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09-08 投稿


coiner 发音

英:[['k??n?]]  美:[['k??n?]]

英:  美:

coiner 中文意思翻译



coiner 词性/词形变化,coiner变形

名词: coiner |形容词: coinable |动词第三人称单数: coins |动词过去分词: coined |动词过去式: coined |动词现在分词: coining |

coiner 短语词组

1、coiner meaning ─── 创造意义

2、false-coiner ─── [法] 制造伪币者

3、coiner definition ─── 创造者定义

4、coiner pottery ─── 铸币陶器

5、coiner nursery coiner ─── 托儿所

6、coiner def coiner ─── 定义

7、coiner builders ─── 造币工

coiner 相似词语短语

1、coinfer ─── 铸币厂

2、joiner ─── n.接合者;工匠;n.(Joiner)人名;(英)乔伊纳

3、coiler ─── n.卷取机;[化工][机]蛇形管;线圈;盘管工

4、cointer ─── 持有

5、coined ─── v.创造(新词等);铸造(硬币)(coin的过去式和过去分词)

6、coinfers ─── 铸币者

7、coinhere ─── vi.包括在同一事物内

8、combiner ─── n.组合器

9、cointers ─── 厘米

coiner 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She bent to pick up a coin from the floor. ─── 她弯腰从地板上捡起一个硬币。

2、He slipped a coin into the waiter's hand . ─── 他把一块硬币很快地塞进了待者手中。

3、Many hands make light work, to coin a phrase. ─── 常言说,人多好干活。

4、Her parents go in for the hobby of coin collecting. ─── 他父母爱好收集硬币。

5、He makes a coin disappear by sleight of hand. ─── 他一转手便把硬币变得没了。

6、OK, Let"s toss, which side of the coin you want? ─── 好,让我们来挑边,你要硬币的哪一面?

7、He grabbed the coin and ran off. ─── 他抓起硬币就跑了。

8、A large coin, such as a silver dollar. ─── 大型硬币一个大硬币,如一枚银元

9、A coin of Saudi Arabia worth! /100 of a riyal. ─── 哈拉拉一种沙特阿拉伯硬币,合!/100里亚尔

10、You can buy gold coin on the black market. ─── 你能从黑市上买到金币。

11、They agreed to decide the matter by tossing a coin. ─── 他们同意掷硬币来决定此事。

12、In fact, the coiner of that phrase was one of those who soon felt its bite. ─── 实际上这句名言的创造者也象其他被咬的人一样,感到它的厉害。

13、He produced a curiosity-a large gold coin. ─── 他拿出一件稀罕东西--一块大金币。

14、The other paid him back in the same coin. ─── 另一个人也用同样的办法对付他.

15、All the while they paid the Germans in small coin. ─── 在这段期间,他们给德国人一些小恩惠。

16、If someone beats you,pay him back in the same coin. ─── 如果谁打你,你就回敬他。

17、He pressed a coin into her hand and moved on. ─── 他把一枚硬币塞进她手里,然后继续向前走。

18、To divest(a coin, for example) of monetary value. ─── 使失去货币资格剥夺(如,硬币)作为货币的价值

19、Let's toss a coin to determine who serves first. ─── 丢铜板决定谁先发球。

20、She pressed a coin into the little girl's hand. ─── 她把一枚硬币塞到小姑娘的手里。

21、He put a coin into the insertion slot. ─── 他往投币孔投入一枚硬币。

22、A coin of Saudi Arabia worth 1/100 of a riyal. ─── 哈拉拉一种沙特阿拉伯硬币,合1/100里亚尔

23、Just insert the coin into the slot here. ─── 只要把硬币投入硬币口里。

24、OK, Let's toss, which side of the coin you want? ─── 好,让我们来挑边,你要硬币的哪一面?

25、The 50p coin has a crowned lion on its reverse. ─── 50便士硬币反面的图案是个戴皇冠的狮子。

26、No sense in looking for the coin under the table, you won't find it there. ─── 不必在桌子底下找那枚钱币了,你找不到的。

27、A coin or note worth one dollar. ─── 一元钱面值一元的硬币或纸币

28、 双语使用场景

29、A coin stamped with a crown or crowned head on one side. ─── 克朗在某一面上印有王冠或戴着王冠的头像的硬币

30、He had been copy the drawing of an antique coin. ─── 他正在临摹一枚古币的图样。

31、They begin to tussle with each other for the coin. ─── 他们为争夺硬币扭打起来。

32、This machine dispenses coffee to anyone who puts in a coin . ─── 如果你往这台机器里放一枚硬币,它就会供给你咖啡。

33、He thrust a coin into the waitress's hand. ─── 他把一枚硬币塞进那女服务生手中。

34、Do you have a coin for the phone? ─── 你有打电话的硬币吗?

35、He was determined to take revenge; to pay them back in their own coin for the wrongs they had done to him. ─── 他发誓要报复;他们对他不公,他要以其人之道还治其人之身。

36、Can you balance a coin on its edge? ─── 你能于硬币竖着立起来吗?

37、He paid me in coin. ─── 他付给我的都是硬币。

38、They spun a coin to decide who should start first. ─── 他们抛转硬币来决定谁先开始。

39、A British coin worth one half of a new penny. ─── 半便士一种英国硬币,币值是新版便士的一半

40、How did you happen to come across the old coin? ─── 你是怎样碰巧发现那枚古币的?

41、A coin dropped out of his pocket. ─── 一枚硬币从他的口袋里掉出来了。

42、He reversed the coin and examined it carefully. ─── 他把硬币倒过来,仔细检查。

43、Let's spin the coin to decide whether to go or not. ─── 咱们转硬币(以正反面)来决定去还是不去。

44、She slid a coin into his hand. ─── 她把一枚硬币偷偷塞进他的手里。

45、Oh well, no news is good news, to coin a phrase. ─── 噢,常言道,没有消息就是好消息。

46、A gold coin formerly used in Iran. ─── 伊朗金币以前在伊朗使用的金币

47、He bent over and picked up a silver coin. ─── 他弯腰拾起一枚银币。

48、A silver coin formerly used in Great Britain and worth five shillings. ─── 五先令先前在英国使用且面值为五先令的银币

49、Penguins have coin pockets on their waist! ─── 企鹅们竟天生有个可装散银的袋在腰侧!

50、Do not coin terms that are intelligible to nobody. ─── 不要生造谁也不懂的词语。

51、A20 - franc gold coin formerly used in France. ─── 一种法国金币法国以前使用的币值为20法郎的金币

52、The Roman coin is in his collection. ─── 他的藏品中有罗马古币。

53、He grabbed at the coin on the counter. ─── 他抓住柜台上的硬币。

54、Can you stand a coin up on its edge? ─── 你能把一枚硬币竖立起来吗?

55、He bent down to pick up the coin. ─── 他弯下腰来,捡起硬币。

56、Now where is the coin locker? ─── 出租寄物柜在哪里呢?

57、A gold coin fell out of the envelope. ─── 一枚金币从信封里掉了出来。

58、A one-ounce gold coin of the Republic of South Africa. ─── 克鲁格金币南非共和国发行的一盎司金币

59、A copper coin formerly used in India and Pakistan. ─── 安那旧时在印度和巴基斯坦使用的铜币

60、He fished out a coin for the boy. ─── 他掏出一枚硬币给了小孩子。

61、See: currency A coin or note worth one dollar. ─── 一元钱面值一元的硬币或纸币。

62、She slid a coin into the drawer. ─── 她轻轻地把一枚硬币塞到抽屜里。

63、Last time we went to see him, he gave us a cool reception; today we're going to pay him back in the same coin. ─── 上次我们去看他时,他待我们很冷淡,今天我们要以其人之道还治其人之身。

64、The reverse side, as of a coin. ─── 反面反面,如硬币的反面

65、Qiao grabbed the coin and ran off. ─── 乔抓起硬币就跑了。

67、A coin formerly used in Great Britain, worth 1/12 of a shilling or 1/240 of a pound. ─── 便士一种面值同一先令的1/12或一磅的1/240的英国旧硬币

68、Any of various Asian coins of small denomination, especially a copper and lead coin with a square hole in its center. ─── 亚洲小额货币一种小额的亚洲钱币,尤指中间有一个方孔的铜币和铅币

69、The intrinsic value of a coin is the value of the metal it is made of. ─── 一枚钱币的内在价值是造这枚钱币的金属的价值。

70、He give me two 10- franc coin in my change. ─── 他找给我两个10法郎的硬币。

71、He knelt down to look for a coin he had dropped. ─── 他跪下去找掉了的一枚钱币。

72、The shape of the coin was imprinted on his tightly clenched hand. ─── 一枚硬币的形状印在他那紧握的手上。

73、A coin went down his throat and he started to choke. ─── 一块硬币呛入他的喉咙,他开始透不过气来。

74、He fished for a coin in his pocket. ─── 他在口袋里摸来摸去找一枚硬币。

75、And do you shell out major coin for them? ─── 你是原价购买它们吗?

76、You can buy gold coin on the black market . ─── 你可在黑市上买到金币。

77、They flipped a coin to decide who would go first. ─── 他们用掷硬币的方法决定谁先去。

78、He swallowed a coin and choked, getting red. ─── 他吞下一枚硬币而窒息,憋得满脸通红。

79、Surrender my coin at the old wishing well. ─── 向古老的如意井中,投入我的硬币。

80、He polished up an old copper coin. ─── 他擦亮了一枚古铜币。

81、Guess which hand I have a coin in. ─── 你猜我哪只手有钱币。

82、He inserted a coin into the slot. ─── 他把硬币插入投币口。




n. 硬币,金钱,货币

v. 制造钱币


The captains of two teams shall toss acoinbefore the start of the game,the winner shall.have choice of ends.


coin miner是什么?

coin miner是一款精心制作的武侠挂机与卡牌策略相结合的游戏软件,coin miner这款软件游戏里超多200多个侠客的自由搭配,不同的特性和类型,让每个英雄手上的侠客都独树一帜,超过120种武功秘籍,给玩家庞大,真实,充满感情的江湖梦等等。

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