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09-08 投稿



enthusiast 发音

英:[?n?θu?zi?st]  美:[?n?θju?zi?st]

英:  美:

enthusiast 中文意思翻译



enthusiast 词性/词形变化,enthusiast变形


enthusiast 短语词组

1、Air Enthusiast ─── 空气爱好者

2、fishing enthusiast ─── 钓鱼爱好者

enthusiast 相似词语短语

1、entasias ─── n.强直性痉挛

2、enthusiastic ─── adj.热情的;热心的;狂热的

3、enthusiasts ─── 热心人;热衷者;狂热者(enthusiast的复数)

4、enthusiastical ─── 热情的

5、enthusing ─── v.使热心,使激动(enthuse的现在分词)

6、enthusiasms ─── n.热心,热忱,热情

7、enthuses ─── v.热烈地说,兴奋地讨论;使热心,使充满热情

8、unenthusiastic ─── adj.不热心的;不乐观的

9、enthusiasm ─── n.热心,热忱,热情

enthusiast 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Wallace is an absent-minded inventor, cheese enthusiast (especially for Wensleydale cheese), and companion to the dog, Gromit, who appears to be rather more intelligent than his master. ─── 华莱士是一个沉迷于奶酪(尤其是温斯利代干酪)的发明家,陪伴他的是一条叫格勒米勒的小狗,相比较下,小狗要比主人更富有才智。

2、To best preserving and presenting them, I welcome enthusiast offer items, information or advices. ─── 为搞好收藏和展示,本网欢迎广大爱好者提供展品、信息和建议。

3、Sizlopedia ib the creation of Saad Hamid, a tech enthusiast from Pakistan who started this blog in 2007. ─── Sizlopedia是建立萨阿德哈米德,一个科技爱好者从开始巴基斯坦谁本博客于2007年。

4、Entries are invited from all orchid enthusiast, members and general public, and there is no entry fee. ─── 任何热衷于兰花的个人或团体均可申请参加。

5、Internet is a wonderful way for a computer enthusiast to get to know others. ─── 互联网是网民相互了解的最佳途径.

6、He is a sports enthusiast. ─── 他是个体育爱好者。

7、sports enthusiast ─── 体育爱好者

8、Zhouxiang was a pioneer of early art education in Shanghai, he was also an enthusiast of introducing western oil painting to China. ─── 周湘是上海早期美术教育的开拓者,也是西画教育的积极推进者。

9、The unnamed enthusiast brought radioactive materials, as well as a Geiger counter which he ordered from the United States. ─── 这为匿名核能爱好者自备一堆放射性原材料,还有一个盖格辐射剂量仪,这些东西都是他从美国订购的。

10、A watchmaker, an enthusiast, an honest retailer -- any of these will minimize the risks of buying a fine watch. ─── 不管是一位手表工匠,一位爱好者,还是一位诚实的零售商,他们都会让你减少风险,买到一块非常不错的手表。

11、Said one enthusiast: "Your phone will be your remote control for life." ─── 一位热心者说:“电话将成为你整个生活的遥控器。”

12、Elaboration phase: Music enthusiast. ─── Elaboration阶段:音乐爱好者。

13、[DAN] Are you an eremite (leading a rural/town life) or society enthusiast (writing about realities happening here and there)? ─── 丹飞:你是遁世者(居住在小镇)还是热心家(写作题材颇具现实意义)?

14、Stallone,who is a knife enthusiast and collector of custom knives, enlisted theservices of two master knifemakers, Jimmy Lile and Gil Hibben, todesign and make the custom knives for the movies. ─── 史泰龙自己作为一个刀具的爱好者和收藏者,曾经邀请两名主要的刀匠吉米-里尔和吉尔-黑本为他的电影量身打造刀具。

15、4.[DAN] Are you an eremite (leading a rural/town life) or society enthusiast (writing about realities happening here and there)? ─── 丹飞:你是遁世者(居住在小镇)还是热心家(写作题材颇具现实意义)?

16、A steam enthusiast and music lover has combined his two favourite hobbies and invented the world's first steam-powered gramophone. ─── 一名蒸汽热爱者兼音乐爱好者将他的两大嗜好结合起来,发明了世界上首座蒸汽动力留声机。

17、But this did not disconcert the enthusiast, who proceeded with the story of Joseph Smith's bankruptcy in 1837, and how his ruined creditors gave him a coat of tar and feathers; ─── 但是这位长老并没有因听众稀少而难受。他依然罗里罗嗦地详细介绍下去:史密斯在1837年如何破产,那些被他拖垮了的股东如何把他身上涂满了沥青然后强迫他在羽毛上打滚;

18、"Jim Kelly, a 40-year old consultant and rock music enthusiast, was quite impressed with the technology when he took part in the trials." ─── Jim Kelly是一位40多岁的咨询人员,同时也是一位摇滚乐的爱好者。他在尝试这个新的搜索引擎时被这些新技术深深的吸引。

19、Our product is favorable chosen for Army, Police, Security Company, Airport Authority, Electricity Supplier, Car Owner and Outdoor Activity Enthusiast. ─── 产品广泛适合军队,公安等执法人员及铁路,民航,供电等系统,有车一族及户外活动爱好者.

20、The 2010 MAZDASPEED3 is loaded with all the goodies a driving enthusiast wants, but without anything that would add undue weight. ─── 2010年MAZDASPEED3加载的所有物品的驾驶爱好者希望,但没有任何不适当的体重会增加。

21、Defoe was an enthusiast for Latin America and persuaded the British government to set up a company to trade with the region in 1711. ─── 迪福是拉丁美洲的狂热爱好者,并说服英国当局在1711年成立公司与当地进行贸易往来。

22、Perfect for any Coca-Cola enthusiast and Olympic fan, this standard-sized bottle features the traditional Coca-Cola logo and the Vancouver 2010 Olympic emblem. ─── 为所有可口可乐热心者完善,并且奥林匹克风扇,这个标准大小的瓶以传统可口可乐商标为特色和温哥华2010奥林匹克象征。

23、A precision instrument that should be found in every outdoor enthusiast's rucksack, regardless of the part of the world, activity or scope of the adventure. ─── 不管身在世界任何角落,作任何历险活动,每位户外运动爱好者的背囊内都应该携有这样精密的用具。

24、Still every bit the Holy Grail of sports cars, it still commands respect from any warm-blooded enthusiast. ─── 不过每一个位的圣杯跑车,但它仍然命令尊重任何温血动物发烧友。

25、He is an enthusiast about politics. ─── 他是个热衷于政治的人。

26、I have many management, organization and coordination skills.Be a strong team player, initiator, enthusiast and driver to accomplish production tasks.Good communication in English. ─── 具有良好的思想品质,组织协调能力强,善于与人沟通,工作态度认真细致,原则性强,能使用英语学习和沟通交流。

27、He's a huge tennis enthusiast;he plays it a lot during the summer. ─── 他非常喜欢网球,在夏天的时候他打很多的网球。

28、sport enthusiast ─── 体育运动的积极分子

29、Putin is known as a judo enthusiast while Medvedev has said he enjoys yoga. ─── 众所周知普廷热爱柔道,而麦维德夫则曾说过他享受做瑜珈。

30、Any fast foods company that's paying attention to public sentiment and trends has made changes to make their menu more palatable to the health and fitness enthusiast. ─── 任何快餐食品公司的重视民情的变化和趋势已经使他们更菜单健康与健身爱好者所乐见的结果。

31、He is an enthusiast about philosophy. ─── 他是热中哲学的人。

32、In these matters Olympias was an expert and an enthusiast ─── 在这些事情上,奥林匹阿斯是个内行,是个热衷的人。

33、Are you an English enthusiast? ─── 你是个英语狂热者吗?

34、Match up to the ace bowler Ishant Sharma's bowling skills. A comprehensive cricket game which is an absolute must-have for any cricket enthusiast! ─── 一项非常全面的板球游戏,喜欢板球运动的朋友千万不能错过!

35、Reflecting the enthusiast uses to which this car is likely to be put, the DTC activates only at a high threshold of performance. ─── 这反映了发烧友使用此车很可能会提出,存款激活只在一个比较高的门槛的性能。

36、Credit &Copyright: Marco Fulle (Stromboli online) Explanation: What's happening over the horizon?Many a sky enthusiast who thought they had seen it all had never seen anything like this. ─── 地平线上方发生了什么事情?许多对天空热衷的人他们以为看到了天空中从未发生过的事 .使得许多北半球的观测者惊叹不已.

37、A BaseBall enthusiast ─── 一个棒球爱好者

38、Jim Kelly,a 40-year old consultant and rock music enthusiast,was quite impressed with the technology when he took part in the trials. ─── Jim Kelly是一位40多岁的咨询人员,同时也是一位摇滚乐的爱好者。他在尝试这个新的搜索引擎时被这些新技术深深的吸引。

39、However, he is famous in the community, not because of his identity as a director, but because he is an amateur sport enthusiast. ─── 不过,他在社会上有名气,不是因为他局长的身份,而是更多缘自作为一名的业余体育爱好者。

40、A lifelong athlete and martial-arts enthusiast, she is now resumed her karate practice. ─── 她天生是个运动员,热爱武术,现在已恢复练习空手道。

41、Bajin: An Enthusiast about the Building of the Chinese Modern Culture ─── 巴金对现代文化建设的贡献

42、If you are a sports enthusiast, you can polish your skills or learn new ones. ─── 如果你是一位运动爱好者的话,你可以磨砺你的技能或学习新的运动项目:例如;

43、If you are a surfing enthusiast, in Jeffreys Bay, almost universally accepted throughout the year by the sea of super-pipe (tube). ─── 如果你是个冲浪爱好者,在JeffreysBay,差不多全年都有被全世界公认的超级管状海(tube)。

44、He is a baseball enthusiast. ─── 他是一个棒球爱好者。

45、5.When he proposed to Graciela Asturias, a 27-year-old space enthusiast, they were on a 90-minute zero-gravity flight aboard a Boeing 727. ─── 当他向27岁的太空迷葛蕾西耶拉.阿斯图莉亚斯求婚时,他们正在一架波音727型飞机上,体验长达90分钟的无重力飞行。

46、Abell, S. K. ; Roth, M. (1992), Constraints to Teaching Elementary Science: A Case Study of a Science Enthusiast Student Teacher, Science Education, 76(6), 581-595. ─── 张静仪(1983),高屏地区国民小学自然科学教师之教学、辅导、进修问题调查研究,高雄市:复文图书出版社.

47、Besides the industrial applications, Coats offers a wide portfolio of products for the crafts and home sewing enthusiast, which include hand embroidery threads, crochet threads, hand knitting yarns. ─── 从高效的包芯线以至普通用途的短纤涤纶线,我们的环球产品在成衣缝纫线类中有近一千种不同的颜色以共选择。

48、A valuable reference guide for the home gardener and orchid enthusiast. ─── 兰为花中君子,三百种兰花,三百位君子。

49、The Hula Hop exercise is well known for its amazing Waist Slimming and Weight-Loss effect acknowledged by fitness enthusiast. ─── 呼拉圈运动以塑造完美腰形和具有良好的减肥效果著称,一直为渴望标准身材的人们所追求。

50、Dan: Of course, it is.If you were a car enthusiast, then selling cars would be a lot more interesting than selling photocopiers. ─── 如果你是一个汽车爱好者,那卖车子会比卖影印机有趣多了。

51、Paul was an enthusiast ─── 保罗是个狂热的信徒。

52、Adventure sports enthusiast Ajit Bajaj became the first Indian to ski to the North Pole. ─── 冒险运动爱好者阿吉特·巴贾杰成为第一位滑雪到达北极的印度人。

53、Zhang Xuezhong: A Enthusiast of Mountains-and-Rivers Painting ─── 张学忠:山水田园间的执着

54、China Motor Bus, mostly known as CMB, was a familiar name or even a part of memories for those growth bus enthusiast and public. ─── 中华巴士,简称中巴,对于一众已成长的巴士迷,甚至巿民,是一个熟悉的名字,甚至有著不少的回忆在里头。

55、It is America's only weekly automotive enthusiast magazine,covering all aspects of automotive enthusiasm -- from racing to products to news features. ─── 它是美国惟一的汽车爱好者周刊,涉及人们对汽车感兴趣的各个方面--从比赛到产品,到新闻特写。

56、Sum's childhood friend Ling Wan Chi became an aircraft enthusiast with him and then went on to become a pilot as well, but Chi has a different philosophy on love. ─── 与 亦 琛 自 小 便 成 好 友 , 一 起 对 飞 机 著 迷 , 一 起 成 为 飞 机 师 的 凌 云 志 , 却 有 著 另 一 套 的 感 情 哲 学 。

57、In today's edition of our 'chasing trains' series, we introduce you to railway enthusiast Lin Zhiming. ─── 今天的追火车微笑专题报导,带您认识这位铁道迷。

58、He's considerate and gentle, but he's also a great enthusiast who tends to push people into doing the things he wants to do. ─── 他是一个考虑周到又有礼貌的人,但他又非常热衷于想让人们做他想要做的事情。

59、We join a parrot enthusiast who has never had the chance to meet the largest parrot in the world, the blue macaw, in its natural environment. ─── 但人类将牠们据为己有的欲望,不但夺去牠们的自由,更危及鹦鹉在自然世界的将来。

60、Jim Kelly, a 40-year old consultant and rock music enthusiast, was quite impressed with the technology when he took part in the trials. ─── Jim kelly是一位40多岁的咨询人员,同时也是一位摇滚乐的爱好者。 他在尝试这个新的搜索引擎时被这些新技术深深的吸引。

61、He is a great sports enthusiast. ─── 他是个真正的体育爱好者。

62、A tabloid newspaper? An amateur space enthusiast? U.S. government assessments of China's military prowess are sometimes based upon shaky sources. ─── 小报报道?业余太空发烧友?美国政府对中国军事实力的评估,有时就基于这些不具权威性的情报来源。。

63、“I'm a curious, an enthusiast observer of beautiful nature show. ─── “我是个很好奇的人,一个热心观察美丽自然的人。

64、In the case of the non-smoking husband, the health and physical fitness enthusiast asked his girlfriend to marry him on condition she would eventually quit smoking. ─── 在这起不抽菸的丈夫案例中,这位热中保健与锻?身体的男子,当初是在女友终会戒菸的条件下,向她求婚。

65、The man visited by ecstasies and visions, who takes dreams for realities, is an enthusiast. ─── 2.被忘形和想象造访而试图把梦想带入现实的人,是妄想者。

66、Automobile Magazine is edited for the automotive enthusiast interested in the novelty as well the tradition of all things automotive. ─── "汽车杂志"是专为对最新型的汽车和古董汽车都感兴趣的车迷而编辑的。

67、a photography enthusiast. ─── 一个摄影术的爱好者。

68、Sweetmeat Enthusiast Love Dairy Queen And Free Mori. ─── 但是没了性命哪来爱情?

69、Still, only 2% of Londoners cycle to work, compared with 20% in Copenhagen and 28% in Amsterdam. London Mayor Ken Livingstone, a bicycle enthusiast, wants to increase cycling 80% by 2010. ─── 年至今,伦敦骑自行车的人数比例已经上升了52%,这个数据是基于骑自行车通过泰晤士河的人统计出来的。

70、What they lacked in entrepreneurial skills, however, they made up for in experience and an enthusiast's zeal for their interests. ─── 不过,他们缺乏的创业技巧可以由本身兴趣的热忱和经验来弥补。

71、Turiaf, a hard-working enthusiast, has helped the Lakers survive injuries to Kwame Brown and Chris Mihm. Farmar, meanwhile, has become a sparkplug off the bench. ─── 屠夫,一个勤奋而且热心的家伙,在布朗和米姆受伤的时候给了湖人很大的帮助。同时砝码也成为了板凳上的奇兵。

72、If you're reading this, you are probably a budding wine enthusiast. ─── 在读到这些的时候,你可能正是一个初露头角的葡萄酒爱好者。

73、An avid Podracing enthusiast, Romeo was attending as Gardulla the Hutt's guest. ─── 作为飞梭赛车的狂热爱好者,他受赫特人加杜拉的邀请前来下注。

74、The exhibition is interesting to both the enthusiast and the casual visitor. ─── 热心的爱好者和碰巧来参观的人都认为这个展览有意思。

75、A Suggestion to Mr. Wang Meng, an Enthusiast for the National Middle School Students Composition Contest ─── 向热心于全国中学生作文大赛的王蒙先生提一个建议

76、All the most current and helpful downloads for any enthusiast. ─── 可以在此下载各种有用的免费软件。

77、factors restricting students' enthusiast ─── 学习积极性制约因素

78、With the recently unveiled 2010 E-class slated to hit showrooms in a matter of months, renowned Mercedes-Benz tuner Brabus is readying a throng of goodies with the enthusiast in mind. ─── 与最近发布2010年E级预计将达到陈列室在数月内,著名的奔驰调谐器布拉布斯是准备大群甜头的发烧友铭记。

79、Crop circle enthusiast Karen Alexander, from Gosport, Hants, said: "The phoenix is a mythical creature which symbolises rebirth and a new era in many cultures across the world. ─── 作物圆圈发烧友克伦亚历山大,从戈斯波特, Hants ,说: “凤凰是一个神秘的动物,象征重生和一个新时代的许多文化在世界各地。

80、SWT enthusiast Yannick Saillet offers two interesting pieces on this popular tool kit: Migrate your Swing application to SWT ─── SWT的热心人士Yannick Saillet提供了这个流行工具包的两篇有趣文章

81、Developed by a kart racer with 15 years racing experience, not an armchair enthusiast, you'll see and feel the difference. ─── 开发者作为一个拥有15年小型车赛车经验的车手,理所当然不是一个敢于寂寞的追随者,游戏中你将很明显地感受到这种差异。

82、Besides being Editor and Business head of Animation Xpress, Anand is himself an animation enthusiast and is working on creating his own short films and animation IP. ─── 作为动画快讯的主编和商务开发总监,阿纳德本人还是动画狂热爱好者,并制作个人原创动画短片。

83、Dan: Of course, it is. If you were a car enthusiast, then selling cars would be a lot more interesting than selling photocopiers . ─── 如果你是一个汽车爱好者,那卖车子会比卖影印机有趣多了。

84、( The writer is a local businessman and an arts enthusiast ) ─── (作者是本地商人及艺术爱好者)

85、A skiing enthusiast has broken two world records - despite being blind. ─── 尽管双眼失明,一名热爱滑雪的人,仍打破两项世界纪录。

86、a ballet enthusiast. ─── 一个热心于芭蕾舞的人。

87、The world belongs to the enthusiast who keeps cool. ─── 世界属于保持头脑清醒的热情者。

88、His artworks won the national prize for many times and were collected by Zhong Nan Hai, Great Hall of People, museum, gallery and the enthusiast of celadon。 ─── 今年又去参加了庆香港回归十周年“同根.同心.同行”百名书画家画展。近十几年来先后接受了数十家新闻媒体采访和报道。

89、With the help of the enthusiast, I had no difficult finding his home. ─── 在这个热心人的帮助下,我毫不费力地找到了他的家。

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