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09-08 投稿


accruing 发音

英:[??kru???]  美:[??kru???]

英:  美:

accruing 中文意思翻译




accruing 短语词组

1、accruing unpaid expenses ─── 计提未付费用

2、accruing vacation ─── 累积假期

3、accruing rihgt ─── [法] 自然扩大的权利

4、accruing to ─── 归于

5、accruing interest earned ─── 应计利息收入

6、accruing to us ─── 累积到我们的

7、accruing definition ─── 累计定义

8、accruing vs incurring ─── 累计vs发生

9、accruing net losses on ─── 应计净亏损

10、accruing the unpaid expenses ─── 计提未付费用

11、accruing unpaid expense ─── 计提未付费用

12、accruing interest ─── 应计利息

13、accruing costs ─── [法] 自然增加的讼费

14、accruing means ─── 计提方式

15、accruing ap ─── 应计 ─── 应付账款

accruing 词性/词形变化,accruing变形

名词: accruement |动词现在分词: accruing |动词第三人称单数: accrues |动词过去分词: accrued |动词过去式: accrued |

accruing 相似词语短语

1、acceding ─── vi.加入;同意;就任

2、accrewing ─── 吸积

3、accoying ─── 会计

4、according ─── adj.相符的;相应的;一致的;v.给予;符合,一致;正式协议(accord的现在分词)

5、accusing ─── adj.指责的;非难的;归咎的;v.指责;指控(accuse的ing形式)

6、acciting ─── 接种

7、accreting ─── v.(经积累或聚合而)生长;积聚为;(物质)被吸积;(天体)由吸积物形成;共生(accrete的现在分词)

8、accoraging ─── 附和

9、accursing ─── 指责

accruing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Where a judicial personnel embezzles, misappropriates or disposes of on his own any illicit money or goods or yields accruing therefrom, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law; ─── 司法工作人员贪污、挪用或者私自处理被扣押、冻结的赃款赃物及其孳息的,依法追究刑事责任;

2、Assignment of contract rights is a complete right transfer to receive the benefits accruing to one of the parties to that contract. ─── 合同权利的转让指完全将合同一方的权益转让。

3、The Bank shall fulfil the obligations accruing to it from foreign-currency accounts maintained with correspondents by crediting such accounts at the place where they are maintained. ─── 银行负责贷放给合作方的外币资产的由于汇率波动所产生的债务,并且该外币帐户挂在合作方帐户上。

4、With these updated lists, I approach the rankings as if I was heading into a draft today, and each drafted player would start accruing stats from this day forward. ─── 根据最新的数据做出排名,我这像在选秀那样子,而每个选秀球员的数据将从今天开始又递增着。

5、Personal benefits accruing from a contract entered into by an individual are heritable in accordance with the provisions of this Law. ─── 个人承包应得的个人收益,依照本法规定继承。

6、The interest accruing on a security since the previous coupon date. If a security is sold between two payment dates, the ... ─── 指证券自上次付息日以来所累积的利息。如果证券在两个利息支付日之间出售,买方通常要以在买价中包含应计利...

7、accruing rihgt ─── [法] 自然扩大的权利

8、Any expe es accruing from this credit inquiry will be gladly paid on receipt of your bill. ─── 对此信用咨询所需任何费用,在接到帐单后即付。

9、the financial gain (earned or unearned) accruing over a given period of time. ─── 一定时期内的经济增益(经营或非经营所得)。

10、Valuable consideration A right, interest, profit or benefit accruing to one party or some forebearance, detriment, loss or responsibility given, suffered or undertaken by the other. ─── 因为一方产生的权利、利益、利润或权益,或由另一方所承担的忍耐、伤害、损失或责任。

11、Handling of over voltage accruing during cutting off non loaded transformer ─── 切断空载变压器产生过电压的处理

12、If you keep an overstock of the inventory, expenses will incur not only in warehousing, but also in many other aspects, such as the capital cost and interest accruing to it, taxes, insurance and obsolescence cost. ─── 如果过量库存,不仅会造成仓库费用而且在很多方面会产生费用,如资产成本和它所产生的利息,以及税收、保险和商品变成陈旧物的成本。

13、Carrefour in Tianjin regularly invited average consumers to roundtable meetings to better gauge their psychology and expectations while accruing more basic market statistics. ─── 天津家乐福经常邀请普通消费者开圆桌会议,摸准消费心理和预期,掌握更多的基础市场数据。

14、In 2003, the birthrate of the population in the household register of the whole district is 3.2, the death rate is 5.93, and the accruing rate is minus 1.89. ─── 2003年,全区户籍人口出生率为3.2,死亡率为5.93,自然增长率为负1.89。

15、(iii) exempt from actions based on non-violation nullification or impairment of the benefits of tariff concessions accruing to another Member under Article II of GATT 1994, in the sense of paragraph 1(b) of Article XXIII of GATT 1994; ─── (iii)免于GATT 1994第23条第1款(b)项意义上的、根据另一成员在GATT 1994第2条下产生的关税减让利益造成的非违反性丧失或减损所采取的行动;

16、By the next day, I found two great properties with her help and have been accruing interest at 16 percent ever since. ─── 到了第二天,我就在她的帮助下,找到了两笔大买卖,从此我就能获得每年16%的利息。

17、Powers and spells with Opposite Effects: Powers and spells that have opposite effects apply normally with all bonuses, penalties, or changes accruing in the order that they apply. ─── 相反效果的异能和法术:效果相反的异能和法术均按照各自正常的方式,依序计算所造成的所有加值、减值、或是状态改变效果。

18、economic benefits accruing to the country from tourism ─── 旅游业为该国带来的经济效益

19、When did interest on security deposits start accruing? ─── 房租押金利息何时开始累计?

20、Accruing rate of population in Nankai District is in continuous negative increase for eleven years from 1993 till now. ─── 南开区人口自然增长率自1993年至今已连续十一年保持负增长。

21、Extensions enable you to extend your filing date only. If you do not pay taxes on time, penalties and interest begin accruing from the due date. ─── 延期只是延迟你的报税期限.如果你不及时交税.罚款和利息将从税表到期日开始累计.

22、Personal benefits accruing from a contract entered into by an individual are heritable in accordance with the provisions of this Law. ─── 个人承包应得的个人收益,依照本法规定继承。

23、Scalpers tend 111xp com to make several, perhaps hundreds of trades a day, accruing a number of small profits into a respectable daily total. ─── 刷单员往往在一个交易日做些,也许数单,累积了一些小的利润为每日净利润。

24、accruing right ─── 自然扩大的权利

25、accruing costs ─── [法] 自然增加的讼费

26、I'm sure the huge amounts of money accruing to the managers, Putin chief among them, of a controlled one-pipeline Russian state did, too. ─── 我敢肯定控制着单一石油管道的俄罗斯国有石油公司经理们(也包括领袖普京)所积累的巨额财富也发挥了作用。

27、Any expenses accruing from this credit inquiry will be gladly paid on receipt of your bill. ─── 对此信用咨询所需任何费用,在接到帐单后即付。

28、Business is thriving, reaching out to the five continents of the world; Revenues are accruing, flowing in from the four corners of the earth. ─── 生意兴隆通四海,财源茂盛达三江。

29、All revenues accruing to the national autonomous areas under the financial system of the State shall be managed and used by the organs of self-government of these areas on their own. ─── 凡是依照国家财政体制属于民族自治地方的财政收入,都应当由民族自治地方的自治机关自主地安排使用。

30、Any expenses accruing from this credit inquiry will be gladly paid on receipt of your bill. ─── 信用咨询所需任何费用,在接到帐单后即付。

31、1.The loan is to be drawndown in one lump sum with interest accruing thereon immediately on the availability of the loan proceeds. ─── 1. 贷款将以一次过提取而该贷款的利息将由贷款款项提取时起计算。

32、The royalty may in some case be based on an agreed share of the profits accruing to the licensee. ─── 在某些情况下,特许权决定于许可持有者能够获得的利润份额。

33、This rate shall be used for calculating interest accruing during the following calendar year. ─── 该年利率用于计算下一年度的利息。

34、But evidence is now accruing to suggest that it is true. ─── 但是现在越来越多的证据暗示这个观点再正确不过了。

35、Article 4 Personal benefits accruing from a contract entered into by an individual are heritable in accordance with the provisions of this Law. ─── 第四条 个人承包应得的个人收益,依照本法规定继承。

36、A more progressive tax policy could help redistribute some of the gains of trade accruing to those on the top of the income scale. ─── 一个更积极的税收计划可能帮助重新分配位于收入阶梯最上层的那些人因为贸易积累而获得的一些收入。

37、The benefits accruing from acquaintance with acupuncture anesthesia ─── 由于熟悉针刺麻醉而带来的好处

38、This will increase the desire to enjoy the "exorbitant privilege" accruing to the issuer of the global reserve currency. ─── 这将令各国更加希望享有全球储备货币发行国所拥有的“过度特权”。

39、Evaluation will be made of the associated costs or savings accruing to the Employer in accordance with Clause 28. ─── 业主由此产生的费用或存款按条款二十八计算。

40、5.The owner or consigner shall pay the freight and average and all other lawful charges accruing on said property. ─── 货主或收货人应当支付运费、海损费以及就上述货物所发生的一切其他费用。

41、(b) nullification or impairment of benefits accruing directly or indirectly to other Members under GATT 1994 in particular the benefits of concessions bound under Article II of GATT 1994 ; ─── (b)使其他成员在gatt 1994项下直接或间接获得的利益丧失或减损,特别是在gatt 1994第2条下约束减让的利益12;

42、There are ways to make savings.Unfortunately, if you have already started accruing the student loans, than it can feel burdensome. ─── 北京汇丰鑫通投资顾问中心是依托银行(银团、财团)风险投资公司合作的一家为企业和个人提供融资贷款、投资理财服务的专业性金融公司。

43、Early writers defined welfare as the sum of the satisfactions accruing to an individual through an economic system. ─── 早期学者认为,社会福利只是某种经济制度中全体社会成员能在物质、精神方面达到满足的总和。

44、All charges accruing are payable at the end of the year. ─── 所有自然增长的债务到年底要偿还。

45、In the cases referred to in paragraph 3, allowances for costs, including duties and taxes, incurred between importation and resale, and for profits accruing, should also be made. ─── 7在第3款所指的情况下,还应对进口和转售之间产生的费用(包括捐税)及所产生的利润进行减免。

46、Accruing and compounding finance charges ─── 应计和复合财务费用

47、A tax to be known as income tax shall be charged for each Y/A upon the income of the income of any person accruing in or derived from Malaysia or received in Malaysia from outside Malaysia. ─── 我英文不是很好,所以你自己看吧!红色的部分可能会影响到你?但是你已经说在外国已经报税了,所以你的钱我想应该都是在外国收到咯!如果那样就不用缴税了。

48、This Act applies to all [claims for relief] [causes of action] accruing after its effective date. ─── 本法适用于生效日期之后的所有(救济请求)(诉讼理由)。

49、Discussion the Accounting Profession Judgement from Accruing Assets Devaluing Allowance ─── 从资产减值准备金的计提谈会计职业判断

50、interest accruing in my savings account. ─── 加入我存款帐户中的利息。

51、accruing interest ─── 增长的利息

52、The target mix ratio design of expressway should direct correctly the construction,solve the problems accruing in design,such as the contradiction between the voidage and stability of asphalt mixture. ─── 高速公路设计阶段的目标配合比设计要能够指导施工,同时能够正确解决在目标配合比设计中时有出现的沥青混合料空隙率与稳定度之间的矛盾等值得注意的问题。

53、A more progressive tax policy could help redistribute some of the gains of trade accruing to those on the top of the income scale. ─── 一个更积极的税收计划可能帮助重新分配位于收入阶梯最上层的那些人因为贸易积累而获得的一些收入。

54、109 The contrast between right and wrong is highlighted by the benefits accruing from the former . ─── 由于正确而得到的好处更加强调了正误的对比。

55、The assets could be held to maturity or eventually sold off with the gains and risks accruing to the taxpayers. ─── 这些资产可能被持有到期满或最终被卖掉,其收益和风险都落到纳税人的头上。

56、In some countries, a division of power might be welcome, not least to avert the risk of too much accruing to one man. ─── 在一些国家,权力的分割也许是受欢迎的,尤其是为了防止权利过多的依附于一人所造成的风险。

57、e# customs in writing to return the overpaid duty together with interests accruing on the same amount of current deposits in banks. ─── 海关应当自受理退税申请之日起30日内查实并通知纳税义务人办理退还手续。

58、Any information you may give us will be treated as strictly confidential and expenses accruing from this inquiry will be gladly paid by us upon receipt of your bill. ─── 贵公司提供的所有资料,我方将以严格保密,所有费用在接到贵公司帐单后立即由我公司支付。

59、profits accruing to the taxpayer from the sale of property ─── 销售房产给纳税人带来的收益

60、Over the past 20-odd years, the reform has provided a strong motive force and institutional guarantee for housing development by constantly solving problems accruing during the course, summing up new experiences and creating new methods. ─── 20多年来,以改革的办法解决住宅发展中的问题,不断总结新经验,创造新办法,为住宅发展提供了强大动力和体制保障。

61、The contrast between rightwrong is highlighted by the benefits accruing from the former . ─── 正确而得到的好处更加强调了正误的对比。

62、Such need is a psychological dead end, with absolutely no benefits accruing to you. ─── 这种需要是心理上的死胡同,于你毫无益处。

63、The interest accruing on a security since the previous coupon date. ─── 指证券自上次付息日以来所累积的利息。

64、5,The owner or consigner shall pay the freight and average and all other lawful charges accruing on said property. ─── 货主或收货人应当支付运费,海损费以及就上述货物所发生的一切其他费用.

65、The gift will continue accruing earnings in perpetuity, and each time sufficient spendable earnings accrue, another Fellow will be sent. ─── 捐献额继续生利息,当利息收入足够时则将送出另一名奖学生。

66、Gross Domestic Product plus the income accruing to domestic residents as a result of investments abroad less income earned in domestic markets accruing to foreigners abroad. ─── 国内生产总值加上国内居民由于国外投资而产生的收入,再加上境外人员在国内市场产生的少量收入。

67、Even competing publishers that share the same printer may find their mailings are co-mingled in the finishing line, speeding delivery and accruing savings to both parties. ─── 即使竞争出版商共享同一打印机可能会发现他们的邮件是混合在终点线,加快交货和累积储蓄双方。

68、The two tomes were due back a month later but were never returned and have been accruing late fees ever since. ─── 这两本大部头书籍应在一个月后归还,但它们一去不回,自那时起,逾期不归还图书的罚金不断增加。

69、Any expenses accruing from this credit inquiring will be gladly paid on receipt of your bill. ─── 一收到贵方的帐单,我们将支付此信用调查多需的任何费用。

70、Bening won special praise for her portrayal of an ill-fated con artist[2], accruing Best Supporting Actress nominations from the Academy, the New York Film Critics Circle, and the British Academy. ─── 贝宁因成功地塑造了一个运气不好的大骗子而受到特别褒奖,获得奥斯卡金像奖、纽约影评家奖和英国电影学院奖三项最佳女配角提名。

71、No matter that the savings for American families accruing from moving to CFLs or LEDs will be worth $6 billion a year or more. ─── 无论如何,美国家庭由于改用CFLs灯或者LEDs灯每年所节省的能源总值可达60亿美元或者更多。

72、It must be recognized that translation can also arise in the form of commissioned work and acquire as such rights to remuneration independent of commercial profits accruing from the work translated. ─── 翻译工作者也可以一次预订的方式进行;在这种情况下,不论其译著所得商业利润如何,译者都有权获得报酬。

73、The advantages accruing to the students from access to good libraries and other facilities for study ─── 学生们因为可以使用到好的图书馆, 实验室和其他设备而获得种种益处。

74、The resource, task, and project costs data in your project is not accruing as you expected. ─── 项目中的资源、任务和项目成本没有按预期的那样累算。

75、while the CH50 level, lymphocyte accruing rate, phagocytosis rate and macrophagocyte index in arsenic poisoning group were significantly lower (P

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