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09-08 投稿


stiffening 发音

英:[?st?fn??]  美:[?st?fn??]

英:  美:

stiffening 中文意思翻译



stiffening 短语词组

1、stiffening whipped cream ─── 生硬鲜奶油

2、stiffening agent ─── [化] 硬化剂

3、stiffening of pericardium ─── 心包硬化

4、stiffening girder ─── 加劲大梁, ─── 加劲梁, ─── 加强梁

5、stiffening ring ─── [化] 补强环; 补强圈

6、stiffening piece ─── [化] 加固件

7、tail stiffening ─── 尾部加劲

8、integral stiffening ─── 整体加劲

9、stiffening rod ─── 加劲杆

10、corner stiffening ─── 角部加劲

11、stiffening frame ─── 加劲框架

12、stiffening plate ─── [化] 补强板; 加劲板

13、stiffening temperature ─── 硬化温度

14、stiffening jaw ─── 加劲颚板

15、death stiffening ─── 死后僵直

16、stiffening bar ─── [机] 抗挠筋

17、stiffening rib ─── [化] 加劲肋

18、tension stiffening ─── 拉伸硬化

19、stiffening truss ─── 加劲桁架

stiffening 反义词


stiffening 词性/词形变化,stiffening变形

名词: stiffener |动词过去分词: stiffened |动词过去式: stiffened |动词第三人称单数: stiffens |动词现在分词: stiffening |

stiffening 同义词

reinforce | harden | tighten | toughen | steel | brace | solidify | thicken | lace | freeze | tighten up | constrain | strengthen |congeal

stiffening 相似词语短语

1、starkening ─── starkening公司

2、steepening ─── vt.使陡峭;vi.变陡峭

3、sickening ─── adj.令人厌恶的;患病的

4、stiffing ─── v.欺骗;不给……小费;冷落;杀死;(新产品、电影等)不畅销(stiff的现在分词)

5、stiffen ─── vi.变硬;变猛烈;变粘;vt.使变硬;使粘稠

6、stiffenings ─── v.使变硬(stiffen的现在分词);n.使衣服等变硬的材料

7、softening ─── n.[油脂]软化;变软;v.使…变柔软(soften的ing形式)

8、stiffen up ─── 形成僵持局面

9、slickening ─── 光滑

stiffening 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As soon as he touched her she seemed to wince and stiffen. ─── 只消他碰到她,她便一阵畏缩,全身僵硬。

2、Potter looked at his enemy. "I ain't got a gun on me, Scratchy, " he said, "Honest, I ain't. " He was stiffening and steadying. ─── 波特看着对手。“我没有带枪,斯克莱奇,”他说,“真的,我没有带。”他开始镇定和强硬起来。

3、This paper presents a new method of establishing node stiffen matrix ofthe frame of a car by combining the experiment mesurement and finite elementmethod. ─── 介绍采用实验测试与有限元计算相结合建立车架节点刚度矩阵的新方法。

4、A wiry fabric woven especially from horsehair or camel's hair, used for upholstering and for stiffening garments. ─── 毛布一种织物,尤其是由马毛或骆驼毛织成的,用于做家具垫布和外衣硬衬。

5、This suggests that the self-stiffening is not the result of chemical changes in the polymer, which can usually be undone by heat. ─── 这说明材料强度提高并不是聚合物发生化学反应造成的,一般这种变化在加热状态下是可逆的。

6、The replicas are made by using a thin film of fusible alloy on a stiffening platen. ─── 复制是用附着在加强托板上的可熔合金薄膜实现的。

7、You will only stiffen his resolve. ─── 你只会坚定他的决心。

8、They found a way to stiffen the C4 chains by propping them up with extra hydrocarbon groups. ─── 他们的方法是加进额外的碳氢基,强化C4碳链的结构,使之不易断裂。

9、And while your body needs a little of these fatty acids, too many cause stiffening of cell membranes and inflammation. ─── 当你的体内需要少量此类脂肪酸时,摄入过多会导致细胞膜硬化和发炎。

10、Then Adopt injection reinforce strata,reinforced timbering,stiffen resist support for resist let conjoint compound support,roger good effect. ─── 修复时采取了注浆加固地层、加强支护,变硬抗支护为抗让结合的复合支护,收到了很好的效果。

11、It is shown in experimental study that the coupled shear walls with stiffening coupling beams is superior to the common coupled shear walls in aseismic performance. ─── 对双肢剪力墙的连梁采用数学方法进行了分析,并且考虑在不同情况下连梁所需的延性。

12、distance between stiffening rings ─── 加强圈间距

13、With their javelins and swords, they are solid infantry, and useful for stiffening the commoners who comprise the rest of the footmen. ─── 他们装备链甲轻矛,作战极为强悍,通常与平民步兵并肩杀敌。

14、stiffening rib punch = stinger ─── 加强筋冲子

15、Soft black reinforced with stiffening plate ─── 带增强筋

16、Emil stood looking down at her, holding his shoulders stiff and stiffening the arm to which she clung. ─── 爱弥儿站在那里,低头望着她,他的双肩是那么的强健,她依靠的那只胳膊是那么有力。

17、The results showed that the stiffening agent increased MFI and the rigidity of PP, reduced processing temperature and daze, and improved processability and optical properties of PP. ─── 同时降低了PP的雾度,改善了PP的光学性能,也提高了PP的刚性。

18、The detailed process of model updating and validating is discussed in terms of reduced scale specimen of the steel box girder in longitudinal stiffening truss of a long span bridge. ─── 以实验室的大跨桥梁结构钢箱梁纵向加劲桁架缩尺试样为研究平台,具体讨论了多尺度模型修正和验证的实施过程。

19、Additional, stiffening agent is OK still with all round constituent happening adhesion, cure of the operation after giving brings a trouble. ─── 另外,硬化剂还可以与周围组织发生粘连,给以后手术治疗带来麻烦。

20、When you are about to kiss on the lips, keep your lips soft and relaxed; this is not the time to stiffen up. ─── 当即将亲吻到嘴唇的时候,要保持嘴唇柔软而放松,这时可不要让你的嘴唇变得僵硬。

21、"If she walked into classroom,our backs would stiffen and our knees would start to shake. ─── "每当她走进教室,我们就觉得背开始发僵,两腿开始颤抖。

22、The man who has lost this pleasure or exchanged it for the pleasure of dogma, which is the pleasure of answering, is already beginning to stiffen. ─── 一个人,如果丧失了这种提问的乐趣,或者把它换成了教条的答案,并且以此为乐,那么,他的头脑已经开始僵化了。

23、You can stiffen up the collars by dipping them in this special liquid. ─── 你可以把领子浸泡在这种特殊的液体里使其变硬。

24、No genius, not a bad guy, but the attacks are hurting and stiffening him. ─── 不是天才,人也不坏,但是四面八方的攻击伤了他的感情,使他横下了心。

25、In order to stiffen floor joists and add to their strength, it is normal in Britain to fix strutting between hem at regular intervals. This can either be solid strutting, the most effective, or herringbone strutting as shown in Fig. 8. ─── 在英国,为了加固楼板的支承梁并加强其强度,通常在楼板梁之间安装一定间隔的剪刀撑。既可以用最有效的坚固支撑物,也可以用人字形剪刀撑,如图8所示。

26、The stiffening and immobility of a joint as the result of disease,trauma,surgery,or abnormal bone fusion. ─── 关节僵硬关节由于疾病、肿瘤、外科手术或反常的骨聚合而变得僵硬、不灵活

27、New Cagliari coach Nedo Sonetti wants to stiffen his midfield and sees the Ghana international as the ideal ball-winner his team has been crying out for. ─── 卡利亚里主帅索内蒂希望加强球队的中场,所以希望能在冬季等到巴鲁索这名加纳国脚。

28、The tip of the cantilevered braced frame is effectively suspended by its connection to the same primary diagonal cables that simultaneously stiffen the cable net wall. ─── 因此上部楼层东南角和西南角的核心体和柱子之间就会形成一个桥式跨度。

29、stiffening rib made of shape steel ─── 型钢加劲肋

30、I noticed him stiffen when I mentioned money. ─── 当我提到钱时,我注意到他变得不自然。

31、Khyron was imagining his underlings stiffening into postures of salute inside the pods when the voice of Gerao entered the headset. ─── 当杰瑞的声音传入头戴装置的时候,凯伦正在想橡他的部下艰难的在战斗气囊里行军礼的样子.

32、The stiffening effect of the MRG should be considered in modeling the dynamic behavior of shear-type MRG damper for rotor system. ─── 在建立转子系统剪切型磁流变脂阻尼器动力模型时必须考虑磁流变脂"刚化"效应的影响。

33、To stiffen. ─── 使衣服挺括。

34、The man who has lost this pleasure or exchanged it for the pleasure of dogma , which is the pleasure of answering (free translation), is already beginning to stiffen. ─── 一个人如果失去了这种乐趣,或者以武断的乐趣取代了它,也就是说,以能解答问题而沾沾自喜,他也就开始僵化了。

35、buttress stiffening cross wall ─── 垛子加劲墙

36、Application of Stiffening Agent to Polypropylene ─── 增刚剂在聚丙烯中的应用研究

37、A steel rule die is introdused which have strengthen layers and have e-poxy resin bonded to the die board to stiffen the die board against flexing during handling. ─── 介绍一种钢带模,含有多层加强层,并用环氧树脂粘到模板上,以防止在运送装卸模具过程中使模板弯曲,同时为防止钢带松动及提高模具使用寿命。

38、Arterial stiffening places an extra load on the heart, and is a primary cause of hypertension. ─── 动脉壁的硬化会增加心脏负荷,是导致高血压的基本原因。

39、His courage seemed suddenly to stiffen of its own accord. ─── 他猛可里满心充满了勇气。

40、Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and stiffen your neck no more. ─── 为此,你们要心受割损,不要再执拗,

41、In adults, the same fluoride level appears to increase the risk of bone fracture and, possibly, of moderate skeletal fluorosis, a painful stiffening of the joints. ─── 对成人来说,相同剂量的氟化物看来会增加骨折的风险,并可能造成骨氟中毒,使得关节僵硬疼痛。

42、With their light spears and mail, they are solid infantry, and useful for stiffening the commoners who comprise the rest of the footmen. ─── 他们装备链甲标枪,作战极为强悍,通常与平民步兵并肩杀敌。

43、Joints stiffen with advancing years. ─── 人一上年纪,关节就变僵硬了。

44、A litre of teacan contain up to 9mg of fluoride, which in excess can cause skeletal fluorosis, reducing bone quality and causing pain and stiffening of the ligaments. ─── 一升茶树含有高达9毫克的氟化物,过量会导致氟骨症,降低骨骼质量,导致疼痛和韧带僵硬。

45、Now scientists have improved rice once again, this time by stiffening the plant. ─── 当前,科学家已经再次改善了稻子,这次的改善是通过使作物变硬。

46、While other people stiffen their sinews with something stronger, the English constitution merely demands tea. ─── 别国的人用更烈性的东西来增强体力,但英国人的体质却只需要茶。

47、During each stage of erection, main downcomers and stiffening bars should be temporarily hanged in their girders of structure. ─── 各段吊装过程中,相应主降水管和刚性梁要临时吊挂在相应各层钢架梁上;

48、The mitral-ale tenting area was also measured and used as a quantitatie index for leaflet stiffening and apical displacement of leaflet coaptation. ─── 对二尖瓣幕状区也进行测量,作为定量参数评价发生瓣叶僵硬和瓣叶接合处顶部移位。

49、With greater width, the stiffening plate on a large span steel bridge is usually of the orthotropic type. ─── 大跨度钢桥加劲板件由于板件幅面较大,一般采用正交异性加劲板件。

50、Cigarette smoking also leads to stiffening of the arteries and further eleation of the blood pressure. ─── 吸烟也会导致血管壁的硬化同时进一步引起血压升高。

51、If they adopted as policy what the people were calling for in the heat of the moment, how far would it broaden the movement, and how far might it stiffen opposition? ─── 对此研究以后,他们连续召集全村大会,申明支持群众要求的总的态度,但提出一些修改意见。

52、Deu 10:16 Circumcise then the foreskin of your heart, and stiffen your neck no more. ─── 16所以你们要将心里的污秽除掉,不可再硬著颈项。

53、In order to stiffen floor joists and add to their strength, it is normal in Britain to fix strutting between hem at regular intervals. ─── 在英国,为了加固楼板的支承梁并加强其强度,通常在楼板梁之间安装一定间隔的剪刀撑。

54、As a teenager, I babysat for my “big brother” and learned the proper dosage of medicine to prevent the seizures that caused him to stiffen and tremble. ─── 到十几岁时,我成了“大哥”的贴身保姆,学会了按量给他喂药,以防他突然发病。一发作,他就会发抖,浑身僵硬。

55、But by 5 o'clock the lab was distorting, and his limbs were stiffening. ─── 但到5点左右,实验室遽然变成哈哈镜,他的四肢也逐渐僵硬了。

56、The stiffening girder must be forecasted and controlled timely in order to make it safe enough to span stiffening girder. ─── 为确保悬索桥加劲梁架设阶段的安全顺利的进行,必须对加劲梁架设实施实时预测控制。

57、He knew how he was regarded, and perhaps this fact added some trifle of stiffening to his natural dignity, which had been sufficiently stiff in its original state. ─── 他知道自己受到什么样的看待,也许,这一事实给他那生来就十分高傲的尊严添了几分更加高傲的气度。

58、If the elbow fails to adjust, the hand and fingers will stiffen and play unevenly, skipping notes. ─── 如果肘关节没能调整好,那么手和手指就可能变得僵硬,弹奏出音符也会不均衡,跳跃不定。

59、stiffening agent for chemical fibre ─── 化纤布硬化剂

60、But when the emotion that leads to stiffening the lip is more intense, and involves strong muscle tension, facial feedback may heighten emotional response. ─── 但是当导致嘴唇僵硬的情绪变得更加强烈,并导致肌肉强烈绷紧时,面部表情反应就可能会增强情绪反应。

61、Arterial stiffening places an extra load on the heart, and is a primary cause of hypertension. ─── 动脉壁的硬化会增加心脏负荷,是导致高血压的基本原因。

62、stiffening cylinder shell structure ─── 加劲柱壳结构

63、Federer heroically saved seven match points, two of them with aces, to stay in the match, but as his legs started to stiffen Murray was able to clinch a famous victory. ─── 可是随着费德勒的脚步越来越沉重,穆雷笑到了最后。

64、The calender frames are provided with stiffening ribs and distension treatment granting the maximum rigidity together with the absence of distortions and vibrations. ─── 压延机框架带有加强肋,并经过膨胀处理,从而赋予最佳的刚性,防止发生扭曲和振动。

65、The storm was stiffening then. ─── 那会儿,风暴变得越来越猛烈。

66、It is very difficult to detect the drying mechanism, and determin e the critical point of stiffening reaction by normal analysis methods. ─── 在海藻酸钙胶囊干燥过程中,用常规分析方法确定干燥机理和硬化反应关键点等比较困难。

67、emulsifying and stiffening agent ─── 乳化及硬化剂

68、Mechamical calculation method for jacket vessel with spiral plate, spiral plate setting and strength check were discussed, it shows that spiral plate can be used as stiffening ring. ─── 介绍带螺旋导流板的夹套容器强度计算方法、螺旋导流板的设置及强度校核等,螺旋导流板可起到加强圈的作用。

69、" "No, " said Thomas, stiffening. ─── “不,”托马斯生硬地说。

70、stiffening ring attached to vessel ─── 与容器连接的加强环

71、lug support with stiffening ring ─── 刚性环耳式支座

72、During the spasms, children will suddenly bend forward and stiffen their arms and legs. ─── 在筋挛时,儿童会突然捲曲向前,且手臂与脚僵硬。

73、There are so many conincing reasons to stop smoking that you may not need to hear about this new one: Kicking the smoking habit can reerse the stiffening of your arteries. ─── 在许多令人置信的戒烟理由中有一个新的理由你可能必须要听一听,那就是戒烟可以松弛你变硬的动脉。

74、Her mouth stiffening , she could not elaborate. ─── 她嘴巴僵直,无法细说下去。

75、He tried to stiffen his wavering soldiers. ─── 他企图使动摇的士兵坚强起来。

76、In the first week of August, the Wiking's spearheads were in the foothills of the Caucasus mountains and resistance started to stiffen in the huge sunflower fields that were all over the region. ─── 在8月的第一个星期里,“维京”师进抵高加索山脚,此时苏军的防御变得顽强,他们从周围的向日葵地里不断的阻击德军。

77、ear supports with stiffening ring ─── 带刚性环耳座

78、One advantage of using the braced-chain suspenders is that they largely dispense with the need for a system of stiffening, being themselves rigid. ─── 使用悬链吊索的一个优点在于,吊索本身是钢性结构,因而在很大程度上可免去加筋系统。

79、Nevertheless, there was a more permanent military force composed of trained soldiers who provided a stiffening to the fighting morale of the untrained farmers. ─── 不过,县里还有一支由经过训练的战士组成的比较固定的武装,这支力量增强了那些缺乏训练的民兵的士气。

80、This paper introduces the design and construction of Tsing Ma suspension bridge in Hong Kong, including box stiffening girder, tower, anchorages, water proofing, supplies of concrete, etc. ─── 介绍了将于1997年7月前建成的香港青马悬索大桥的设计要求和构造,并对箱形加劲大梁、桥塔和锚碇,及有关防水包括其施工和混凝土的用量作了详细说明。

81、If the stiffening system is inadequate, torsional oscillations due to wind might result in the collapse of the structure. ─── 如加劲桁架力量不足,风引起的扭力振动就会使桥梁坍塌。

82、The stiffening beams of the side spans are prestressed concrete box beams. ─── 主跨加劲梁为钢箱梁,边跨加劲梁为预应力混凝土箱梁。

83、Your job is to stiffen linen with starch. ─── 你的工作是把亚麻台布浆洗硬了。

84、The stiffening and immobility of a joint as the result of disease, trauma, surgery, or abnormal bone fusion. ─── 关节僵硬关节由于疾

85、In 1981 he was brought back from academia to stiffen her resolve in pushing though a budget that cut public spending during a recession, the decisive break with the Keynesian past. ─── 1981年,撒切尔将其从学术界召回,以巩固自己在经济萧条期中通过预算削减公共支出的决心,这象征着同过去凯恩斯主义的决裂。

86、Non-watertight weld joints and fillet welding for stiffening member shall be painted after block inspection. ─── 加强构件的非水密焊接接合和填角焊应该在检查完分段后进行喷漆.

87、In the case of wire-rope suspenders, the stiffening must be provided by trusses constructed at the level of the deck, the depth of the truss varying with the length of the span. ─── 在使用悬链吊索的情况下,应在板桥水平位置上构筑桁架进行加固,桁架高度随跨度长度而有所不同。

88、The paper analyses the stability of rib slab on method of energy,the formula of longitudinal critical force is deduced,and rational arrangement of stiffening rib is discussed. ─── 利用能量法分析了加肋平板的稳定问题,推导了纵向临界力的计算公式,并探讨加劲肋的合理布置。

89、Stiffening members serve two functions, depending on how they are laded. ─── 加强材料成员的两个作用,取决于他们如何被装载。

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