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09-08 投稿


ponderable 发音

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英:  美:

ponderable 中文意思翻译





ponderable 网络释义

adj. 有重量的;可称量的;有价值的n. 值得考虑的事物

ponderable 短语词组

1、ponderable matter ─── 可量物质

2、ponderable lysimeter ─── 可折叠的溶解仪

3、ponderable questions ─── 可思考的问题

4、ponderable define ─── 可琢磨的定义

5、ponderable quotes ─── 可琢磨的引语

ponderable 词性/词形变化,ponderable变形

名词: ponderability |

ponderable 同义词

appreciable | substantial | considerable | weighty | significant | cogitable | palpable

ponderable 反义词


ponderable 相似词语短语

1、ponderably ─── 沉重地

2、ponderal ─── 笨重的

3、imponderable ─── adj.无重量的;无法计算的;n.无法衡量的事物

4、ponderables ─── adj.有重量的;可称量的;有价值的;n.值得考虑的事物

5、plunderable ─── 可掠夺的

6、nondurable ─── adj.不耐用的,不持久的;n.非耐久品

7、orderable ─── 有秩序的;按顺序的;有条理的

8、ponderance ─── n.重量;重要性

9、ponderate ─── 加权

ponderable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Brigit did not ponder on these things too long. ─── 布丽吉德没花很长时间考虑这些事情。

2、Before treating this problem mathematically we may pause and ponder its physical origin. ─── 在对这个问题作数学处理之前,我们不妨推敲一下它的物理根源。

3、This is something that Singaporeans who have grown used to affluence and have little experiences with natural calamities should ponder about. ─── 单就这一点,便对丰衣足食、少有机会经历天灾的新加坡人有深重意义。

4、People from around the world flock to Machu Picchu to admire its stonework and interesting architecture - and ponder the unknowns. ─── 从世界各地来的人们蜂拥至马丘比丘来欣赏它的石艺和有趣的建筑,思考未解之事。

5、For the grandeur and beauty of creatures lead us to ponder on their Author, greater and more magnificent. ─── 因为,从受造物的伟大和美丽,人可以推想到这些东西的创造者。

6、We will ponder your proposition and when we decide we will let you know. ─── 我们将考虑你们的建议,一旦我们作出了决定,便会通知你们。

7、The first story of the Bible has given us many good points to ponder and study. ─── 圣经的第一个故事给了我们很多好的启示,如果我们有空研究会有用。

8、Today, the humanitarianism thought still was the theoretically difficult problem, needs our unceasingly ponder and the exploration. ─── 在今天,人道主义思想仍然是理论上的难题,需要我们不断地思考与探索。

9、There are many things to ponder over in regard to this project. ─── 关于这项工程有许多事情要考虑。

10、Lest thou shouldest ponder the path of life, her ways are moveable, that thou canst not know them. ─── 以致他找不着生命平坦的道。他的路变迁不定,自己还不知道。

11、They would do well to pause and ponder upon eir new responsibilities. ─── 人们最好还是停一停,好好地想一想自己所负的新责任。

12、God! Please forgive me for the ponder! Do not have to smile! ─── 主啊!请宽恕我的思考吧!千万不要笑啊!

13、He often inspires us to ponder over questions this way. ─── 他常用这种方式启发我们思考问题。

14、Simultaneously is also an edifyfier, inspires the student to ponder, guides the student to imagine. ─── 同时又是一个启发者,启发学生思考,引导想象。

15、Learn extensively, inquire thoroughly, ponder prudently, discriminate clearly, and practice devotedly. ─── 博学之,审问之,慎思之,明辩之,笃行之.有弗学,学之弗能弗措也;

16、But it still remain a ponderable problem. ─── 今南京方言属北方方言的江淮官话。

17、She had cause to ponder over this until they met again--several weeks or more. ─── 在他们再度相见之前,她有理由反复思考这件事--几个星期或者更久。

18、We should try to summarize ponderable experience lesson from our failure. ─── 我们应该试着从我们的失败中总结有价值的经验教训。

19、"But what IS the meaning of life?" Seek your answers --> here

20、If this is indeed the case , then the current situation should make us ponder our futuer existence . ─── 如果事实确实如此,那么,现状应该促使我们对我们未来的生存进行思索了。

21、Tesla knew every "ponderable body" had an electrical content, and as such, proportionally interacted with the surrounding aether. ─── 特斯拉知道每一个“有重量物体”都有一个电子容量,同样地,成比例地与周围的以太相互作用。

22、Ponder ancient times evolution and relatedness technical and the modern science and technology. ─── 三.思考古代科技与现代科技之演变与关联性。

23、He left the porter to ponder on these words, not knowing which most to admire, the master or the servant. ─── 他丢下门房,让他去细细地咀嚼这几句话,后者被弄得莫名其妙的,不知道这主仆二人究竟哪一个更值得钦佩。

24、Do more than hear, listen. Do more than think, ponder. ─── 不要只是听听,去聆听。不要只是想想,去深思。

25、Just how a secondary school could achieve such a success despite dire economic circumstances is a good question for us to ponder over. ─── 为什么一所中学在那样困苦的经济环境中能那样成功,是值得我们深思的。

26、Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established. ─── 26要修平你脚下的路,坚定你一切的道。

27、And once again, I began to ponder life, death, and consciousness. ─── 再一次,我开始思考生命、死亡和意识的问题。

28、All ponderable bodies are constantly in motion in through space. ─── 所有有重量的物质都不断地处于运动中,贯穿空间。

29、"We just haven't time to ponder, to philosophize. ─── “我们只是没有时间沉思默想、把一切哲学化。

30、Ten years ago, books I read mostly advised me to pause and ponder for at least one year before deciding to quit if I felt unhappy on my job. ─── 十年前,我看的书大部分都建议,在公司不快乐、工作不再有挑战,也许是因为人事不太融洽,至少应该想一年,才决定离开。

31、The works exposes human being's living troubles, guides the people to ponder and experience the cruelty of living. ─── 作品暴露了人类生存的困境,引导人们去思考和体验残酷的人生。

32、We can ponder over the ways and means before the construction work starts. ─── 我们可以在建筑工程开工之前考虑各种筹款集资措施。

33、He sits to ponder his misfortune there. ─── 他坐在那里沉思着他的不幸。

34、Certainly, the new material gives us the technology facilitates, also has provided some new ponder methods. ─── 当然,新材料给予我们技术便利的时候,也提供了一种新的思考方法。

35、The good thing about the NBA is that you have no time to ponder about that loss as you already have to look ahead to the next game tonight. ─── 在NBA比赛其中一个好处就是你根本就不会有时间去沉思过去的失利,因为下一场比赛已经在眼前了。

36、Perhaps most people are willing to cook, eat, and from time to time, ponder becoming a chef. ─── 大多数人可能更愿意不厌其烦地做饭,吃饭,并时不时琢磨着当一当美食家。

37、Thus I decided to rest my aged bones and ponder for a while. ─── 因此我决定让我这把老骨头好好休息休息,仔细思考一会儿。

38、The fool was abashed and began to ponder gloomily how he might put an end to these unpleasant rumours. ─── 愚人感到羞愧,于是开始忧郁地思考他该怎样对这些令人不快的谣传做个了断。

39、Would-be novelists scribble in notepads and ponder their next line of dialogue. ─── 想当小说家的人摇著笔杆苦思故事情节发展。

40、Brigit did not ponder on things too long. The morning was too lovely for problems or gloom. ─── 布丽奇特对这些事情没有进行过多考虑。如此可爱的早晨不宜思考问题或闷闷不乐。

41、While Godard encourages the audience to keep certain aestheticdistance from films so as to ponder independently. ─── 从外显的叙述者角度来看,特吕弗电影擅长运用具有诗歌倾向的文学语言来营造诗意;

42、Only when I am by myself can I concentrate and ponder on problems. ─── 一人独处时,我才能集中精力思考问题。

43、What fun to ponder what might have happened at Waterloo, if it hadn't rained heavily on the night of June 18th 1815, or if Xerxes had won at Salamis. ─── 举个例子:假如1815年6月18日的那个晚上没有滂沱大雨的话,谁将获得滑铁卢战役的胜利?如果薛西斯赢得了撒拉密斯战役的话,又将会如何?以这种方式回顾历史的确很有趣。

44、You should pause and ponder now. ─── 你现在应该停下来仔细考虑一下。

45、Some emporiums begin to ponder to make the figure 8 in the commodities' price to cater to the customers' psychology. ─── 一些商场为了迎合顾客的心理,在商品的价格上,也开始动8的脑筋。

46、The authors ponder not just how the poor spend their money but also how they make it. ─── 作者思考的不仅是穷人怎样花钱,还有他们如何挣钱。

47、To consider carefully; ponder. ─── 仔细考虑;思索

48、Calls in the remote ponder, belongs lonely own. ─── 在遥远的沉思中唤回,属于自己的孤独。

49、My son started to ponder overit. ─── 儿子开始沉思了。

50、In your thoughts you will ponder the former terror: "Where is that chief officer? ─── 18你的心必思想那惊吓的事,自问说,记数目的在哪里呢?

51、"If this is indeed the case, then the current situation should make us ponder our future existence. ─── 如果事实确实如此,那么,现状应该促使我们对我们未来的生存进行思索了。

52、Always after this time this mood this kind of ponder, the surge of emotion surge to move. ─── 总在这段时光这份心情这种思索之后,心潮涌动。

53、common ponderable for sky enthusiasts is deciding if that bright spot near the horizon is the planet Venus. ─── 对星空爱好者来说,常见的疑难之一是地平线附近的亮斑是否为金星。

54、All mankind will fear; they will proclaim the works of God and ponder what he has done. ─── 众人都要害怕,要传扬上帝的工作,并且明白他的作为。

55、In the local ending of eye end end, can have drawn a little appeared compare ponder dot. Begin to be drawn to eye end in next palpebral 1/3 place next. ─── 在眼尾末梢的地方收尾,可以稍微画过一点显得比较玩味点。然后在下眼睑的三分之一处开始向眼尾画。

56、When the victor did not dread when execution loser, has this person not once thought of the conversion ponder? ─── 当胜利者毫无忌惮的处死失败者时,难道这个人不曾想到过换位思考吗?

57、To take careful thought or think carefully about; ponder. ─── 慎重考虑仔细思考或深思熟虑;深思

58、Maple leaf sense of life, I ponder. ─── 一叶枫叶而知人生,我深想。

59、We should try to summarize ponderable experience lesson from our failure. ─── 我们应该试着从我们的失败中总结有价值的经验教训。

60、He wanted to think about it--to ponder over it, to decide whether it were best. ─── 他要好好想一想--仔细地考虑一下,决定这是否是上策。

61、As always,I ponder the students' response only to arrive at the same question. " How to make foreigners want to speak to and be friends with you? ─── 像往常一样,我总把对学生们反应的思考归结为一个问题:"怎样才能使外国人想与你交谈并和你交朋友呢?

62、To go over extensively in the mind;ponder. ─── 思虑仔细而广泛地考虑;思索

63、Actually imitates writes the sentence, must see clearly surely the topic ponder spot. ─── 其实仿写句子,必定要看清题目的思考点。

64、Always be in ponder over condition, be in namely guide! ─── 总处于思考状态,就是在引导!

65、We learn in this small space to respect the ponder mutually, the study, ascertains and the creation. ─── 在这块小小的空间我们学会相互尊重思考,学习,捉摸和创造。

66、He wanted to ponder the next move / what to do next quietly. ─── 他想静静地想一想下一步怎么办。

67、Fortunately, many Malays have better things to do than to ponder on the marginalisation issue. ─── 幸好,许多马来人不会把时间浪费在边缘化的课题上。

68、Ponder guess, we still have to keep the San Lu brand, to survive it, so that the dairy industry's giants can be truly repentant. ─── 思前忖后,我们还是要保住三鹿这一品牌,让它生存下去,让这个奶业里的巨头能够痛改前非。

69、Earth leaves each to ponder this. ─── 地球留给每一位来深思这一点。

70、In an Einsteinian Universe, there is no singular point of view, but alternate points of view to ponder a particular problem. ─── 在爱因斯坦的宇宙里,没有单一的视角,要从不同的视角去分析特定的问题。

71、It was much to ponder over, and sufficed to entertain her for more than a year without becoming stale. ─── 可琢磨的东西很多,足够她欣赏个一年半载也不会感到乏味。

72、I shall not ponder on thoughts that are vicious, malicious, unfair, or prejudicial to others. ─── 我不得对其他人起邪念,恶念,贪念以及诅咒之心。

73、These are words for you gentlemen to digest and ponder. ─── 愿诸公深思熟虑之。

74、They were left to ponder on the implications of the announcement. ─── 他们被留下来琢磨这项宣告的含义。

75、The wicked are waiting to destroy me, but I will ponder your statutes. ─── 恶人等待我,要灭绝我,我却要揣摩你的法度。

76、He began to ponder, "Alas!This black-bee has ruined its life overpowered by the sense of smell.Cursed be such sensuous pleasures. ─── 他想,这只蜜蜂由于自己的嗅觉而失去了自己的生命,感官是多么的可怕呀。

77、The globalization ponder and the localilzation practice are the objectives of the design. ─── 全球化的思考和本土化落实是这次设计的宗旨。

78、Ponder and deliberate before you make a move. ─── 悬权而动。

79、Think times represent the time that a user would ponder a Web page before going on to the next page. ─── 思考时间表示用户在继续下个网页之前思考网页的时间。

80、The return of injured captain John Terry and goalkeeper Petr Cech should help Mourinho's cause but he has plenty to ponder on at the turn of the year. ─── 受伤的队长特里和门将切赫的回归将对穆里尼奥有所帮助,但新年初这段时间他还有太多的事情需要认真考虑。

81、Ascended the sky for our each person pair of hand and a cerebrum, was must let us create and the ponder. ─── 上天给了我们每个人一双手和一个大脑,就是要让我们去创造与思考。

82、God!Please forgive me for the ponder! Do not have to smile! ─── 主啊!请宽恕我的思考吧!千万不要笑啊!

83、When we do our stocktaking here in Belize there will be much to ponder. ─── 我们在伯利兹这里做资产盘点时,有许多问题值得深思。

84、He lowered his head to ponder while he slowly stepped onto the small boat.Shi Xiaozi still stood dumbly at the bow. ─── 他一面低头沉思,一面慢慢踱上小船,石小子还站在船头发呆。

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