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09-08 投稿



foundling 发音

英:[?fa?ndl??]  美:[?fa?ndl??]

英:  美:

foundling 中文意思翻译



foundling 网络释义

n. 弃儿;开除的学员

foundling 词性/词形变化,foundling变形


foundling 短语词组

1、foundling homes ─── 弃儿养育院

2、foundling kitten society ─── 育雏猫协会

3、foundling hospital ─── [医] 育婴院

4、foundling definition ─── 弃婴定义

5、foundling bird ─── 雏鸟

6、foundling hospital florence italy ─── 意大利佛罗伦萨弃婴医院

foundling 相似词语短语

1、foundlings ─── n.弃儿;开除的学员

2、founding ─── adj.创办的,发起的;n.创办,发起;铸造;溶解;v.创办(组织);建立(国家);以……为基础;熔化(found的现在分词)

3、fuddling ─── v.(使)糊涂;(使)酩酊大醉;狂饮,酗酒(fuddle的过去式及过去分词)

4、foundering ─── n.沉没;v.(计划)失败,破产;(船)沉没;(马)患蹄叶炎;变得残疾(尤指变瘸);(过度喂食)使(动物)失去能力(founder的现在分词)

5、groundling ─── n.地面动(植)物;水底动(植)物;匍匐植物;低层次观众,缺乏鉴赏力的人;地面上的人;水底鱼类

6、foundings ─── adj.创办的,发起的;n.创办,发起;铸造;溶解;v.创办(组织);建立(国家);以……为基础;熔化(found的现在分词)

7、fouling ─── n.污染;污垢;v.犯规(foul的ing形式);弄脏

8、fondling ─── n.被溺爱的人;爱子;宠爱的动物;v.爱抚(fondle的现在分词)

9、bundling ─── n.捆扎;集束;v.捆起来;包裹,捆扎;塞;穿很多衣服保暖;捆绑销售;额外免费提供;用力推;把……撵走;(人群)混乱地移动;与某人合衣同睡;归拢;匆忙地走(bundle的现在分词形式)

foundling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、New York Foundling, an agency in New York, runs a crisis centre, where parents can leave their children for up to three weeks. ─── 纽约一家机构纽约弃儿所经营一个危机中心,父母可以让他们的孩子在这最多放三个星期。

2、he was a foundling." ─── 他是一个弃儿。”

3、foundling hospital ─── 育婴堂

4、That isn't a very polite thing to say -- but you can't expect me to have any manners; a foundling asylum isn't a young ladies' finishing school. ─── 如此说法实在不够礼貌,可是你不能指望我有什麽教养,孤儿院毕竟不是培育淑女的学校。

5、On top of this I was accused of employing toothless and incompetent old relatives to prepare the food for the foundling hospital when I was warden. ─── 在这些控告之上,还有人竟控告我在负责育婴堂事务时雇用老掉了牙的、昏庸的亲戚给育婴堂做饭。

6、James Michener began life as a foundling and started with absolutely nothing. ─── 詹姆斯?麦切纳刚生下来就成了弃儿,他完全是白手起家。

7、"This pretended foundling is a real monster of abomination, " resumed Jehanne. ─── “这个所谓的弃儿,可是个真正丑恶的怪物。”让娜说。

8、It was there that a little abandoned child, a foundling whom the convent was bringing up out of charity, uttered this sweet and heart-breaking saying. ─── 有一个被遗弃的私生女,是由修院作为行善收来抚养的,她在那里说过这样一句天真恼人的话。

9、The man carried me to the foundling asylum, where I was registered under the number 37 ─── 那个人把我抱到育婴堂里,在那儿,我被编为五十七号。

10、Excuse me. May I ask you something about adopting a foundling? ─── 居:打搅了,请问我要收养一名弃婴应该怎样办理相关的手续?

11、Ten fifty-five, the New foundling Home For Orphans. You will preside over the laying of the cornerstone; same speech as last Monday. ─── 十点五十五,到新建孤儿院。你将主持奠基典礼,和上次一样的演讲。

12、Unlike Tom, who was a foundling, Jia Baoyu in the Chinese novel was the pampered son of a wealthy, influential, aristocratic family ─── 和弃儿汤姆大不相同,中国小说里的贾宝玉却是一个有钱、有势的贵族家庭中备受纵容和宠爱的娇儿。

13、Another exhibition, “Handel the Philanthropist”, is already running at London's Foundling Hospital, one of Handel's favourite charities. ─── 另一个名为“大慈善家韩德尔”的展出已经在伦敦的育婴院上演,那里也是他最喜欢做善事的地方。

14、"he had no other ; he was a foundling . ─── “他再没有别的名字了。他是一个弃儿。”

15、Why is it necessary to choose a foundling - i.e., a bastard - to be CEO. ─── 为什麽要选一个弃儿(也就是私生子)当总裁?

16、Another exhibition, "Handel the Philanthropist" , is already running at London's Foundling Hospital, one of Handel's favourite charities. ─── 另一个名为“大慈善家韩德尔”的展出已经在伦敦的育婴院上演,那里也是他最喜欢做善事的地方。

17、COUNTESS: Ten fifty-five, the New foundling Home For Orphans. You will preside over the laying of the cornerstone; same speech as last Monday. ─── 伯爵夫人:十点五十五,到新建孤儿院。你将主持奠基典礼,和上次一样的演讲。

18、Where did you pick up the foundling? ─── 警:你在哪里捡到的弃婴?

19、The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling ─── 弃儿汤姆。琼斯的历史

20、He is a foundling, and has grown up in a school for homeless boy. ─── 他是个弃儿,在为无家可归的男孩而开设的学校里长大。

21、the foundling's putative father; the reputed (or purported) author of the book; the supposed date of birth. ─── 这个弃婴的据说的父亲;传说中这本书的作者;推断出来的出生日期。

22、He is a foundling, and have grow up in a school for homeless boy. ─── 他是个弃儿,在为无家可归的男孩而开设的学校里长大。

23、The Foundling is a play about a story of a girl who was raised by dogs.She is adopted by her uncle who gives her a new human family, but she soon finds out how complicated it is to be a human. ─── 一个关于一个由狗养大的小女孩的故事,她被叔父收养之后,回到人类的家庭中生活,发现作为人类其实并不简单。

24、If I were forced to choose a bride, I would rather choose you, my dumb foundling, with those expressive eyes. ─── 如果我要选择新嫁娘的话,那未我就要先选你——我亲爱的、有一双能讲话的眼睛的哑巴孤女。

25、foundling rs home ─── 弃儿收容所

26、Basically be before 1978 throw the country in modern course besides, the country is in go up somehow the foundling that becomes modernization. ─── 1978年以前基本上是将农村抛在现代化进程之外,农村在某种程度上成为现代化的弃儿。

27、The History of Tom Jones:A Foundling ─── n. 《汤姆·琼斯》,亨利·菲尔丁(Henry Fielding)著

28、Michener began life as a foundling. ─── 麦切纳生下来就成了弃婴。

29、Another exhibition, "Handel the Philanthropist", is already running at London's Foundling Hospital, one of Handel's favourite charities. ─── 另一个名为“大慈善家韩德尔”的展出已经在伦敦的育婴院上演,那里也是他最喜欢做善事的地方。

30、He be a foundling, and have grow up in a school for homeless boy ─── 他是个弃儿,在为无家可归的男孩而开设的学校里长大

31、foundling home ─── 弃儿养育院

32、Unlike Tom, who was a foundling, Jia Baoyu in the Chinese novel was the pampered son of a wealthy , influential, aristocratic family . ─── 和弃儿汤姆大不相同,中国小说里的贾宝玉却是一个有钱、有势的贵族家庭中备受纵容和宠爱的娇儿。

33、a foundling's putative father ─── 一般认定的该孤儿的父亲

34、Gewangshi, the wife of Geyunian's second son had contribute 2000Liang silver to purchase the land and houses as the cost of foundling. ─── 该坊鸱吻(鸱吻有六,取“六六大顺”意),鳌尖造型考究,帽顶十二鳌脊呈鸱吻冲天状。

35、He was a priest and later (1709) music director at a school for foundling girls, the Seminario dell'Ospitale della Pieta. ─── 他先是一个牧师,后来在一个看护和教育遗弃女孩儿的学校-皮埃塔孤儿院做音乐教师。

36、Where Walcott is rustic and galloping, the Everton-era Rooney was squarely in English football's urban foundling tradition. ─── 如果说沃尔科特像乡下不羁的奔驰小马,埃弗顿时的鲁尼简直是英格兰足球的另一个传统模板:城市弃儿。

37、When she was building her first foundling asylum, what was he doing? ─── 她造第一间育婴堂的时候,他干吗去了?

38、the foundling's putative father; ─── 这个弃婴的据说的父亲;

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