorphous structure by X-ray diffraction, and the water absorbency increased with the content of EO unit. ─── X-射线衍射显示ECH/EO/AGE三元胶为无定形结构。

5、The amorphous pink depositis of amyloid may be found in and around arteries, in interstitium, or in glomeruli. ─── 动脉壁及其周围、肾小球和肾间质可见无定形的粉红色淀粉样沉积物。

6、What are his real attitudes toward that amorphous, undifferentiated gray mass of employees "out there"? ─── 对于公司中上上下下大家都公私不分使用复印机的那群雇员,他究竞应取什么态度?

7、There was a weakening of the intermolecular bonds, primarily in the amorphous region of the polymer. ─── 分子间键合减弱,尤其在聚合物的无定形区内更为明显。

8、But his move also underscores the frustration of trying to do battle against the amorphous online community. ─── 但是他的行动却是试图与整个无组织的网络社区开战。

9、By wavelet analysis, the cutting force signals of the bulk amorphous alloy was disposed to get it signal characterizations. ─── 对大块非晶合金的切削力动态信号进行小波分析获得信号的能量分布特征。

10、They are separated by, and connected to, amorphous regions. ─── 它们由非晶区分开并联接。

11、Model for rod and pipe extrudate of amorphous plastics cooled in water bath is built based on heat transfer theory. ─── 依据传热学原理,建立了无定形塑料棒状和管状挤出制品的水浴冷却模型。

12、There is a complementary divergence of views of the structure of amorphous polymers. ─── 关于无定型聚合物结构有着互补的分歧意见。

13、must you be so indefinite? ; amorphous blots of color having vague and indefinite edges; he would not answer so indefinite a proposal. ─── 你非要如此含糊吗?;乱七八糟的颜色污渍的边缘模糊、不明确;他是不会如此含糊的答复建议的。

14、Toroidal cryostat is made from electrical insulating GFRP materials with room temperature bore for commercial amorphous alloy core with five limbs. ─── 低压绕组采用并联饼式结构。铁心采用非晶合金材料,为三相五柱式结构。

15、Epithelioid cells surround a central area of necrosis that appears irregular, amorphous, and pink.Grossly, areas of caseation appear cheese-like. ─── 上皮细胞围绕在中央坏死区域周围,坏死物呈不规则、无定形、粉红色,干酪样坏死区状似奶酪。

16、So Ni-W and Ni-W-B amorphous film is promising to be explored as a potential alternative to conventional chromium-plating. ─── 因此,Ni-W、Ni-W-B非晶态镀层极有可能发展成为一种比较好的代铬镀层。

17、It is an amorphous colorless or white powder. ─── 它是一种无定形的无色或白色粉末。

18、The competition between Coulomb repulsion and disorder produces a Coulomb glass which is an amorphous insulator. ─── 库仑排斥与无序之间的竞争导致了一种特殊非晶绝缘体的出现,我们称之为库仑玻璃。

19、On purpose to study bend properties of amorphous thin ribbons, a bend test method is given and a laboratory equipment has been established. ─── 为研究非晶薄带的弯曲特性,本文给出了非晶薄带弯曲试验方法,并且建立了实验设备。

20、Microfabrication processes widely use CVD to deposit materials in various forms, including: monocrystalline, polycrystalline, amorphous, and epitaxial. ─── 微制程大都使用CVD技术来沉积不同形式的材料,包括单晶、多晶、非晶及磊晶材料。

21、I craved swiftness, unimpeded action, fluidity, and amorphous New. ─── 我渴望快捷、不受阻碍的行动、流动性以及难以名状的新奇。

22、A detailed discussion of amorphous alloy catalyst in hydrogenation of unsaturated compound is presented. ─── 对于非晶态合金催化剂在含有不饱和基团化合物加氢反应中的研究、应用进行了阐述。

23、Iron and aluminum hydroxides are present in soils in both crystalline and amorphous forms. ─── 土壤中出现有结晶和非结晶形式的铁和铝的氢氧化物。

24、All the amorphous alloys have nearly the same friction coefficients under dry sliding condition. ─── 在干摩擦条件下,六种非晶合金显示了相近的摩擦系数。

25、These are amorphous targets. ─── 这些都是无形的目标。

26、Solar cell components, the use of single crystal silicon and polysilicon and amorphous silicon solar cells monomer. ─── 太阳能电池组件,采用单晶硅和多晶硅及非晶硅太阳能电池单体。

27、While amorphous silicon has properties sufficient for the detection electronics, it is not suited to the subsequent signal processing. ─── 当非晶硅足以用作检测电子仪器时,它就不适宜做随后的信号处理工作。

28、The results of EDS and TEM analysis showed that the amorphous ferric oxide was uniformly dispersed on the surface of carbon black and the conc... ─── EDS和TEM分析结果表明,铁/炭黑复合材料中无定形氧化铁在炭黑表面的含量可达40%,且分散均匀。

29、PLA would act as the amorphous poly(D,L-lactide) and the melt-spinning couldn't be performed when the stereoregular... ─── 尤其是当聚乳酸的立体规整性过差时,就会呈现非晶聚合物的特性,无法进行熔融纺丝。

30、Conventional planar flow casting(PFC)is one of rapid solidification processes for fabrication of microcrystalline or amorphous ribbons. ─── 传统平面流铸技术是用于生产微晶或非晶合金薄带的一种快速凝固技术。

31、The powders of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are graphitized under condition of high temperature and pressure to transform amorphous carbon in CNTs. ─── 对碳纳米管粉体在高温和高压进行处理,使其中的非晶碳转变成晶态碳,达到净化目的。

32、Apparent crystallization activation energy of bulk amorphous alloy was determined by Kissinger plot method and Ozawa plot method. ─── 利用Kissinger法和 Ozawa法计算了大块非晶合金表观晶化激活能。

33、At the same time,the current status and development in techniques of forming bulk amorphous alloys were generally summarized. ─── 同时,对大块非晶合金的超塑性成形技术发展现状况进行了概述。

34、Optimized Math's Model of Photoinduced Birefringence in Amorphous Copolymer Containing Azobenzene Groups[J]. ─── 引用该论文 徐宇科,蔡志岗,张灵志,齐晓玲,梁兆熙.

35、Especially,the amorphous Ti-based braze materials which are widely used in astronautical and aeronautical fields were elaborated particularly. ─── 对不同状态钎焊料的性能特点进行了全面的比较,特别是对在航天、航空领域广泛应用的非晶钛基钎焊料进行了重点介绍。

36、I really can't understand his amorphous ideas. ─── 我真的弄不懂他那些乱七八糟的想法。

37、A linear relation between shrinkage also tensile Strength and the function of amorphous orientation state,(1-Xc)fam,was founded. ─── 共聚酯纤维的收缩率及力学强度与表征纤维的无定形取向状态的函数(1-Xc)fam 呈线性关系。

38、The bottom line: Throughout this article, I have written about IT as if it were some amorphous creature existing out there, somewhere. ─── 底线:在这片文章中,我也许把IT写得像是有着奇异生物生存其中的奇妙地方。

39、My report is still amorphous . ─── 我的报告尚未成形。

40、This paper has reported a procedure to manufacture amorphous AsTe chalcogetiide films by vacuum r. ─── 利用真空射频溅射法制得了非晶态As-Te硫系薄膜。

41、A soft, amorphous mass. ─── 一柔软、无定形的块状物

42、Keywords: molecular dynamic; polycarbonate; amorphous structure. ─── 关键词:动态分子模拟、聚碳酸酯、非晶质结构。

43、A dark, strangely amorphous shadow filled the room. ─── 一团深色、形状怪异的影子笼罩着整个房间。

44、PLA would act as the amorphous poly (D,L-lactide) and the melt-spinning couldn't be performed when the stereoregularity of PLA was too poor. ─── 尤其是当聚乳酸的立体规整性过差时,就会呈现非晶聚合物的特性,无法进行熔融纺丝。

45、In the foreground are more amorphous blue shadows, presumably the counterparts of the fall trees in the background. ─── 在前台有更多的无定形蓝色的阴影,大概是对应的树木在秋天的背景。

46、When SC>1%, the conductivity decreased because the fraction of amorphous silicon in materials increased. ─── SC>1%,材料的电导率由于材料中非晶成分的增多而减小.

47、The GMI effects have been observed in two Co-Rich amorphous ribbons and a Fe-Rich alloy ribbon. ─── 我们研究了三种非晶合金薄带的巨磁阻抗效应。

48、ESCA has identified that the amorphous substance is Al_2O_3. ─── ESCA得出这种非晶物质是Al_2O_3。

49、Hydrolysis of chlorosilanes in an oxygen-hydrogen flame, produces a fine, amorphous white powder of very high purity. ─── 水解氯硅烷中氧氢火焰,生产罚款,无定形的白色粉末纯度非常高。

50、In the process it became less amorphous in shape. ─── 在过程中它变得较不无定形在形状。

51、The business was reorganised around four divisions, a strategy absent in the many amorphous conglomerates that litter the Tokyo Stock Exchange. ─── 佳能业务围绕四个部门进行了重组。相比之下,在东京证交,众多综合企业的组织结构杂乱无章,这一策略不见踪影。

52、If the hot liquid sulfur is quenched by pouring it into cold water, the amorphous form of sulfur is produced. ─── 如果把热的液体硫到入冷水中淬火,就会产生无定形硫。

53、The primary DRPHS configuration are relaxed with Lenard-Jones and Morse potential respectively for Co_(81)P_(19) and Ni_(64)B_(35) amorphous alloys. ─── Co_(81)P_(19)及Ni_(64)B_(36)非晶态合金的无规硬球密堆的初始位形,分别用Lenard-Jones势及Morse势进行了松弛。

54、Secondly, they do so in order to avoid seeing amorphous facial features of their partner up close. ─── 其次,这么做是为了避免看到对方闭上眼睛后没有形的面部容貌。

55、The crystallization and orientation behaviors of BOPP film were discussed.The orientation features in crystalline and amorphous regions were compared. ─── 介绍了BOPP薄膜的结晶行为和取向行为,分析了晶区和非晶区取向的不同特点。

56、Particularly for the amorphous silicon TFT/photodiode technology, the response to entrance dose of the FPD is extremely linear. ─── 尤其是非晶硅TFT/光电二极管技术,对进入FPD的剂量响应是极其线性的。

57、As is shown in the TEM and XRD results,the particle size of the catalyst is 4~6 nm and it has an amorphous structure. ─── TEM及XRD表征结果表明,催化剂的粒度为4~6 nm,并且具有非晶态结构。

58、A little cloud above the neighbor's trees resembles Jimmy Durante's nose for a while, then becomes amorphous as it slips on north. ─── 一朵像杰米·杜兰特鼻子形状的云在邻居家树丛上空飘了好一会儿,随后朝北面移动,渐渐失去了形状。

59、The variation of the absorption, transmission and reflectivity of the amorphous and crystalline phase change film with the wavelength are studied. ─── 同时,研究了晶态和非晶态相变薄膜的吸收率、透射率和反射率随波长的变化。

60、Experimental Study on Infrared Film of Antireflective Amorphous carbon on Silicon[J]. ─── 引用该论文 杨益民,郭建,杨国伟,蔡孟秋.

61、The crystallinity of cotton was decreased and partial crystalline could be transfered into amorphous. ─── 并可能将部分晶区转变为无定形区;

62、By some means such as recrystallization、freeze-drying etc,we make the X2-form and amorphous of nateglinide. ─── 并且我们发现用冷冻干燥法制得的无定型的形貌为空心柱状,其比表面积为普通的两倍。

63、In addition, the rhythmic swells connect visually to the amorphous floating ceiling, which plays hide-and-seek with exposed ductwork. ─── 另外,有节奏的膨胀增高部分与无定形的漂浮天花板在视觉上连在一起,天花板以其暴露的管道系统“玩着捉迷藏的游戏”。

64、XRD revealed that the micronized product was amorphous while the crude drug was crystalline. ─── XRD分析结果表明微粉化产品的晶型为原料药的结晶形转变为无定形;

65、The TiNiCu shape memory alloy becomes amorphous at a dose of -0.4 dpa. ─── 在0.4dpa非晶化转变完成,马氏体变体的衬度完全消失。

66、On the negative side, the concepts of activation and arousal are rather amorphous. ─── 从消极方面说,引发和激发这两个概念是很难以捉摸的。

67、A simulation study on configurations and transforming rules of cluster polyhedra in amorphous metal Al[J]. ─── 引用该论文 郑采星,刘让苏,董科军,卢小勇,彭平,刘海蓉,徐仲榆,谢泉.

68、These compounds showed good photochromic reactions both in solution and in PMMA amorphous film by photo-irradiation. ─── 在光辐照下,这些化合物在溶液和PMMA膜中均具有良好的光致变色特性。

69、WAXS and RDF show that TX203 is an amorphous solid with ordering size (D) of about 22 - 25A. ─── WAXS和 RDF分析指出:该絮凝剂是一种有序尺寸(D)约为 22-25A非晶固体。

70、Experimental results show that there exist certain interaction between amorphous LDPE and NR. ─── 实验结果表明,LDPE非晶部分和NR之间存在一定的相互渗透。

71、The Al-based amorphous alloy forms in the peritectic reaction and peritectoid reaction, and its growth velocity is slow. ─── 分析了铝基准晶合金的组织与相变特征,铝基准晶的生成通常为包晶、包析反应,其长大速度较慢。

72、Every year can supplies: Silicon Metal 10000 tons, Si-Mn Alloy 6000 tons, Amorphous Graphite 30000 tons. ─── 可年供:金属硅10000吨、硅锰合金6000吨、天然石墨30000吨。

73、Another object is to dope large area amorphous semiconductor materials to form an ohmic contact with a conducting substrate. ─── 另一个目的是掺杂大面积的非晶半导体材料,与导电基片之间形成欧姆接触。

74、When the UV intensity was 1.0 mW/cm2, there was no difference of hydrophilicizing rate of crystals and amorphous. ─── 但是当光强度为1.0 mW/cm~2时,锐钛矿、金红石和无定型TiO_2膜的亲水性区别不大,无定型TiO_2膜在高强度紫外光照射下也具有很好的亲水性。

75、In addition, as the interblock segregation strength is very strong, the crystallization is restrained which results in amorphous structures. ─── 当嵌段间的相互排斥作用非常强时,结晶被抑制,微相分离主导最终形态,观察到了非晶态结构。

76、Ideologically amorphous, the party's priority is to win back the presidency in 2012. ─── 在意识形态方向不明确的现状下,革命制度党的首要目标就是在2012年的大选中赢回总统宝座。

77、ULIS is the only independent non verticalized large scale manufacturer of uncooled infrared detectors based on the amorphous silicon technology. ─── 一,从而为红外线图像技术打开了新的市场,使这种技术可以扩大应用至工业监视,民事安全,甚至汽车辅助

78、Preparation and XPS study of gradient bromating amorphous hydrogenated carbon film[J]. ─── 引用该论文 马兆侠,吴卫东,冯建鸿,程新路,唐永建,杨向东.

79、Industrial batteries in the rapid development of business, the amorphous silicon thin film lithium battery and solar cell project has already started. ─── 工业电池业务处于快速发展之中,锂电池和非晶硅薄膜太阳能电池项目已经启动。

80、The random atomic arrangement in the amorphous glass of optical fibers keeps the Raman effect small. ─── 光纤的非晶质玻璃中,原子为随机排列,因此拉曼效应相当小。

81、In amorphous BCN system, the added C atoms took partly up the positions of N atoms, reducing the coordination number of B-N atom pairs. ─── 引入的C原子部分占据了原来N原子的位置,使得B-N的配位数降低.

82、PF molecular entered amorphous region of wood cellwall when PF compounded with wood. ─── 弹性模量增大,在温度升高过程中,模量降低变缓。

83、Ph.D candidate, research on amorphous and nanocrystalline alloy. ─── 博士生,研究方向为非晶和纳米晶合金。

84、Amorphous BCN was prepared by ball milling the mixture of graphite and hexagonal BN for 120h,and then annealed for 45 min. at 1600K under 4.5GPa. ─── 将石墨和六方氮化硼(h_BN)混合粉球磨120h形成的非晶B-C-N粉在4.5GPa,1600K等温退火45min.

85、The starch-containing cells may also contain amorphous protein known as gluten. ─── 含淀粉的细胞可能也含有无定形的蛋白质即谷蛋白--俗称面筋。

86、Superplastic behaviors of bulk amorphous alloys in the supercooled liquid region were reviewed. ─── 对大块非晶合金在过冷液相区内的超塑性变形特点进行了评述。

87、Amorphous diamond films deposited on n-type Si (100) and samarium-on-silicon (Sm-on-Si) substrates are fabricated by a cathodic arc process. ─── 因非晶钻石具有负的电子亲和力,故可用来研究其场发射的特性。

88、The Walkman is equipped with an EX amorphous head and Dolby C, a 3-band (AM/FM/12-channel TV) tuner of the highest quality. ─── 一款装备了EX非晶磁头和杜比C音效的机器,拥有3段AM/FM/12个电视伴音的调节和超高品质的音质。

89、The deposition conditions of tritium should be controlled well when adoping amorphous silicon. ─── 在用无定型硅加载氖时,应控制好氚的沉积条件;

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