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09-08 投稿


plying 发音

英:[pla???]  美:[?pla???]

英:  美:

plying 中文意思翻译




plying 词性/词形变化,plying变形

动词第三人称单数: plies |动词过去式: plied |名词复数: plies |动词过去分词: plied |动词现在分词: plying |

plying 常用词组

ply someone with something ─── ◎不断地供给某人(食物、饮料等),不断以某物供应某人

plying 短语词组

1、plying meaning plying ─── 意义

2、plying wool ─── 合股羊毛

3、plying for hire ─── [法] 招租

4、plying cotton ─── 棉絮

5、plying limit plying ─── 限制

6、plying yarn ─── 合股线

7、plying cotton singles ─── 棉布单品

8、plying means ─── 操纵手段

9、standing or plying for hire ─── [法] 非法招揽顾主

10、plying definition ─── 应用定义

11、plying trade ─── 贸易往来

plying 相似词语短语

1、playing ─── n.比赛;演奏;v.玩耍(play的ing形式)

2、-lying ─── v.说谎;平躺(lie的现在分词);adj.说谎的;n.说谎

3、clying ─── 克莱因

4、applying ─── vt.apply的变形

5、-plying ─── n.通过;v.使胶合;弯,折(ply的ing形式)

6、flying ─── adj.能飞的;飞身做出的;快速运动的;短暂的;n.飞行;v.飞;飞行,航行;驾驶(飞行器);快速移动;(时间)飞逝(fly的现在分词)

7、paying ─── v.支付;(某种做法)有好处(pay的现在分词)

8、uplying ─── 上传

9、prying ─── adj.窥探的;爱打听的;v.窥探(pry的ing形式)

plying 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The taxi driver is plying for hire. ─── 出租车司机正在等生意。

2、If she tolerates his company, he will ply her with fresh fish, directing them headfirst into her beak. ─── 如果雌鸟能够接受雄鸟的这种交际,雄鸟就会拿来新鲜鱼作为贡品,直接送到雌鸟的嘴边。

3、Packed in 2 Ply Carto ,Lined with Kraft Paper and Bound with Four Plastic Belts Externally Packing Sound. ─── 双层纸箱装,外扎四道塑料腰带,内裹牛皮纸,包装完好。

4、For example thick 2.5 centimeters plank is calculated by 3 centimeters, this kind " guild regulations " bring about lumber ply inadequacy. ─── 例如厚2.5厘米的板材按3厘米计算,这种“行规”导致木材厚度不足。

5、A: Are yopu sure you know how to ply a plane? ─── 你确定你会开飞机吗?

6、Among them the ply of glass of the modelling of chassis, crawl and the influence with whether have crossbeam certain to the price. ─── 其中底盘的造型、围栏玻璃的厚度及是否安有横梁都对价格有一定的影响。

7、Bibulous ply expands rate is minorrer, the moistureproof performance that shows a floor is higher. ─── 吸水厚度膨胀率越小,说明地板的防潮性能越高。

8、Herds of dugongs or sea cows -- some of which can reach three metres long -- ply the coastal waters, grazing on sea-grass. ─── 嚼着海草的儒艮(又叫海牛)群在海边的水里层层叠叠,它们有的可达三米长。

9、He earned a little extra money by plying the only trade he knew. ─── 他靠从事他所懂的惟一的手艺挣一点外快。

10、If he were to join the Diavoli he would be another in a long-line of Brazilians already plying their trade at the Stadio Meazza. ─── 如果他能来到米兰,他将成为已经在圣西罗球场踢球的一大帮巴西人中的又一员。

11、And don't ply foreigners with lots and lots of disparate questions. ─── 不要没完没了地向老外提出大量的互不相关的问题.

12、I am like the cat plying on the egress, trying to seizing this cunning mouse even though out of reach now. ─── 我就象一只守在洞口爪子又够不到老鼠的那只猫!

13、Leading edge ministry puts brushstroke powder, smooth pat, spread out comes suit length and ply 6. ─── 前缘部放第一笔粉,平拍,铺展至适合长度及厚度6。

14、Residential building appearance uses aureate glass, outside wall concrete ply 1 foot. ─── 住宅楼外表采用金色的玻璃,外墙混凝土厚度1英尺。

15、The outer Ply Dunnage Bag is made of high intension kraft paper,PP woven PE membranes,which is tough and strong. ─── 充气袋的外袋是用PP及PE覆膜的牛皮纸制成,坚韧而牢靠,内袋是以PE为主的5层拱挤膜制成。

16、Complex ply yarns are usually composed of the following: a base or core, an effect, and a tie or binder. ─── 合股花式线由下述纱线组成:芯纱或基础纱,饰纱,还有固结纱。

17、In Melbourne, capital city of Victoria, trams ply the streets in their bright and colourful livery, carrying about half a million people a day. ─── 在维多利亚州首府墨尔本,有轨电车以其明亮和艳丽的色彩扮靓了街道,每天约运送50万乘客。

18、In compliance with your request to our mr. j. , we have pleasure In send by separate post a sample of our 10s.3 - ply yarn . ─── 依照您对本公司J.先生的要求,我们已另邮寄去世0支的三合股纱样品。

19、Buses ply between the two cities. ─── 公车定期往返于那两个城市之间。

20、She kept plying her guests with tea. ─── 她不停地给客人们上茶。

21、Brush bottom oil. Brush alcoholic acid varnish equably go up in metope, ply moderate. ─── 刷底油。将醇酸清漆均匀刷在墙面上,厚度适中。

22、Fold edge flat rubber belt is folded by the outer ply or blies of canvas, and the sides of the belts are curved surfaces. ─── 包边式平带用数层帆布包叠,侧面为弧形面。

23、In addition, there is an international container line, as well as three ro-ro ships plying between China and America monthly . ─── 另外还有一条集装箱国际航线和三艘滚装船每月来往于中国一一美国。

24、Boats ply the channel in all weather. ─── 小船风雨无阻地定期往返于该海峡。

25、The application of the adhesion promoter AIR-1 in the sidewall,breaker and carcass ply compounds of bias truck tire was investigated. ─── 介绍粘合增进剂AIR1在载重斜交轮胎胎侧胶、缓冲层胶、帘布层外层胶和内层胶中的应用。

26、Just as alternative therapists can ply their trade outside the medical profession, you could have unaccredited managers. ─── 就像另类医疗师可以在医疗行业之外从事自己的工作一样,没有资格证书的管理者也可以从业。

27、He sets traps to ensnare the unwary and ply false trust to lead the naive astray. ─── 他也设置陷阱让那些粗心者掉入圈套,意图欺骗误信者误入歧途。

28、Our proucs por maily o Japa, Kora, Europ a h Ui Sas, which has b ackowlg ply by iraioal mark. ─── 凭借专业化的生产、稳定的质量、良好的信誉和低成本的优势,愿与海内外客商精诚合作。

29、She bristled, thinking of the woman plying her wares on one of the customers. ─── 她生气了,想到了那向客人兜售自身的女人。

30、Countless generations of Tuareg warriors ruled this realm, demanding tribute from merchants plying the caravan routes. ─── 无数代的图阿雷格勇士统治着这片土地,向往来于商队路线上的商人索要贡品。

31、General good floor tile ply is in 8 millimeter above. ─── 一般好的地砖厚度都在8毫米以上。

32、There are some Olympic athletes who ply their will against an omnipresent adversary, gravity. ─── 一些运动员需要对抗无所不在的力量,地球引力。

33、The workers have no guarantee that they can continue to ply their skills. ─── 工人们得不到可以一直在一个工种中不断锤炼技术的保证。

34、In summer, ferries constantly ply the waters among them.Many of the islands have beautiful beaches, picturesque windmills, and snow-white streets. ─── 大陆上的历史名胜古迹吸引着世界各地的人们观光,而岛屿就更是吸引人了。

35、Four trains plying coastal routes have disappeared. ─── 四条通过沿海线路的列车失踪。

36、When a 2 - ply slub is made, the soft and fluffy portion is held in place by a tightly twisted single. ─── 在制作二合股竹节花式纱时,纱线上的蓬松部分被强捻单纱束缚在确定的位置上。

37、Their cars, some bedecked with flags and slogans, ply the expressway between Chengdu and Jiangyou. ─── 他们的车不停的往返于成江高速公路,其中有些车还挂满了红旗和标语。

38、The sight of half-laden container ships plying the seas is another clue that this is no ordinary recession. ─── 空载一半的集装箱船航行过海,从另一个角度提醒我们:这不是一场普通的经济衰退。

39、In the middle or back ply, however, less expensive fibers such as GW, TMP, HYP(BCTMP)and recycled fibers or mixtures of different fibers are used. ─── 在上述纤维中,枫树高得率化机浆以其极高的松厚度独具优势。

40、The country is to the standard name at this kind of floor: Macerate ply of paper controls wooden floor board. ─── 国家对于此类地板的标准名称是:浸渍纸层压木地板。

41、He used to ply feneration usually. ─── 他过去经常放高利贷。

42、Vaporetto is one of the motorized boat-buses that ply the Grand Canal. ─── “公共汽艇”是一种装有马达的,在大运河上定期来回,类似公共汽车的汽艇。

43、Moreover,some ply patterns of zero thermal expansion of uni directional hybrid composites are predicted. ─── 另外,也对部分零膨胀单向混杂复合材料的铺层结构进行了预测。

44、As a result of URC advocacy, the authority's residents' association now allows the hawkers and others to ply their trades on the beach. ─── 因为城市资源中心的辩护,委员会的常驻协会现在允许小贩和其他那些人在海滩从事买卖。

45、To this end, I enlisted the help of the crews of the commercial fishing boats that ply the seas around Monterey Bay. ─── 为达目的,我加入了定期往返加州蒙特雷湾海域的商业渔船充当船员助手。

46、Ply pipe classes:aluminun、steel、stailess steel、cuprum. ─── 弯曲管材类别:铝型材、钢型材、不锈钢、铜材型材。

47、Sue was plying the sociopathic trade of getting Lucy to pity her for the very things she did to mess up Lucy's life. ─── 苏在在做让露西对同样也是苏对露西生活捣乱做的事情进行同情的反社会型买买。

48、Craig Cathcart moved to Belgium earlier this week to ply his trade with Warren Joyce's side at the Bosuil Stadium until January 1, 2008. ─── 卡斯卡特已经在这个星期早些时候转会到这个比利时俱乐部,合同同样签到了2008年1月。

49、Ply: Number of sheets of paper or board pasted together for strength, Thus; 2-ply, 3-ply, etc. ─── 层:表示多少张纸或纸板粘结一起,增加强度的情况。例如两层、三层等。

50、Today the summer has come at my window with its sighs and murmurs; and the bees are plying their minstrelsy at the court of the flowering grove. ─── 今天,夏季轻嘘微语着来我窗前;群蜂在花树的庭院中尽情吟唱。

51、General ply is 2-5 millimeter. ─── 一般厚度为2-5毫米。

52、It is the ideal equipment for manufacturing the radial tyre or nylon ply bias tyre. ─── 它是理想的设备制造子午线轮胎或尼龙层偏见的轮胎。

53、Wih cll prouc a prfc srvic, our compay is ply wlcom a rus by cosumrs. ─── “以人为本,重合同,守信用”为本厂的经营宗旨。

54、Or maybe they'll be plying a trade none of us old-timers will even recognize as work. ─── 或者他们会行驶一个交易,而我们这些老家伙甚至都不会认为那是一份工作。

55、On the other, conservation authorities worry that overfishing will deplete the sockeye and chinook salmon stocks plying the Pacific Northwest waters. ─── 保育当局则担忧过度捕捞会让往返于太平洋西北海域的红鲑和国王鲑耗竭殆尽。

56、He shipped as a sailor in a French vessel plying between Europe and Japan. ─── 他在一艘往返于欧洲与日本的法国船上当水手。

57、The offer for adding embossment unit or ply number of rewinding can be decided through negotiation. ─── 增加压纹或增加复卷层数,设备价格面议。

58、Three ply sandwiched base, heating evenly. ─── 三层复合底,受热均匀.

59、It combines layered laser cut birch ply with a circular Perspex top and is designed to be an object of beauty both whilst in use and folded away. ─── 它由一张透明的玻璃和可折叠的白桦板桌腿组成。其设计的目的是给桌子赋予设计感的同时增加折叠功能:玻璃桌面在不用的时候可以单独取下来倚靠墙边。

60、On average, he says, he earns $240 a month plying his route from 5:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. ─── 他每天在固定的线路上从早上5:30跑到晚上9点,平均每天每月能挣240美元。

61、A classic OFF blade7- ply that uses a layer of foil to help increase ball control. Used and loved by1991 World Champion J& ouml; rgen Persson. ─── 多尼克佩尔森,一款经典的7层进攻性底板,其中有一层箔来增加对球的控制性能,被1991年的世界冠军约根佩尔森所选用和喜爱。

62、They were plying me with oatmeal cookies, showing me wonderful pictures, and telling me what to do. ─── 他们给我提供了燕麦片点心,给我看了许多非常棒的图片,还告诉我应该怎么办。

63、He began his tenure in DC the following season and has been plying his trade in the nation's capital ever since. ─── 在接著下来的赛季(2004-05)他被交易到了国家的首都华盛顿,从而开始了一段长期的效力于奇才的历程直到现在。

64、Owen was the only player plying his trade outside the Premier League to be selected for England 2002 World Cup squad. ─── 欧文是唯一一名被选入2002年世界杯英格兰阵容的非英超球员。

65、There were a great many boats plying to and fro about the lake, and the quays and the little islet were crowded with people. ─── 大批大批的船只穿梭于湖面,码头和小岛上也密密麻麻地挤满了人。

66、He watched the boats plying as across the Thames. ─── 他望着在泰晤士河上来回穿梭的船只。

67、Plying is not wasting time, as some think.It gives them physical exercise, and also exercise their imagination.Which tends to be stifled by too much study. ─── 娱乐并不如某些人所想的,是在浪费时间,它可以让学生锻鍊身体,发挥被繁重课业扼杀的想像力。

68、Their example reminds us that genius doesn't have a pedigree, that you don't discover new worlds by plying safe, conventional waters. ─── 他们的范例告诉我们,天才不靠门第出身,而且告诉我们如果你只在安全而熟悉的水面航行,就不可能发现新大陆。

69、IN THE streets surrounding the Sule Paya pagoda in downtown Yangon, Burmese Muslims ply their trade, selling sweetmeats, calligraphy or spectacles. ─── 在位于仰光市中心的小金塔的周边街道上,缅甸的穆斯林们干着他们的工作:出售糖果、书法和眼镜。

70、They also take necessary control action on itinerant hawkers whenever they are found plying their trade in streets. ─── 他们又负责管理在街上贩卖的流动小贩,如有需要,会采取执法行动,遏止违例情况。

71、The 24-hour marine weather forecasts issued twice daily are broadcast in NAVTEX by coastal stations to ships plying in the region. ─── 天气预测总部每日两次发出24小时海洋天气预报,由海岸电台以中频航行专用电报向区内来往的船只广播。

72、There are far fewer pointless emails, and even senders of spam seem to be plying their craft with less enthusiasm than normal. ─── 不知所云的邮件也少了许多,就连发垃圾邮件的人似乎都没有往常那么卖力了。

73、Ouyad electronic CO.LTD is a large group manufacture which ap ply itself to the new e... ─── 发布者:侯爱兰所在地:广东佛山市行业:电工电气职位:外销员工作年限:

74、Accordingly, in education the attention enhances the history with this tuitional course deep ply is very necessary. ─── 因此,在教学中注意增强这门课程讲授的历史深厚度非常必要。

75、In general, all types of yarn, singles, ply or continuous filament, benefit from a lubrication procedure prior to weaving. ─── 一般来说,所有的纱线,不管是单纱、股线,还是连续长丝纱,在织造之前经过润滑,对纱线都是有益的。

76、Ply change is big, board face has bongo package, water proofing property of demonstrative board face is poor. ─── 厚度变化大,板面有小鼓包,说明板面防水性差。

77、Mountainously laden timber lorries ply the interprovincial highway, their loads of acacia logs almost brushing as they pass. ─── 从山区装了木材的货车在跨省公路上穿梭着,车辆交会时,车上金合欢木险险擦过。

78、She was sitting in the alcove, her task of work on her knee, her fingers assiduously plying the needle. ─── 她一直坐在亭子里,膝头搁着针线活儿,十指孜孜不辍地忙于针凿。

79、Give your boudoir the chic look of a boutique hotel with this set of soft, single ply 420TC cotton sateen sheets. ─── 为您提供各类床上用品,家居布置,厨房工具。

80、WE CAN SUPPLY fabrics of T/R,POLYESTER,KNITING,PLY FLEECH ,JEAN with good quality and reasonable price! ─── 对于卫衣布面料,涤纶,针织,羊毛衫,牛仔方面,我方可提供高质量和合理的价钱.

81、To freezer of straight cold formula, when frost ply amounts to 5 millimeter, need to undertake artificial defrost. ─── 对于直冷式冰箱,当结霜厚度达5毫米时,需进行人工除霜。


83、Already 30 DaimlerChrysler-built fuel-cell buses are plying the streets of 10 European cities, and three more will shortly each be servicing Beijing and Perth. ─── 已有30辆戴姆勒克莱斯勒公司出厂的燃料电池巴士,穿梭在欧洲10个城市的街头,他们很快还将再添三辆生力军,陆续于中国北京与澳洲伯斯加入服务的行列。

84、Do you have any ambitions to ply your trade for one the big European clubs after the FIFA World Cup? ─── 你是否有在世界杯结束之后立志转会一家欧洲的大俱乐部的雄心?

85、They also take necessary management actions on itinerant hawkers whenever they are found plying their trade in streets. ─── 他们又负责管理在街上贩卖货物的流动小贩。如有需要,他们会采取执法行动,遏止违例情况。

86、She keeps plying guests with tea , when many of them would rather have coffee . ─── 她不停地给客人们供茶,而他们中的许多人却宁可喝咖啡。

87、The day before yesterday PLY also used SMS to tell me that she wanted to a hospital accompanied CMJ overnight. ─── 前天PLY还用短信告诉我,说她要到医院去陪CMJ一个通宵。

88、If have the share that uses glass, whether smooth, ply reachs the margin that should note glass likewise the problem such as security. ─── 如有运用玻璃的部份,同样要注重玻璃的边缘是否光滑、厚度及安全性等问题。

89、Horrid and fantastic boatmen called marraenoloths ply its waters, their skills supernaturally competent. ─── 古怪可怕的冥河船夫努力地划着水,它们超乎寻常的高超技艺胜任这项工作。

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