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09-08 投稿



invoices 发音

英:['?nv??s?z]  美:['?nv??s?z]

英:  美:

invoices 中文意思翻译



invoices 短语词组

1、expense invoices ─── [经] 费用清单, 费用发票

2、purchase invoices ─── [会计]购货发票; ─── [会计]购买发票

3、sales invoices sales day book ─── 销售发票 ─── 销售日记帐

4、sales invoices ─── 销售发票

5、special customs invoices ─── [经] 特别海关发票

invoices 词性/词形变化,invoices变形

动词第三人称单数: invoices |动词过去式: invoiced |动词过去分词: invoiced |动词现在分词: invoicing |

invoices 相似词语短语

1、involves ─── v.包含;牵涉(involve的第三人称单数形式)

2、invoice ─── n.发票;货物;发货单;vt.开发票;记清单

3、unvoices ─── vt.使清音化;使变成无声

4、indices ─── n.指数;目录(index的复数)

5、unvoice ─── vt.使清音化;使变成无声

6、devoices ─── v.使浊音变清音;使(辅音等)清化

7、revoices ─── v.重新表达;重新调整(风琴管)的音

8、invoiced ─── v.开具、寄送发票(或清单)(invoice的过去式和过去分词)

9、invokes ─── (invoke的第三人称单数)祈求(神等)保佑,乞灵于;用法术召(鬼怪等),念咒语召唤;恳求;乞求;热切要求;求助于(法律等),行使(法权等);实施;援引,(作为根据)提出;唤起,引起;造成,产生;【计】调用

invoices 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、All the above invoices and papers shall be signed and stamped by the consignee or consignor or his agent to affirm their authenticity. ─── 前款各项单证应当由货物的收发货人或者他们的代理人签印证明无讹。

2、The language used for printing invoices shall be in Chinese characters. ─── 印制发票使用的文字,应当为中文。

3、Compares invoices, requisitions, sales &prepare reports showing cost vs sales. ─── 对比发票、采购申请、销售并编制成本与销售报告。

4、The key is used in the authentication of the card and POS machine. The private key can be used in the digital signature of the detail of invoices. ─── 密钥用于卡与卡、卡与税控器的认证和绑定,私钥可用于发票明细的数字签名;

5、When you had examined all the customer folders and copied all the appropriate invoices, you would then review the copies and put together your report. ─── 当你检查了全部顾客文件夹并复印了全部需要复印的发货票,然后你还要检查这些复印件并编写成你的报告。

6、In-house counsel mostly view invoices as paperwork to be initialed and processed for payment by someone in accounting. ─── 大多数公司法务将这些发票看作是经过会计处理的纸面凭证,而公司需依此支付法律服务费用。

7、After you apply these analytics to a single firm's invoices, turn to the invoices of several other primary firms and make the analysis comparative. ─── 分析完了某单个律所对你公司的收费情况后,来看一下你公司其它几个主要律所的收费情况并作出比较分析。

8、Prepare checks for suppliers, pay vouchers and invoices, and verify that all documents meet accounting and tax requirements. ─── 为供应商准备支票,支付凭单和发票,核实所有在证明符合会计和税收制度;

9、They send a pile of old invoices to be shredded. ─── 他们将一堆旧发票送去切成碎条。

10、We shall send you commercial invoices, bills of lading and insurance certificates so that you can ~ the goods on a DP basis. ─── 我们会寄去商业发票、提单和保险凭证,以便你方能按付款交单方式提货。

11、The blue files are used for storing old invoices. ─── 蓝色卷宗是用来存放旧发票的。

12、Check invoices from Export Service Providers (Freight Carriers and Customs Brokers). ─── 审查出口费用的发票(货运承运人和报关行)。

13、Works with sales to develop supporting information to help resolve billing adjustments and outstanding past due invoices. ─── 和销售人员一起完善支持信息,帮助解决营业额调整和明显的过期发货单;

14、However, customs fees and invoices in the name of B flat, so that operation can Mody? ─── 但是报关的费用和发票以B单位名义进行,这样操作可以么?

15、It also tracks your invoices, lets you create estimates, and shows you how much you've been paid and how much is still outstanding. ─── 它也可以跟踪发票,建立估价,显示你支付了多少钱以及还有多少钱未支付。

16、Commercial invoices must be made out in the name of the Applicant and need not be signed. ─── 商业发票上必须做成以申请人的名称为抬头且发票无须签字。

17、PO Number should appear on your Invoices/Excise invoices,Challans, and any other correspondence. ─── 发票的复印件要与货物一起发给我司.

18、Issue statement to supplier and clear the unsettled goods receipts or invoices on time. ─── 向供应商发对帐单,并及时清理供应商退货的帐务。

19、The promulgation of the Methods and Detailed Rules has provided a legal basis for further attacking law-breaking acts related to invoices. ─── 《办法》和《细则》的颁布,为进一步打击发票违法行为提供了法律依据。

20、Such violations of the law as forging invoices and vouchers and falsifying accounts must be dealt with severely. ─── 严厉打击伪造票据、凭证和做假帐等违法行为。

21、You will coordinate with our customer service center for respective documentation, such as invoices, delivery notes, packing lists, BoL, BoQ. ─── 您需要与我们的客户服务中心协作处理各种文件,比如:发票、发货单、装箱单、提货单等。

22、Isn't it customary to have invoices and bills of lading made out in triplicate? ─── 在惯例上,不是都要填制三份发票和提单吗?

23、Accounts Payable:To sort, code& process supplier invoices& inter company debit& credit notes.To reconcile suppl...... ... ─── 公司名称:天津雀巢普瑞纳宠物食品有限公司工作地点:天津市发布时间:2008-12-4

24、"Receipts, receipts" they brazenly shout, trying to hawk fake paid invoices from hotels, restaurants or office supply companies. ─── “发票,发票”,她们厚颜无耻地大声吆喝着,试图兜售宾馆、饭店或办公用品公司开具的假发票。

25、Prepare documentation for goods delivery including order confirmation, delivery note, profroma invoices and all other required documents. ─── 完成出货所需的各种文件,包括订单确认、货单、式发票以及其他需要的文件。

26、Review of all project invoices for contractual compliance and entitlement. ─── 审核所有项目票据使其符合合同条款和权利。

27、If it is found that the tax invoices have been used fraudulently, taxpayer shall assume legal responsibility for tax evasion jointly and severally. ─── 如发票被盗用后又被虚开,纳税人承担偷税连带责任。

28、When applying for payment, the Contractor shall submit invoices, vouchers and accounts or receipts for any Goods. ─── 当申请支付时,承包商应提交此货物的发票、凭证以及帐单或收据。

29、Falsifying invoices or other documents to embezzle company funds. ─── 伪造发票或其他文件以侵吞公款。

30、Commercial invoices must be made out in the name of the Applicant and need not be signed. ─── 商业发票上必须做成以申请人的名称为抬头且发票无须签字。

31、Job Responsibilities: 1.Match receiving reports with invoices, and work with Store/FSM to resolve variances;2.Pr...... ... ─── 公司名称:华高科技(苏州)有限公司工作地点:江苏省苏州市发布时间:2009-6-3

32、you need a hand with those invoices? ─── 你处理那些发票?

33、We check the statement agai t the invoices, and then I pa it for payment. ─── 我们通常用发票来核对货运单之后,然后才付款给他们。

34、Various brochures, envelopes, letterhead, a carbon-free code forms, invoices, contracts, special courier that is India. ─── 各种说明书,信笺信封,无碳打码表格,单据,合同书,特急件即印。

35、Notice from Shanghai Local Tax Bureau regarding further strengthen the management on the self-named invoices. ─── 上海市地方税务局关于进一步加强冠名发票管理的通知。

36、the manuscript. Pen. business card receipt contract. . . invoices (are made of special printed) of the company. ─── 稿纸。笔。名片。合同。收据。发票(均采用公司专用印制品)。

37、The Contractor shall, when required by the Engineer, produce quotations. Invoices, vouchers and accounts or receipts in substantiation. ─── 当工程师要求时,承包商应出示报价单、发票、凭证以及帐单或收据,以示证明。

38、Assist to prepare invoices, L/C, situation statement and packing list etc. ─── 协助准备发票、信用证、情况说明书、装箱单等有关文件;

39、We should copy Production Team with Proforma Invoices, so that they can follow up the ship date by their own. ─── 我们应该复制一份形式发票给生产组,这样他们可以自己跟踪出货时间。

40、S code and importer’s NTN which should appear on invoices. ─── S 编码和输入者的应该在发票上出现的 NTN。

41、Match purchase order terms with invoices and receiving documents. ─── 将、接收文件等与采购定单条款相匹配。

42、The Contractor shall, when required by the Employer, produce quotations, invoices, vouchers and accounts or receipts in substantiation. ─── 当雇主要求时,承包商应出示报价单、发票、凭证、以及帐单或收据等证明.

43、However, it is tax-exempted when the prize is not more than NT$2,000 from lottery tickets or uniform invoices under the auspices of the government. ─── 但政府举办之奖券中奖奖金,每联(组、注)奖额不超过新台币2,000元者,免予扣缴。

44、Invoices stated they had bought umbrellas and raincoats. ─── 但是购物发票上却写着他们买了雨伞和雨衣。

45、Prepare vouchers, including cost distributions and account codes for all suppliers' invoices and credit memos. ─── 为所有供应商发票和信用记录准备凭证,包括成本分配和帐目代码。

46、Thirdly, manufacture-supervising seal for chromatolo graphing unified national invoices. ─── 三是套印全国统一发票监制章。

47、We check the statement against the invoices, and then I pass it for payment. ─── 我们通常用发票来核对货运单之后,然后才付款给他们。

48、Invoices, checks, contracts, and time tickets are illustrative of common types of documents. ─── 发票、支票、合同、记时单都是普通的凭证的例子。

49、Step 2 The client ships the approved orders to its customers and bills them, usually indicating on the invoices that payments are due to CIT. ─── 我们也为客户的消费者建立预先核准的信贷额度。通过电子传送的大多数定单可以迅速得到答复。

50、Pipeline through which invoices generated by law firm billing systems are translated into a single format. ─── 发票由收费系统的法律公司通过产生了的管道被翻译成一种单个格式。

51、Secondly, using special products for anti-forged invoices. ─── 二是采用发票防伪专用品。

52、Work with account function to ensure timely vetting of supplier invoices and payment authorisation. ─── 与财务部门合作,确保供应商发票的时间及时更改和付款授权。

53、Thirdly, Units and individuals shall keep the invoices according to stipulations. ─── 三是用票单位和个人应当按规定保管发票。

54、The alternative procedures typically involve examing supporting documentation of sales,such as shipping documents,sales invoices,and price list. ─── 交替法典型地介入检查销售的支持文件,例如托运文件、销售发货票和价格表。

55、Fifthly, the stipulations concerning the management of printing invoices must be strictly abided by. ─── 五是印制发票必须严守管理规定。

56、A preparer doesn't buy any raw material, and doesn't sell any finished product.He invoices a service to the operator. ─── 制造商不能够购买原料,也不能直接销售产品,只能根据委托协议为操作者提供相应服务。

57、She spent the morning matching up orders with invoices. ─── 她花了一上午工夫把订单和发票都给对好了。

58、Their mean nothing formal financial account, not in covert means contracts, invoices, etc., Have been explicit. ─── 帐外指不入正规的财务帐,暗中指不在合同、发票等中明确表示出来。

59、"Annual document count" is the number of purchase orders and all invoices (PO and non-PO invoices) for the preceding 12 months. ─── “年度文档数量”是指12个月内处理的订购单和所有发票(PO和非PO发票)的数量。

60、H. Audit invoices for space, time, material preparation and charges. ─── 审计空间,时间,材料准备和费用的发票。

61、Maintains a log of all invoices received for payment, along with the date of payment made. ─── 在接收到所有要求付款的发票时,用日志维护记录,同时标注款项支付日期。

62、Invoices are signed on a daily basis. ─── 发票按日签发。

63、Five originals signed invoices, indicating letter of credit number, PO number and shipping marks. ─── 商业发票原件五份,注明信用证证号、合同号及装运麦头;

64、Utility bills and other invoices are dutifully taken to the bank and paid in cash, or more likely these days at the local convenience store. ─── 到银行去交水电费以及其他费用不是很方便,往往在当地便利店用现金支付。

65、Assists supervisor with materials required for bank partner promotions, including mailings, invoices, payments, branch contacts, etc., as needed. ─── 协助主管进行银行合作方面的物料准备,包括邮寄、发票、付款、分行联系等等。以及其他需要。

66、You check all your invoices to be certain, but you know you've been ripped off. ─── 你检查所有的收据,作进一步的确定。

67、For example, a statement for accounts payable might consist of, "Process invoices within 120 hours of receipt. ─── 例如,对于应付款项的声明可能包含“在收到的120小时之内处理单据。”


69、After sales, you submit the copy of invoices to us.The import factor handles your collection and finally remitted to you. ─── 出贷后,您只需将发票付本交给我们,那个进口保理商就会处理您的应收赊款并最终汇寄给您。

70、Booking the AR and Revenue monthly;2. Managing AR Assistant, e.g. issuing invoices, reconciling VAT Tax etc.;3. Recon...... ... ─── 公司名称:赫比(上海)通讯科技有限公司工作地点:上海市浦东新区发布时间:2009-7-31

71、To prepare invoices for daily transactions. ─── 准备每日交易所需发票。

72、Ve already sent pro forma invoices so that the firm can apply to the bank for foreign exchange. ─── 我们已经给这个企业寄去了形式发票以便他们能向银行申请到外汇。

73、In-house attorneys have had to manage their companies' legal budgets and approve invoices received from firms. ─── 公司法务必须要管理公司的法律费用预算并审批外部法律服务费用。

74、We shall send the invoices, bills of lading and insurance policies and you can then obtain the goods on a documents against payment basis. ─── 我们将寄去商业发票,海运提单和保险单,以便你们付款赎单,前去提货。

75、A stationery supplier was jailed for three months, suspended for one year, for falsifying invoices to defraud a fashion company. ─── 一名文具供应商,伪造发票欺诈一间服装公司,被判入狱三个月,缓刑一年。

76、Attached please find proforma invoices No.1002 of 50,000 yards poplin in duplicate. ─── 信涵内附上五万码府绸第1002号形式发票一式两份。

77、Cheques collection log must be managed by an employee independent of accounts payable function and paid invoices cancelled. ─── 每周准备支票认可管理。支票登记簿必须由独立于应付帐款职能的员工保管。已付款的发票要注销。

78、You can create almost any kind of business document, including form letters, invoices, and receipts. ─── 你能创建大部分类型的商业文档,包括格式信件、发票和数据。

79、The notice about Merchant Bank's commissioned selling of invoices of Air transport of electronic single-trip tickets. ─── 国家税务总局关于招商银行代售航空运输电子客票行程单使用发票问题的通知。

80、DADBIZ - DADBIZ is an application for small businesses to manage customers, products, and invoices. ─── DADBIZ是一个让小企业管理客户,产品和发票的应用程序。

81、There is an audit trail by way of tax invoices which VAT auditors can follow. ─── 增值税审计员可以通过由税收发票留下的审计轨迹进行审查。

82、Unless otherwise specified in the credit, commercial invoices shall be made out in the name of the applicant for the credit. ─── 除非信用证另有规定,银行将授受表明以信用证受益人以外的第三者作为发货人的运输单据。

83、Review the invoices form the suppliers, keep the correct vouchers according to the different cost center . ─── 审核采购发票并根据不同的成本归属正确编制凭证。

84、Pancewicz receives a weekly report that details the information, highlighting which bills are due that week. The goal: to have all invoices paid within 30 days. ─── Pancewicz每周会收到付款详细资料的报表,标明本周将到期的。目标就是使的所有到期账单能在30天内付款。

85、Post vendor invoices, prepare and mail checks, reconcile A/P sub ledger/Vendor, prepare accrued A/P journal entries. ─── 录入供应商发票,与供应商核对应付款,录入预提凭证。

86、It does not include the value of invoices tied to purchase orders sent via the network. ─── 但不包括通过网络发送的订购单发票的价值。

87、Assist in setup implementation of acs payable/receivable system/process which can efficiently hle the recording payment of all invoices. ─── 协助建立并实施高效的应收及应付系统及管理流程,以有效地处理所有发票的纪录和支付。

88、My main duites were typing routine memos invoices and shipping documents. ─── 我主要工作包括处理日常的便条、出货单及船务文件。

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