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09-08 投稿



minatory 发音

英:['m?n?,t(?)r?]  美:['m?n?,t?ri]

英:  美:

minatory 中文意思翻译



minatory 网络释义

adj. 恐吓的,威胁的

minatory 词性/词形变化,minatory变形

副词: minatorily |异体字: minatorial |

minatory 短语词组

1、minatory definition ─── 威胁性定义

2、minatory deathstep ─── 临终前的威胁

3、minatory music ─── 恐吓音乐

4、minatory means ─── 威胁手段

5、minatory meaning ─── 威胁意义

6、minatory genre ─── 威胁体裁

7、minatory women ─── 恐吓妇女

8、minatory antonym ─── 威胁反义词

minatory 相似词语短语

1、donatory ─── n.受赠人;捐赠领收人

2、filatory ─── 丝状

3、migratory ─── adj.迁移的;流浪的

4、emanatory ─── adj.散发;放射的;发出的(等于emanative)

5、mandatory ─── adj.强制的;托管的;命令的;n.受托者(等于mandatary)

6、signatory ─── n.(协议的)签名人,签约国;adj.签署的,签约的

7、minatorily ─── 威胁地

8、citatory ─── 要塞

9、dilatory ─── adj.拖拉的;缓慢的,不慌不忙的

minatory 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As people living standard rise generally, fat of hypertensive, tall blood, tall blood sugar " riches and honour is ill " become minatory people health head enemy. ─── 在从“温饱型”进入“养生型”的广大人群中,多吃大豆成为大家的共识。

2、Some criterion apt destroys blame of computer information system, think the safety of serious minatory network runs the suspect's behavior. ─── 有的则倾向于破坏计算机信息系统罪,认为嫌疑人的行为严重威胁网络的安全运行。

3、after earthing up milk powder Jing to show bug cadaver be related to report through our newspaper, elegant train milk powder agent not only ignored, ceaseless instead and minatory consumer. ─── 奶粉惊现虫尸一事经过本报报道以后,雅培奶粉代理商不但不重视,反而不断威胁消费者。

4、"Information filch break one's promise serious already minatory Internet admits act, and server certificate is safeguard network safety is important defend one of mechanisms. ─── “信息窃取等失信行为已严重威胁互联网发展,而服务器证书则是保障网络安全的重要防护机制之一。”

5、Of this kind of policy " mercantilism " the tendency is thought enterprise of serious minatory United States is exporting a respect.. ─── 这种政策的“重商主义”倾向被认为严重威胁美国企业在出口方面的...

6、But think commonly, the blame of the loss feeling that causes people, minatory feeling and insecurity is benign and exciting, cause disease easily. ─── 但一般认为,引起人们的损失感、威胁感和不安全感的非良性刺激,容易致病。

7、Economic depression of this one minatory neither, also be not the problem of their oneself. ─── 这一威胁既非经济衰退,也非他们自身的问题。

8、I have two year young son, I simply intolerable this kind is minatory. ─── 我有两个年幼的儿子,我简直无法忍受这种威胁。”

9、This enterprise rejects initiate, incoming telegram person minatory path, "Do not make money, will check you. " ─── 这家企业拒绝入会,来电者威胁道,“不交钱,就来查你们。”

10、The excessive that the construction of the project adds a person to be catchs what excessive kills the rare animal such as increasingly minatory China situation to live with other rare floral grows; ─── 工程的建设加上人为的滥捕滥杀日益威胁着中华势等珍稀动物的生存和其它稀有植物的生长;

11、Also be willing even hep personage to be in rarely new to this kind policy will be at present right Chinese market generation is how old and minatory have surmise. ─── 就连消息灵通人士也很少愿意在目前对这种新政策会对中国市场产生多大威胁进行臆测。

12、" furious Mr He censured each other on the net with the other side at once rise, "Respecting is final, he is minatory the family that I say to be able to let I and me is uneasy. ─── 气愤的何先生当即和对方在网上互相指责了起来,“说到最后,他威胁我说会让我和我的家人不好过。”

13、Person of Mr Cheng belt goes report plays a city to denounce a view, the result meets with threaten instead minatory. ─── 程先生带人去电玩城讨说法,结果反遭一顿恐吓威胁。

14、This product aims to remove for broad Internet user even more serious " fryer " minatory. ─── 该产品旨在为广大互联网用户解除越发严重的“肉鸡”威胁。

15、Economic depression of this one minatory neither, also be not the problem of their oneself. ─── 这一威胁既非经济衰退,也非他们自身的问题。

16、" on the face that saying spank to be hit in Yang Qian, minatory say: "Have my 30 many brother downstairs, two roads hold the post of you to choose, or abandoned both of you, or compensates my loss. ─── 说着一巴掌打在杨倩的脸上,并威胁说:“楼下有我30多个弟兄,两条路任你们选,要么把你俩都废了,要么补偿我的损失。”

17、Model result still makes clear, cahoot minatory meeting changes the drive of the enterprise infirmly. ─── 模型结果还表明,合谋的威胁会弱化企业的激励。

18、liberalizes from investment look, be liberalized the economic dominion that brings about a developing country from finance by minatory; ─── 从投资自由化看,将导致发展中国家的经济主权受到威胁;

19、The nature with minatory the strongest capability should count the United States. ─── 威胁能力最强的自然要数美国了。”

20、The gas disaster is more serious than the others, and it is the mainly minatory factor. ─── 其中瓦斯灾害较为严重,是煤矿安全生产的主要威胁因素。

21、So, to the integral construction of Chinese dress brand, the negative effect of market environment already exceeded foreign enemy inbreak minatory. ─── 所以,对于中国服装品牌的整体建设而言,市场环境的负面影响已超过外敌的入侵威胁。

22、"You how dare minatory the person of my at hand? ─── “你怎胆敢威胁我手下的人?”

23、Agricultural history is long, but expand blindly farming cause zoology to destroy n cultivated land, minatory zoology safety and can develop continuously. ─── 农业历史悠久,但盲目扩大农耕造成生态破坏,威胁生态安全与可持续发展。

24、The personage inside course of study points out, the fryer has become a of minatory Internet safety main factor. ─── 业内人士指出,肉鸡已经成为威胁互联网安全的一个重要因素。

25、" feel to opportunity and minatory acumen, made Changjiang Delta spring very fast make a decision. ─── 对机会和威胁的敏锐感,让江南春很快做出了决定。

26、Consider,for example,chemically treated bed nets,these bed nets kill mosquitoes and protect people against minatory (malaria)while they are sleeping. ─── 例如,想象一下经化学处理的蚊帐。这些蚊帐能够在人们睡觉时杀灭蚊子并保护人们远离疟疾。

27、Most personage is in what pay close attention to since a few months recently is Yahoo company be faced with come from external minatory . ─── 大多数人士在最近几个月以来关注的都是雅虎公司面临的来自外部的威胁。

28、This is the trojan download with a minatory inferior level implement, it does not have direct destruction to the system ability. ─── 这是一个威胁级别较低的木马下载器,它对系统不具备直接的破坏能力。

29、Some people acceded natively lifelong spend never-failing worth, some minatory; ─── 有的人生来便继承了终身消耗不尽的财产,有的人却一出世就面临贫困饥荒的威胁;

30、Associated press attacked Gu Ge and website of other news group again yesterday is network helminth, minatory will take legal step. ─── 美联社昨天再次攻击谷歌和其他新闻聚合网站是网络寄生虫,并威胁将采取法律手段。

31、Consider, for example, chemically treated bed nets, these bed nets kill mosquitoes and protect people against minatory while they are sleeping. ─── 包括例如,化学方法处理过的蚊帐。这些蚊帐能够杀死蚊子,在人们睡眠的时候保护人们不受疟疾的威胁。

32、Hind quota period, the whole world is fearing Chinese dress is minatory to his, low price, wholesale outlet. ─── 后配额时代,全世界都在担心中国服装对自己的威胁,低廉的价格、大规模的出口。

33、On one hand, politics of international unilateral creed, might and area conflict potentially the security that increases traditional field likely is minatory. ─── 一方面,国际单边主义、强权政治和地区潜在冲突有可能增加传统领域的安全威胁。

34、According to introducing, golden hill poison bully fryer detector uses golden hill the authentic attestation of poison bully and minatory judgement technology, security of accurate appraisal file. ─── 据介绍,金山毒霸肉鸡检测器采用金山毒霸的可信认证及威胁判断技术,准确鉴定文件安全性。

35、This enterprise rejects initiate, incoming telegram person minatory path, "Do not make money, will check you. ─── 这家企业拒绝入会,来电者威胁道,“不交钱,就来查你们。”

36、The potted land that buys from beautiful inn may be contained " microbial avian synthesis " , this kind of bacterium will be minatory human body is healthy; ─── 从花店买来的盆栽土可能含有“微生物鸟类综合体”,这种细菌会威胁人体健康;

37、They at others harm not quite, unusually active however and have minatory sex, roily car city, drew controversy, more brought a variety of variable that can expect. ─── 他们于别人害处不大,却异常活跃而具有威胁性,搅乱了车市,引来了争议,更带来了种种可期待的变数。

38、In addition, in the open letter that sends Yahoo board of directors, bao silent Er is minatory even, if Yahoo expires to did not make a decision, still buy those who reduce pair of Yahoo quoted price. ─── 此外,在致雅虎董事会的公开信中,鲍默尔甚至威胁,假如雅虎到期未作决定,还将下调对雅虎的收购报价。

39、It is a little while " minatory " , it is a little while " break down " , china did not cast off the destiny of alien be regardinged as by a few force from beginning to end. ─── 最近,“中国崩溃论”在西方广为蔓延,其影响之大,替代了原来“中国威胁论”的位置。一会儿是“威胁”,一会儿又是“崩溃”,中国始终没有摆脱被一些势力当成异类的命运。

40、"Black car " exist, disturbed road badly to carry the healthy progress of order, the life property of minatory country and people is safe. ─── “黑车”存在,严重干扰了道路运输秩序的健康发展,威胁着国家和人民的生命财产安全。

41、The out of control with region economy lopsided progress is minatory society harmony and the main obstacle that coordinate development. ─── 区域经济发展不平衡的失控是威胁社会和谐及协调发展的重要障碍。

42、The personage inside this course of study still expresses, cereal song music searchs pair of Baidu to still do not go up quite at present minatory. ─── 该业内人士还表示,谷歌音乐搜索对百度目前还够不上威胁。

43、minatory actions, gestures, etc ─── 恫吓的行为﹑ 姿势等.

44、Especially bead three-cornered medium and small businesses, fight risk ability low, most get first " death is minatory " . ─── 尤其是珠三角的中小企业,抗风险能力低,最先受到“死亡威胁”。

45、Associated press atttacked Gu Ge and website of other news group again yesterday is network helminth, minatory will take legal step. ─── 美联社昨天再次攻击谷歌和其他新闻聚合网站是网络寄生虫,并威胁将采取法律手段。

46、Eustacia then proceeded in her delivery, striking the sword against the staff or lance at the minatory phrases, in the orthodox mumming manner, and strutting up and down. ─── 但是这种温情脉脉的计划,在居住分散的荒原人中间却是行不通的。

47、if treatment is not proper , immediate impact becomes pregnant or can cause ectopic pregnancy , serious minatory woman is healthy. ─── 假如治疗不彻底,可直接影响受孕或者引起宫外孕,严重威胁女性身体健康。

48、1.This shows, a kind of when rectum cancer will become minatory people health increasingly main cancer is swollen. ─── 由此可见,直肠癌将日益成为威胁人民健康的一种主要癌肿。

49、If can raise the vitamin D level inside him body effectively, what can let millions person every year avoid to die is minatory. ─── 如果能够有效提高自己体内的维生素D水平,则每年可以让数百万人避免死亡的威胁。

50、Development of the integrated circuit in the early 1960s continued the minatory sanction process. ─── 在 1960 年初集成电路的发展继续了军事的程序。

51、Number 3, Lauriston Gardens wore an ill-omened and minatory look. ─── 劳瑞斯顿花园街号,从外表看来就象是一座凶宅。

52、Most personage is in what pay close attention to since a few months recently is Yahoo company be faced with come from external minatory. ─── 大多数人士在最近几个月以来关注的都是雅虎公司面临的来自外部的威胁。

53、One, farmland shortage is added increasingly drama, minatory people lives with development civilian is a day with feeding, maintaining a certain quantity of farmland is the assurance of food safety. ─── 一、耕地短缺日益加剧 ,威胁民族生存与发展民以食为天 ,保持一定数量的耕地是食物安全的保证。

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