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09-08 投稿


safflower 发音

英:[?s?fla??(r)]  美:[?s?fla??r]

英:  美:

safflower 中文意思翻译



safflower 短语词组

1、safflower society ─── 红花学会

2、safflower seed ─── 红花籽

3、safflower bird feeders ─── 红花鸟喂食器

4、safflower oil hdl ─── 红花油高密度脂蛋白

5、safflower plant ─── 红花

6、safflower meal ─── 红花籽饼粉

7、safflower seeds ─── 红花籽

8、safflower club ─── 红花俱乐部

9、safflower seed oil ─── 红花籽油, ─── 红花油

10、safflower oil ─── [化] 红花油; 红花子油

safflower 相似词语短语

1、starflower ─── n.开星状花的植物,虎眼万年青;美洲七瓣莲

2、snailflower ─── 饭豆

3、dayflower ─── n.鸭跖草

4、satinflower ─── n.福寿玉

5、waxflower ─── 多花千金藤

6、safe-blower ─── n.以炸药炸开保险箱而抢劫的人

7、sallower ─── adj.气色不好的;灰黄色的(sallow的变形)

8、Mayflower ─── n.五月花号(英国清教徒首次去北美殖民地所乘之船名)

9、sunflower ─── n.向日葵

safflower 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Methods Safflower, Conic gymnadenia Rhizome, Radix Paconiac Alba in the prescription were identified under microscope. ─── 方法采用显微镜法对处方中红花、手参、白芍进行显微鉴别;


3、” In addition, sunflower, safflower, day lily, rose, hops, in Ninggong date, Guyuan Tremella, bracken, Ningxia E-Jiao, also shizuishan nation, and other famous porcelain. ─── 此外,向日葵、红花、黄花菜、玫瑰、啤酒花、中宁贡枣、固原银耳、蕨菜、宁夏阿胶、石咀山民族瓷器等亦小有名气。

4、Fatty acid comparision of Safflower seed oil in different cultivation ─── 不同产地红花籽油中的脂肪酸的比较

5、What are the connection of pumpkin seed, plantago seed,safflower flower, Japanese honeysuckle and Interferon? ─── 南瓜子、车前草、金银花、红花与免疫力之关连?

6、Methods To soak the xenoskin(pigskin) into the medicinal broth which has a role to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis(include Danshenroot,chuanxiong,safflower,Sanchi). ─── 方法把处理好的异种皮(猪皮)浸泡于活血化瘀类(丹参、川芎、红花、三七)中药中,猪皮作为活血化瘀类中药的载体,作用于局部烧伤创面上,观察烧伤创面的愈合情况。

7、Purification of linoleic acid from safflower oil with urea adduction fractionation ─── 尿素包合法纯化红花籽油工艺研究

8、Title: Advances in Cell and Tissue Culture of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L. ─── 关键词:红花;次生代谢物;器官发生;体细胞胚发生;细胞培养;组织培养

9、The henhouse that sees a platoon is sleek only inside grange sets off one another in greenery safflower clump, tens of thousands of, ; ─── 农庄内只见一排排井然有序的鸡舍掩映在绿树红花丛中,数以万计,外表绚丽的孔雀、野鸡、红腹锦鸡;成片的果树在阳光下闪着刺眼的绿色,果香扑鼻;

10、The research on microwave-assisted catalytic transfer hydrogenation of safflower oil ─── 微波催化转移氢化红花油的研究

11、The results showed that the contents of the flavonoids of Honegysuckle, Chrysanthemum, Safflower and Globeamaranth were 15.29 %, 12.35 %, 10.80 %, 6.53 % respectively. ─── 实验结果表明:4种茶花金银花、白菊花、茄瑰紫、千日紫的黄酮类物质得率依次为15.29%、12.35%、10.80%和6.53%。

12、Among them, chinese building learns vice-chairman of interior design branch to add auspicious professor to put forward " safflower matchs greenery " theory is most conspicuous. ─── 其中,中国建筑学会室内设计分会副会长来增祥教授提出的“红花配绿叶”理论最为引人注目。

13、High - yielding cultivation of cash crop safflower ─── 多用途经济植物红花及其高产栽培技术

14、They inserted the human insulin gene into the common safflower plant, which churns out the drug for a fraction of the cost. ─── 他们将人类胰岛素基因植入普通的红花植物中即可产出胰岛素,但成本只是一小部分。

15、The song go far left, one tree, the wind whistled, the butterfly of safflower. ─── 歌声走远,老树剩昏鸦,寒风呼啸,蝴蝶化红花。

16、Copper,zinc,lead,cadnium in Chinese medicine including Salvia,Dalbergia wood,Safflower,Poris cocos and injection of Salvia mixture by treating coronary heart disease were determined. ─── 对治疗冠心病中药丹参、降香、红花、茯苓及复方丹参注射液中铜、锌、铅、镉的含量进行了测定。

17、Then I started to use the Positrim Diet Supplement together with Safflower &Citrus to reduce my body fat and prevent the formation of new fat cells. ─── 后来,我选用健尔力的纤体乐和型体乐,纤体乐助我去除体内的脂肪,同时减少脂肪的形成。

18、To this end, some developers use plants like rice and safflower that self-pollinate, reducing the risk of contaminating nonpharma plants by wind and insect pollination. ─── 以此为目标,有些培育人士采用像稻米和红花这种会自花授粉的植物,降低风授粉和昆虫授粉污染非生药植物的风险。

19、Methods: Percentage of restraining platelet aggregation, prothrombin time and partial thromboplastic time were measured to compare the huoxuehuayu effects of different populations of safflower. ─── 方法:测定血小板聚集抑制率、凝血酶原时间和部分凝血活酶时间,比较不同栽培居群红花的活血化瘀作用。

20、safflower oil ─── n. 红花油

21、Complementary hue contrast is the strongest hue contrast, spend like safflower and green green implement, chrysanthemum and green violet lubricious flower implement wait. ─── 互补色相对比是最强的色相对比,如红花与青绿色花器,黄花与青紫色花器等。

22、Individual operators safflower, cotton, for the principles of honesty and trustworthiness, service customers throughout the country. ─── 个体经营红花,棉花,本着诚实守信为方针,服务全国的客商。

23、The separation and purification of linoleic acid from safflower oil via urea adduction fractionation was studied. ─── 本文介绍了以尿素包合法纯化红花籽油中亚油酸的方法。

24、Primary Ingredients: safflower, almond, Fruit Acid, liquorices, honey, root of red-rooted salvia , pearl powder, VA and etc.. ─── 主要成份:红花、杏仁、果酸、甘草、蜂蜜、丹参、珍珠粉、VA等。

25、Instead, use vegetable, safflower or peanut oil. ─── 作为替代,可使用植物油、红花油或花生油。

26、As a Chinese traditional medicine and a natural pigment, Safflower yellow from Carthamus tinctorius L has been widely used. ─── 常规醇沉法提取生产红花黄色素流程长,工艺复杂。

27、Optimization of extraction conditions for safflower yellow pigments by response surface methodology ─── 响应面分析法优化红花黄色素提取工艺条件

28、Keywords vegetable dye;safflower yellow;dyeing;cross-linking fixation; ─── 植物染料;红花黄;染色;交联固色;

29、Results: The tissue features of different organs of safflower were described. ─── 结果:描述了红花各器官的组织特征。

30、Jul love the innocence, love the sadness in July, July's favorite mischievous, like safflower but closed in July on the Eclisse. ─── 喜爱七月的纯真,喜爱七月的忧伤,喜爱七月的调皮,喜爱落落大方但如红花闭月含羞的七月。

31、Interventional effects of safflower solution on changes of serum nitrogen monoxide level and its synthase activity in patients with coronary heart disease ─── 冠心病患者血清一氧化氮水平及其合酶活性变化与红花注射液的干预效应

32、The best, in order, are: canola, safflower, sunflower, corn, peanut, olive, soybean. ─── 最佳的低脂油依次为:菜籽油、红花子油、葵花油、玉米油、花生油、橄榄油、色拉油。

33、The flower and seed of safflower are important medicinal herbs in use. The medicines efficacy and culture techniques with high quality and yield of safflower were summarized. ─── 摘要红花是一种重要的常用中药材,其花与种子均可入药。综述了红花的药效作用与优质高产的栽培技术。

34、Abstract Objective To study the effects of safflower injection after arteriovenous fistula operation. ─── 摘要 目的 探讨红花对动静脉内瘘术围手术期的影响。

35、Colorful flowers for: golden privet, Ligustrum Hongye.Sajinbai, Gongxiexiaobi nandina, double-sided wooden following safflower. ─── 供彩叶花木:金叶女贞、红叶女贞.洒金柏、红叶小檗、南天竹、双面红花继木.红花继木、金边黄杨、花柏、翠蓝柏、红枫。

36、Method: 40 cases were treated with gastrodin and safflower injection as the study group while 40 cases were treated with aspirin and flunarizine hydrochloride as the control group. ─── 方法:治疗组40例用天麻素和红花注射液、对照组40例用阿司匹林和盐酸氟桂利嗪治疗。

37、The CLA content in Safflower &Citrus is naturally derived from safflower ?a healthy source of CLA. ─── 型体乐的CLA乃从天然番红花油提炼而来,提供更健康的CLA来源。

38、Some people say that this is not open grasslands to safflower, since the Red Army after the war here, the red blood of martyrs the land, the grass only to come out safflower. ─── 有人说这草原来是不开红花的,自从红军在这里打仗后,革命先烈的鲜血染红了这块土地,这些草才开出红花来。

39、Effect of heat and parch processing on the flavone composition in safflower ─── 加热炒炙对红花中黄酮类成分影响的实验研究

40、ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate the feasibility of bacteria endotoxin test for examination the Safflower Injection. ─── 摘 要 目的: 考察细菌内毒素检查法对红花注射液进行检查的可行性。

41、The plant dyestuffs have madder, Radix Arnebiae, Su Mu, indigo, safflower, pomegranate, yellow Fructus Gardeniae, tea,etc.; ─── 植物染料有茜草、紫草、苏木、靛蓝、红花、石榴、黄栀子、茶等;

42、Use peanut or safflower oil or solid vegetable shortening for frying. ─── 用花生或红花油,或者食用油来起酥.

43、Observation on curative effect of anisodamine, safflower and alcohol mixture wet compressing to treat patients with phlebitis ─── 山莨菪碱红花乙醇混合液湿敷静脉炎的疗效观察

44、I love July! Jul love the innocence, love the sadness in July, July's favorite mischievous, like safflower but closed in July on the Eclisse. ─── 我喜爱七月!喜爱七月的纯真,喜爱七月的忧伤,喜爱七月的调皮,喜爱落落大方但如红花闭月含羞的七月。

45、The kinetics of safflower oil hydrolysis catalyzed by a lipase from Aspergillus niger was investigated in a solvent-free medium and an AOT/isooctane/phosphate buffer microemulsion medium. ─── 在无溶剂及二(2-乙基己基)丁二酸酯磺酸钠(AOT)/异辛烷/磷酸盐缓冲液微乳液体系中,研究了黑曲霉脂肪酶催化红花油水解反应的动力学。

46、Analysis of the oil and its fatty acids percentage of the seed of 48 safflower accessions ─── 48份红花材料种子含油率及其籽油脂肪酸分析

47、White flowers Mazumdar, safflower calm, elegant purple flower. ─── 白花素洁,红花沉稳,紫花淡雅。

48、We can supply: camellia oil, green tea oil, safflower oil, rice bran oil, grape seed oil, tomato seed oil, soya lecithin, tea seed powder and tea saponin. ─── 我们可以专业提供如下产品:山茶油,绿茶油,红花油,米糠油,葡萄籽油,番茄籽油,大豆卵磷脂,茶粕,茶皂素。

49、Instead, use a fruit oil, safflower, or sunflower oil instead. ─── 可以用水果精油,红花精油或者葵花精油代替。

50、Preliminary Report of Experiment on Prevention and Control of Safflower Rust Disease with different Medicaments ─── 不同药剂防治红花锈病试验初报

51、An effective method for promoting germination of safflower seed ─── 一种有效促进红花种子萌发的方法

52、In this paper, four yellow pigments in extract of safflower florets (ESF) were isolated and identified by MS. ─── 本研究从红花提取物中分离并用质谱鉴定了四种黄色素。

53、In this paper the cooking temperature of safflower seed oil(simplified as safflower oil) and the influence of cooking temperature on acidic value and peroxide value were investigated and discussed. ─── 摘要探讨了红花籽油(简称红花油)用于烹调使用的温度及烹调温度对酸价和过氧化值的影响。

54、This competition's president of the jury was the last week enforces the law Manchester United Chelsea safflower war's Leighly. ─── 本场比赛的主裁判就是上周执法曼联切尔西红蓝大战的莱利。

55、The supercritical fluid extraction technology applied to lecithin, gingko, safflower seed and herbal medicines such as caucuma longa and aucklandia were studied in this thesis. ─── 本文主要研究了超临界流体对蛋黄卵磷脂、白果、红花籽和中草药姜黄、云木香等的萃取工艺。

56、Kinetics of Lipase-Catalyzed Safflower Oil Hydrolysis in Solvent-Free and Microemulsion Media ─── 无溶剂及微乳液体系中脂肪酶催化红花油水解的动力学

57、Result: The safflower yellow pigment dissolved easily in water and ethyl alcohol and was stable to acid, alkali and metal ions and light. ─── 结果红花黄色素易溶于水和乙醇;对酸、碱、金属离子及光照等稳定。

58、Really "next-day Bi-infinite leaves, lotus leaves for other video on Red" , safflower Pitt leaves . ─── 真是“接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷叶别样红”,红花碧叶,相映成趣。

59、I mixed up mostly fat seeds ( safflower, rape, millet ) with some carbs ( corn, white milo/kafir) but no peanuts. ─── 我用了很多带脂肪的种子(红花籽,油菜籽,小米)和一些碳水化合物(玉米,白玉蜀黍)但是没有喂花生。

60、Also,FPL could mildly excite uterine, in which safflower play a main role. ─── 促孕液也能缓和地促进子宫运动,其中红花起主要作用。

61、Main products: “Tayuan”,“Xiyumingchu”,“Adeli”brand safflower seed series edible oil ─── 主营:“塔缘”、“西域名厨”、“阿得利”牌红花籽系列食用油

62、Tabasheer, safflower and calamine can clear away lung heat, expel toxic heat, sedate mind, and calm fright.Savory rhododendron leaf can clear away heat, diminish swelling, and tonify kidney. ─── 佐以清肺热、解热毒、凉心定惊的天竺黄、红花、炉甘石和清热消肿,补肾的烈香杜鹃,可调节和恢复肌体功能。

63、Useful Paper-cut zone around the valley safflower seedlings, bean sprouts disk, disk lit oil lamp, lighting, painting tissue paper revealing a lampshade, Yan-color eye-catching; ─── 有用剪纸红花带围着的谷秧、豆芽盘,盘中点着油灯,灯光透出彩画薄纸灯罩,艳彩夺目;

64、Other ingredients:maltodextrin, fructose powder, natural lemon flavor, citric acid, acesulfame potassium and safflower oil.contains soybean ingredients. ─── 其他成分:麦芽糖糊精,果糖粉,天然柠檬味,柠檬酸,乙酰磺胺酸钾,红花子油.包含大豆成分

65、Angelica alone can not end, safflower, Pollen, the sum, Citrus, nuts, Magnolia, Chuanjiao, such as Radix and talc. ─── 不能单独使用当归尾、红花、蒲黄、苏木、枳实、槟榔、厚朴、川椒、滑石和郁金等。

66、Early resins were made from raw materials such as the oils from Soya Beans, Flax Seeds, China Tung Nuts, Safflower seeds, Cottonseeds, and even Sardines! ─── 早期的树脂产生于原材料,像从大豆中提炼出来的油,亚麻的种子、中国的油桐果、红花种子、棉籽和沙丁鱼。

67、As a result of on the west safflower collect a variety of utility at a suit, in domestic and international demand great, first of officinal plant of world of economic value house, by Spaish praise for " gules gold " . ─── 由于西红花集多种用途于一身,在国内外需求量极大,经济价值居世界药用植物之首,被西班牙人誉为“红色金子”。

68、decoction of prunus persica safflower four drugs ─── 桃红四物汤

69、The composition of the oil was very similar to that of safflower oil. ─── 其组成与红花油中脂肪酸的组成十分接近。

70、Evaluation of the Trace Elements in Safflower Petals Determined by ICP-MS Using Factor and Cluster Analysis ─── 不同产地红花中微量元素的因子分析和聚类分析

71、Two rounds gets down Palestinian Sa to shoot the number to surpass 50 times, but actually only scores a spot kick by Meysey, the safflower regiment's attack had problems obviously. ─── 两轮下来巴萨射门数超过50次,但却只由梅西踢进一个点球,红蓝军团的进攻显然出了问题。

72、Master home bubble is in the pool, the greenery safflower inside the village, all can come eye ground, and if the azure on the top is washed, can sit see Yun Qiyun come loose. ─── 主人家泡在池中,小区内的绿树红花,就可皆来眼底,而顶上碧空如洗,可坐看云起云散。

73、Effects of different seedtime on the biology characteristic and quantity of Safflower crude drag ─── 不同播种时间对红花生物学特性及质量的影响

74、I take the Diet Supplement before each meal and the Safflower &Citrus after I've eaten. ─── 每逢进食前,特别在吃较油腻的食物,我都会食纤体乐,而餐后便会吃型体乐。

75、Conclusion: Safflower injection is a fine medicament in the treatment of coronary heart disease and angina pectoris or myocardial ischemia. ─── 结论:红花注射液是治疗冠心病心绞痛、心肌缺血的理想药物。

76、Objective To evaluate the safety and efficacy of Safflower Yellow Injection (SYI) in treating coronary heart disease and angina pectoris (CUD-AP) with heart blood stagnation syndrome (HBSS). ─── 摘要目的评价注射用红花黄色素治疗冠心病心绞痛(心血瘀阻证)安全性及有效性。

77、Kean talked about the safflower war which afterward soon arrives, “obviously, this competition Chelsea wants to strive for to win. ─── 基恩随后谈到了即将到来的红蓝大战,“显然,这场比赛切尔西要争取胜利。

78、The most important members of this group are cottonseed, corn, peanut, sunflower, safflower, olive, palm, and sesame oils. ─── 其中最重要的是棉籽油、玉米油、花生油、向日葵油、红花油、橄榄油、棕榈油和芝麻油。

79、The kitchen is located in east is big auspicious, if be in other direction, can be on the desk, near freezer, put safflower to be helpful for maintaining the health of the body. ─── 厨房位于东方是大吉,若在其它方向,可在桌上,电冰箱四周,摆放红花有利于保持身体的健康。

80、Method:The TCL me thod were applied to determine the nature of the ingredient of Penqiangxiao caps ule, that is safflower , nutagrass flatsedge rhizome , dandelion . ─── 方法:采用TLC法对盆腔消胶囊中红花、香附、蒲公英进行定性鉴别。

81、Primary Ingredient: safflower, Kojic Acid, liquorices, almond, Panax extract, pearl powder, VC whitening essence and etc.. ─── 主要成份:红花、鞠酸、甘草、杏仁、人参提取液、珍珠粉、VC美白精华等。

82、In those green leaves with safflower exuberant life, I do not see that being trampled on the scene. ─── 在那些带着旺盛生命的绿叶红花上,我看不出一点被人践踏的痕迹。

83、The inherent flavor of safflower seed oil, no peculiar ─── 特有的红花油气味,澄清、透明液体

84、Mountain pavilions, nestled in between trees safflower. ─── 山上亭台楼阁,掩映于绿树红花之间。

85、The our country on the history is imported from western country all the time, cry so on the west safflower. ─── 历史上我国一直从西方国家进口,所以叫西红花。

86、ATZ-216 is a kind of compound, which is extracted from szechwan lovge rhizome, lobed kudzurine root, safflower, hawthorn fruit, and other Chinese medicinal herbs. ─── ATZ-216是从中药川芎、葛根、红花、山楂等中草药中提取的复合制剂,含有多种有效成分。

87、Optimum extractive technique of the safflower byorthogonal test. Byorthogonal test.Results The optimal technique was chosen as ─── 用正交试验法优选红花醇提工艺条件

88、Product characteristics which are: safflower, following Wood, France Ilex, Ligustrum vicaryi, etc. ─── 其中特色产品有:红花继木、法国冬青、金叶女贞等。

89、The healthy noodle, which is made mainly by oats flour high-protein wheat-flour、and chinese wolfberry 、safflower are studied in this article. ─── 本文研究了以燕麦粉和高蛋白面粉为主要原料,同时添加枸杞、山药、红花等成分对挂面营养成分的影响的研究。

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