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09-08 投稿


incisors 发音

英:[?n?sa?z?z]  美:[?n?sa?z?rz]

英:  美:

incisors 中文意思翻译



incisors 词性/词形变化,incisors变形


incisors 短语词组

1、incisors neighbor crossword clue ─── 门牙邻接纵横字谜线索

2、incisors job ─── 门牙工作

3、incisors area ─── 门牙区

4、incisors neighbor crossword ─── 门牙邻居纵横字谜

5、incisors neighbor ─── 门牙邻

6、incisors gi ─── 门牙gi

7、deciduous incisors ─── 乳切齿

incisors 相似词语短语

1、incises ─── vt.切;切割;雕刻

2、unvisors ─── 联合国志愿人员

3、incisure ─── n.切迹

4、incisions ─── n.切口;雕刻,切割;切开

5、incisor ─── n.[解剖]切牙;门牙

6、incensors ─── 感知器

7、incisiform ─── adj.典型的切牙形的

8、incisory ─── adj.门牙的;切割用的

9、incisures ─── n.切迹

incisors 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Small incisions were made in the soft tissue of the upper jaw of the host mice, in a region known as the diastema between the molars and incisors where normally there are no teeth. ─── 他们在小鼠上颌臼齿与门齿的牙间隙(此处通常没有牙齿)部位,将软组织切开一个小开口,放入胚胎牙齿原基,再以手术胶密封起来。

2、Any of various mammals of the order Rodentia, such as a mouse, rat, squirrel, or beaver, characterized by large incisors adapted for gnawing or nibbling. ─── 啮齿目动物:任一种有适于啃或咬的大前齿的啮齿目哺乳动物,如鼠、大家鼠、松鼠或狸。

3、common house rats; upper incisors have a beveled edge. ─── 常见的家鼠;上部门牙有一斜面。

4、A clinical examination revealed a moderate midline diastema between maxillary central incisors. ─── 临床检查:上中切牙间中缝,中度大小。

5、Methods: A maxillary central incisor up tocriterion was selected to construct the three-dimensional finite element model on computer. ─── 分析不同材料桩核的修复效果。

6、Any of various plant - eating mammals having fully furred feet and two pairs of upper incisors and belonging to the order Lagomorpha,which includes the rabbits,hares,and pikas. ─── 兔形目动物任一种以植物为食的哺乳动物,足部长满毛,长有两排上门齿,属于兔形目,包括家兔、野兔和鼠兔

7、Mouth --A bite in which the outer side of the lower incisors touches the inner side of the upper incisors. ─── 嘴:咬合为下颚的门牙在外,上颚的门牙在内,上牙紧贴下牙。

8、A scissor bite is preferred, but a level bite is acceptable. It is not unusual to see dropped (receding) lower central incisor teeth. ─── 如剪刀状完全吻合的咬合是最好的,咬合稍微偏差一点是可以被接受的。但上下齿看起来不可以是明显地前后落差。

9、ELIMINATING FAULTS : All deviations in relation to the correct scissor bite. Absence of one incisor or one canine, a third premolar or a fourth premolar or of one molar. ─── 严重失格:所有形式的不正确咬合。缺一个门齿或犬齿,第三前臼齿或第四前臼齿或一个臼齿。任何明显显现身体或动作畸形的狗,都视为严重失格。

10、Frankfort-mandibular incisor angle ─── 下中切牙-眼耳平面角

11、Morphological study for deform root groove in maxillary lateral incisors ─── 上颌侧切牙畸形根面沟的外形研究

12、The severe impacted incisors were extracted and the extracted space was replaced by bilateral lateral incisors. ─── 严重阻生的双侧上颚正中门齿以手术拔除之,矫正时以侧门齿取代正中门齿的位置;

13、Fig3-16 Incisal protrusion with tongue thrust forward and hooked over the mandibular incisors. ─── 图3-16因舌前推所致之门牙前突且呈倒钩住下颚门牙。

14、There is no significant stress difference in the dentin for glass ionomer restoration when compared with that of an opening incisor. ─── 凡以玻璃水门汀为补缀材料之门齿,在应力分布的表现上皆与根管治疗后尚未补缀之门齿相同没有差异。

15、Odontogenic ability of the cervical-loop structures of rat incisor ─── 大鼠切牙颈环结构成牙能力的实验研究

16、One case of impacted incisor caused winding maxilla ─── 上颌弯曲切牙阻生矫治一例报告

17、Jaws must be undershot.The incisors of the lower jaw should protrude over the upper incisors. ─── 咬合必须是下颌突出式咬合,就是说,下颌的门牙必须比上颌的门牙向前突出一些。

18、I hope boss will not send me on match day.I love my testicle,and I love my incisor,it is a sign for my credit. ─── 我希望教练在比赛当天不要派我上场,我对我的睾丸有很深厚的感情,我也不想被郑智的肘击打断我的门牙,它们都是我成名的标志。

19、Keywords missing maxillary incisor space closure; ─── 上切牙缺失;间隙关闭;

20、Mandibular left central incisor tooth ─── 下颌左中切牙

21、One of our four new Malagasy traversodontid species also has large, stout, forward-projecting incisors for grasping vegetation. ─── 马达加斯加发现了四种新的横齿龙,有一种门齿大而结实,向前突出,是抓牢植物用的。

22、DDE predominately appeared on maxillary incisors. ─── 5%,主要发生在上颌切牙。

23、incisors, canines, premolars, molars ─── 切齿、犬齿、前臼齿、臼齿(指恒牙)

24、An undershot bite in which two or more of the upper incisors lose contact with two or more of the lower incisors is a disqualification. ─── 下颚突出式咬和如果有两颗或两颗以上的上门牙无法与下门牙接触,属于失格。

25、The incisors inclined extremely to the labial side and the lower lip was thi... ─── 切牙过度唇倾,下唇较厚,颏厚小于正常值,颏部特征不明显,中面部相对突出。

26、Double root canal of mandibular lateral incisor: a case report ─── 下颌侧切牙双根管一例报告

27、The incisors meet with a scissors grip.Overshot or undershot is a fault. ─── 咬和为剪状咬和,上颚突出或下颚突出式咬和都属于缺陷。

28、medial surface of incisor and canine ─── 切牙及尖牙近中面

29、The finite element analysis of the stress distribution in the periodontium of the mandibular incisors by use of multi-loop edgewise arch wire. ─── 多曲方丝对下颌中切牙牙周膜应力分布有限元分析。

30、An undershot bite in which two or more of the upper incisors lose contact with two or more of the lower incisors is a disqualification. ─── 下颚突出式咬和如果有两颗或两颗以上的上门牙无法与下门牙接触,属于失格。

31、common house rats whose upper incisors have a beveled edge ─── 常见的家鼠;上部门牙有一斜面

32、It is successful to build a three-dimension finite element model of a maxillary central incisor by helix CT films and scanning data. 2. ─── 在此基础上生成了包括桩冠各组成部分和支持组织的三维有限元模型,模型具有良好的几何相似和力学相似性,完全可用于不同箍设计桩冠的力学研究。

33、The study of the changes of upper incisor using MBT to retraction ─── MBT矫治技术内收上颌切牙位置变化的研究

34、Take it on the distal side of lateral incisors when necessary. ─── 如果有必要,放在侧切牙的远中面上。

35、Mandibular right lateral incisor tooth ─── 下颌右外侧切牙

36、Maxillary right central incisor tooth ─── 上颌右中切牙

37、Deciduous caries were often examined on the 1st mandibular molar, the let maxillary incisor, and the 2nd mandibular molar. ─── 在牙位上,患龋好发牙位前三位为下颌第一乳磨牙、上颌第一乳前牙、下颌第二乳磨牙。

38、mandibular permanent incisors ─── 下颌恒切牙

39、There was no significant dental compensation in incisors angulation and a positive overjet was achieved. ─── 上下门牙角度无很大的牙齿补偿变化,且水平覆盖达到正值关系;

40、Transversion of upper oentral incisor: Report of 178 cases ─── 上颌中切牙异位178例

41、I put his face labeled as color, head labeled as shock, labeled as polyphonic ears, nose labeled as monoblock, incisors labeled as clamshell, a word he used Daogu%! ─── 我把他的脸打成彩屏的,脑袋打成震动的,耳朵打成和弦的,鼻子打成直板的,门牙打成翻盖的,总之把他捣鼓成二手的!

42、He helped measure the Amur tiger's incisors before placing a satellite transmitter around the neck of the beast, which can weigh up to 450kg and measure about 3m from the nose to the tip of the tail. ─── 他协助测量这只西伯利亚虎的牙齿,然后亲手给它带上装有遥感定位系统的项圈,这只虎重量约为450千克,身长约为3米。

43、Sometimes, two legs carrying a pinecone, with sharp incisors nibbled eat, like the buddhist temple incense. ─── 有时候,两只前脚捧着一个松果,用锐利的门牙啃着吃,好像寺庙里拜佛的烧香客。

44、Keywords children;permanent incisors;pulpotomy;radicular pulp;histology; ─── 儿童;恒切牙;切髓术;根髓;组织学;

45、Relative large gnawing animals,distinguished from rodents by having two pairs of upper incisors specialized for gnawing. ─── 与大型啮齿动物有关,与啮齿动物的区别是有两对特别适于撕咬的上门牙。

46、Compared with restoration with traditional clasp, the stress fringe value of mesial alveolar bone of central incisor was relatively higher in restoration with attachment. ─── 与传统卡环修复体比较,附着体修复的中切牙近中牙槽嵴应力条纹级数相对较高。

47、root apex of lower central incisor ─── 下中切牙根尖点

48、Any of various plant-eating mammals having fully furred feet and two pairs of upper incisors and belonging to the order Lagomorpha,which includes the rabbits,hares,and pikas. ─── 兔形目动物,任一种以植物为食的哺乳动物,足部长满毛,长有两排上门齿,属于兔形目,包括家兔、野兔和鼠兔。

49、We must be aware that their teeth may be undergoing dramatic changes as milk teeth are replaced by permanent molars and incisors. ─── 我们必须注意它们的牙齿可能会经历重大的变化,乳牙会被永久的臼齿和门牙所代替。

50、The greatest mesial tipping was observed in the lower second molars.The greatest distal tipping was observed in the lower lateral incisors. ─── 下颚除正门齿与侧门齿以外,其他牙齿皆为近心倾斜,最大近心倾斜为第二大臼齿,最大远心倾斜则为侧门齿。

51、children's permanent incisor ─── 儿童恒前牙

52、Therefore, in a second restorative strategy, an optical illusion resource was used to virtually reduce the width of the central incisors (Figures 6 and 7). ─── 因此,需要第二套修复方案:利用视觉错觉效果减小中切牙宽度(图6.图7)。

53、The results of our investigation were as follows: the lower second molars had the highest percentage of caries followed by the upper central incisors in the deci-duous teeth. ─── 其结果如下:在每个年龄层,龋齿在上颚比下颚多,而下颚孚牙第二大臼齿龋率最高,其次是上颚孚牙中切齿。

54、Jaws/Teeth : Broad with large teeth. The incisors meet with a scissor bite. Overshot or undershot is a fault. ─── 大白鲨/牙:广泛与大牙齿。满足的门齿与剪刀咬的。超越或低于是一个错误。

55、The labial embrasure of the central incisors was enlarged to preserve the natural width of the flat surface (Figures 8 and 9). ─── 中切牙的唇侧外展隙加大而保留唇平面自然宽度(图8.图9)。

56、There was no statistical difference in SAN,SNB,SN MP,NP FH and ANB but distinct statistical difference remained in the position of the upper incisor between the two types(P

57、And unlike any other croc, living or extinct, SuperCroc's skull gets wider toward the front end, which is armed with a deadly row of enlarged incisors. ─── 与其他现存的或已经灭绝的鳄鱼不同,至尊鳄鱼的颅骨越往前越宽,里面布满了致命的巨大门牙。

58、One of my incisors is loose and aching. ─── 我的一颗门牙松动而且疼。

59、Previous orthodontic treatment had solved the Class II excessive horizontal overlap issue by erupting and reclining the maxillary incisors and, oddly, the mandibular incisors. ─── 以往的正畸治疗已经通过回收上前牙和控制其萌出,纠正了安氏二类错颌的过度覆盖。

60、Notched incisors of Hutchinson ─── Hutchinson切迹切牙

61、orthodentic band strip for incisors ─── 切牙用正畸带环片

62、Maxillary left lateral incisor tooth ─── 上颌左外侧切牙

63、In animal experiments, causing Barx1 to be misexpressed in mesenchyme that would normally form incisors makes those teeth develop with a molar shape instead. ─── 动物实验发现,让Barx1在通常会长出门齿的间质中表现,这些牙齿就会发育成臼齿的形状。

64、Maxillary right lateral incisor tooth ─── 上颌右外侧切牙

65、Keywords light-cured composite resin;vital incisors;esthetic restoration; ─── 光固化复合树脂;活髓前牙;美容修复;

66、In spite of the moderate size of the diastema, the analysis of the length and of the width of the upper central incisors demonstrated an unfavorable proportion for its closure with composite resins. ─── 尽管牙间隙的大小只是中度,但分析显示:复合树脂关闭间隙后,上中切牙的长宽比例会不协调。

67、This paper presents the development of a three-dimensional finite element model of central maxillary incisor. ─── 以上颌中切牙为解剖学基础建立了三维有限元模型。

68、The present is just a cute doll laughing with her two big incisors showing up in the air. ─── 礼物是一个可爱的玩具娃娃,两颗门牙暴露在空气里特显眼。

69、Mandibular right central incisor tooth ─── 下颌右中切牙

70、Human incisors look much like bicuspids. ─── 人类的门牙看起来很像臼齿。

71、The isolation and culture of rat incisor apical bud epithelium ─── 上皮细胞的分离与培养

72、Incisors are the eight teeth at the front of your mouth — four at the top, four at the bottom. ─── 门牙是分布于口腔下颚前方的八颗牙齿,四颗在上,四颗在下。

73、To explore the effect of high fluoride and low protein on tooth development and clarify the mechanism of excessive tooth wear, and decalcification of incisors were researched by SEM. ─── 为了探索高氟低蛋白对牙齿发育的影响,阐明牙齿过度磨损的机理,应用扫描电镜对第一、二切齿脱钙前的矿化及脱钙后的基质结构作了观察。

74、In a developing human jaw, different homeobox genes are activated in different areas, guiding each tooth bud down a pathway to become a molar, premolar, canine or incisor. ─── 在发育中的人类颌部,不同的同源匣基因会在不同的位置活化,引导各个牙胚变成臼齿、前臼齿、犬齿或门齿。

75、I am the all things be happy and only bowled off incisor to go toward to swallow in belly. ─── 我不是凡事开心,只不过打落了门牙往肚子里咽。

76、Maxillary left central incisor tooth ─── 上颌左中切牙

77、Anteriorly, the maxillary incisors should erupt labial to the mandibular incisors; the mandibular incisors should erupt lingual to the maxillary incisors. ─── 前区部方面,上颚门齿应要萌发在(下颚门齿)侧向,而下颚门齿应要萌发在(上颚门齿)侧向。

78、congenital missing lower incisors ─── 下切牙先天缺失

79、Bite--A full complement of sound white teeth (6/6 incisors, 2/2 canines, 8/8 premolars, 4/6 molars) with a scissors bite.The upper and lower jaws are powerful and well formed. ─── 咬和:完整而健康的白色牙齿(6/6门牙、2/2犬齿、8/8前臼齿、4/6臼齿)、剪状咬和。

80、Hamster has a pair of continuously growing incisors, three molar, tooth type : 1003, into a staggered triangular body. ─── 仓鼠有一对不断生长的门牙,三对臼齿,齿型为:1003,成交错排列的三棱体。

81、Bimaxillary protrusion is a condition characterized by protrusive and proclined upper and lower incisors and an increased procubency of lips. ─── 双颌前突是以上下前牙前突和上下唇前突为特征的常见错畸形,严重影响患者的面部美观。

82、Human incisors look much like bicuspids. ─── 人类的門牙看起来很像臼齒。

83、In cultured primordia, molar and incisor tooth germs can easily be distinguished by their appearance and their gene activity, although other shapes found in the human mouth, such as premolars and canines, are more difficult. ─── 在组织培养的牙齿原基里头,可以从外观和基因的活性,轻易分辨出臼齿与门齿的牙胚,不过,人类口腔里的其他牙齿,像是前臼齿与犬齿,就比较难以区分。

84、His long upper incisors make him look like Bugs Bunny. ─── 他的上门牙很长,让他看起来像兔宝宝。

85、Maximum labial inclination occurred in the upper central incisors. ─── 下颚除第一、二大臼齿以外,其他牙齿皆为唇(颊)侧倾斜;

86、Incisors are the eight teeth at the front of your mouth -- four at the top, and four at the bottom. ─── 门牙是分布于口腔前部的八颗牙齿,四颗在上,四颗在下。

87、Odontoma was enucleated surgically and the impacted maxillary lateral incisor was bonded with a lingual button and attached with a traction hook under general anesthesia. ─── 在全身麻醉状态下将齿瘤剜出,并于阻生侧门齿装置舌侧钮及结扎线。

88、Black hair, the two curved eyebrows, like the Crescent Moon.her white teeth, the missing stars incisors, laugh together, it becomes a tooth to exclude buses, like the very cute. ─── 乌黑的头发下,两条弯弯的眉毛,像那月牙儿。她那一排雪白的牙齿当中,缺了颗门牙,一笑起来,就成了个豁牙巴,十分逗人喜欢。

89、Orthodontic treatment of inversely impacted central incisors in the maxillae ─── 上颌中切牙倒置埋伏阻生的临床矫治

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