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chivalry 发音

英:['??v(?)lr?]  美:['??v?lri]

英:  美:

chivalry 中文意思翻译



chivalry 网络释义

n. 骑士精神(复数chivalries);骑士制度

chivalry 短语词组

1、chivalry 2 ─── 侠义2

2、chivalry is dead ─── 骑士精神已死

3、effusive chivalry ─── 热情的骑士精神

4、exhibitor of chivalry crossword ─── 侠义纵横字谜展商

5、chivalry definition ─── 骑士精神定义

6、chivalry quotes ─── 侠义语录

7、age of chivalry ─── 骑士时代

8、chivalry of a failed knight ─── 失败骑士的骑士精神

9、chivalry ps4 ─── 骑士精神ps4

10、chivalry medieval warfare ─── 骑士精神中世纪战争

chivalry 词性/词形变化,chivalry变形

名词复数: chivalries |

chivalry 相似词语短语

1、chicanery ─── n.狡辩;欺骗;强词夺理

2、chivalrous ─── adj.侠义的;骑士的;有武士风度的

3、chivalries ─── n.骑士精神(复数chivalries);骑士制度

4、chivalrously ─── adv.象骑士一样地;侠义地

5、cavalry ─── n.骑兵;装甲兵;装甲部队

6、rivalry ─── n.竞争;对抗;竞赛

7、chivalric ─── adj.骑士的;有武士气概的

8、corivalry ─── 科里瓦里

9、corrivalry ─── n.竞争的对手(corrival的变形)

chivalry 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、characteristic of the time of chivalry and knighthood in the Middle Ages ─── 具有中世纪的骑士精神和骑士身份特征的

2、The legend of king arthur represent the apotheosis of chivalry ─── 亚瑟王的传说代表骑士精神的顶峰

3、2. The Order of the Garter is an ancient order of chivalry. ─── 嘉德勋位是古老的骑士勋位.

4、Would it not be common chivalry to make her independent, if she wished? ─── 只要她愿意,使她能独立、自主,这岂不是普通的侠义精神吗?

5、A Dream about Chivalry of Intellectuals --The History of Chivalrous Culture before Tang Dynasty ─── 千古文人侠客梦--浅谈侠文化在唐以前的发展

6、Their traditions include chivalry and all the knightly things. ─── 他们的传统是骑士精神和所有骑士所具有的品质。

7、All chivalric novels of chivalry and history are characterized by a romantic history, but Jin Yong's Lu Ding Ji is much different by a fantastic history. ─── 历史的浪漫化可以说是所有史侠兼备的武侠小说所共有的特点,但将历史荒诞化或许可以认为是金庸的《鹿鼎记》所独有的。

8、The later analyses the exploration of New Chivalry Novels in Mainland China from chivalrous concept, history concept, female concept, religions concept and growth topic. ─── 后者注重分析了“大陆新武侠”在侠义观、历史观、女性观、成长主题和宗教观念五个方面的探索。

9、You want to be a chivalry, don't you? ─── 你想当名骑士是吗?

10、International Commission for Orders of Chivalry ─── 国际骑士团委员会

11、He seemed to be the very kind of man to do all sorts of things that were "bad form, " a man who might even go as far as chivalry. ─── 他似乎就是那个会干出一切“有失体统”事情的人,甚至还可以干出豪侠事情来的人。

12、Spanish writer best remembered for'Don Quixote'which satirizes chivalry and influenced the development of the novel form (1547-1616) ─── 因讽刺性地写《唐吉诃德》而被纪念的西班牙作家,影响了长篇小说的发展(1547-1616)

13、new chivalry fiction in mainland China ─── 大陆新武侠

14、For more than 300 years, French barons ruled over the Anglo-Saxons, bringing over a higher culture, including court manners, chivalry, ways of dress and eating. ─── 其后法国贵族陆续来到英国,统治盎格鲁撒克逊人300余年。 他们带来较高的文化,如宫廷礼仪、骑士制度、服饰、饮食等等。

15、Originally a person of noble birth trained to arms and chivalry,today in Great Britain a person honored by the sovereign for personal merit. ─── 原指出身贵族训练武器和骑士精神的人,今指在英国因个人功劳而被君主嘉奖的人。

16、The Cuture of Chivalry and Banditry and Shaanxi Modern literary Creation ─── 侠匪文化与当代陕西创作

17、Evaluated from its attack against the social situations of that time, its value in thinking is much higher compared with the novels involving legal matter and chivalry confluence. ─── 从借题抨击时政这一角度看待《武则天四大奇案》一书,它的思想价值比仅从公案侠义合流的小说角度评价,要高出一大截。

18、The legend of king arthur represent the apotheosis of chivalry. ─── 亚瑟王的传说代表骑士精神的顶峰。

19、The Height of Chivalry during the Middle Ages ─── 中世纪骑士精神的极致

20、While ancient Chinese literary works appeared in a number of valiant work as a theme of chivalrous swordsman, such as the Tang Dynasty Knight novels, and some chivalry Novels of the Qing Dynasty. ─── 于是形成了这样一个特殊局面:讨论汉以后的侠士,不能再借助于史书的支持了。

21、Chivalry, pure and passionless women, unearthly beauty, some high southern fantasy possessed them ─── 侠义的作风,纯朴而不动情的女人,超自然的美,这些南方的幻想占有了他们。

22、He was not a student of chivalry. ─── 他并不是一个骑士道的信奉者。

23、Social and Cultural Root Causes of Confluence of Chivalry Stories and Detective Stories ─── 侠义小说和公案小说合流的社会文化探源

24、Genius of Christianity or Genius of Chivalry? ─── 基督宗教精神还是骑士精神?

25、The New Chivalry Novels in Mainland China and the Folk Character of the Martial Arts Fiction ─── 大陆新武侠与武侠小说的民间性

26、Chivalry, pure and passionless women, unearthly beauty: the high Southern fantasy possessed them. ─── 侠义的作风,纯洁而不动情的女人,超自然的美:这些南方的幻想占有了他们。

27、The Middle Ages were also the great age of chivalry. ─── 中世纪也是骑士制度盛行的时代。

28、The show was an adaptation of chivalry fiction master, Jin Yong's novel for TV. ─── 剧情说明/金庸原著的武侠小说,少侠胡斐的爱恨情仇,让人荡气迴肠。

29、Pity and chivalry were just tools that he used to prettify the bourgeois. ─── 另一方面他力图挽救资本主义制度,为本阶级寻找出路。

30、This courtly poetry came out of the idea of chivalry and courtly love that you might associate with knights in shining armor. ─── 这种宫廷风格的诗歌来源于骑士精神和宫廷式的爱情,你可能会把它与穿着闪亮盔甲的骑士联系在一起。

31、Is chivalry a matter of upbringing, politeness/gentlemanly behavior, or a player's routine and way of getting the girl? ─── “绅士”精神是一种修养,是一种礼貌性的客套还是“情场老手”惯用的伎俩?

32、My dream is to be a real "knight" or cavalier. The chivalry are very nobleness, I really repine it. ─── 我想要当一个真正的骑士,骑士精神非常的高尚我很向往。

33、Don Quixote makes chivalry seem absurd ─── 堂吉诃德使骑士精神看起来很荒谬可笑

34、The Spiritual Influence of the Mohist Ideology on the "Chivalry" in China ─── 墨家思想对中国“侠义”精神的影响

35、chivalry literature ─── 侠义文学

36、Spanish writer best remembered for "Don Quixote" which satirizes chivalry and influenced the development of the novel form (1547-1616). ─── 因讽刺性地写《唐吉诃德》而被纪念的西班牙作家,影响了长篇小说的发展(1547-1616)。

37、In the sombre wars of modern democracy chivalry finds no place. ─── 在现代民主政治下进行的残酷战争中,侠义行为是没有地位的。

38、This Courtly Poetry came out of the idea of chivalry and courtly love that you might associate with knights in shining armor. ─── 这首宫廷诗取材于骑士精神和典雅爱恋,你可能会想到这与身穿闪光的盔甲的骑士有关。

39、He admires the chivalry of knights in Middle Ages ─── 他很佩服中世纪武士的侠义精神。

40、He had a sort of instinctive chivalry in him. ─── 在他身上有一种天生的骑士精神。

41、"Chivalry was then in its zenith" (Henry Hallam). ─── “骑士精神当时正处于巅峰状态” (亨利·哈勒妣)。

42、of the Garter is an ancient order of chivalry. ─── 勋位是古老的骑士勋位。

43、Among our poets the dream of the period of a circle of chivalry here is encouraged for the pleasure of the imagination. ─── 在我们的诗人骚客中,这个关于骑士时期的梦仍得到了鼓励,它给了他们驰骋想象力的乐趣。

44、He looked up at them with great chivalry . ─── 他非常有礼貌地抬头瞧她们。

45、In late medieval Christianity, Michael together with St George became the patron of chivalry, and the patron of the first chivalric order of France, the Order of Saint Michael of 1469. ─── 在中世纪后期的基督教里面,米迦勒与圣乔治一起,成为了骑士制度的发起者,也是法国首个武士勋章,1469年的圣米迦勒勋章的资助者。

46、He had a sort of instinctive chivalry in him ─── 在他身上有一种天生的骑士风度。

47、A paragon of chivalry; a heroic champion. ─── 中世纪君主,王公的战士骑士团的模范人物;英雄的战士

48、He was admired for his chivalry. ─── 他因他的骑士风度而受到景仰。

49、In later times, fiction and drama greatly romanticized the reputed chivalry of this period. ─── 后代的小说和戏剧极大的浪漫化了那个时代的英雄气概。

50、What he craved was books of poetry and chivalry. ─── 他渴望得到的是诗集和骑士气概。

51、Sated and miserable in hedonistic Rome, he looks to the chivalry of the knights crusader. ─── 厌倦了快乐主义的罗马,他向往十字军骑士精神。

52、A paragon of chivalry;a heroic champion. ─── 中世纪君主,王公的战士骑士团的模范人物;英雄的战士

53、He was an apotheosis of chivalry. ─── 他是骑士精神的典范。

54、Now that I think of it, it's rather romantic, something from the ancient time you know? something associate with chivalry, hiahia, like those fortune tellers who wear long gown and read the stars. ─── 但是经度很难。确定经度,需要知道船上的当地时间,还需要知道任何一个已知位置(比如出发港)同时刻的当地时间。然后可以计算出来。

55、Without any reason, when I was young and read the first book talking about the life of knights, I fall in love with this word "Chivalry". ─── 不知道为什么,在小时候第一次看到一本关于中世纪的骑士生活的书的时候,我就喜欢上了骑士的那种精神。

56、He seemed to be the very kind of man to do all sorts of things that were "bad form," a man who might even go as far as chivalry. ─── 他似乎就是那个会干出一切“有失体统”事情的人,甚至还可以干出豪侠事情来的人。

57、How do characters develop Chivalry and Dread? ─── 品质如何获得骑士精神和令人恐惧?

58、Even the dullest of the chivalry perceived that this was a plain case of "put up or shut up. " ─── 就连那些感觉最迟钝的骑士,都瞧出这回明明是得“拿出真凭实据,否则免开尊口了”。

59、From the love which strives to break up marriage to the love which is to be its foundation there is still a long road, which chivalry never fully traversed. ─── 从这种力图破坏婚姻的爱情,到那应该成为婚姻的基础的爱情,还有一段漫长的路程,这段路程骑士们是走不到头的。

60、ICO; International Commission for Orders of Chivalry; ─── 国际骑士团委员会;

61、There was not a sufficiency of chivalry in Hurry to induce him to hazard the safety of his own person. ─── 赫里这人缺乏骑士精神,他不肯轻易拿自己的生命去冒险。

62、"Say rather," said the King, "that I will not give way, Dunois, to the headlong impetuosity, which, on some punctilio of chivalry, would wreck yourselves, the throne, France, and all. ─── “我主人的第二个要求,”特使说道,“是请陛下不再和公爵的城市根特、列日和马林暗中来往。

63、Not only wise and fair policy, but chivalry, honour, and sympathy for a small threatened people made an overwhelming concentration. ─── 不仅要有明智而公正的政策,还要有侠义精神、道义感,以及对受威胁的小国的同情,才会形成一股不可抗拒的力量。

64、Reserve to yourself some innocence , and keep to your friends some chivalry . ─── 做人存几分天真童心,对朋友保持一些侠义之情。

65、Chivalry, pure and passionless women, unearthly beauty: the high Southern fantasy possessed them ─── 侠义的作风,纯洁而不动情的女人,超自然的美:这些南方的幻想占有了他们。

66、The hero, Don Quixote, loses his wits from reading too many romances and comes to believe that he is a knight destined to revive the golden age of chivalry. ─── 书中讲述唐吉诃德由于受到浪漫小说的影响,相信自己就是复兴骑士时代的战士。

67、She'll be impressed that you took the effort for her and your chivalry will increase your chances of a second date. ─── 你的行为会给她留下个好印象并增加促成下次约会的可能性哦。

68、The New Chivalry Novel in Mainland China and Its Genre Creation ─── 大陆新武侠与武侠小说的文体创新

69、As the flower of French chivalry, they have an elan that is unrivalled. ─── 作为法兰西骑士之骄傲,贵族骑士们锐气四射,极为剽悍。

70、While she climbs the tree to enjoy her meal, he demonstrates that chivalry isn't dead by chasing off a pesky hyena. ─── 在她爬到树上享用自己的美餐时,他通过赶跑了一只讨厌的土狼而展示骑士精神不会消亡。

71、Armchair psychologists say that Americans' growing fascination with antiquing may even represent a subliminal longing for the slower pace, chivalry and gentler times of their great-grandparents' day. ─── 一些好空言议论的心理学家说,美国人越来越著迷怀旧,甚至可能是一种潜意识的渴望放慢生活步调,他们的曾祖父母时代的骑士精神和礼貌。

72、The Nonexistent Knight is an earthy parody of chivalry and knighthood. ─── 《不存在的骑士》故意对骑士小说进行了笨拙的模仿。

73、they developed a feudal system and a system of chivalry in the earlier centuries of the Christian era; ─── 他们在公元的最初几个世纪形成封建制度和骑士制度;

74、For more than 300 years,French barons ruled over the Anglo-Saxons,bringing over a higher culture,including court manners,chivalry,ways of dress and eating. ─── 其后法国贵族陆续来到英国,统治盎格鲁撒克逊人300余年。他们带来较高的文化,如宫廷礼仪、骑士制度、服饰、饮食等等。

75、"My niece," she said, "has bestowed on you a kerchief for the binding of your wound, I will give you one to grace your gallantry, and to encourage you in your farther progress in chivalry. ─── “我的侄女,”她说,“已经把她一条头巾赠送给你包扎伤口。我也想送给你一条来报答你的勇敢,并鼓励你继续发扬你的骑士精神。”

76、Chivalry and Courtly Love in Medieval Europe ─── 中世纪欧洲的骑士精神与宫廷爱情

77、"How little he knows this bosom," she said, "to imagine that cowardice or meanness of soul must needs be its guests, because I have censured the fantastic chivalry of the Nazarenes! ─── “没有!”丽贝卡大声回答,“他们表现得很英勇。黑甲骑士提着大战斧逼近了小门;他把门打得震天价响,在一片喊杀声中还可听到。

78、The order of the Garter is an ancient order of chivalry ─── 嘉德勋位是古老的骑士勋位

79、The Order of the Garter is an ancient order of chivalry. ─── 嘉德勋位是古老的骑士勋位。

80、"New deificationism" of New Chivalry Fiction in Mainland China and Eastern Mystery Fantasy Fiction ─── 大陆新武侠和东方奇幻中的"新神话主义"

81、characteristic of the time of chivalry and knighthood in the Middle Ages. ─── 具有中世纪的骑士精神和骑士身份特征的。

82、He was ever the soul of the chivalry. ─── 他历来就是骑士中的精华。

83、To pay tribute to the knight's chivalry, King Richard summoned the best craftsmen in England to make jewelry and silverware for the wedding. ─── 国王理查为了嘉奖他的勇敢与忠诚,命令召集全国最好的工匠,为骑士的婚礼打造银器与首饰。

84、Cheung Mun Yee, in her eulogy, besides highly praised Ah Mui for her contribution to the Performing Industry., she praised her for her altruism and chivalry, and contribution to the society. ─── 前广播处处长张敏仪,在致悼词时高度称赞梅艳芳除了演艺事业成功之外,还有她的真情与侠义,对社会贡献良多。

85、He has been described as the creature and embodiment of the age of chivalry. ─── 他被描述为骑士时代的产物和化身。

86、Little is known of his reign, though in local legend it figures as a time of romantic chivalry. ─── 关于他统治时代的历史所知不多,虽然在当地的传说中,它是以一个传奇的骑士气概的时代出现的。

87、You should have chivalry. ─── 你应该点绅士风度.

88、originally a person of noble birth trained to arms and chivalry; today in Great Britain a person honored by the sovereign for personal merit. ─── 原指出身贵族训练武器和骑士精神的人;今指在英国因个人功劳而被君主嘉奖的人。

89、There suddenly came into her life a young man who to -her eyes seemed like a knight from the Age of Chivalry. ─── 在她看来庶几近于中古骑士风的青年忽然在她生活路上出现了。

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