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09-08 投稿


jeweled 发音

英:[?d?u??ld]  美:[?d?u??ld]

英:  美:

jeweled 中文意思翻译



jeweled 常用词组

jewel box ─── 珠宝盒

crown jewel ─── 皇冠上的宝石;(镶在王冠、权杖等上面以显示王权的)御宝

jewel case ─── 珠宝盒(等于jewel box)

jeweled 短语词组

1、jeweled headdress ─── [网络] 宝石头饰

2、jeweled rose ─── 宝石玫瑰

3、jeweled lotus ─── 宝石莲花

4、jeweled eggs ─── 宝石蛋

5、ornamental jeweled headdress ─── 珠宝装饰头饰

6、jeweled lacerta ─── 宝石拉塞塔

7、jeweled hair clips ─── 宝石发夹

8、jeweled art ─── 珠宝艺术品

9、jeweled eye ─── 宝石眼

jeweled 相似词语短语

1、beveled ─── adj.有斜面的

2、jewelweed ─── n.凤仙花科凤仙花属植物

3、jeweler ─── n.珠宝商;宝石匠;钟表匠;钟表商

4、jeweller ─── n.珠宝商;钟表匠,宝石匠

5、rewelded ─── v.重焊

6、bejeweled ─── adj.用宝石来装饰的;v.给…饰以珠宝(bejewel的过去式)

7、jewelled ─── adj.镶有宝石的;带首饰的;vi.嵌以宝石

8、jeeled ─── 耶尔斯

9、jewelers ─── n.珠宝商;宝石匠;钟表匠;钟表商

jeweled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The bird takes the jewel to the man's house. ─── 于是小鸟就把这颗宝石送到这个人的家。

2、Your tunic and hose match ill with that jewel , young man. ─── 你的外套和裤子跟你那首饰可不相称呢,年轻人。

3、Soon the universe will introduce you to the other members of the zodiac, and for a year, you will wear the jeweled crown. ─── 不久,宇宙会向您介绍了十二生肖的其他成员,并为一年,你会磨损宝石的皇冠。

4、She motioned, and two Spherians came forward with a gorgeous jeweled collar, a kind of regal gorget. ─── 她挥手示意,两个史菲利思人捧着一只美轮美奂的项圈走上前来。

5、A precious or semiprecious stone that may be used as a jewel when cut and polished. ─── 半宝石一种珍贵的或稍次一些的石头,经过琢磨或抛光后可当珠宝使用

6、Received from Mrs. Richard for safe custody the following: one jewel case, said to contain ornaments. ─── 兹收到理查德夫人交来首饰盒一只,据称内装首饰,谨代保存,此据。

7、But Grandfather's anger meant nothing to Mister Jewel. ─── 但朱厄尔先生对爷爷的生气毫不在乎。

8、She likes the feminine things such as the lipstick, scarf and jewel. ─── 她喜欢口红、巾和珠宝等女性的东西.

9、He offers to pay£1,000 for the jewel. ─── 他提议付1,000英镑买首饰。

10、They extradited the jewel thief from the island state. ─── 他们把珠宝盗窃犯从那个岛国引渡回来。

11、Create stunning CD and DVD labels, CD jewel cases and DVD boxes. ─── 创造惊人,影碟光盘标签、光盘和影碟宗珠宝盒。

12、word" who "is the Vajra King Jeweled sword, the sword of wisdom." ─── 谁字就是金刚王宝剑,就是智慧剑。

13、A jeweled figure of Saint George killing the dragon, used as an insignia of the Knights of the Garter. ─── 乔治湖美国佛罗里达州东北的湖泊,由圣约翰河扩宽而成

14、It puts the jewel on the table. ─── 于是它就把这颗宝石放在桌子上。

15、She was in the room and rifled through her mother's jewel case. ─── 她在房间里仔细地搜查了她母亲的珠宝盒。

16、The jewel I bear to you has lost its lustre; Who is there left to protect my lady? ─── 宝钗光黯凭谁护?

17、It is a jewel worn by noble souls. ─── 它是高尚灵魂所佩戴的珠宝。

18、Venice is the jewel of the Adriatic. ─── 威尼斯是亚得里亚海的一颗明珠。

19、He is the glory of the Hittite Empire and a brilliant jewel of Anatolia. ─── 他乃是大西台帝国的荣耀,以及安那托利亚闪烁生辉的宝石。

20、Virtue is a jewel of great price. ─── [谚]美德是无价之宝。

21、NOTE: Jewel stairs, therefore a palace. ─── 庞德原注:玉阶,因此是宫殿。

22、A blue-velvet jewel box appeared . ─── 一个蓝色天鹅绒的首饰盒映入眼帘。

23、The designer said he has no plans to sell the tiara, and now wants to create a jeweled hair clip for his beloved canine. ─── 该设计师称,自己无意出售该头饰,且还想为爱犬设计一款珠宝发卡。

24、The bird takes a jewel from the prince's coat. ─── 小鸟从王子的外套摘下一颗宝石。

25、Anna: Oh, in the Jewel House. Over there. ─── 安娜:噢,在珠宝室那里。

26、You essence is as pure and perfect as an unblemished jewel . ─── 你的本质如同无瑕的珠宝一样完美无缺。

27、In our lineup of health care products, the Cosmetics division is our crown jewel. ─── 在我们生产卫生保健产品的一系列部门中,化妆品部是最具竞争力的拳头部门。

28、He showed me a small jewel on his open hand. ─── 他张开手给我看掌上的一颗小宝石。

29、"Oh, Electra, jewel of women, darling of my heart, we are free at last, we roll in wealth, we need never scrimp again. ─── “哦,艾莱柯,你是女人尖子,是我的心肝宝贝,咱们终于自由了,咱们财源滚滚,再也不用算计着过日子了。

30、He left a jewel as pledge for the borrowed horse. ─── 他留下一块宝石当作借马的质押。

31、As you evolve, the petals unfold to reveal a radiant jewel in the center. ─── 当你进化的时候,花瓣绽开显现出中心发光的珠宝。

32、He spent important money on a small jewel for his wife. ─── 他花大笔钱购买小小的宝石给太太。

33、He locked up the jewel before going away . ─── 他在离开以前把珠宝锁藏起来。

34、"Some [U.S.] $8,000 worth of jewel scarabs are displayed for science, not sale. ─── 一些价值8000美元的圣甲虫形珠宝在做科学展示,而非出售。


36、Do you hope to pluck this dusky jewel? ─── 你希望这昏暗采摘宝石?

37、She is keen on the female accouterments such as lipstick, scarf, jewel and so on. ─── 她喜欢口红、围巾和珠宝等女性的东西.

38、Babylon, the jewel of kingdoms, the glory of the Babylonians'pride, will be overthrown by God like Sodom and Gomorrah. ─── 巴比伦素来为列国的荣耀,为迦勒底人所矜夸的华美,必象上帝所倾覆的所多玛、蛾摩拉一样。


40、Of the Brazilian team, Jewel House is the only name I remember. ─── 巴西队队员的名字,我只记得年朱厄尔·豪斯。


42、Then the King leaned gracefully down from his saddle, and struck Patroclus with his jeweled sword and knighted him on the spot. ─── 于是国王从马鞍上优雅地倾下身子,用镶着宝石的剑轻触普特洛克勒斯,当场给他封了爵士。

43、If you like Jewel Quest, here are some other games you should also try! ─── 如果你喜欢玛雅宝石,这里有几个类似的游戏,也许你也想试试吧!

44、Once it had collected every jewel, it flew away. ─── 当小鸟把所有的珠宝都收集完,它便飞走了。

45、It is often said of our island that it is like a jewel set on the sea. ─── 人们常议论我们的岛屿,说它是海上的一颗珠宝。

46、She bought the jewel for less than its value. ─── 她以少于其实值之价格买下那珠宝。

47、It is often said of our island that it is like a jewel set in the sea. ─── 人们常议论我们的岛屿,说它是海上的一颗珠宝。

48、S1 Series products MUST RETURN with the Jewel Case. ─── S1系列产品必须与包装盒一起退回。

49、An anonymous call lead to the recovery of the steal jewel. ─── 一个匿名电话导致被盗珠宝失而复得。

50、Now and then they came upon snug nooks carpeted with grass and jeweled with flowers. ─── 他们时不时地遇到一些幽僻的地方,地面长满青草,绽放着鲜花,宛如块块镶着宝石的绿色地毯。

51、At this event, she was spotted by a designer of exotic lingerie and was recruited as a model for his extravagant jeweled brassieres. ─── 在婚礼上,她被一位情趣内衣设计师看中,后者把她选为奢侈珠宝胸罩的模特。

52、A Catalogue of the Jewel Beetles of Bulgaria. ─── 保加利亚宝石爬虫分类目录。

53、Despite his poverty, he refuse to part with the family jewel. ─── 他尽管贫穷,却不肯变卖家中的珠宝。

54、She inherited the jewel from her mother. ─── 她从母亲那里继承了那颗珠宝。

55、To add to its beauty, the hand is often decorated with frilly cuff and a jeweled ring on the third finger. ─── 为了增加它的美丽,往往是手饰有褶边袖口和第三个手指上的宝石戒指。

56、It was like a shining jewel in the western sky. ─── 它宛如点缀在西方天空上的一颗璀灿的珠宝。

57、If my memory serve me right, the missing jewel is in the hand of that shopkeeper. ─── 如果我没记错的话,那颗失踪的宝石是在那店主手里。

58、Taking off his sandals and unbuckling his jeweled sword, he placed them in the hollow. ─── 他脱下他的草鞋,解下镶了宝石的宝剑,把它们放到洞中。

59、Forgiveness works like a dazzling jewel to dispel the darkness of wrong belief. ─── 宽恕就像一颗灿烂的宝石能驱散错误信念的黑暗。

60、V is for virtue,virtue is a jewel of great price. ─── V代表美德,美德是无价之宝。

61、Bernardo: Ah, my sister is a precious jewel! ─── 伯纳德:啊,我的妹妹是颗美丽的宝石!

62、Among the most remote and pristine of these is the tropical jewel, Rose Island. ─── 在这片群岛中最僻静最质朴的一个就数这颗热带明珠-玫瑰岛了。

63、Plain dealing is a jewel, but they that use it die beggars. ─── 坦诚虽胜珠宝,谁靠它谁死时仍身无分文。

64、they came upon snug nooks carpeted with grass and jeweled with flowers. ─── 他们不时走到一些幽静的角落里,那里铺满了青草,点缀着宝石般的花朵。

65、She wore ring decorated with a big jewel. ─── 她戴着一只镶着大宝石的戒指。

66、Take it from me, and in exchange bind me to you with a garland, for I am ashamed to stand before you with this jeweled chain on my neck. ─── 把它从我这儿拿走吧,换给我一束花环,把我系在你的身边,因为佩戴这种宝石项链站在你的面前,我感到无地自容。

67、The robber snatched the jewel and ran away. ─── 强盗抢了珠宝逃走了。

68、See other colors below.Tonal gradient lenses with jeweled sides.Open temples.100% UV protection.Made in Italy. ─── Versace 范思哲镂空时尚太阳镜Open-Temple Grecco SunglassesChoose purple/violet (shown), tortoise, or black frames.

69、Two men were struggling with each other for the possession of a jewel box. ─── 两人为争夺一只珠宝盒子在扭打。

70、The duchess bedeck herself with jewel. ─── 公爵夫人用珠宝装扮自己。

71、Plain-dealing is a jewel, and he that useth it shall die a beggar. ─── 坦诚待人是难能可贵的品质;但是,坦诚待人的人终将潦倒而死。

72、Any ofthe many sides ofa cut stone or jewel. ─── 宝石或首饰的小平面;刻面。

73、He guaranteed the jewel (to be) genuine. ─── 他保证这珠宝是真的。

74、The sky was jeweled with stars. ─── 天空镶着一颗颗珠宝般的星星。

75、A jewel fell off her ring and she could find neither hide nor hair of it. ─── 一颗宝石从她的戒指上脱落了,她四下找,却杳无踪迹。

76、The one German jewel is DWS, the subsidiary that manages German mutual funds. ─── 它还有一套DWS体系,辅助管理德国市场的共同基金。

77、The jewel in his staff, glowed. He waved it over me and I felt better than I ever have. ─── 他权杖上的宝石,闪闪发光。他用它拂过我,我从来没感到这么好过。

78、Females can be distinguished by their elaborate jeweled masks with eyeslits and torso-covering sand-shrouds. ─── 女性可以由精巧地镶以珠宝的,带有视孔的面具和裹住身体的防沙袍而被辨认出来。

79、An ornamental, often jeweled, crownlike semicircle worn on the head by women on formal occasions. ─── 古波斯人头巾妇女在正式场合戴在头上的一种通常镶有珠宝且像王冠一样的半圆形装饰物

80、His bank savings,with his wife's jewel,amount to three million dollars. ─── 他的银行存款加上他太太的首饰,合计达三百万元。

81、They offered a reward for the return of the jewel that had been lost. ─── 他们悬赏寻找失去的珠宝。

82、She was a lady born, a jewel, though probably she could do no more than just read and write. ─── 她是天生的大家闺秀,是一颗明珠,除了粗通文墨,也许什么也不懂了。

83、Their hair was then decorated with a diadem, jeweled combs, hair pins, scarfs and other accessories. ─── 她们的头发就会用带状的头饰,镶了珠宝的梳子,发夹,丝巾和其他一些装饰品妆扮起来。

84、The shining joy and jewel of all my kingdom. ─── 她才是我整个王国里璀璨的珠宝永恒的快乐!

85、He bid£1,000 for the jewel. ─── 他出价1,000英镑购买首饰。

86、Of the Brazilian team,Jewel House is the only name I remember. ─── 巴西队队员的名字,我只记得年朱厄尔.豪斯。

87、He examined the jewel with minuteness. ─── 他仔细地检视宝石。

88、Some burglars broke into my house and took away a lot of jewel. ─── 一些窃贼闯入我家而且带走很多珠宝。

89、He's always saying his wife is a real jewel. ─── 他总说他的妻子是至宝.

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