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09-08 投稿


badge 发音

英:[b?d?]  美:[b?d?]

英:  美:

badge 中文意思翻译




badge 短语词组

1、Distinguished Pistol Shot Badge ─── 杰出手枪射击徽章

2、General Staff Identification Badge ─── 一般工作人员身份证

3、badge reader ─── [计] 标记阅读器

4、merit badge ─── 勋章 荣誉徽章

5、Distinguished Rifleman Badge ─── 杰出的步枪兵徽章

6、badge card reader ─── [计] 标记卡阅读器

7、Distinguished Marksman Badge ─── 杰出的神枪手徽章

8、Excellence in Competition Badge ─── 优秀竞赛徽章

9、badge test ─── 徽章测试

10、Combat Medical Badge ─── 战斗医疗徽章

11、Marksman Qualification Badge ─── 射手资格徽章

12、cullinan black badge cullinan ─── 黑色徽章

13、badge-card reader ─── 徽章-卡片阅读器

14、Distinguished Pistol Badge ─── 尊贵的手枪徽章

15、a badge of something ─── 某物的徽章

16、Presidential Service Badge ─── 总统服务徽章

17、Distinguished Unit Badge ─── 杰出单位徽章

18、Combat Medics Badge ─── 战斗医疗徽章

19、film badge ─── [医] 照射量测定软片(防护衣上的)

badge 词性/词形变化,badge变形


badge 相似词语短语

1、badger ─── n.獾;獾皮;vt.纠缠不休;吵着要;烦扰;n.(Badger)獾州人(美国威斯康星州人的别称);n.(Badger)巴杰(人名)

2、budge ─── vi.挪动;微微移动;改变态度或意见;服从;vt.使让步;移动;使改变态度或意见;n.羔羊皮;n.(Budge)人名;(英)巴奇

3、bodge ─── v.糟糕地(或粗心地)办(一件事)(等于botch);(非正式)拙劣地修补;(使)混乱;n.混乱;拼凑的东西(等于botch);差错;n.(Bodge)(美)波德杰(人名)

4、badges ─── n.[轻]徽章(badge的复数);v.以…为标志;授予…奖章(badge的三单形式)

5、cadge ─── vi.乞讨;骗得白食;行乞;贩卖;vt.乞讨;行乞;贩卖;n.(Cadge)人名;(英)卡奇

6、bade ─── v.命令;道别;出价;投标;恳求,努力争取;叫牌(bid的过去式);n.(Bade)(美、土耳其)巴德(人名)

7、Madge ─── n.马奇(女子名,等于Margaret)

8、barge ─── n.驳船,平底载货船;华丽大游艇;(旗舰将官的)专用艇;v.乱闯;(体育运动中)蓄意冲撞;用驳船运载(货物);n.(Barge)(美)巴奇(人名)

9、badged ─── v.给予……徽章(或其他标记)(badge的过去式及过去分词)

badge 习惯用语

1、put up a badge ─── (海军军士、士兵)升一级

badge 特殊用法

1、film badge ─── 测辐射的软片; 胶片式射线计量器

2、enamel badge ─── 搪瓷釉商标(标签)

3、neutron film badge ─── 中子胶片剂量计

badge 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Do not go around carry on like some drunken fool with company badge on! ─── 可别带着公司徽章,像醉鬼一样四处胡闹。

2、The golden badge Sun God Birds can be taken as a carrier of ancient Ba-Shu culture. ─── “太阳神鸟”金徽可以看成古蜀文化的载体。

3、Don't expose your Company Badge in the public places. The thief may assume you are rich. ─── 不要显露你的公司工牌,否则窃贼可能会认为你是有钱人。

4、A: You have to put on your ID badge before entering this building. ─── 在进这栋大楼前,得把识别证带上。

5、When he comes to the car, say I have a badge just like yours! ─── 他走上来你的车时,说我好像有一个和你差不多的警章!

6、He bears it as a badge on the breast. ─── 他把这佩在胸前当作徽章。

7、She pinned the badge onto her jacket. ─── 她把徽章别到外衣上。

8、You find 839 Neopoints, a Sprout Borovan , also a Borovan Badge !!! ─── 你找到了839尼奥点数,幼芽波罗凡,和波罗凡徽章!!!

9、She wore a badge saying 'Vote for Coates'. ─── 她戴着一枚徽章,上面写着“投科茨一票”。

10、You can see the propulsion ram with the Bucher Hydraulics brand badge attached. ─── 你可以见到驱动臂连上面附有的Bucher Hydraulics水牌;

11、An emblem of honor, such as a medal or badge. ─── 勋章,奖章一种荣誉的象征,如奖章

12、Administration fee of HK$40 will be charged for the reissued award certificate or/ and badge. ─── 任何证书或奖章之补发,香港壁球总会将收取港币四十元正之行政费用。

13、Derbyshire Regt.1898-1901. UK Cap Badge. ─── 大英帝国维多利亚女皇年代之帽徽章(部队章)....

14、Inside the 7-Eleven were two souls. The one behind the counter wore a name badge saying she was roberta. ─── 在这个叫“七到十一”的便民店里有两个人。柜台后面那位戴着姓名卡,显示她叫罗伯塔。

15、The badge he wears shows he is a policeman. ─── 他的牌证表明他是个警察。

16、One of my proudest moments as a child was getting my Emergency Preparedness merit badge. ─── 作为一个小孩,我最骄傲的时刻之一是在得到我的紧急准备优点徽章的时候.

17、So you think I'm a bureaucrat with a badge following some arbitrary guideline. ─── 你认为我是个带警徽的官僚 依照某些死板规则做事。

18、He was my age, with the rough scruffy look that is the badge of authenticity among left-wing, Basque nationalists. ─── 他跟我一样年纪,看起来粗犷、不修边幅,这在左派巴斯克民族主义者中是货真价实的标志。

19、Peter MacMannus: Whoa! A top-secret NASA security clearance badge! How did you get this? ─── 哇!美国航空航天局高度机密安检徽章!你怎么搞到的?

20、He pinned the badge onto his hat. ─── 他把徽章别在帽子上。

21、"Robots are people, too, " reads a hostile badge, across a picture of him in a suit. ─── “机器人也是人,”对手一个盖在他西装革履的照片上的印章如是写。

22、Corvette is reintroducing the Grand Sport badge to its lineup. ─── 克尔维特是重新大体育标志,其产品阵容。

23、She glanced briefly at his lapel badge. ─── 她扫了一眼他翻领上的徽章。

24、All delegates must wear a badge. ─── 所有代表都要佩戴徽章。

25、The ' big hair' look is a badge of femininity and often denotes social class as well. ─── “长头发’’的形象是女性化的标志,而且经常用以表明社会地位。

26、In addition, on Heroic difficulty the chest now contains a Badge of Justice for each player present. ─── 同时,英雄模式下箱子里也能开出[公正徽章],每人1个。

27、She pinned the badge onto her jacket. ─── 她把徽章别到外衣上。

28、FS: the guards are the dirtiest gang in this whole place. The only difference between us and them...is the badge. ─── 在这就是来服刑的,也没人会替你服刑。欢迎来到监狱乐园,新来的。

29、Staring at our school badge, we look back on the past, we assess the present, and we contemplate the future. ─── 凝视着校徽,我们回忆过去,思考现在,展望未来。

30、A smiling Charles spoke to his son as he stuck on the wings badge and shook hands with him afterwards. ─── 查尔斯王储笑着跟威廉讲话,同时为他别上徽章,之后又与他握手。

31、"It lies not in the pleasure of the magistrates to take off the badge," calmly replied Hester. ─── “那些长官们可不乐于取下这徽记,”海丝特平静地应道。

32、Can be talked to (if Sim has Gold Talent Badge) to improve quality. ─── 如果你的小人拥有黄金勋章可以和植物说话以便提高植物的质量。

33、Among children, having the newest toy is a badge of honor. ─── 在孩子们中间,拥有最新的玩具是一种荣耀的标志。

34、On the rear wall is a very old Sabiem brand badge, with the name of the former sold agent, Gilman. ─── 后面墙上有一块非常之古旧的Sabiem水牌,带有前代理商Gilman的名字;

35、In the federal building, Agent Self flashes a badge as he pushes his way past the desk of Oren's secretary. ─── 在联邦大厦里,特工赛尔夫向欧伦的秘书亮了一下徽章就冲进了他的办公室。

36、It was worn as a badge by the dignitaries and VIP guests at the Games. ─── 在奥运会期间,会徽则仅被组委会制作成小徽章,用于标明佩戴者的贵宾身份。

37、Admission by exhibitor's badge or invitation card. ─── 凭工作胸卡或请柬出席。

38、She wore a badge saying 'Vote for Coates'. ─── 她戴着一枚徽章,上面写着“投科茨一票”。

39、A bullet had hit his cap badge and had penetrated the front of his skull. ─── 一颗子弹击中了他的帽徽并刺穿了他的头骨前部。

40、His collar badge designates his rank. ─── 他的领章表明他的级别。

41、Traditionally, The Red Badge of Courage was simply and roughly labeled as a realistic or naturalistic work. ─── 传统看法将《红色英勇勋章》简单地贴上现实主义或自然主义标签。

42、In some occasions a name badge is worn on the coat or shirt above the right breast pocket. ─── 在一些特定场合还需在胸前口袋上带上胸牌。

43、I stood at my door did not see anything more than a badge. Heaven knew what that was, as anybody could have a badge and the uniform. ─── 不就是个徽章吗,天晓得是什么东西,谁不可以穿一身制服、拿个徽章。

44、Lapel pin, Coins, Badge, Medals, Keychain, Award, Embroidery Patch, Lanyard, Button, Belt Buckle,... ─── 分类标题:徽章、旗帜和纪念品|销售推广...

45、Visitor have to sign in at reception, and will is give visitor ' badge. ─── 参观者必须在招待会上签名,然后发给参观者徽章。

46、What is that badge on your lapel? ─── 你翻领上的是什么徽章?

47、What is that badge on your lapel ? ─── 你翻领上的是什麽徽章?

48、Laurence: Why are you wearing that badge? ─── 劳伦斯:你为什麽戴著那个徽章?

49、He will be awarded with a honorable DTM meadllion and badge for his contribution to District. ─── 地区总会将盼发值得荣耀的DTM奖章及名牌以表章他对总会的贡献。

50、She held out her pass with her picture on it and pulled back her coat so he could see her badge pinned to her dress. ─── 她拿出贴着她照片的通行证,把大衣往后拉了拉让他看别在身上的徽章。

51、NBA badge is the best NBA fans to wear ornaments, as the NBA fanatics, must be own ! ─── NBA徽章绝对是NBA球迷们的最佳佩带装饰物,身为NBA狂热分子,一定要有哦!

52、A small pin or brooch worn as an ornament or a badge of membership. ─── 勋章作为装饰物或表示成员资格标志而佩戴的小饰针或徵章

53、You must wear your badge at all times in our corporate office. ─── 你在公司期间必须时刻佩戴公司标识。

54、The only difference between us and them is the badge. ─── 唯一的区别是他们戴着警徽。

55、"Sweet mercy is nobility's true badge" (Shakespeare). ─── “大度的宽容是高贵品质的真正象征” (莎士比亚)。

56、Wear your badge at all times. ─── 一直带着你的徽章。

57、He pinned a badge on his jacket. ─── 他在外套上别了一枚徽章。

58、Create and manage your very own football club. Choose your colours and badge, design your kit and name your stadium. ─── 创造并管理自己的足球俱乐部.选择球队颜色,设计球衣,为你自己的体育场命名.

59、Professor Lovell-Badge, however, said the Chinese paper did not prove that the eggs that gave rise to babies came from the stem cells. ─── 然而路夫.巴德教授说这篇论文不能证实那些能够繁殖小老鼠的卵子来自于干细胞。

60、Isabel made a rapid induction: perfect simplicity was not the badge of his family. ─── 伊莎贝尔立即得到一个结论:单纯简朴不是他的家庭的特色。

61、He was awarded a merit badge for his bravery in the battle. ─── 他因为在战斗中的勇猛被授予一枚奖章。

62、This is a Flickr badge showing public photos from GRAVE. ─── 如果真的有去请一定要告诉我=口=!!

63、They are identified as UN peacekeepers by a UN blue helmet or beret and a UN badge. ─── 他们头戴联合国蓝盔或蓝贝雷帽,作为联合国维和人员标识。

64、I wanted to tell you that the badge on his jacket can show the glory and pride of our Rome Team. ─── 你不知道吧,他那件衬衫上面有罗马队的队徽,它代表着我们罗马队的荣誉与骄傲!

65、Do not go around carrying on like some drunken fool with company badge on! ─── 可别带着公司徽章,像醉鬼一样四处胡闹

66、From the hat badge, you know he is a student in the No. 5 high school. ─── 从帽花中可以看出,他是第五中学的学生。

67、If a Messerschmidt had taken his legs the wheelchair would have been like a medal, a badge of courage. ─── 如果他的腿是被梅塞施米特战斗机打断的,那么这部轮椅就象一枚奖章,象征他的勇气。

68、His gun was a badge of power for him. ─── 他的枪对他而言是权力的标志。

69、His reason was that the school a back door and the badge was so small he might easily lose it so it was better to have a few to spare. ─── 他的理由是学校还有个侧门,也得张一面旗,而徽章这东西太小巧,恐怕偶尔遗失了,不如多备几个在那里。

70、This is a Flickr badge showing recent i978. Make your own badge here. ─── 二年级的数学题,10个有9个做错,你能做对吗?

71、No entry,exit or loitering on campus without bearing school badge. ─── 六、不配带校徽不准出入校门和校园内走动。

72、In the 1960s, an Afro hairstyle was a badge of independence among African Americans. ─── 20世纪60年代,非洲发式是非裔美国人的独立徽章。

73、A device or token especially of membership in a society or group chevron: badge:: caisson: cart badger vt. ─── 半自动防空警戒管制组织,徽章,标记。

74、We are the agents of the CUCINE (Italy), DYM (Korea), Homesense (Korea), elica (Italy).Shanghai Badge Trade Co. ─── 上海拜志贸易有限公司也是中国较早从事厨房浴室电器及配件出口业务的公司之一。

75、In PSS, to magnetically record ticket, credit card, or employee badge. ─── 在可编程商店系统(ss),利用磁性将信息记录在商品的标签、用卡或雇员证章上。

76、Says that right on your badge. ─── 你的警徽上这么说的.

77、Frank: Aw, thanks! And what about your I. D. badge? You have an extra one I could borrow? ─── 哇,谢谢!那么你的I.D.徽章呢?有没有什么备用的能让我借的?

78、China wears its participation in the international Human Genome Project (HGP) like a badge of honour. ─── 中国把参加国际人类基因组计划(HGP)作为一种荣耀。

79、The badge on his waistcoat shone in the sun. ─── 他背心上的徽章闪闪发光。

80、February 2005 genyidesign commissioned warship design for a 170-ship logo, cap badge, and armband. ─── 2005年2月00设计接受委托为170军舰设计了舰徽、帽徽、臂章。

81、Stripped of his badge and soon his freedom, the defamed officer must find the true culprits. ─── 一次追查行动中,丹尼被警方发现行纵,危急下唯有胁持人质作挡箭牌;

82、The " big hair" look is a badge of femininity and often denotes social class as well. ─── “长头发”的形象是女性化的标志,而且经常用以表明社会地位。

83、Her breast, with its badge of shame, was but the softer pillow for the head that needed one. ─── 她的胸口虽然佩着耻辱牌,对有所需要的人却是柔软的枕头。

84、Only the chest"卐" badge is still shining. ─── 只有胸前的那枚”卐“徽章依然闪闪发亮。

85、Visitors will then see a badge on your site indicating your availability, and can click to start a chat with you. ─── 参观者将看到一个徽章,在您的网站上显示您的可用性,可以按一下,开始与您聊天。

86、This is a Flickr badge showing public photos from tempofeng.Make your own badge here. ─── 听狒狒说要考"未来学研究所"没想到这是个很热门的学问哩!!

87、You know, you got a badge and a gun but you're still a punk so shut the fuck up . ─── 你知道,你有徽章和手枪,但你仍然是一个朋克所以关闭他妈的了。

88、The Red Badge shatters American preconceptions about what a war novel could be. ─── 《红色的英勇标志》打破了美国人原来关于战争小说的看法。

89、There you will fill out a form and then a badge will be issued to you. ─── 一般上说,在你填好规定的表格之后就能拿到标牌了。

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