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09-08 投稿



giddily 发音

英:[?ɡ?d?li]  美:[?ɡ?d?li]

英:  美:

giddily 中文意思翻译



giddily 网络释义

adv. 头晕地;轻率地;眼花缭乱地

giddily 相似词语短语

1、gidday ─── 吉迪

2、gaudily ─── adv.俗丽地

3、muddily ─── adv.污浊地,浑浊地;浑身是泥;糊涂地

4、giddy ─── adj.头晕的;眼花的;令人眼花缭乱的;轻浮的;vt.使晕眩;使眼花缭乱;vi.眼花;眩晕;n.(Giddy)人名;(英)吉迪

5、giddied ─── adj.头晕的;眼花的;令人眼花缭乱的;轻浮的;vt.使晕眩;使眼花缭乱;vi.眼花;眩晕;n.(Giddy)人名;(英)吉迪

6、ruddily ─── adv.红润地;呈现赤红色地

7、godlily ─── 虔诚地

8、giddier ─── 眩晕的(giddy的比较级)

9、giddies ─── adj.头晕的;眼花的;令人眼花缭乱的;轻浮的;vt.使晕眩;使眼花缭乱;vi.眼花;眩晕;n.(Giddy)人名;(英)吉迪

giddily 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She swayed giddily across the dance floor. ─── 她飞快地飘过舞池,看得人眼晕。

2、Her mother was beaming.“Can you believe it?” she said and laughed giddily. ─── 主治医生感到失望,但并不感到惊讶。

3、Summer the person is easy and giddy, how to do giddily? ─── 夏天人容易头晕,眼花怎么办?

4、Dazed, be the symptom of the cold giddily? ─── 头昏,眼花是不是感冒的症状?

5、When I found my first megawebsite dedicated to vacation rentals, I giddily clicked from one listing to another, certain I would quickly find the perfect hideaway. ─── 当我来到第一个大型假期出租网站的时候,我头晕眼花地搜索索每一行,似乎肯定能很快找到理想的世外桃源。

6、As she walked, Luyuan giddily ticked off the terms of her new job. ─── 她一边走,一边简单回顾了一下自己新的工作。

7、But in just four days in mid-November, the pendulum of Italian public life has swung giddily from one extreme to another. ─── 但是,十一月中旬仅仅四天里,意大利公众生活这个摆钟就摇摇摆摆地从一个极端走向另一个。

8、Marry to this 06 height year for, it is to let new personality be carried giddily on sofa choose and buy more 瞭 is random. ─── 对于06这个结婚高峰年来说,更是让新人在沙发选购上挑得眼花瞭乱。

9、The central planning that made sense when it was fighting for survival in the second world war was giddily retained in peacetime. ─── 二战中为生存而战所建立的中央计划起到了作用,但在和平年代仍继续保留的话,难免荒唐可笑。

10、There shall be no work as long as this hound is giddily scampering about the school yard. ─── 只要那条野狗依然在学校操场上乱跑,就不会再有学习和功课。

11、the spectators whooped to see the dancers vainly reaching for a hand to close on as they whirled giddily by. ─── 眼看着跳舞的人们旋转交错的瞬间,伸出手想拉住对方,却还是徒劳而返,旁观者们大叫着叹息。

12、She swayed giddily across the dance floor. ─── 她飞快地飘过舞池,看得人眼晕。

13、So called decorous with classic already by " shoe of sponge cake bottom " walk broken up, be done giddily by the hair of all sorts of color that hopping on the ave and appearance. ─── 所谓的高雅与古典已被“松糕底鞋”踩得支离破碎,被大街上跳跃着的各种颜色与外形的头发弄得头昏脑胀。

14、Is excuse me long-term for no reason at all has a headache giddily why? ? ! ─── 请问长期无缘无故头痛眼花是为什么??!

15、He reeled giddily across the room. ─── 他头晕目眩跌跌撞撞地穿过房内。

16、But when it's as exciting and giddily joyful as Super Mario Galaxy was, it's a little hard not to get overexcited anyway. ─── 但是,它和《超级马里奥银河》一样,能让玩家开心激动到眩晕,这时候按捺住兴奋有点难度哦。

17、I had to cling tight to the backstay, and the world turned giddily before my eyes; ─── 我不得不紧紧抓住后支索,只觉得眼前天旋地转。

18、At the end, though, fans cheered giddily for free tacos, part of a fast-food promotion for those in attendance when the Lakers win and hold the opponent to under 100 points. ─── 最终球迷们还得到了一份快餐奖赏--球队赢得胜利并且将对手的得分抑制在100分以下。

19、Is excuse me long-term for no reason at all has a headache giddily why? ? ! ─── 请问长期无缘无故头痛眼花是为什么??!

20、His mind veered away, careened back giddily to the rock on which he was sitting. ─── 他的思路立刻一转弯,飞快地掉过头来,回到了自己所坐的石头上。

21、Am I what child should net of late before last have a headache to strap A giddily? Still have dazed be sick forehead? ─── 我为啥子晚上上网要头痛眼花勒阿?还有头昏是不是有病额?

22、“HE'S HYPE,” says a smiling Greg Beckford, giddily explaining why he has come to Grant Park in Chicago to hear Barack Obama speak on election night. ─── “他太火了,”GredBechford笑着说,他还激动地给我们解释为什么在选举之夜来芝加哥的格兰特公园听奥巴马的演讲。

23、is tough, when you are giddily falling in love, to stand back and really examine your relationship with objective eyes, but we knew we had to. ─── 当你爱得晕头晕脑的时候,退一步去用客观的眼光来真正地审视你的关系,是很难做到的,但我们知道我们必须得这样做。

24、"Although Sam can't catch a break for most of the book, his incredible shrinking adventure never turns nightmarish: each turn of the page reveals another giddily imagined, sweetly comic peril. ─── 这是一本独一无二的图画书,几乎所有人看到都会发出哇的一声惊呼;这是一本几乎所有的小朋友都疯狂喜欢的图画书,能让小朋友们知道自己是中国的孩子。

25、Buy a shoe now to the shop, shoe of shoe of the various leather shoes on goods shelves, travel, gym shoes, cloth lets you look giddily definitely class is random. ─── 现在到商店去买鞋,货架上各种各样的皮鞋、旅游鞋、球鞋、布鞋准让你看得眼花级乱。

26、No matter how giddily it is advertised, equality is always radical idea involving radical consequences by threatening an unequal status quo. ─── 人管人们把平等吹得如何天花乱坠,平等总是一个激进的思想,它威胁到一个不平等的现状,因而总会引起严重的后果。

27、Even when he had satisfied himself that he was awake, Mr.Lorry felt giddily uncertain for some few moments whether the late shoemaking might not be a disturbed dream of his own; ─── 尽管罗瑞先生因为他已恢复了正常而感到满意,却仍然糊涂了好大一会儿,不知道最近这做鞋的事是否是一个令人心烦意乱的梦。

28、No matter how giddily it is advertised, equality is always radical idea involving radical consequences by threatening an unequal status quo. ─── 人管人们把平等吹得如何天花乱坠,平等总是一个激进的思想,它威胁到一个不平等的现状,因而总会引起严重的后果。

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