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09-08 投稿



deplores 发音

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deplores 中文意思翻译



deplores 反义词


deplores 同义词

be | abhor | censure | be sorry for | regret | criticize | dislike | be sorry | bemoan | deprecate | condemn | sorry | disapprove | bewail | rue |lament | for

deplores 词性/词形变化,deplores变形

动词现在分词: deploring |动词第三人称单数: deplores |动词过去式: deplored |动词过去分词: deplored |

deplores 短语词组

1、deplores meaning in hindi ─── 痛惜印地语的含义

2、deplores synonym ─── 痛惜同义词

3、deplores antonym ─── 痛惜反义词

4、deplores defined ─── 痛惜已定

5、deplores crossword ─── 痛惜纵横填字游戏

6、deplores meaning ─── 痛惜意义

deplores 相似词语短语

1、deployer ─── n.部署者

2、deplorer ─── 痛惜者

3、deployers ─── 部署者

4、depletes ─── vt.耗尽,用尽;使衰竭,使空虚

5、deplored ─── v.谴责;后悔;对……深感遗憾(deplore的过去式及过去分词)

6、deplanes ─── vt.使下飞机;从飞机上卸下;vi.下飞机

7、deployed ─── v.部署(deploy的过去式);展开

8、Delores ─── n.德洛丽丝(女子名,等于Dolores)

9、deplore ─── vt.谴责;悲悼;哀叹;对…深感遗憾

deplores 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The ICRC says it deplores the high number of civilian casualties and is concerned about the plight of civilians caught up in the fighting. ─── 国际红十字会说,它对于大量的平民伤亡感到震惊,并对陷于战祸困境的平民深感关切。

2、DAP Miri branch deplores severely on this arrest under ISA, and urges the concerned authorities to immediately release all the people who were arrested into custody. ─── 美里行动党强烈遣责这次以内安法令的逮捕行动,并要求有关当局马上释放所有受到内安法之下扣留的人士,如国阵政府继续忽视人民的心声,只会加速改朝换代时候早点到来。

3、He says that he condemns these acts [of terrorism] and deplores the [number of] victims of these criminal and terrorist attacks. ─── 他说,他谴责那些恐怖主义活动,并对那些在恐怖主义和犯罪袭击中的受害者表示哀悼。

4、U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's office released a statement Tuesday saying he "strongly deplores" the move. ─── 联合国秘书长潘基文的办公室星期二发表声明说,潘基文“强烈谴责”缅甸政府的决定。

5、While she agrees that the internet,e-mail have widened people's horizons,she deplores their tendency to make punctuation seem unnecessary. ─── 她在承认因特网、电子邮件开阔了人们视野的同时,也对这些交流方式使标点符号看来无用的倾向深感痛心。

6、The United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says he deplores the fact that the government ofZimbabwedoes not welcome mediation efforts by the UN in its dispute with the opposition.Mr. ─── 联合国安理会秘书长潘基文讲道:他对津巴布韦政府不愿意联合国就其与反对派有争议的地方进行斡旋深表痛惜。

7、"NOT English" is how Mr Podsnap deplores the idea of a mighty central state in Charles Dickens's "Our Mutual Friend" . ─── “反正不会是英国人”是Podsnap反对狄更斯的“我们共同的朋友”里那种强大的极权政府时的反应。

8、He often deplores his past sins. ─── 他经常痛悔自己过去的罪恶。

9、The first version deplores the obscenity of the conversation. ─── 第一种说法对淫秽的对话表示悲哀。

10、Mbeki deplores what he sees as the relentless pursuit of personal enrichment. ─── 姆贝基看到对个人富裕的最求不择手段,他对此痛心。

11、U.S.Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Wednesday she deplores the reported abuse in custody of Iranians rounded up in protests of the country's disputed June 12 presidential election. ─── 美国国务卿希拉里.克林顿星期三说,她对于在6月12号引发争议的伊朗总统选举中示威,而被伊朗当局逮捕拘禁的人受到虐待感到遗憾。

12、Mr Mbeki deplores what he sees as the relentless pursuit of personal enrichment. ─── 姆贝基看到对个人富裕的最求不择手段,他对此痛心。

13、The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon says he deplores the fact that the government of Zimbabwe does not welcome mediation efforts by the UN in its dispute with the opposition. ─── 联合国秘书长潘基文发表讲话称,对津巴布韦政府不欢迎联合国调停其与敌方冲突所作的努力,表示强烈谴责。

14、The tale of substitution acknowledges the suffering of both women and ghosts, and deplores the futility of the cycle. ─── 然而幽灵占据的前后也很清楚,两者之间有着不清楚的过渡:有人突然开始与另一个声音说话,但是她是自动放弃还是被征服了?

15、On Sunday, U. N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said he deplores the violence and is saddened by the casualties. ─── 星期天,联合国秘书长潘基文说,他对暴力感到痛惜并对生命损失感到悲哀。

16、While she agrees that the internet, e-mail and text messaging have widened people's horizons, she deplores their tendency to make punctuation seem unnecessary. ─── 她在承认因特网、电子邮件以及网上聊天开阔了人们视野的同时,也对这些交流方式使标点符号看来无用的倾向深感痛心。

17、New York is a judging town, and often invokes standards that the rest of the country deplores or ignores. ─── 纽约是一个裁判城市,经常炮制出一些全国其他地方的人不是为之感到遗憾就是完全不予理睬的规范标准。

18、Asian triumphalism is as futile and unconvincing as the Western triumphalism he deplores. ─── 亚洲凯旋论和他谴责的西方凯旋论一样,都是无益的,而且也不足以令人信服。

19、New York is a judging town, and often invokes standards that the rest of the country deplores or ignores. ─── 纽约是一个裁判城市,经常炮制出一些全国其他地方的人不是为之感到遗憾就是完全不予理睬的规范标准。

20、Mahatma Gandhi deplores railways and steamboats and machinery;he would like to undo the whole of the indutrial revolution. ─── 圣雄甘地痛恨铁路、蒸汽船和机器,他认为应该废除整个工业革命。

21、The old man and the sea is written by Hemingway.This essay deplores the symbolism through this hook. ─── 摘要老人与海是海明威的著名著作,通过它我们可以看到海明威对象征主义的运用。

22、While she agrees that the internet, e-mail have widened people's horizons, she deplores their tendency to make punctuation seem unnecessary. ─── 她在承认因特网、电子邮件开阔了人们视野的同时,也对这些交流方式使标点符号看来无用的倾向深感痛心。

23、Deplores vt. ─── 悲叹, 痛惜;

24、He deplores the injustices done to his fellow black men, but he does not want to get involved in Jefferson's case. ─── 他感到遗憾的不公正他的同胞黑人男子,但他并不想参与杰斐逊的案件。

25、Regretting the lack of spontaneity and real sensuousness in other contemporary poets, he deplores in Tennyson ─── 他对于和他同时代的诗人缺乏自发性和真实的敏感,感到惋惜,他对坦尼森感到悲痛。

26、He deplores the documents' release, but said the very real damage they does not warrant prosecution in light of the First Amendment. ─── 他感到遗憾的是文件的释放,但他表示,他们非常现实的损害并不保证在第一修订案起诉。

27、Miss of too many, the final outcome deplores greatly too. ─── 错过的太多,结局太心痛。

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