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09-08 投稿


blear 发音

英:[bl?r]  美:[bl??(r)]

英:  美:

blear 中文意思翻译




blear 网络释义

adj. 朦胧的;模糊的vt. 使模糊不清

blear 反义词


blear 词性/词形变化,blear变形


blear 短语词组

1、blear eye ─── [医] 边缘性眼睑炎, 睑缘炎

2、blear-eyed a. ─── 眼睛模糊的

3、blear def ─── 定义年份

4、blear eyes ─── 目赤烂眦; ─── 目赤烂

5、blear store ─── 阴暗的商店

6、blear-eye ─── [医] 睑缘炎

7、blear moon ─── 黯淡的月亮

8、blear benin ─── 买块砖

blear 同义词

disheartened | somber | black | arctic | drab | stark | unpromising | downhearted | hopeless | gaunt | raw | dejected | dim | overcast | frosty | gloomy | unwelcoming | miserable | dreary | barren | cheerless | dismal |cold | blue | doubtful | harsh | bare | cutting | wintry | forlorn | austere | chilly | stormy | desolate

blear 相似词语短语

1、bleaker ─── adj.荒凉的;阴郁的;令人沮丧的(bleak的比较级)

2、bleary ─── adj.朦胧的;眼睛模糊的

3、bear ─── 熊

4、clear ─── adj.清楚的;清澈的;晴朗的;无罪的;vt.通过;清除;使干净;跳过;vi.放晴;变清澈;adv.清晰地;完全地;n.清除;空隙;n.(Clear)人名;(英)克利尔

5、blears ─── n.(Blears)人名;(英)布利尔斯

6、bleak ─── adj.阴冷的;荒凉的,无遮蔽的;黯淡的,无希望的;冷酷的;单调的

7、lear ─── n.李尔(莎士比亚剧四大悲剧之李尔王中的主人翁)

8、bleat ─── v.(羊)咩咩叫,牛(哞哞叫);低声说话;抱怨;n.(羊的)咩咩声,(小牛的)哞声;(人)微弱的叫声;(非正式)抱怨

9、bleared ─── adj.朦胧的,模糊的;v.使……模糊不清,使……朦胧;使(眼睛)湿润

blear 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He was concerned about the recent blear in his vision. ─── 他对他最近的视力模糊感到忧虑。

2、In the rain, the temples, which werebuilt to memory Libing, were as blear as two thousands years ago. ─── 阴天之下,都江堰的庙宇似乎都笼罩在一片潮湿的气氛里,而这种湿漉漉和两千年之前相比应无差异。

3、Nor blear-eyed wisdom out of midnight oil. ─── 的智慧也不是出自夜半灯残。

4、What is it fateful woman, so blear, hardly human? ─── 你是什么意思呢,你这眼睛昏暗,不成人形的,恶运的妇人?

5、LUCENTIO. Here's Lucentio, Right son to the right Vincentio, That have by marriage made thy daughter mine, While counterfeit supposes blear'd thine eyne. ─── 路森修:路森修就在这里,我是这位真文森修的真正的儿子,已经正式娶您的女儿为妻,您却受了骗了。

6、blear someone's eyes ─── 蒙蔽某人

7、If he be crookbacked, or blear eyed, or have a pearl in his eye, or a continual scab, or a dry scurf in his body, or a rupture: ─── 或是驼背,矮小,眼生白翳,身上有麻疹或癣疥,或是睾丸破碎的人。

8、But how shocked he was when he saw her.She had an ashen-gray face full of wrinkles, blear eyes, and red hair. ─── 可当他看着公主时,他是何等的吃惊啊,只见她那死灰色的脸儿布满了皱纹,双眼黯淡无光,头发变成了红色。

9、Blear language is one kind of language expressing styles in literature works and application essays. ─── 模糊语言是存在于文学作品与应用文中的一种语言表达方式。

10、What on earth am I thinking of?What is the real need I really want?I can't see clearly my direction,even the anterior road.No tears,my eyes are still blear and vague. ─── 我究竟在想些什么,我究竟想要些什么,我的方向已经模糊,我甚至看不到前方的路,没有泪水,双眼却朦胧依稀。

11、blear eye ─── 边缘性眼睑点

12、We think ourselves too lusty and too nimble for that blear-eyed decrepit old gentleman to catch us. ─── 我们自恃身强力壮步履轻捷,那个眼神不好的糟老头子休想抓住我们。

13、Blear image has lower entropy value. ─── 较模糊的影像拥有较低的熵值。

14、blear one's eyes ─── 使视线模糊

15、Nor blear-eyed wisdom out of midnight oil. ─── 两眼昏花的智慧也不是出自夜半灯残。

16、Blear image has lower entropy value. ─── 较模糊的影像拥有较低的熵值。

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