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09-08 投稿



groats 发音


英:  美:

groats 中文意思翻译



groats 网络释义

n. 碾去壳的燕麦(小麦)

groats 词性/词形变化,groats变形

动词过去式: groaned |动词过去分词: groaned |名词: groaner |副词: groaningly |动词第三人称单数: groans |动词现在分词: groaning |

groats 短语词组

1、buckwheat groats ─── 碎荞麦片

groats 相似词语短语

1、gloats ─── vi.幸灾乐祸;心满意足地注视;n.幸灾乐祸;贪婪的盯视;洋洋得意

2、groans ─── n.呻吟(groan的复数形式);v.呻吟(groan的第三人称单数形式)

3、grouts ─── n.薄泥浆;水泥浆;渣滓(grout的复数);v.给…灌浆;翻掘(grout的第三人称单数)

4、grots ─── n.洞穴

5、groat ─── n.些许,少许的金钱;昔日英国的四便士银币;n.(Groat)人名;(英)格罗特

6、goats ─── n.山羊(goat的复数形式)

7、grottos ─── n.洞穴

8、troats ─── v.(雄鹿)吼叫,叫春

9、Croats ─── n.克罗地亚人(Croat的复数)

groats 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、means cereal groats of Chapter 11; ─── 是指第十一章谷物的粗粒;

2、English: A pin a day is a groat a year. ─── 中文:那青年通过每天给那女子送花而向她求爱。

3、oat groat cutter ─── 燕麦切碎机

4、The old woman hobbled off, clutching her stick in her hand and her two groats in the other. ─── 老太婆一手抓着拐杖,一手拿着两个银币蹒跚而去。

5、john o' groat's house ─── n. 苏格兰之最北端

6、illustrated by Diane de Groat. ─── 作者声明: Lois Lowry ;

7、Keywords sorghum groats;water extract;methanol extract;total phenolic content;antioxidant activity;hydroxyl radical; ─── 高粱籽粒;水提取物;甲醇提取物;总酚含量;抗氧化活性;羟基自由基;

8、oat groats ─── 去壳燕麦粒

9、from John o'Groat's to Land's End ─── 从不列颠的最北端到最南端,英国全土

10、Gough said he was planning to stay the night in John O'Groats and enjoy a big meal before putting his clothes back on and heading back south to his home in Eastleigh, southern England. ─── Gough表示,他打算他的终点待上一晚,好好享受一顿大餐之后再穿上他的衣服,回转他在英格兰南部的家乡Eastleigh。

11、sorghum groats ─── 高粱籽粒

12、Pin a Day is a Groat a Year. ─── 每天节约一丁点儿一年就是一大笔。

13、1. Groats protein contents range up to 19%. ─── 去壳燕麦的蛋白质含量可达19%。

14、049 Tis a well spent penny that saves a groat. ─── 善花一便土,节约四便土。

15、Steel-cut oats are whole grain groats (the inner portion of the oat kernel) which have been cut into only two or three pieces. ─── 对新的抑郁症是一种饮食。我们一直熟知的食物是好的,有营养的,而且不贵。

16、Groats protein contents range up to 19%. ─── 去壳燕麦的蛋白质含量可达19%。

17、naked oat groats ─── 裸燕麦米

18、Glyphosate in groats (processed oats) was around 50% of that in oats from fields with pre-harvest spraying of glyphosate [14]. ─── 碾去壳的燕麦(加工的燕麦)为收割前施用过草甘膦农田的燕麦[14]。

19、Tis a well spent penny that saves a groat. ─── 善花一便士,节约四便士。

20、buck-wheat groats ─── 碎荞麦片

21、John O'Groats sandstone ─── 约翰欧格罗斯砂岩

22、Keywords Buckwheat buckwheat groat cereal breakfast; ─── 荞麦;荞麦米;谷物早餐;

23、Prepared flours, groats, meals or starches of heading 19. 01; ─── 品目19.01的经制作的细粉、粗粒、粗粉或淀粉;

24、We are currently one of the major companies which deal with the production and sales of among others, groats and rice on the Polish market. ─── 目前,我们是波兰市场上正在生产和销售碎谷粒及大米的主要公司之一。

25、The superstores themselves have centralised their distribution networks, trucking livestock from Land’s End to John O’Groats and the butchered meat back to Land’s End. ─── 超市的分销网络都由总部控制,兰德斯安德的牲畜被卡车装载着运往约翰奥格罗茨屠宰,宰杀完毕,肉制品再被运回兰德斯安德。

26、In this study, small jobs-tears, wheat groats, Chinese wolfberry, green pea and celluloses were added to frankfurter at 10% based on weight instead of the 10% pork back fat that is normally added. ─── 摘要本试验以含20%猪中背脂之法兰克福香肠为对照组,试验处理组则添加10%的小薏仁、麦片、枸杞、青豆仁及纤维素取代10%的脂肪,用以制作法兰克福香肠。

27、not worth a groat ─── 一文不值

28、Soak glutinous rice, oat-groats and chick peas for 2 hrs, drain; ─── 糯米、麦米及三角豆用水浸2小时,隔净;

29、In all the nations of Europe, the number of persons who have not a penny is double those who have a groat; ─── 在欧洲,身无分文的人是袋有铜板的人的两倍,一旦让他们享有平等的权力,那些铜板很快就会被分掉。

30、The church excommunicated him, and he gave them groats for pease, he excommunicated them. ─── 教会把他逐出教外,他也用同一手段把他们逐出教外。

31、maize groats ─── 玉米粒

32、I don't care a groat. ─── 我不在这一点小钱。

33、The second leg, part 2, from John O’Groats to Edinburgh, will start immediately after the Golf Event. ─── 之后又是七月一日香港回归中国十周年纪念;

34、The term "groats" means cereal groats of Chapter 11; ─── “粗粒”是指第十一章谷物的粗粒;

35、not care a groat ─── 毫不介意

36、silent groat ) that you walk. ─── 沉默些许)那你走吧。

37、At these lights turn Right marked Castletown, John O Groats. ─── 所有的5岁以下的儿童在使用现有的床铺之下不需付费。

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