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09-08 投稿



estrangedness 发音

英:[[?st're?nd??dn?s]]  美:[[?st're?nd??dn?s]]

英:  美:

estrangedness 中文意思翻译



estrangedness 相似词语短语

1、abstractedness ─── 出神;发呆

2、distractedness ─── 心烦意乱的

3、craggedness ─── n.崎岖;陡峭

4、entangledness ─── 纠缠

5、scraggedness ─── 擦伤,

6、strangeness ─── n.陌生;冷淡;[高能]奇异性

7、restrainedness ─── 克制

8、restrictedness ─── 限制

9、strandedness ─── 绞窄

estrangedness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She was perfectly callous about all the talk of the accident, but her estranged air looked like trouble. ─── 她对周圈的街谈巷议丝毫不感兴趣,但她那孤芳自赏的神色看来并非不无烦恼。

2、the child and mother were estranged, but through Hester's fault, not Pearl's. ─── 孩子和母亲是变得生疏了,但那要归咎于海丝特,而不是珠儿。

3、He hath put my brethren far from me, and mine acquaintance are verily estranged from me. ─── 他把我的弟兄隔在远处,使我所认识的,全然与我生疏。

4、The most remote two points in this world are two estranged hearts. ─── 人世间相距最远的两点,是两颗隔膜的心。

5、"He has removed my brothers far from me, And my acquaintances are completely estranged from me. ─── 他把我的弟兄隔在远处、使我所认识的全然与我生疏。

6、He has alienated my brothers from me; my acquaintances are completely estranged from me. ─── 他把我的弟兄隔在远处,使我所认识的,全然与我生疏。

7、From childhood, they had been exact opposites in temperament and they had been further estranged by his objections to the manner in which she had reared Charles-- "Making a damn sissy out of a soldier's son!" ─── 他们从小在性格上就是水火不相容的,后来又因为他反对皮蒂小姐教育查尔斯的那种方式而更加不和----他说皮蒂帕特简直是把查尔斯"从一个军人的儿子改造成一个娘娘腔的小白脸!

8、Don't ask Bob about his wife, he's been estranged from her for over a year now. ─── 别问鲍勃有关他妻子的事,他和妻子分手已有一年多了。

9、Among the nonbelievers is his estranged father Floyd Mayweather Sr. ─── 在质疑群体中,就不乏被他疏远的父亲,弗洛伊德-老梅威瑟。

10、KJV] He hath put my brethren far from me, and mine acquaintance are verily estranged from me. ─── [新译]他使我的族人远离我,使我熟悉的人完全与我疏远。

11、The only person named in connection with the case is William Balfour, 27, the estranged husband of Hudson's older sister, Julia Hudson. ─── 唯一的涉案人是哈德森27岁的姐夫威廉.巴尔弗。

12、He has consistently denied murdering his estranged wife. ─── 他自始至终否认谋杀了分居的妻子。

13、He returned to his hometown after his estranged father Tom Rocket (Tom Arnold) suffers from a stroke. ─── 他返回家乡后,他疏远的父亲汤姆火箭(汤姆阿诺德)患有中风。

14、They were estranged from each other. ─── 他们彼此变疏远了。

15、Estranged from the quantum mainstream, Einstein spent his final decades in quixotic pursuit of a unified theory of physics. ─── 与量子的主流思想渐行渐远后,爱因斯坦将他的最后几十年投注在对于物理统一理论的狂想式追求上。

16、His brothers are estranged from each other. ─── 他的兄弟们相互疏远。

17、She permitted her son to visit her estranged husband; I won't let the police search her basement. ─── 她允许她的儿子去看她的疏远的丈夫。

18、Other potential queens quoted included US singer Kelly Osbourne and Paul McCartney's estranged wife Heather Mills, both at 100-1. ─── 其余的"潜在王妃"包括美国歌手凯莉·奥斯本以及保尔·麦克考特尼的前妻海瑟·米尔斯,两人的赔率均为1赔100。

19、Friendship is the combination of souls,which may get estranged and therefore is a tacit agreement between two sensitive and upright persons. ─── 友谊是灵魂的结合,这个结合时可以离异的,这是两个敏感的,正直的人之间心照不宣的契约。

20、Britney, 24, filed for divorce from estranged husband Kevin Federline earlier last month citing irreconcilable differences as the reason for the split. ─── 今年24岁的布兰妮上月早些时候向丈夫凯文·费德林提出离婚,并称两人之间存在不可调和的矛盾。

21、His behaviour estranged him from his brother. ─── 他的行为使他跟兄弟疏远了。

22、Refused to make further traffic with the estranged friend. ─── 他拒绝和已经疏远了的朋友进一步交往。

23、He estranged himself from politics. ─── 他已脱离政治。

24、What has estranged the two friends from each other? ─── 什么原因使这两个朋友互相疏远的?

25、As I was quite estranged from my husband in affection, so I took no heed to my words ─── 因为我在感情上对我丈夫十分冷淡,所以我说话也不小心。

26、It is doubtful whether anyone can make peace between the estranged partners; they have become irreconcilable. ─── 对于是否能够调和疏远的两方,是值得怀疑的,他们已经是水火不容了。

27、The argument estranged him from his brother. ─── 争吵使他同他的兄弟之间的关系疏远了。

28、be estranged from each other ─── 互相疏远

29、 双语使用场景

30、By contrast, many Muslim immigrants and their children have become more estranged, not less.Their ambivalence towards the West and its secular liberalism has appeared to grow, not diminish. ─── 与此相反,许多穆斯林和他们的子孙越来越被疏远,它们对西方社会和它的世俗自由摇曳不定,而且这种矛盾感有增无减。

31、The fact he has not returned despite growing acclaim in Beijing and being an endorser of two large European drum companies made me think they were estranged, but it is not the case. ─── 一次在吃面的时候,他说自己和父亲都觉得见面时可能会过于激动,所以算了。

32、A quarrel had estranged him from his family. ─── 一场争吵使他与家人疏远了。

33、She tattled on her estranged husband. ─── 她在背后谈论与她分居的丈夫的私事。

34、Efforts to raise a$1.2 billion endowment have passed the half-way mark, helped by( formerly estranged) alumni. ─── 在一些校友(前与学校较为疏远)帮助下,募集12亿美元捐赠的行动已经成功了一半。

35、For example,parents or a loved one or spouse would rescue from financial difficulties at the very time when you feel estranged or disconnected emotionally. ─── 例如,在你孤立无助的时候,你的父母、爱人或配偶会帮你从经济因境中解脱出来。

36、James Links is a 49-year-old space trucker anxious to return to Earth and reunite with his estranged children Leon and Noel. ─── 他们找到了旧火箭“咻”,与博物馆长合力修好后乘火箭冲出太空,但遭到埋伏。

37、Or check out the murders reported in the daily newspaper, an amazing number of which trace back to a quarrel with an estranged lover. ─── 你还可以去看看每天报纸上关于谋杀的报导,你便会发现很多谋杀的起因是源于爱人分手时的争吵。

38、The necessity for traveling on business has estranged her from her family. ─── 她因必须出差而一直离开亲人。

39、They are estranged. ─── 他们疏远了。

40、estranged husband ─── 失和丈夫

41、That I may take the house of Israel in their own heart, because they are all estranged from me through their idols. ─── 好在以色列家的心事上捉住他们,因为他们都藉着假神与我生疏。

42、They have forsaken Jehovah; They have despised the Holy One of Israel; They have become estranged and have gone backward. ─── 他们离弃耶和华,藐视以色列的圣者,与祂生疏而退后。

43、He estranged himself from his classmates. ─── 他已脱离同班同学。

44、Yet another woman was killed by her estranged husband in Indianapolis,and yet again the question was asked,"Why don't these battered women leave? ─── 又一名妇女在美国印第安纳波利斯被与她分居的丈夫杀害,由此人们又一次提出这个问题:"为什么这些受虐待的妇女不离家出走呢?

45、His foolish behavior estranged all his friends. ─── 他的愚蠢行为令所有的朋友与之疏远。

46、She felt estranged from her former existence. ─── 她感到自己已脱离了过去的生活方式。

47、They will show their estranged brethren no more kindness or mercy than they would any other race. ─── 他们对这些疏远的同胞兄弟并没有显示出比对其他的种族更多的友好和仁慈。

48、He is estranged from his wife. ─── 他和妻子分居了。

49、He felt that was unlikely, because he had not yet broached the subject this year.He was unhappy that his daughter seemed somewhat estranged from him now. ─── 对于GRE,就是个8股,这个估计跟电视台做专题节目一样,有个所谓的合格文章的套路,虽说不满分,也一般是高分。

50、His dishonourable behaviour estranged him from his family ─── 他那不体面的行为使他跟全家人疏远了。

51、his estranged wife Emma ─── 他分居的妻子埃玛

52、The ambitious plan of turning Reliance into a global business empire comes as Mr Ambani is embroiled in a family feud with his estranged brother Anil over a gas dispute. ─── 安巴尼试图通过这一雄心勃勃的收购计划,将信实工业打造成一个全球性的商业帝国。目前他正陷于一场家族争斗,因天然气方面的争议与关系不睦的兄弟阿尼尔(Anil)闹矛盾。

53、When he suddenly loses his job, Ryuhei ashamedly hides the truth from his family and passes each day in lies.He becomes increasingly estranged from his two sons, each with secrets of his own. ─── 在健康机械制造商担任总务课长的佐佐木龙平突然被公司裁员,回家后没有将此事告知太太惠。

54、"I don't reproach you, Grace," said her father, with an estranged manner ─── “我不打算责备你,格雷丝,”她父亲说道,态度冷淡疏远。

55、A man estranged from his wife is convinced that he has a live serpent inside him which perpetual gnaws at him ─── 一个和妻子疏远的男人相信体内有一条活蛇常常在咬他。

56、Father and daughter also have what scientists now call "issues" concerning their own somewhat estranged relationship, which involves cryptic references to a mother and wife who is never seen. ─── 他们之间疏远的关系也映射了电影中没有出现的母亲或妻子的这个角色。

57、She had something of an estranged mien. ─── 她有些落落寡合的样子。

58、But when her mother suddenly dies, Sara must abandon her plans and join her estranged father (Terry Kinney) on Chicago's gritty South Side. ─── 可惜,她的母亲遽然离世,因此被逼放弃计划,要前往芝加哥跟随自幼离弃她的父亲(泰利坚尼饰)。

59、3 Was Paul saying in verse 10-11: “Don't ever divorce, but if you do anyway, then don't remarry unless it is to your estranged mate?” Why did he say that? ─── 在第10-11节,保罗是否说“不可离婚,若无论如何也要离婚的话,也不可再婚,除非他是从前那离开了的配偶。”为什麽他这样说?

60、Background: Laura (Julianne Moore) has come to Clarissa's apartment after being informed of the death of Richard (Ed Harris), her estranged son. ─── 劳拉来到科拉里萨的家并告知她她儿子的死讯。并解释为什么她离开了她的家。

61、Does your character stay in touch with them or has your character become estranged? ─── 你仍然有和他们联系?还是已经疏远了?

62、When Vaughn's delinquent brother, Trevor (Ian Tracey), shows up with his estranged girlfriend (Brandy Ledford), the party goes from fun to dysfunction. ─── 但是意想不到的访客到来把简单休假变成了改变命运的混乱的两天。

63、The Barbarian Invasions tells the story of a former professor whose estranged wife and son,his former mistresses and old friends gather around his deathbed. ─── 《残酷的进攻》讲述的是一个退休教授临终前,他疏远的妻儿、曾经的情人们和老友前来探望的故事。

64、His behavior estranged him from his brother. ─── 他的行为让他和他的兄弟疏远了。

65、Her estranged huSBand is also angry and bitter.And Melfi is in some sort of conflict with her son. ─── 剧中阴郁的气氛让人透不过气来,情节紧张,引人入胜。

66、The ill-fated marriage of former Beatle Paul McCartney and his estranged wife Heather Mills came to a formal end during a 30-second hearing at London's High Court on Monday. ─── 前“披头士”乐队成员保罗-麦卡特尼与其感情不和的妻子希瑟-米尔斯于本周一正式离婚。当天伦敦高级法院的庭审仅用了30秒钟。

67、He has distanced me from my brothers, completely estranged me from my friends. ─── 他使我的兄弟离弃我,使我的知己疏远我。

68、In this book, the worlds each character builds are significantly, tantalisingly estranged from each other. ─── 小说中每个角色创建的世界相互都极为疏远。

69、His mother had been born in the country, on a farm, and felt involved with the land but estranged from its people ─── 她母亲生在农村的一个农庄里,对这里的土地很有感情,但和这里的人是疏远的。

70、They are rather estranged from each other. ─── 他们之间有些隔膜。

71、estranged wife ─── ph. 已分居但尚未离婚之妻

72、Their quarrel estranged the two friends. ─── 他们的争吵使两个朋友失和。

73、As a result the government has estranged itself from the people, the army from the masses, and the military command from the rank and file. ─── 其结果就是政府和人民隔离,军队和人民隔离,军队中指挥员和战斗员隔离。

75、Then, before the estranged brothers would face each other after 20 years, Jacob wrestled with God. ─── 大约20年之后,这对不和的兄弟再次见面之前,雅各与上帝摔跤。

76、He became estranged from his friends. ─── 他和朋友们疏远了。

77、4 You have become estranged from Christ, you who attempt to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace. ─── 4你们这要靠律法称义的,是与基督隔绝,从恩典中坠落了。

78、the co-defendant charged with adultery with the estranged spouse in a divorce proceeding ─── 在离婚诉讼中,被指控为与原告的配偶通奸的被告

79、A woman (Brooke Nevin) faces opposition from her estranged father (John Schneider) when she plans to sell the family's dance studio. ─── 一个女人计划出售家族的舞蹈工作室,但遭到了已经分别的父亲的反对。

80、A week before Christmas Liza McCann visit her estranged father who strangely lives in a town decked out for the holidays and is full of Christmas spirit. ─── 圣诞节前一个星期,丽莎麦肯探望了她的父亲,老人住在一个陌生的小镇,小镇现在已经充满了节日的装扮。

81、The singer became a regular on the Hollywood club scene last November - shortly after filing for divorce from estranged husband Kevin Federline - when she was seen hitting the town with the hotel heiress and actress Lindsay Lohan. ─── 去年11月,与丈夫凯文-菲德莱感情破裂协议离婚后,小甜甜立刻成了好莱坞酒吧的常客,还与希尔顿、演员林赛·罗韩结伴出行。

82、the co-defendant charged with adultery with the estranged spouse in a divorce proceeding. ─── 在离婚诉讼中,被指控为与原告的配偶通奸的被告。

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