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09-08 投稿


dispel 发音

英:[d?'spel]  美:[d?'sp?l]

英:  美:

dispel 中文意思翻译



dispel 短语词组

1、dispel magic ─── 解除魔法

2、dispel evil ─── 驱除邪恶

3、dispel from one ─── 从一处驱散

4、dispel magic 5e ─── 驱散魔法5e

5、dispel definition ─── 消除定义

6、dispel synonym ─── 消除同义词

7、dispel define ─── 消除定义

8、demoniacal dispel ─── 驱魔

9、dispel magic pathfinder ─── 驱散魔法探路者

10、dispel cold ─── 驱寒

dispel 词性/词形变化,dispel变形

动词过去分词: dispelled |动词现在分词: dispelling |动词第三人称单数: dispels |动词过去式: dispelled |

dispel 相似词语短语

1、displed ─── 不悦

2、dispelled ─── v.消除

3、Gospel ─── n.福音;福音书(《圣经新约》中的《马太福音》、《马可福音》、《路加福音》和《约翰福音》四卷福音书)

4、dispend ─── v.花费

5、dispeople ─── vt.减少人口;消灭……的居民

6、dispeller ─── 驱散者

7、disples ─── 显示器

8、dispels ─── v.消除;驱散;驱逐(dispel的三单形式)

9、dispersal ─── n.分散;传播;散布;疏散;消失

dispel 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The police moved quickly to dispel the rumours. ─── 警察迅速采取行动来消除谣言。

2、Parents often take an autistic's unresponsiveness to be stubbornness;Tito's writings dispel that notion. ─── 做父母的经常把自闭症小孩的没有反应视为顽固,第托的写作则驳斥了该种说法。

3、How dispel scar? Mosquito bites can take out? ─── 怎样祛疤?蚊子咬的能去掉吗?

4、Last night the wind was strong and rain was fine, Sound sleep did not dispel the taste of wine. ─── 昨夜风疏雨骤,浓睡不消残酒。

5、Within fixed time, we dispel all of your worry according to the way that you appoint. ─── 在规定的时间内,我们依照您指定的方式,消除您所有的顾虑。

6、How the gray grain on dispel nose? ─── 怎么祛除鼻子上的灰色颗粒?

7、Only through our concerted efforts can the generation gap between parents and children be dispel. ─── 只有通过我们的共同努力,父母和孩子之间才能消除彼此的代沟。

8、They might well be overoptimistic, however since corporate executives have sometimes bought shares in their own company in a calculated attempt to dispel negative rumors about the company's health. ─── 不过,他们可能过于乐观了,因为公司高管有时会购买自己公司的股票,目的是为了消除有关公司健康状况的负面传闻。

9、It is OK to hear using brine is the acne on dispel nose? ─── 听说用盐水是不是可以祛除鼻子上的粉刺?

10、It contains natural ingredients that whiten and balance the moisture of skins, so as to dispel colors and acne scars. ─── 含天然植物美白保湿成份,帮助肌肤祛黄美白,淡化痘痘痕迹,使皮肤净白亮丽,展现健康的神采。

11、The aim of the JIT (Just-In-Time) production is to"regard customer as the centre and dispel all waste". ─── JIT( Just-In-Time)生产方式的宗旨是“以客户为中心,消除一切浪费”。

12、Subtlety - Dispel resist now applies to all spells, not just HoTs. ─── 微妙-抵抗驱散对所有法术都有效.

13、And if it is a fear you would dispel, the seat of that fear is in your heart and not in the hand of the feared. ─── 假如你要驱散恐惧,那恐惧的起源是在你的心中,而不是在所恐惧者的手中。

14、He tried to dispel the rumor of his resignation. ─── 他努力驱除有关他辞职的谣言。

15、How does dispel mosquito bite the scar that leave? ─── 怎样祛除蚊虫叮咬留下的疤痕?

16、The main benefit to this sidetrack is the Holy Avenger, an enchanted longsword that casts dispel magic. ─── 就是有个魔法施放属性啊。其他的再找找看。

17、Each time your opponent attacks the clone, your opponent has a chance to see through the illusion and dispel the clone. ─── 不过目标的每次攻击都可能识破克隆从而使他消失。

18、She wanted to look light, dispel any impression she might have given that she was a humourless prude. ─── 她想使自己看起来轻松一些,摆脱掉那不苟言笑,一本正经的印象。

19、If not, the next section dealing with the Quranic initials should dispel your doubts. ─── 如果你还是不信的话,再看下面的事实。

20、The common that goes up for dispel skin, the freezing operation that place of wart, clavus becomes? ─── 为了祛除皮肤上的寻常就、瘊子、鸡眼所做的冰冻手术?

21、The key to the treatment of all kinds of rheumatism is to dispel wind and remove dampness from the Body. ─── 各种风湿病的治疗关键是祛风散寒。

22、Yet even a generous interpretation of the facts cannot quite dispel the impression of nepotism. ─── 但是,不管怎样放宽来解释这件事,还是免不了给人一种任人唯亲的感觉。

23、How the cut scar on dispel face? ─── 怎样祛除脸上的划伤疤痕?

24、How dispel scar (the sort of) that mosquito bites? ?? ─── 怎么祛疤(蚊子叮的那种)???

25、He saw behind his patient's pompous manner and arrogant pride an anxiety that he could not dispel . ─── 他发现病人的自负夸张和傲慢自大掩盖着一种无法摆脱的焦虑心情。

26、To cause to disappear or vanish; dispel. ─── 使消失,使消逝;消除

27、What thing is very significant to the dispel of fabaceous beans scar that stays on the face? ? ─── 什么东西对脸上留下的豆豆疤痕祛除很有效??

28、The betel pepper can promote the circulation of qi and reduce phlegm, as well as dispel wind and expel cold. ─── 蒟酱可以行气化痰、祛风散寒。

29、Veterinarians and servicemen can and should help dispel this apprehensions by maintaining high ethical standards. ─── 兽医师和管理人员能够并且也应当通过保持高度的道德标准帮助驱逐这种恐惧。

30、How to use daily remedy does long already blain spot stop on effective dispel face? ? ─── 如何利用日常治疗法有效祛除脸上滞留已久的痘斑??

31、It can dispel the fatigue rapidly in your voyage weariness. ─── 它可以在您旅途疲惫时迅速消除疲劳。

32、Your primary advantages are your spells of protection and aviation.Therefore:  Dispel Magic! ─── 你的主要优势在于你的保护以及飞行法术。因此:解除魔法!

33、Cannily, Mr.Buffett and MidAmerican executives made no effort to dispel this impression. ─── 巴菲特和中美能源的高管都巧妙地没有试图消除外界的这种印象。

34、Improved Mend Pet, Abolish Disease, and Abolish Poison no longer play sounds when there is nothing to dispel. ─── 强化治疗宠物,清除疾病和毒药在目标上没有可清除状态的时候不会出声。

35、In the middle of the room was a pan of charcoal which strove desperately, but without much success, to dispel the cold. ─── 大房子里生着个炭火盆,虽然烧得很旺,也驱散不了寒气。

36、He struck a match to dispel the gloom. ─── 他划亮火柴驱走黑暗。

37、She wanted to look light, dispel any impression she might have given that she was a humourless prude. ─── 她想使自己看起来轻松一些,摆脱掉那不苟言笑,一本正经的印象。

38、Can you leave mark to hospital dispel lipoma? ─── 到医院祛除脂肪瘤会留痕吗?

39、"My visit is a success to dispel the confusions and suspicions surfacing in both countries. ─── 他说,“我的访问成功地消除了两国间的一些困惑和疑问。”

40、One look to Calvary can dispel your doubts. ─── 只要仰望十架,就能驱走所有怀疑。

41、How OK Where is effective dispel pouch? ─── 怎样可以有效的祛除眼袋呢?

42、Even just remembering the guru's name will dispel confusion and accumulate countless oceans of merit. ─── 就算只是想起上师的名号,也能驱除迷惑,并累积无数如海的功德。

43、The scar that how fire of dispel mouth before last leaves frothily? ─── 怎样祛除嘴上上火起泡留下的疤痕?

44、Contain marigold extracts which can dispel swollen and relieve pain, and has good effect to the tired and bruise foot. ─── 内含山金车花萃取液具有消除肿胀的感觉,舒缓疼痛的功能,对有疲倦、瘀伤的双足具有良好的修复效果;

45、It would take an ingrate great courage to work on ways to dispel such measures. ─── 一个不知感激为何物的人理直气壮的否定这些措施。

46、How is ability the fastest dispel pouch? ─── 怎么才能最快祛除眼袋啊?

47、How OK the blain on dispel forehead, ? ─── 怎么样可以祛除额头上的痘痘,?

48、Nothing can dispel my woe, Save Du Kang, the god of wine. ─── 何以解忧?唯有杜康!

49、The company is trying to dispel rumours about a take-over. ─── 公司力图澄清有关控制权转移的流言.

50、To induce diaphoresis, to dispel wind and remove damp. ─── 发汗解表,散风祛湿。

51、Secondly, it uses modern investment theory to dispel the unsystematic risks through combination investment. ─── 其次,利用现代投资理论,通过组合投资来消除非系统性风险;

52、Dispel EMI/RFI noise of Filters , widely used in switching power and efficiency enlarger. ─── 开关调解器、功率放大器、电源、清除EMI/RFI噪音之滤波。

53、A smile can dispel a thousand kinds of grief; Cast away all worries and enjoy relief. ─── 一笑能解千般愁,抛开烦恼乐悠游!

54、Rather, he said, the museum's mission is to shape cultural attitudes and dispel the bad rap that most people give math. ─── 相反,他解释说,这间博物馆的使命是改变文化偏见,消除人们长久以来给数学扣上的坏名声。

55、Focused Power: This talent now increases the hit chance of all components of Mass Dispel correctly. ─── * 能量集中:正确地增加群体驱散对各目标的命中几率.

56、Mass Dispel will now target immunity effects first. ─── “群体驱散”会优先免疫性法术效果(无敌?)

57、He managed to dispel my doubts. ─── 他极力消除我的怀疑消除。

58、Ahem, let's dispel illusions. ─── 嗯,不要幻想。

59、Conscious of when his mind is stirred up & turbid, he should dispel it: 'It's on the Dark One's side. ─── 他应该觉察内心的冲动。把它们视作摩罗的同夥,加以驱逐。

60、The Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has sought to dispel rumours that his close ally, Fidel Castro, is close to death. ─── 委内瑞拉总统胡果查韦兹试图驱散谣言,传说他最亲密的同盟卡斯特快去世。

61、The company is trying to dispel rumour about a take-over. ─── 公司力图澄清有关接管的流言。

62、In July, a national football festival helped to dispel negative stereotypes of refugees and those seeking asylum. ─── 今年七月的全国性足球赛季在消除人们对难民和庇护申请者的不良印象方面起到了一定的积极作用。

63、How the black head on dispel nose? ─── 怎么祛除鼻子上的黑头?

64、How can you have the whelk on side-effect dispel forehead? ─── 怎么样可以无副作用祛除额头上的青春痘?

65、By tacit agreement they turned to the wine to dispel their discontent. ─── 他们不约而同的想拿酒杀气。

66、The president is attempting to dispel the notion that he has neglected the economy. ─── 总统正试图消除他忽视了经济这一想法。

67、"Color Page"is a good method in order to display cartoon and dispel twinkle on the frame. ─── 利用“彩色页面法”显示动画,消除了画面上的闪烁现象,视觉效果良好。

68、What method is the swiftest dispel scar? ─── 什么方法能最快祛除伤疤?

69、Eating some bean flour pastry in winter can dispel colds. ─── 冬天吃点羊羹可以祛寒。

70、If the long time does not vanish, may take Fu Lin to dispel the yellow speckle coverall. ─── 如果长时间不消失,可服用艾芙琳祛黄褐斑套装。

71、Fixed Dispel Magic to correctly work on structures. ─── 修正了驱散魔法对建筑的影响。

72、Don't mass dispel the Ice Blocks unless he's excruciatingly low and will die. ─── 别轻易大驱散冰箱,除非法师血量已经极低马上就要死。

73、Enhance breathing, relax cough. Dispel phlegm. ─── 增强呼吸,缓解咳嗽,祛痰,放松呼吸肌,改善支气管,哮喘,黏膜炎,鼻窦炎。

74、Can dispel inorganic and organic pollutants, as well as toxicant. ─── 可消除无机和有机污染物、有毒物。

75、The hero that entreats this clavier repeatedly according to the author is done in order to dispel doubt. ─── 如果提起网游,很多朋友要说了,网游有什么区别,肯定是各自玩自己喜欢的啦。

76、How OK effective dispel face hill black head? ─── 怎么可以有效的祛除脸山个的黑头?

77、Forgiveness works like a dazzling jewel to dispel the darkness of wrong belief. ─── 宽恕就像一颗灿烂的宝石能驱散错误信念的黑暗。

78、We've got to dispel the myth that bullying is just a normal rite of passage -- that it's some inevitable part of growing up. ─── 我们必须消除认为欺凌是一种正常的成人仪式,是成长过程中不可避免的一部分这种荒谬观点。

79、Safe and hygienic----separate the germs completely, dispel the doubt of safety and hygiene of this product. ─── 安全卫生----彻底隔离细菌,打消使用者的顾虑。

80、Brian's culinary delights soon dispel the myth that traditional English meat and three veg fare is stodgy and dull. ─── 布赖恩的厨艺让人高兴,并且很快驱走了传统的英国肉菜和三个蔬菜的伙食厚腻不好消化,让人乏味的流言。

81、Its true, a blue Blizz employee has confirmed that the new priest spell, Mass Dispel, will dispel Divine Shield. ─── 冷静下来吧,关于无敌能被驱散,的确,一个官方的论坛发言人已经确认过牧师的新技能,群体驱散可以驱散我们的无敌。

82、Wand of Negation weakened so it is no longer the most effective way to dispel. ─── 否定权杖削弱,将不再是驱散的最好方法。

83、A warlock can use this invocation to dispel magic. ─── 一个邪术师可以使用这个能力来解除法术。

84、Let go of that which no longer serves and dispel all thoughts of matters that do not belong within your energy of Love. ─── 让哪些不再服务地1切逝去,驱散全部不再跟随你内心之中爱之能量地难题与想法。

85、Nothing could dispel the torpidity of the indifferent audience. ─── 任何东西都无法驱散那些冷漠观众的困倦。

86、The company is trying to dispel rumour about a take-over. ─── 公司力图澄清有关接管的流言。

87、BURTON: The purpose of that video was to dispel the rumors that were being circulated. ─── 制作视频的目的是为了澄清之前一直传着的谣言。

88、How forehead of 2 below dispel eye big pouch? ─── 怎样祛除眼睛下面的2个大眼袋额?

89、How the gallinaceous skin body with inherent dispel? ─── 怎样祛除天生的鸡皮身子?

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