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09-08 投稿



didymous 发音

英:[?d?d?m?s]  美:[d?d?m?s]

英:  美:

didymous 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 成对的


didymous 相似词语短语

1、didactylous ─── 双发性

2、didynamous ─── adj.二强雄蕊的

3、Didymus ─── n.睾丸

4、didymium ─── n.钕镨化合物

5、biramous ─── adj.[动]二枝的

6、bigamous ─── adj.重婚的;犯重婚罪的

7、azymous ─── 天青

8、diadromous ─── adj.有扇状叶脉的;海水和淡水两栖的

9、digamous ─── adj.再婚的

didymous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、These fault often bring about a patient dissatisfactory or the harm that makes didymous patient, pose medical treatment issue thereby. ─── 这些过错往往导致病人的不满足或造成对病人的伤害,从而引起医疗纠纷。

2、This also accords with geomantic within, gules, aureate content driving movement had better want didymous idea. ─── 这也符合风水里头,红色、金色开运物最好要成对的概念。

3、The article thinks, appear didymous economy growth shows the form that the main reason of this negative correlativity is capital not sensitive. ─── 文章认为,出现这个负相关关系的主要原因是资本的形成对经济增长表现出不敏感。

4、anthers didymous, dorsifixed in proximal 1/2, introrse, short, dehiscing longitudinally. ─── 花药成双,在近端1/2背着,向内,短,纵向开裂。

5、2.Fetal and unbalanced: Rate of gravid and fetal deformation compares dual odd embryo is 2 times taller, oaf of odd egg dual Shu You is double egg didymous 2 times. ─── 2.胎儿畸形:双胎妊娠胎儿畸形率比单胎高2倍,单卵双胎畸形儿数又是双卵双胎的2倍。

6、Long-term since, capital of rural labor power formed strong support to urban economy progress, and capital of urban labor power criterion form is not didymous rural support. ─── 长期以来,农村人力资本对城市经济发展形成了强有力的支持,而城市人力资本则形不成对农村的支持。

7、the slipper of female dormitory is geminate and didymous, the slipper of male dormitory is to talk no matter double. ─── 女宿舍的拖鞋是成双成对的,男宿舍的拖鞋是论只不论双的。

8、Microsoft plans to be in what didymous Yahoo is over before the bottom this year to buy formerly, but look now possibility is very little. ─── 自今年2月以来,雅虎一直在寻求替代方案,希望能阻击微软收购。

9、Its piscatorial production that establishs county of didymous jade annulus develops and the integrated development of whole countryman economy rises to urge action actively. ─── 它的建成对玉环县的渔业生产发展和整个国民经济的综合发展起到积极的推动作用。

10、these fault often bring about a patient dissatisfactory or the harm that makes didymous patient , pose medical treatment issue thereby. ─── 这些过错往往导致病人的不满足或造成对病人的伤害,从而引起医疗纠纷。

11、anthers small, didymous, rarely elongate, 2-locular. ─── 花药小,成双,很少长,2室。

12、anthers small, didymous, rarely elongate, 2-locular. ─── 花药小,成双,很少长,2室。

13、Neighbour wants to add piece of small table to match again didymous, want those who sell soft-shelled turtle to look for him to change another piece of small table. ─── 邻居想再添张小桌子配成对,便要卖甲鱼的去找他换另一张小桌子。

14、Fruit biglobose (didymous), broader than long, glabrous, not separating at maturity; ─── 果巨大裂片(成双),宽大于长,无毛,成熟时不分开;

15、This world of male give up is firm, female ring is chic, pair of give up of strong feeling, didymous romance, sweet in my heart, duteous oath, all one's life expect. ─── 男戒阳刚,女戒指别致,浓情的对戒,成对的浪漫,甜在我心,忠贞的誓言,一辈子的守候。

16、Fruit a berry, didymous or one half aborted. ─── 果一浆果,成双的或一半败育。

17、stigma capitate.Fruit a drupe, dry, usually transversely oblong to ellipsoid, obscurely didymous, sometimes subglobose to oblong and distinctly longer than wide;endocarp cartilaginous. ─── 柱头头状果核果,干燥,有时,通常横向长圆形到椭圆形,成双的不明显到长圆形和清楚长于宽;

18、Fruit biglobose (didymous), broader than long, glabrous, not separating at maturity; ─── 果巨大裂片(成双),宽大于长,无毛,成熟时不分开;

19、Vertebra bend is articulatory dash forward, horizontal dash forward reach spine dash forward, give out didymous section artery by pectoral aorta and celiac aorta hind supply. ─── 椎弓关节突、横突及棘突,由胸主动脉与腹主动脉发出成对节段动脉的后支供应。

20、didymous anther ─── 双生花药

21、The compose according to value and cost is didymous finally south water north is moved east price of the water in line project made a principle have preliminary research. ─── 最后根据价值与成本的构成对南水北调东线工程中水价制定原则进行了初步研究。

22、filaments filiform;anthers didymous. ─── 花丝丝状花药成对。

23、Use material environmental protection does not amount to mark, the likelihood builds the harm of didymous human body directly, consumer should cause enough attention to this. ─── 所谓“千里之堤,毁于蚁穴”,在这个什么细节都可能造成严重后果的时代,我们只能仔细再仔细,小心再小心,把每个细节都考虑周全。

24、Microsoft plans to be in what didymous Yahoo is over before the bot tom this year to buy formerly, but look now possibility is very little. ─── 微软原计划在今年底之前完成对雅虎的收购,但现在看来可能性很小。

25、Fruit a berry, didymous or one half aborted. ─── 果一浆果,成双的或一半败育。

26、Stipule is between Xie Bing, unripe or sheet is didymous, often fall off; ─── 托叶在叶柄间,单生或成对,常脱落;

27、Beautiful stage and tea table are in ancient times put symmetrical beauty with geminate and didymous ground, contemporary do not pay attention to these of course. ─── 花台与茶几在古时都是以成双成对地摆放对称美,现代当然不讲究这些。

28、Cock of parcel blanket brim can build didymous old people to walk the interference with wheelchair. ─── 局部地毯边缘翘起会造成对老年人行走和轮椅的干扰。

29、Accordingly, didymous economy progress is having capital form to urge action tremendously. ─── 因此 ,资本形成对经济发展有着巨大的推动作用。

30、Accordingly, the form of the establish of zoology consciousness and zoology culture is didymous have very important sense at protecting meadow, construction turf. ─── 因此 ,生态意识的确立和生态文化的形成对于保护草地、建设草地具有十分重要的意义。

31、But those who want an attention is, gules collocation is corresponding, for example big wall adds locker, or it is didymous vase, salver, compare aesthetic. ─── 但要注重的是,红色搭配是对应的,譬如大墙加小柜,或是成对的花瓶、盆子等,比较有美感。

32、------Much also before, but since me husband thinks up to destroy after midge wise move, the mosquito in the home is eliminated by us with respect to didymous ground! ─── ------ 以前也多,但自从我老公想出一个灭蚊高招后,家里的蚊子就成对地被我们消灭!

33、9 see joke: The person was swarmed in opern, there are a lot of geminate and didymous lovers in the audience. ─── 9看笑话: 歌剧院中挤满了人,观众中有许多成双成对的情人。

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