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09-08 投稿


colewort 发音

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英:  美:

colewort 中文意思翻译



colewort 短语词组

1、colewort seeds ─── 苦艾籽

2、colewort images ─── 甘草图片

3、colewort ok ko ─── 苦艾

colewort 相似词语短语

1、coralwort ─── 珊瑚

2、crosswort ─── n.茜草

3、pilewort ─── n.白屈菜

4、colessors ─── 科尔瑟斯

5、cold-work ─── 冷作;冷加工

6、boulework ─── 球

7、honewort ─── n.北柴胡

8、cold work ─── 冷作;冷加工

9、coleworts ─── 海甘蓝属

colewort 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、which belongs to colewort of Cruciferae is people's love because of its delicious taste. ─── 菜苔是十字花科芸苔属作物,由于其味道鲜美口感脆嫩而深受人们的喜爱。

2、Purple Flowering Stalks which belongs to colewort of Cruciferae is people's love because of its delicious taste. ─── 红菜薹是十字花科芸苔属作物,由于其味道鲜美口感脆嫩而深受人们的喜爱。

3、The cultivation techniques for high yield and quality of short colewort in Australia ─── 加拿大矮生芸豆优质丰产栽培技术

4、Discussion on the test of the control action for sclerotiniose blight of colewort with agricultural prevention and cure measure ─── 农业防治措施对油菜菌核病控制作用的试验探讨

5、The cultivation techniques for high yield and quality of short colewort in Australia ─── 加拿大矮生芸豆优质丰产栽培技术

6、The yield potential is remarkable higher than that of E-Zao 6. Wei -You 242 is very suitable to be used in the new model of production "colewort -…" ─── 但比鄂早6号显著增产,很适合在我省三熟制双季稻区作“油菜—早杂—晚杂”等新的栽培模式的配套组合。

7、Uptake and accumulation of lead by five plants from colewort of Cruciferae ─── 十字花科芸薹属5种植物对Pb的吸收和富集

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