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09-08 投稿



handwheel 发音

英:[['h?ndwi:l]]  美:[['h?nd?wi:l]]

英:  美:

handwheel 中文意思翻译



handwheel 短语词组

1、reversing handwheel ─── 换向手轮

2、star handwheel ─── [机] 星形手轮

3、upper handwheel cover ─── 上手轮盖

4、elevating handwheel ─── 高低机手轮; ─── 高低角瞄准手轮

5、handwheel hr ─── 手轮hr

6、handwheel cover ─── 手轮盖

7、capstan handwheel ─── 校盘手轮

8、elevation handwheel ─── 高低角操纵轮

9、handwheel is not connected ─── 手轮未连接

10、handwheel angle ─── 手轮角度

11、handwheel valve ─── 手轮阀

handwheel 相似词语短语

1、hand-held ─── adj.掌上型;手持型

2、hand-feed ─── 人工给料;手工馈送;手给进

3、cartwheel ─── n.车轮;横翻筋斗;一元银币(美金)

4、enwheel ─── 车轮

5、chainwheel ─── n.链轮;轮盘

6、handwheels ─── n.手轮,操纵轮;驾驶盘

7、cam wheel ─── 凸轮

8、hand level ─── [测]手持水准仪,手水准器

9、awheel ─── adj.骑脚踏车的;乘车的;adv.骑脚踏车地;乘车地

handwheel 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Provides extension of the handwheel or nut to aloow remote operation - normally from above. ─── 提供手轮加长件或螺母以允许远程操作-通常是从上方加长。

2、elevation handwheel ─── 仰角操纵轮

3、because the carriage was permanently connected to the leadscrew the latter carried a dog-clutch at its headstock end and a handwheel, to drive the carriage under manual control, at the other. ─── 因为运输是永久连接到丝杠后者进行狗离合器年底在其启闭和手,驾驶马车手动控制下,在其他。

4、Low Profile Gear Operator features high efficiency worm gear drive with built-in position indicator and high impact polypropylene handwheel. ─── 低高度的齿轮操作机构配置高效蜗轮驱动结构,并内置位置指示器和高强度抗冲击的聚丙烯手轮。

5、Low Pressure Valve Handwheel Options ─── 低压阀门手轮备选件

6、To order, specify handwheel actuator code, and add floorstand description as second line information. ─── 如果要订购位置指示地轴承架,请指定手轮执行器代码,在第二行增加地轴承架的描述信息。

7、Possible handwheel orientations are shown in the figure to the right below. ─── 可能的手轮方位如下图右侧所示。

8、If the connection is to be made by soldering, turn the handwheel to the fully open position before applying heat. ─── 如果是焊接连接,则在加热之前要把手轮旋转到全开的位置。

9、Do not attempt to force beyond stops. Handwheel should turn freely over full range of travel. ─── 手轮停止后,不要再使劲旋转。在整个活动范围内,手轮应该能够旋转自如。

10、Beneath the handwheel is a hexheaded externally-threaded diaphragm-retaining nut. ─── 手轮下面是一个六角形外螺纹横膈膜止动螺母。

11、Turn the handwheel to move the needle bar up to its highest position . ─── 转动飞轮,把针杆上升到最高部位。

12、When fully closed,the handwheel rotates clockwise. ─── 全关时手轮按顺时针方向旋转;

13、According to different height of various substrates, stamping height adjustment through turning handwheel and stamping stroke adjustment by turning knob; ─── 6根据工件的不同高度,可以分别通过手柄和气缸调程螺母调节烫印头的高度和气缸行程。

14、TYPE : Reverse Acting with bevel Gear, Direct Acting, Direct Acting with Handwheel, Double Acting, Tandem Piston, Reverse Acting, Reverse Acting with Handwheel. ─── 反向作用倾斜齿轮,直接作用,直接作用手轮,双作用,串联活塞,反向作用手轮

15、After the valve has been adjusted to its balance set point and without moving the handwheel, remove the retaining bolt from the end of the handwheel using a 1/4" Allen wrench. ─── 在阀门调整到平衡点,并且没有旋转手轮后,采用一把1/4"通用扳手从手轮末端拆卸固定螺栓。

16、Reasonable care in operation (e. G., Avoidance of overtightening of the handwheel). ─── 操作时合理的小心谨慎(例如,避免手轮过紧)。

17、The handwheel can be removed and repositioned any of six positions around the stem. ─── 手轮可以拆卸并重新定位在环绕阀杆的六个位置中的任何一个位置上。

18、Valves are supplied with a handwheel actuator on all sizes. ─── 所有通径的阀门都配置手轮执行机构。

19、Carefully remove the handwheel. Slight tapping with a mallet may be required, but do not change the valve stem position. ─── 小心拆卸手轮。如果需要,用木槌轻轻敲打,但是不要改变阀杆位置。

20、Recommended Opening Procedure: The diaphragm valve handwheel rotates about 1 1 /4 turns from fully open to closed. ─── 推荐的开启程序:从彻底打开到关闭,隔膜阀手轮旋转大约1 1 /4圈。

21、Impactor handwheel (3-10 times more effective than standard handwheel). ─── 冲击性手轮(比普通手轮效率高出3至10倍)

22、Carefully remove the handwheel and turn indicator sleeve assembly, leaving the valve at its balance set point. ─── 小心拆卸手轮,并旋转指示器套筒总成,将阀门保留在它的平衡设置点上。

23、Remove handwheel retaining bolt. ─── 拆卸手轮固定螺栓。

24、maneuvering handwheel ─── 操纵手轮倒正车手轮

25、Handwheel pulse driving ─── 手轮脉冲驱动

26、handwheel = hand wheel ─── 手轮

27、The square operating nut can be substituted for the reqular handwheel when an N.R.S. valve is to be installed in an inaccessible location. ─── 如果阀门暗杆安装在难于接近的地方,则四角操作螺母能够替代普通手轮。

28、Add these weights to valve and handwheel weights. ─── 将这些重量加在阀门和手轮重量上。

29、Removal of handwheel without affecting the position of valve (closed or open). ─── 手轮可拆卸,不影响阀门的开关位置(关闭或开启)。

30、The upper stem is threaded into the diaphragm retainer nut. When the handwheel is rotated to the closed position the upper stem pushes on the diaphragms, which deflect downward, forcing the lower stem against the valve seat. ─── 上阀杆通过丝口旋在横膈膜止动螺母里。当手轮旋转到关闭位置,上阀杆推动横膈膜,横膈膜下垂,迫使下阀杆接触阀座。

31、This dimension must be at least twice the dimension from center line to handwheel. ─── 这个尺寸必须至少为从阀门中心线至手轮距离长度的两倍。

32、control handwheel ─── 操纵盘驾驶盘控制轮

33、handwheel valve ─── 手轮操纵阀

34、reply handwheel ─── 回令手轮

35、Operation: rotating the handwheel, the visitors can bring water from the lower place up to the higher place in the groove through the barrels fixed in the chain waterwheel. ─── 操作:观众转动链式水车的手轮,将水槽内低水位的水,通过链子水车上安装的水桶,将水提升到水车顶部的水槽里。

36、Keywords Position Following of Handwheel Impulser;PMAC;Opening CNC System;Position Following; ─── 开放式数控系统;PMAC;位置跟随;手轮脉冲跟随;

37、This message will be displayed if the handwheel is pressed during a machine movement or when a movement is required from the maching while the handwheel is pressed.This message is only applicable on machines equipped with a handwheel. ─── 在机器运动的时候,如果手轮被按进去,或者手轮被按进去机器企图动作,这条信息将显示.这条信息只适用余配备手轮的机器.

38、3 Bearing very good circuit-adjusting function and accurate controlled value of handwheel. ─── 3具有良好的流量调节功能和精确的手轮开启量指标。

39、Reinstall handwheel and secure with retaining bolt. ─── 重新安装手轮,用固定螺栓加固。

40、Regulation is accomplished by rotating the handwheel clockwise. ─── 规则要求按顺时针方向旋转手轮。

41、The handwheel assembly incorporates an indicator window, with a Black numeral for full turns and a Red numeral for tenths of turns. ─── 手轮总装配置指示器窗口,黑色数字表示全开位置,红色数字表示旋转幅度的十分之一。

42、"If the operator mounting holes do not line up with the valve flange holes, the stop screw(s) should be backed off and handwheel turned until holes are aligned." ─── 如果操作装置的安装孔与阀门法兰孔没有对应上,就要把锁定螺栓退回,旋转手轮式的螺栓孔对准为止。

43、Electrical Feeding Machine with Handwheel Using in Pigeon Farm ─── 手轮式电动气控喂鸽机

44、Handwheel torque or actuator force provides positive seat-knife closure. During closure, the stem slides down pushing the knife into contact with the two bottom lugs. ─── 手轮扭矩或执行机构扭力是正阀座-闸刀关闭的动力源。在关闭期间,阀杆向下滑动推动闸刀向下抵住两个底部凸耳。

45、Orders or inquiries for Stem Extensions to be attached to a NIBCO Valve must include the dimension from the center line of the valve waterway to the top of the handwheel. ─── 如果要求订购或需要在尼伯科阀门上附加阀杆加长部件,请说明从阀杆水路的管道中心点到手轮顶部的长度。

46、Maximum allowable handwheel rimpull to seat or unseat valve ─── 启闭阀门的最大容许手轮边缘拉力

47、When the handwheel is rotated to the closed position the upper stem pushes on the diaphragms, which deflect downward, forcing the lower stem against the valve seat. ─── 当手轮旋转到关闭位置,上阀杆推动横膈膜,横膈膜下垂,迫使下阀杆接触阀座。

48、Chain wheels are available for all types of Velan cast steel valves. They may be substituted for a plain handwheel or may be used in addition to the existing handwheel. ─── 所有类型的Velan铸钢阀门都可以采用链轮。它们可以替代平面手轮或可以用来附加在现存的首轮上。

49、1 rotates the handwheel, the inspection gate body in the doorframe whether about skids nimbly, wedges tightly whether arrives. ─── 1转动手轮,检查门体在门框中是否上下滑动灵活,楔紧是否到位。

50、The Series 800 utilizes a highly effective planetary gearing system and a handwheel manual override to produce maximum torques in a compact package. ─── 800系列电动执行机构采用高效的行星齿轮传动系统和手轮手动过载装置来产生最大的扭矩,结构紧凑。

51、Outer Scale (Fig. 6) - This scale is a micrometer-type scale marked 0-9 at the tapered base of the red handwheel. ─── 外刻度(图6)-这个刻度是测微计类型刻度,在红手轮的锥形底座上标注0-9。

52、"In valves, aluminum is mainly used as an exterior trim component such as a handwheel or identification tag." ─── 在阀门上,铝主要作为外部装饰材料装饰部件,如手轮或铭牌等。

53、Without changing the stem position remove the handwheel and refit the memory stop aligned adjacent to the fixed stop on the clockwise side when viewed from above. ─── 不需要改变阀杆位置,拆卸手轮,重新配置止动记忆,并从上俯视使其对准顺时针方向一侧的固定撞嘴。

54、Remove handwheel and turn indicator sleeve by grasping the handwheel and pulling away from the valve body along the stem. ─── 拆卸手轮,并通过抓住手轮旋转指示器套筒,将其沿着阀杆从阀体内拉出。

55、The handwheel can be removed and repositioned any of six positions around the stem. ─── 手轮可以拆卸并重新定位在环绕阀杆的六个位置中的任何一个位置上。

56、Investigation and Development of the Frequency-multiplication and Phase-demodulation Circuits for Electronic Handwheel of Mahr891E Gear Measurement Machine ─── Mahr891E齿轮测量机电子手轮倍频鉴相电路研制

57、Position display window on handwheel ─── 手轮上的位置显示窗口

58、handwheel switch ─── 手轮开关

59、Twist the handwheel baseplate and handwheel grip until the decimal indicator displays 0-0, then refit the complete handwheel assembly onto the valve stem. ─── 扭动手轮底盘和手轮夹具,直到十进制指示器显示0-0,然后将整个手轮总装重新安装在阀门阀杆上。

60、Keywords PMAC;handwheel;opening CNC system; ─── 手轮;开放式数控系统;

61、Beneath the handwheel is one set of wrench flats on a nut threaded into the valve body. This is the diaphragm-retaining nut. ─── 在手轮下面,在一个旋进阀体的螺母上面是一套扳手面。这是横膈膜止动螺母。

62、A strong investment cast clip complements KGC's robust construction. More threads per inch on the manual stem mean this valve requires lower handwheel rim-pull force. ─── 坚固的铸造夹紧装置使得KGC粗壮结实的结构更加完美。手动操作阀杆增加的螺纹数意味着这种阀门所需的手轮边缘拉力更加小。

63、Impact Handwheel Adapters and Locking Devices ─── 冲击手轮适配器和锁定装置

64、RVHX non-lift rod elastic seat ring sealed gate valve attached with handwheel ─── RVHX附手轮非升杆式弹性座封闸阀

65、Includes floorstand with gate position indicator, handwheel, fittings and extension. ─── 包括带有闸板指示器的地轴承架,手轮,连接件和加长件。

66、Only the handwheel (1), pin (2), and some adapter bushings (4) are available for repair parts. ─── 只有手轮(1),销钉(2)和一些适配器衬套(4)才有维修配件。

67、Rotate handwheel from full OPEN to full SHUT positions several times to assure proper operation. See Stop Adjustment Procedure if alignment adjustment is necessary. ─── 将手轮从全开到全闭反复旋转几次,确保操作灵活自如。如果需要对准调节,则参阅停止调节程序。

68、Minimum dimension from centerline of valve to handwheel when ordered without floorstand. ─── 如果不订购地轴承架,则最小长度尺寸为阀门中心至手轮的长度。

69、An electronic handwheel provides effortless hand cycling when needing to view the entire machine function or an individual drive in slow motion. ─── 提供电子手轮手骑自行车时,毫不费力需要查看整个机器功能或个人驱动慢动作。

70、Manual movement of the carriage along the bed is effected by turning a handwheel on the front of the apron, which is geared to a pinion on the back side. ─── 底座与床身的内侧导轨配合,并可以在导轨上做纵向移动,底座上有一个可以使整个尾座组件夹紧在任意位置上的装置。

71、Complete valve data: figure number and valve size. Dimension from valve centerline to top of extension stem handwheel. ─── 完整的阀门参数:型号和阀门通径。从阀门中心线到阀杆加长件顶部手轮的尺寸。


73、This includes variable effort assist and handwheel return characteristics which may be tuned to a desired feel and responsiveness. ─── 这包括可变助力和方向盘回位特性,这都可调谐到一个理想的感受和反应能力。

74、If the tempering operation occurred, rapid closure of the oxygen regulator should be round and then close the acetylene hands handwheel adjustment. ─── 如果操作中发生回火,应急速关闭氧气调节胶木手轮再关闭乙炔调节手轮。

75、slewing handwheel ─── 回转手轮

76、Sketch of Plane handwheel Mounting ─── 平面手轮安装示意图

77、2. Without changing the stem position remove the handwheel and refit the memory stop aligned adjacent to the fixed stop on the clockwise side when viewed from above. ─── 不需要改变阀杆位置,拆卸手轮,重新配置止动记忆,并从上俯视使其对准顺时针方向一侧的固定撞嘴。收藏指正

78、Handwheel to adjust conveyor belt up and down. ─── 手动摇输便于调节输送带高低。

79、Handwheel, bevel gear, pneumatic cylinder and spring-return operators are available. In addition, a wide variety of accessories and options are also available. ─── 可提供手轮,锥齿轮,气动缸体和弹簧恢复执行器。另外,还可提供种类更加丰富的附件供选择。

80、Reinstall the handwheel in the correct orientation so that the original setting is indicated and secure with the retaining bolt. ─── 按照正确的方向重新安装手轮,使得原先的设置能够显示,并用固定螺栓加固。

81、Maximize the stitch length, and turn the handwheel until walking foot 1 reaches its front end position. Now, loosen screw 2 in the center shaft bell crank. ─── 把缝迹调到最大,转动飞轮,在外压脚1前进到最前的位置拧松中轴轮紧固螺丝2。

82、in the machine, keep your fingers, head and clothes away from the handwheel, V belt and the motor while the machine is operation. In addition, place nothing around them. ─── 为了防止被卷入机器的人身事故,缝纫机运转中请不要将手指、头发、衣服靠近皮带轮、V形皮带、马达,也不要把东西放到机器上面。

83、Realization of the Position Following Function of Handwheel Impulser in the CNC System Based on PMAC ─── 基于PMAC数控系统手轮脉冲跟随功能的实现

84、panel draws the corresponding hairline in the gate bottom, takes place initially the gate module, undulates the handwheel. ─── 14在启闭机底板上画出相应的十字线,将启闭机组件初步就位,摇动手轮。

85、After the valve has been set to the correct balance point, record the setting. Without turning the handwheel, remove the retaining bolt from the end of the handwheel. ─── 在正确设置阀门的平衡点后,记录下设置值。不需要旋转手轮,直接从手轮末端拆卸固定螺栓。

86、handwheel shaft ─── 手轮轴

87、table handwheel knob ─── 工作台手轮捏手

88、Use rotation handwheel and trebincs bar transmission to adjust the feeding point , Easy , reliable and convenient operation . ─── 利用传动手轮、蜗轮蜗杆传动调节,下料点的设定、简单、可靠、方便操作。

89、The amount of tactile feedback to the driver through the handwheel may also be electronically controlled. ─── 通过方向盘反馈到驾驶员的感官量也是通过电子控制。

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