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09-08 投稿



encompassment 发音

英:[[en'k?mp?sm?nt]]  美:[[en'k?mp?sm?nt]]

英:  美:

encompassment 中文意思翻译



encompassment 词性/词形变化,encompassment变形

动词过去式: encompassed |动词现在分词: encompassing |动词过去分词: encompassed |动词第三人称单数: encompasses |名词: encompassment |

encompassment 相似词语短语

1、encompass ─── vt.包含;包围,环绕;完成

2、encompassed ─── vt.包含;包围,环绕;完成

3、encashment ─── n.兑现

4、encompassing ─── adj.包含的,包容的;环绕的;v.包含,包括;围绕,包围;促成,实现(encompass的现在分词形式)

5、encampment ─── n.营地;露营

6、encompasses ─── vt.包含;包围,环绕;完成

7、compartment ─── n.[建]隔间;区划;卧车上的小客房;vt.分隔;划分

8、encasement ─── n.[交]装箱;套;包装

9、accompaniment ─── n.伴奏;伴随物

encompassment 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the future, this network will need to encompass other communities and IFAD partner agencies. ─── 其他一些可能的发展伙伴的链接也将根据情况被置入。

2、Hatha is a very general term that can encompass many of the physical types of yoga. ─── 哈他瑜伽几乎可以说是一个总称,它可以包含许多不同风格的瑜伽。

3、The general art course at the university encompass a wide range of subject. ─── 大学文科包括的科目范围很广。

4、The atmosphere encompass the earth. ─── 大气包围着地球。

5、It has to work in a larger system that is big enough to encompass the Internet. ─── 它必须工作在较大的足够容纳因特网的系统中。

6、The various symbol used encompass some of the most common and some of the rarest devices used during the Third Reich. ─── 各种被使用的符号包括了最常见的和某些第三帝国时期最罕见的图案。

7、The encompassment center displays the good branch secretary's guarantee and the assistant affects ─── 围绕中心发挥好支部书记的保证和助手作用

8、The sounds of life encompass his path. ─── 他在路上只听得四面八方都是人声。

9、Role conflict for women reaches far beyond the fundamental work/family dilemma to encompass a whole constellation of fiercely competing priorities. ─── 女人的角色冲突超越了基本的工作和家庭的困境,到达了包括一个完全激烈竞争的优先权的集合的地步。

10、By summer, spots will expand to encompass the entire dunes. ─── 到了夏天,这些斑点扩大,将包围整个丘陵。

11、His works encompass subtle sentiments, social realism and his life philosophy, and are underscored by an amazing expressivity.He is a major contributor to modern watercolor painting. ─── 兼蓄传统情感、现实社会、人生阅历而自创风格,劲奇舒畅,绵密厚实,开展了现代水彩画新风貌。

12、But there is nothing "odd" about interpreting the term "negligent transmission" to encompass more ground than the decidedly narrower terms "loss" and "miscarriage. ─── 但并没有什么“奇怪”关于解释“一词疏忽传输” ,以包括更多的地面比果断窄的“损失”和“流产” 。

13、encompass advanced stainless steel composite saltpeter-manufacturing equipment,with annual productivities of 120000t. ─── 四川省棱县华康化工有限公司拥有国内先进的不犭钢复合板制硝装置,年产元明粉12万吨。

14、The human rights advocated by China encompass not only the right to subsistence and the civic and political rights, but also economic, cultural and social rights. ─── 中国主张的人权,不只是生存权和公民政治权利,而且包括经济、文化和社会等方面的权利。

15、This would encompass both the activities leading to the printing of a publication such as a book or newspaper,etc.as well as to the activities surrounding the release of it to the public. ─── 出版的意义包括编排和印刷一份物例如书籍或报纸的各项工作;亦可以包括发行及出售与公众的各项工作。

16、No single document could encompass all the shades of interpretation. ─── 但任何一项文件也不可能把各种细微的解释全部包括进去。

17、The words "environment," "medium" denote something more than surroundings which encompass an individual. They denote the specific continuity of the surroundings with his own active tendencies. ─── “环境”、“生活条件”这些词,不仅表示围绕个体的周围事物,还表示周围事物和个体自己的主动趋势的特殊的连续性。

18、These ploys, they say, served to keep the details of a patent secret while allowing him to broaden its scope to encompass technologies invented and commercialized by others. ─── 他们指出,这些手段使专利详细内容无法公开,同时让他得以扩大权利範围,将其他人所发明及商业化的技术给纳入。

19、CIDR combines blocks of addresses regardless of whether they fall within a single classful boundary or encompass many classful boundaries. ─── CIDR联合地址块不管它们是否属于一个有类的范围还是包括多个有类的范围.

20、Other terms such as industrial, specialty, performance and engineered textiles may also be used in some markets, but technical textiles encompass each of these areas. ─── 其它术语如工业纺织、业纺织、程技术纺织也可被应用于某些市场中,但技术纺织却涵盖了这里的每个领域。

21、For example, nutcrackers have phenomenal memories that encompass thousands of food cache locations, a capacity that would challenge most humans. ─── 例如星鸦的记忆力极为惊人,记得住几千个藏食物的地点,大多人都没这个本事。

22、He said: "I saw the film a couple of nights ago and my lips are like the lips of a horse, kind of distending away from my face, trying to encompass the lower half of hers.So I apologise, Bonnie. ─── 他说:“我前些天看了这部电影,我的嘴唇就像马的嘴唇一样,向外突出,还张得很大,使劲想把她的下唇全包住,所以邦妮,我得向你道个歉。”

23、How long will you wander here and there, O apostate daughter? For Jehovah has created a new thing in the earth: A female will encompass a mighty man. ─── 22背道的女子阿,你四处流离要到几时呢?耶和华在地上创作了一件新事,就是女子围护男子。

24、Health and hunger concerns encompass much of the work that Rotary clubs do at the local level. ─── 保健及防饥问题涵盖了扶轮社在地方上大部份的工作。

25、Inevitably, as our list of friends grew to encompass acquaintances, friends of friends and the girl who sat behind us in seventh-grade homeroom, online friendships became devalued. ─── 不可避免地,随着我们的好友列表扩大到熟人、朋友的朋友以及七年级时坐在我们后面的那个女生,网络友谊就开始贬值了。

26、Primack added these notes to a unique archive he has assembled of botanical and wildlife observations that so far encompass 155 years of seasonal changes in Concord, Mass. ─── 在这个档案里,他收集了麻州康可过去155年来在换季时节,野生动植物的观察记录。

27、The term "decompression illness" (DCI) is suggested to encompass all manifestations of diseases following a reduction in ambient pressure, such as ascending from a dive. ─── DCI由此包含了所有由于周遭压力减小(如潜水上升)产生的疾病。

28、WWII COMBATIVES. What the hell does that really encompass? ─── 二战格斗术。它究竟包含些什么东西?

29、to encompass its destruction ─── 促成它的毁灭

30、The islands of the southern,western,and central Pacific Ocean,including Melanesia,Micronesia,and Polynesia. The term is sometimes extended to encompass Australia,New Zealand,and the Malay Archipelago. ─── 大洋洲南部、西部及中部太平洋上的岛屿,包括美拉尼西克、麦克罗尼西克和波利尼西亚。这个词有时也扩展到包括澳大利亚、新西兰及马来群岛。

31、Sung opens the hand hold that one oneself fetch that dull Huang of and decrepit leaf, silently want to let ever the person to lead long the dream encompass! ─── 宋开手里握着那一片枯黄的而且残破的树叶,默默地想着曾经让自己魂牵梦萦的人!

32、"Key Management" is the term used to encompass the various actions related to the generation and protection of cryptographic keys. ─── “密钥管理”是一个术语,包括与生成和保护密钥相关的各种操作。

33、They built a moat to encompass the castle. ─── 他们在城堡周围修了一条护城河。

34、Use values encompass the value of useful products such as timber. ─── 利用价值囊括了有用产品的价值,例如木材。

35、Solutions for small businesses encompass excellent management capabilities combined with ease of use. ─── 中小企业解决方案包含杰出的管理功能以及简易操作。

36、Vascular injuries during central venous catheter (CVC) insertion encompass a wide spectrum of complications, with arterial puncture being the most common. ─── 中心静脉导管置放过程中造成血管受伤包括多种并发症,其中以动脉穿刺为最常见。

37、Your words is somewhat hetoricalhigh-flownexaggerated. Their conversations merely encompass the things relating to tallying work. ─── 你说的有点夸张。他们的谈话只不过围绕与理货工作有关的事。

38、Morton Heilig wrote in the 1950s of an "Experience Theater" that could encompass all the senses in an effective manner, thus drawing the viewer into the onscreen activity. ─── Morton Heilig在1950年写了以一深刻方式包含全部感觉的“体验剧场”,因此将观众带入银幕活动。

39、Your launch philosophy should encompass plans for both the long and short terms. ─── 你的发行理念应该包括长期和短期的计划。

40、nor did it encompass other kingdoms that were foreign to the particular cavern near Terras crown. ─── 也不包含居住在Terra皇冠附近个别大洞穴内外来的其它王国。

41、This article mainly was the encompassment wireless remote control launch receiving system correlation theories and the practice application has conducted the research. ─── 本文主要是围绕无线遥控发射接收系统的相关的理论和实践应用进行了研究。

42、Its densest ring is not a smooth band; it contains discontinuous arcs that together encompass less than a tenth of the circumference. ─── 它最稠密的环并不是平滑的环带,其中还包含了不连续的环弧,总长度小于周长的1/0。

43、You can use the String.StartsWith method to determine whether a string object begins with the same characters that encompass another string. ─── 可以使用String.StartsWith方法来确定一个字符串对象是否以构成另一个字符串的同一组字符开始。

44、Outside that region, another theory is required, and that other theory may or may not encompass the region of the previously held theory. ─── 在这一领域外我们就需要其它理论,而该理论的适用范围可能包含也可能不包含原理论的适用范围。

45、Mr.Obama said he intends to encompass a wide range of social and political views in his inaugural celebration. ─── 奥巴马曾说他打算在就职典礼上包含多种社会和政治观点。

46、It is geared toward students interested in creating physical products which encompass electronics and computers, aimed at including them in smart scenarios. ─── 它适合那些对创作出包含电子学与计算机的实体产品,且将其纳入自动化方案的有兴趣的学生。

47、It is true that the five steps listed above encompass much of the goings on at American social gatherings. ─── 以上五点的确包括了美国社交聚会的主要内容。

48、These changes encompass a diverse set of biological end points,such as kary-otypic abnormolities,gene mutation and amplification,and delayed reproductive cell death etc. ─── 基因组不稳定性的生物终点包括核型异常、基因突变和基因扩增及延迟的细胞增殖性死亡等。

49、In more recent history, this understanding has been expanded to encompass the Web, large and small devices, and other embedded systems, which we discuss later in the chapter. ─── 在最近几年,对于这些方面的理解被扩展到解决网页、大小设备,以及其他嵌入式系统中,我们将在本章后面的部分中讨论这些内容。

50、In an ultimate sense, it must encompass more than the material and financial side of people's lives. ─── 从根本上说,它不能只限于人民生活水平的物质和金钱方面。

51、Global marketing does mean widening business horizons to encompass the world in scanning for opportunity and threat. ─── 全球市场是指加宽生意的地平线,全球性的扫描机会和威胁。

52、The islands of the southern, western, and central Pacific Ocean, including Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia. The term is sometimes extended to encompass Australia, New Zealand, and the Malay Archipelago. ─── 大洋洲南部、西部及中部太平洋上的岛屿,包括美拉尼西克、麦克罗尼西克和波利尼西亚。这个词有时也扩展到包括澳大利亚、新西兰及马来群岛

53、90%isodose curves in 80.7%of patients were able to encompass the whole tumor. ─── 90%的等剂量曲线包全肿瘤且剂量分布均匀。

54、Human rights encompass a variety of items, including, among others, civil and political rights, as well as economic, social and cultural rights, and also the right to development and subsistence. ─── 人权的内容丰富多彩,既包括公民权利、政治权利,也包括经济、社会及文化权利,还包含发展权和生存权。

55、" How could loyalty and reciprocity encompass all the principles of dealing with people and handling affairs? ─── 只是“忠”和“恕”两个字,就包括一切待人处事的道理了?

56、Sensational encompassment is involved in the whole process of artistic conception, and its task is eventually accomplished by the materialization process or materialization stage. ─── 感觉的笼括与整个艺术构思过程相始终,笼括感觉的任务最终是由“物化”过程或者说“物化”阶段来完成的。

57、You can either change the position of the link to surround the entire area, or add links to the specific areas to encompass them all. ─── 你可以把连接的位置改为环绕整个区域,或者把连接加入到特定区域把它们环绕起来。

58、The human rights enjoyed by the Chinese citizenry encompass an extensive scope, including not only survival, personal and political rights, but also economic, cultural and social rights. ─── 中国公民报享受的人权范围是广泛的,不仅包括生存权、人身权和政治权利,而且包括经济、文化、社会等各方面的权利。

59、Whatever your philosophy, it should 38)encompass this 39)truism: if you choose to find the positive in virtually every situation, you will be blessed, and if you choose to find the awful, you will be 40)cursed. ─── 不管你的哲学观点如何,它应该包含这样一个真理:如果你真的在所有情况下选择寻找事情积极的一面,你就会幸福,如果你选择寻找糟糕的一面,那你将厄运缠身。

60、“The sculpture had to have a celebratory theme and it also had to encompass the qualities of the Audi brand: sporty, prestigious and progressive. ─── “雕塑都必须有一个庆祝主题,它也包括素质的奥迪品牌:运动,声望和逐步.

61、encompass a vast geographic area ─── 地域宽广

62、Enlarge the models to encompass more factors.Do those steps regularly, not sporadically. ─── 可是单单努力仍然不够,许多人努力了几十年,可是仍旧达不到成功。

63、API EnCompass: News;Conference Papers index,;International Pharmaceutical Abstracts,;NTIS; ─── Environmental Sciences & Pollution Management (with subfiles)(环境科学与污染管理);

64、The uses of the patterns encompass a wide range of material, including ceramics, costumes (particularly the silk embroideries), and applied sculpture on wood or stone. ─── 图案被运用在广泛的材质上,包括陶瓷、服饰(尤其是丝质刺绣),及木材与石头上的雕刻。

65、APD provides solutions that encompass the entire business spectrum of an organization, from marketing to manufacturing. ─── APD公司提供的工程技术解决方案囊括了客户公司从市场到生产的全部商业范畴。

66、The palaces, cathedrals, and government Buildings within the walls encompass a variety of styles, including byzantine, Russian Baroque, and Classical. ─── 大墙内的宫殿、教堂和政府建筑包含了各种风格,包括拜占庭式、俄罗斯巴洛克式以及古典式的。

67、It extended the synthesis to encompass botany including the important effects of hybridization and polyploidy in some kinds of plants. ─── 他将综合论延伸以涵盖植物学,包括在某些种类的植物中杂交和多倍体的重要影响。

68、To help resolve this issue, the authors meta-analyze 125 studies of RBT that collectively encompass over 29,000 organizations. ─── 为了帮助解决这一难题,作者统合分析了125项研究,这些研究一共涉及到超过29,000个组织。

69、She added that the tax would first be introduced at large supermarkets, which account for 20 percent of all bags handed out each day, then phased in to encompass convenience stores and other retailers. ─── 她补充道,塑胶袋课税会从大型超市开始实施,在每天所发的塑胶袋中,百分之廿是由大型超市发出的;接著便会推广至便利商店及其它零售商。

70、Mechatronics Yaskawa created the term in 1969 to encompass electronics, mechanics, and control. ─── 安川公司在1969年创造了机电一体化这个术语,包括了电子学、机械学和控制管理。

71、If you want your search to encompass all of DSpace, leave that box in the default position. ─── 如果您希望在所有DSpace内进行检索,则不需要选择该项值,让其默认。

72、The encompassment project management goal pays special attention to the promotion of cultural and ethical progress ─── 围绕工程经营目标抓好精神文明建设

73、"CTI principally engages itself in comprehensive telecommunications services that encompass international voice, fax, data, and the Internet. " ─── CTI 之 业 务 范围 包 括 国 际 话 音 、 传 真 数 据 以 及 互 联 网 之 服 务 。

74、They may also display reduced repayment capacity as measured by credit scores, debt-to-income ratios, or other criteria that may encompass borrowers with incomplete credit histories. ─── 他们还可以显示减少还款能力来衡量的信用分数,债务对收入比率,或其他标准,可能包括借款人的信用记录不全。

75、The medical coverage will encompass treatment of the automobile accident and will cover more services than the much more limited PIP coverage. ─── 医疗保险将包括处理事故和汽车将涵盖更多的服务比更画中画覆盖面有限。

76、68 surface coil elements were employed to encompass the whole body. ─── 共使用68个表面线圈单元包绕患者全身。

77、Its diameter of the circumcircle is three of tenth of height of flag, compare the other four smallerstars are one of tenth, which locate on the right and encompass the biggest star. ─── 四星较小,其外接圆直径为旗高十分之一,环拱于大星之右。

78、A crushing defeat, with reparations the likes of which man's imagination cannot encompass. ─── 一次溃败,有着人们无法想象的战争赔款。

79、However, rest assured that our continued investigations encompass all regions where RMT activity is occurring. ─── 但是, 放心, 我们持续的调查包含RMT 活动发生的所有地区。

80、The two categories, like the hand of the Buddha described in the Chinese literature masterpiece “Monkey King,” encompass anything in the art world. ─── 二个种类,像被描述在中国文学杰作中 "猴子国王 "的佛佗手,在艺术世界中包含任何事。

81、For example, candidates for offices that encompass multiple counties file with the Secretary of State. ─── 但如候选人竞选的公职涉及多个郡区时,则申请表须呈上给州务卿。

82、The views from the structure encompass the whole of Barcelona from Montjuic to Tibidabo to the seashore in a 360-degree panorama. ─── 从这座建筑物我们从蒙居易、提彼达博一直到海边可以360度环视巴塞隆纳的景观。

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