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09-08 投稿



dormitories 发音

英:[?d??m?triz]  美:[?d?rm??t?riz]

英:  美:

dormitories 中文意思翻译



dormitories 常用词组

dormitory building ─── 宿舍大楼

school dormitory ─── 学校宿舍

dormitories 词性/词形变化,dormitories变形

名词复数: dormitories |

dormitories 短语词组

1、dormitories on campus ─── 校园宿舍

2、keep pets in dormitories ─── 在宿舍饲养宠物

3、take them to their dormitories ─── 带他们去宿舍

dormitories 相似词语短语

1、monitories ─── adj.训戒的;n.告诫书

2、donatories ─── n.受赠人;捐赠领收人

3、oratories ─── n.雄辩;演讲术

4、directories ─── n.[计]目录,名录;指南;计算机文件或程序的目录(directory的复数)

5、formicaries ─── n.蚁窝

6、dormitory ─── n.宿舍,学生宿舍;adj.住宅区的

7、fumitories ─── n.延胡索属的植物;球果紫堇

8、vomitories ─── n.催吐剂;出入口;adj.呕吐的;使呕吐的

9、olitories ─── 油籽

dormitories 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、more than 200 million investment last year completed a ladder classrooms, dormitories, a high standard stadium renovation project and the front garden. ─── 去年投资200多万元完成了阶梯教室、学生宿舍、高标准运动场和楼前花园改造工程。

2、Living in college dormitories, there are no parents to tell you that study harder or stop wasting time. ─── 住在大学宿舍里,就不会有父母来告诉你要更加努力学习,不要再浪费时间。

3、respective dormitories ─── 各自的宿舍

4、NRH possesses five factory buildings and four dormitories. ─── 公司现有五栋厂房,四栋宿舍(其中三栋已投入使用)。

5、Hard welfare, on the other hand, consists of dormitories, restaurants, sport yards, and exercise equipment. ─── 以及提供员工宿舍、餐厅、运动场地及健身器材等。

6、We will increase living allowances for rural students receiving compulsory education who come from poor families and stay in school dormitories. ─── 增加农村义务教育阶段家庭经济困难寄宿生的生活补助。

7、The Existing Problems and Solutions to the Culture Building of College Students'Dormitories ─── 大学生宿舍文化建设存在的问题及对策

8、Whether the student dormitories, classrooms or in the class the road, there is always lots to talk about topics and gossip. ─── 无论是在学生寝室、教室还是在上课的路途中,总有说不完的话题和八卦新闻。

9、Bird cages were hung in the veranda outside the principal's once, while fowl ran in and out of the office door. The classrooms and dormitories, being flimsy, dilapidated structures, were left empty, soon to be filled with cobwebs. ─── 学生住过的寝室教室,因为建筑简单,年辰久远,好些地方石灰泥土剥落了,蔑条编成的壁头,便全然现了出来,就由它空起,让蜘蛛去张网捕虫。

10、Then the original is very empty dormitories clean up, after military training in order to get tired, they can lie on the ground. ─── 接着把原本就很空的宿舍收拾干净,为了以后军训累了就可以直接躺在地上。

11、Dormitories are separated by gender, and will be arranged by Hostel Manger, but will not be applied to Family Room. ─── 宿位男女分房,并于入住时由旅舍经理安排,家庭房则不在此限。

12、Harmonious university students dormitories interpersonal relationship promotes the university student health growth ─── 和谐大学生宿舍人际关系促进大学生健康成长

13、I hope many students will come to the sports field to taste the happiness of youth, and left literati and gentility to their classrooms and dormitories. ─── 我希望许多同学都来这运动会场上尝尝少年的高兴,----把那斯文的老景暂时丢在讲堂上或寄宿舍里!

14、The majority of dormitories provide the eat three meals a day, but some do not supply the lunch in the weekend. ─── 大部分宿舍都提供一日三餐,但有的在周末不供应午餐。

15、Many colleges now have wired dormitories. ─── 现在许多大学的学生宿舍已经联网。

16、Students in dormitories are often astonished middle of the night, but also with their feet to kick bed board, and sometimes lasted until dawn. ─── 宿舍有个同学三更半夜经常惊叫,还会用脚去踹床板,有时候甚至一直持续到天亮。

17、Employs a comprehensive audit protocol designed to assess performance in the areas of Environment, OHS, Labour, Dormitories, and General Awareness. ─── 使用一个设计出来的全面的核查规程来评估企业在环境,职业健康与安全,劳工,宿舍,以及综合意识方面的表现。

18、ADSL Technology and Its Application to Access Network in Campus Dormitories ─── ADSL技术及其在校园宿舍接入网中的应用

19、The students live in domitories dormitories or apartments or with local families. ─── 学生会住在宿舍或者公寓或者当地人家里。

20、Typhoon No. 17 has caused the education system of the disaster areas of Zhejiang to suffer heavy losses, and the number schools with dormitories and facilities having been damaged has reached 1500. ─── 十七号台风使浙江灾区的教育系统蒙受了惨重的损失,校舍、设施受损毁学校达一千五百所。

21、The New Building contained four dormitories, one above the other, and a top story which was called the Bel-Air (FineAir). ─── 新大楼有四间上下相叠的寝室和一间叫做气爽楼的顶楼。

22、My sister and my wife were next-door neighbors in the dormitories at college. ─── 在大学里,我妹妹和我太太的宿舍是紧挨着的。

23、It was the custom after dinner to go immediately to town, unless one was on duty in the dormitories. ─── 按照惯例,一吃完晚饭就马上到城里去,除了留在宿舍里执勤的人。

24、Children sleep in dormitories when they live at school. ─── 孩子们住在学校时,在宿舍睡觉。

25、The structures in the north of it include abbeys, libraries, gardens, printing houses, orphanages, hospitals, girl's schools and Clerics' dormitories. ─── 北堂所属建筑包括修道院、图书馆、后花园、印刷厂、孤儿院、医院、光华女中、神甫宿舍等。

26、Please wear your conference badge at all times for identification. Any person without a conference badge will be barred from participating in programs and from entering the dormitories. ─── 大会期间请随时将名牌挂于胸前,无名牌者不准参加大会一切活动。

27、I like living in dormitories. ─── 我喜欢住在宿舍里。

28、The close living conditions in dormitories may place these students at a higher risk for meningococcal disease. ─── 宿舍中封闭的环境可能会提高学生罹患双球菌脑膜炎的风险。

29、Nicolescu said.That amounts to $130 a month for each employee, he said, in addition to more than $500,000 he has spent building worker dormitories. ─── 他说,这个部分每名员工每月就需要130美元,更别说他还花了50多万美元兴建员工宿舍。

30、Dormitories, barracks, nursing homes, prisons, and other living arrangements that do not qualify as households, and are, therefore, not measured by ratings companies. ─── 宿舍,兵营,老人院,监狱以及其它不属于家庭且不被视听率研究公司测量的居住形式。

31、Researchers at Washington State University compared the daily food choices made by male and female students who lived in dormitories with those who lived in fraternity/sorority houses and off campus. ─── 华盛顿州立大学的研究人员针对那些住在宿舍、兄弟会/姐妹会会馆及校外的男女学生每天所选择的食物作了比较。

32、It was learned that Beijing is following college dormitories Bang Zi wells "Nigerians" student apartments, the development of an integrated approach to the use of another item. ─── 另据了解,北京梆子井大学生公寓是继“大运村”大学生公寓之后,采取统一开发方式运用的又一个项目。

33、All students are to return to their house dormitories at once. ─── 所有学生必须马上回到宿舍去.

34、college dormitories ─── 大学生公寓

35、Objective To investigate and analyze the quality of drinking water supplied for the dormitories of universities, in order to guarantee their health. ─── 摘要目的了解大学生宿舍生活饮用水卫生状况,保障学生饮用水卫生安全。

36、If dormitories are provided, they must be in cmpliance with all applicable laws in regards to fire&safety, oom size and number of occipants per room. ─── 如果工厂提供住宿(宿舍),必须符合与消防/安全,房间面积及每间人数等所有适用的法律要求.

37、Are combustible materials stored in the dormitories or buildings connected to the dormitories? ─── 宿舍里或与宿舍相连的楼房里有易燃物品吗?

38、Worker dormitories provided by the Participant or a labor agent are to be clean, safe, and provide emergency egress, adequate heat and ventilation and reasonable personal space. ─── 参与者或劳动代理机构提供的工人宿舍应该清洁、安全,并提供紧急出口、适当的温度和通风以及合理的个人空间。

39、They live in cramped dormitories in the Prophylactory Building, or Prophy, which looks more YMCA than Star Trek. ─── 他们住在预备大楼里,那里看起来更像是基督教青年会,跟“星际旅行”扯不上关系。

40、Dormitories may house as few as twelve students or as many as one-thousand. ─── 宿舍可以容纳少到十二个,都到一千个学生。

41、We go back to our respective dormitories after work. ─── 下班后我们回到各自的宿舍。

42、, inside personal use as a student, the old granary has now become a 16-read financial clues to the college dormitories. ─── 国务院质量管理条例要求,建筑设计文件里要注明设计使用年限。

43、harmonious dormitories ─── 和谐宿舍

44、(This method is especially suited to students who live in dormitories where they pay for room and board on a semester basis.) ─── (这种方法特别适合于住在学校宿舍里每学期付食宿费的学生。)

45、But does not affect her because she had been only in the back and forth between classes and dormitories. ─── 不过并不影响她,因为她一直都只在班级和宿舍之间来回。

46、The centre owns elemental establishments including a classroom of capacitance for 60 students, dormitories, refectory, etc., extending long-termed training and practice to colleges' students. ─── 中心拥有容纳60人的教室、宿舍和食堂等基础设施,能够长期为大中专学生提供培训和实习。

47、The accommodation fees of the above university dormitories are paid by semester and will not be refunded if you leave during the semester. ─── 凡住宿以上学校宿舍者,房费按学期支付,中途退房,房费均不退还。

48、Declaration: Dormitory students who give up arranged dormitory locations cannot reapply for rooms in the dormitories. ─── 声明:若宿生放弃已安排的宿位,将不能重新申请入住宿舍。

49、Investigation on the Quality of Drinking Water Supplied for the Dormitories of Southeast University ─── 东南大学学生宿舍生活饮用水水质调查

50、I think we can afford to spend a little more on college buildings and dormitories. ─── 再拿出一点钱建校舍和宿舍,我看也可以拿得出来。

51、she said, and she sprinted up the stairs to the girls' dormitories. ─── 她说,然后飞奔上楼,到``女``生宿舍去了。

52、Chen also punished him for a one-week cleaning of dormitories and teachers' offices. ─── 老师还罚他打扫一周寝室及老师办公室。

53、Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani has called for an investigation into attacks by Interior Ministry forces on student dormitories in Tehran, according to Iran's official Press TV. ─── 据伊朗官方电视台报道,议会发言人拉里贾尼呼吁调查国内政府军队在德黑兰袭击学生宿舍的事件。

54、The rules governing the visiting privileges of members of the opposite sex in college or university dormitories. ─── 异性访问规定在学院和大学的宿舍中对异性来访进行管理的规则。

55、Halfway from primary to secondary economy, from farmland to the factory floor the urbanizing migrant is left to live in barracks reminiscent of the most primitive dormitories of the communist era. ─── 在从原始经济到中等经济迈进的途中,从农田到工厂,城市移民正在离开原始的军营式的简陋住房。

56、They may live in dormitories or apartments, and they must pay for it. ─── 他们也许要住在宿舍或公寓里,他们得付费。

57、That is because in Japan, contract workers often live in dormitories provided by their companies. So when they lose their job, their housing goes with it. ─── 因为在日本,合同工一般住在公司提供的宿舍里,如果他们失去了工作,也就失去了住的地方。

58、In other experiments,which involved college students who lived together in dormitories,the researchers found that roommates tended to have more similar emotional responses toward the end of the school year. ─── 在其他实验关于同宿舍大学生的实验中,研究者发现,住在一个宿舍的室友到了学年末的时候会有情感反应类似的趋势。

59、Then came the 1970s, when male and female students started crossing paths in coed dormitories. ─── 到了上世纪70年代,才开始允许不同性别的学生住同一幢宿舍楼。

60、The BOT of dormitories attain much attention for their steady cash inflow. ─── 但民间参与公共建设主要是注重于计划之投资报酬与专案融资能力。

61、On winter evenings, when the lane from the class-rooms to our dormitories was deep in snow, we used to charge ahead and make a dash for it or turn round and round in a flurry of snow if there was a high wind, walking backwards or sideways. ─── 冬天,落雪的夜里,从学校出发到宿舍去,所经过的小街完会被雪片占据了。 我们向前冲着,扑着,若遇到大风,我们就风雪中打着转,倒退着走,或者是横着走。

62、The refurbishment of the classroom students, dormitories, canteens, bath, clubs, hostels for the trainees to install air conditioning. ─── 整修学员教室、宿舍、食堂、澡堂、俱乐部,为学员宿舍安装了空调。

63、The Risk Analysis of Fire in Students'Dormitories ─── 学生宿舍火灾的风险分析

64、construction of harmonious dormitories ─── 和谐宿舍建设

65、Many companies maintain dormitories for young single men and women recruited from rural areas. ─── 很多公司为从农村地区招收来的男女单身青年备有集体单身宿舍。

66、Small temples usually have only one or two yards.Just behind the temple gate is the Main Hall, on each side of which are monks’ dormitories and after the enterclose is also a back hall. ─── 小型的寺庙,一般只有一到两进院落,一进山门迎面就是大殿,两厢为僧房,二进的后面还有一座后殿。

67、interpersonal relationship in dormitories ─── 寝室人际关系

68、Place dormitories and cellblocks, mess halls and gymnasiums, but don't expect to be able to build death row right away. ─── 地方宿舍牢房,餐厅礼堂和体育馆,但不要期望能建立死牢马上。

69、I often stay in dormitories or novels, watching television one day, as long as snacks, I can not go out the day. ─── 我经常呆在宿舍看一天的电视或者小说,只要有零食,我就可以一天不出门。

70、Reasons of and countermeasures to interpersonal conflicts in college student dormitories ─── 大学生宿舍人际冲突原因与对策探析

71、Analysis and Research of Harmonious Interpersonal Relationship in the Dormitories of College Students ─── 大学生宿舍和谐人际关系探析

72、The students live in dormitories or apartments or with local families. ─── 学生们会住在宿舍,公寓和当地的家庭里。

73、The migrant workers often have a bed at factory dormitories or temporary housing at construction sites.They have no place for their families. ─── 农民工往往在工厂宿舍有一个床位,或是住在建筑工地的工棚里,他们没有地方来给他们的家人居住。

74、In a brisk tour, reporters visited kitchens, canteens, dormitories, and other base facilities. ─── 在本次活跃的采访中,记者们参观了厨房、商店、宿舍以及基地内的其他设施。

75、Conventional dormitories or residence halls may be either restricted to one sex or coeducational , with certain floors or areas within them assigned to men or women. ─── 按惯例,宿舍可能限于同性学生,也可能有男女学生同住,不过把某几层楼或某些部分指定全由男生或女生使用。

76、The variance analysis (ANOVA) was used to analyze the students’ point of views and satisfaction of the dormitories based on the differences of their backgrounds. ─── 以单因子变异数分析,检定不同背景的住宿生对住宿服务品质的重视程度与满意程度是否不同;

77、A total of 48 million square meters of college dormitories were built or remodeled, more than the total built in the 1950-1997 period. ─── 新建和改建学生公寓4800万平方米,超过1950年到1997年的建设总规模。

78、Interpersonal relationship in dormitories is the most important relationship for the undergraduates .However, it is an unassailable fact that there are tense relationships in university dormitories. ─── 宿舍人际关系对大学生来说是一种最直接最重要的人际关系,但宿舍人际关系紧张却是一个不容忽视的事实。

79、Dozens of security guards were dispatched but refused to enter the dormitories, the reports said. The protests quieted down later after appeals from teachers and counselors, they said. ─── 报道称,许多保安被派遣到学校,但是他们拒绝进入学生宿舍。抗议最后在老师们和法律顾问的呼吁下平息了下来。

80、In order to reuse gray water from student dormitories in campus,the coagulation/suspended sludge filtration process was used to treat the wastewater. ─── 为实现学生宿舍洗漱污水的再生,采用以混凝、悬浮污泥层过滤为主体的工艺处理洗漱污水。

81、Workers sign contracts they cannot understand, which include paying for food and lodging in factory dormitories, medical fees and penalties for work not up to standard. ─── 工人们并不理解他们所签订的合同,合同内容中包括了工作餐补贴,住工厂宿舍、医疗费以及工作不达标的处罚。

82、In dormitories, in the apartment door, at the station, we hug the face to hide the tears, we say I love you, say bon voyage, saying that we must meet again. ─── 在宿舍里,在公寓门口,在车站,我们用拥抱来隐藏满脸的泪水,我们说我爱你,说一路顺风,说一定要再次相聚。

83、Introduction to dormitories at the University, whose rules for visitors are very stern. ─── 宿舍关于访客的管理很严格。介绍了校内一些宿舍。

84、Thousands of students live in large dormitories. ─── 成千上万的学生住在大宿舍里。

85、Student's dormitories ─── 学生公寓

86、Workers are not required to live in these dormitories, although the majority do. ─── 尽管该供应商未强制要求,但大部分工人都住在宿舍。

87、If your factory provides dormitories, how far are those dormitories from the factory? ─── 工厂如提供宿舍,离厂区多远?

88、He lived with the other children in the dormitories, which had been built years before in the old dairy and laundry buildings. ─── 他和其它孩子一起住在宿舍里,那些宿舍是在牛奶店及洗衣店之前很久建的。

89、Thoughts about Interpersonal Relationships in University Dormitories ─── 大学生宿舍人际关系新探


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