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09-08 投稿



amiability 发音

英:[?e?mi??b?l?ti]  美:[?e?mi??b?l?ti]

英:  美:

amiability 中文意思翻译



amiability 网络释义

n. 可爱;和蔼可亲;友善

amiability 相似词语短语

1、tameability ─── 驯服性

2、imitability ─── n.可模仿性

3、admirability ─── 令人钦佩

4、amenability ─── n.顺从;服从的义务

5、satiability ─── 可满足性

6、nameability ─── 名称

7、damnability ─── 可诅咒性

8、amicability ─── n.友善;亲善

9、unamiability ─── 可混合性

amiability 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、architectural amiability ─── 平易建筑

2、amiaBility Begets riches. ─── 和气生财。

3、Danilo said nothing, but he shyly smiled a smile of childlike sweetness and amiability. ─── 伯爵说,丹尼洛什么话也没有说,只是羞怯地流露出天真、温顺而愉快的微笑。

4、He doesn't have what people call an "open" look, but is restrained at times, despite his amiability, forbidding. ─── 他没有人们所说的那种“开诚布公的”目光,他的目光是含蓄的,有时甚至是吓人的,尽管他表现的和蔼可亲。

5、I watched my master's face pass from amiability to sternness; ─── 我看着老师的脸色从和蔼变得严肃;

6、He will feel cosmic of limpidity and lucidity, feel know no bounds of world with amiability. ─── 他会感觉到宇宙的清澄与明朗,感到世界的无边际与可爱。

7、Had answer finally on the subway-like her amiability. ─── 在地铁上终于有了答案--喜欢她的可爱。

8、I am one is peaceful, my daughter of amiability living, getting along with the classmates also very harmonious. ─── 我是一个安静、可爱的小女生,和同学们相处得也十分融洽。

9、Studies on Autogamy Amiability Index and It's Change on Different Parts of Chinese Cabbage at Flowering Period ─── 大白菜花期自交亲和指数测定及不同部位亲和性的变化

10、A combination of self-assurance and amiability allows you to efficiently communicate with laborers and top government officials alike. ─── 你的自信结合你的温稳而雅使你能够与从劳动者到政府高层官员一样进行有效地沟通。

11、2.The game introduce:A rightness of small loverses of the good amiability oh, change to pack for them! ─── 游戏介绍:好可爱的一对小情侣喔,给他们换个装咯!

12、Her schedule was filled from early morning until midnight, but she kept smiling, infecting everybody with her amiability and grace. ─── 她先后出席了三十多场活动,广泛会晤香港各界的旧友新朋。

13、Amiability attracts fiches. ─── 和气生财

14、In most time,he always smile amiably to show his amiability,especially before the pulic. ─── 大多数时候,尤其在公众面前,他总是露出平易近人的微笑,显得和蔼可亲。

15、invariable amiability ─── 惯有的亲切样子

16、He said if the entire world could accept this quality, the globe might enjoy more happiness and amiability ─── 这种品质“若能够被全世界采纳,地球上肯定会比现在有更多的欢乐祥和。”

17、I found his amiability charming. ─── 我发现他和蔼可亲温柔迷人。

18、Rustichini is not perturbed. For all his amiability, he is quite content to contemplate unwelcome possibilities. ─── 鲁斯蒂奇尼没有感到不安。虽然他亲切友好,但却是非常乐于考虑不受欢迎的可能性。

19、""Your kid was really an amiability pole. ─── “你的孩子真是可爱极了。”等等。

20、But Mr.Janjigian notes that, behind all the Midwestern amiability, Mr.Buffett surely has sharp analysts combing through every detail. ─── 但简吉恩指出,在轻松表象的背后,巴菲特肯定通过梳理每一个细节做出了严密的分析。

21、I watched my master's face pass from amiability to sternness. ─── 我瞧着老师的脸上从和蔼变成严峻。

22、On the System Innovation of Criminal Penalty in the Context of "Amiability is Highly Valued" in China ─── "和为贵"语境下我国刑罚制度的创新

23、On the Significance of the Traditional Virtue "Amiability is Crucial" from the Perspective of Folk Custom ─── 论"贵和"传统美德的民俗化意义

24、The kindness and amiability received from Chinese people wherever we go, mainly during working hours, in the ceramics factory in Fuping Village, is great. ─── 在中国的所到之处我们都感受到了中国人民的亲切和友好,尤其是在富平陶艺村陶坊创作期间。

25、Person is not because of beauty but amiability, but because of amiability but beauty. ─── 人不是因为美丽而可爱,而是因为可爱而美丽。

26、Banneker's face, on the contrary, displayed a quite different impression; that of amiability. ─── 相反地,班纳克的脸,表现出与他完全不同的神态,友善。

27、8 He lives among people. You don't feel him something special besides his gentleness, amiability, smile, health and activity. ─── 祂生活在市井之中,你只觉得祂为人和蔼可亲,温文儒雅,整日里笑容满面,健康活泼,其他也并无什麽特别之处。

28、And, teacher, the someone else still loathes to give up to leave you, you are ambitioning to give up I the Tu son of this lovely amiability? ─── 且,师父,人家还舍不得离开你嘛,难道你舍得我这个乖巧可爱的徒儿吗?

29、To develop circular economy is the inner requirement of constructing "resource saving and environmental amiability" society and realizing sustainable coordinate development in our country's regions. ─── 摘要发展循环经济是建设“资源节约型和环境友好型”社会、实现我国区域可持续协调发展的内在要求。

30、The amiability that you are so, I join, no longer feeling that screen is own from now on, letting me feel to walk to where all have your laughter. ─── 你们是那么的可爱,我的加入,从此不再觉得屏幕是自己的,让我觉得走到哪里都有你的笑声。

31、the inclination to comply willingly with the wishes of others; amiability ─── 乐于顺从别人心意的性格;讨好

32、Design Method for Realizing Architectural Amiability ─── 实现平易建筑的设计方法

33、Renowned British philosopher Bertrand Russell wrote in his works in the 1930s that the modern world badly needed some of the noble moral principles and qualities of China, and that amiability came first among such qualities. ─── 上个世纪30年代英国著名哲学家罗素在他的《中国问题》一书中写道:“中国至高无上的伦理品质中的一些东西,现代世界极为需要。这些品质中我认为和气是第一位的。”

34、His amiability condemns him to being a constant listener to other people's troubles. ─── 他的和蔼可亲使他经常处于倾听他人诉苦的地位。

35、His pleasant, somewhat ordinary face suggested amiability rather than astuteness ─── 他那讨人喜欢而近乎平庸的脸显得和蔼有余而机敏不足。

36、She did not even notice the marked attention and amiability shown her during the whole of dinner by Drubetskoy, who was that day paying them his third visit. ─── 她甚至没有注意共进午餐时德鲁别茨科伊对她特别关心,向她献殷勤,他第三次到他们家里来访问。

37、Everyone unbridled delectation's talking smiles, I twist amplify voicelessly looking at beside small poem of the face of amiability. ─── 大家放肆愉快的谈笑着,我扭过头静静的看着身边小诗可爱的脸庞。

38、The shark of the Saipan amiability small toy. ─── 塞班岛可爱的鲨鱼小玩具.

39、Your kindness beget to you amiability,, amiability beget loyalty ,, loyalty beget love ,, love beget all what you wish in your life provided that to be trustee with God before your self . ─── 您的好意才会给你和蔼,,和蔼招致的忠诚度,忠诚度才会有爱,爱才会有所有你想在你的生活条件是必须受托人。。

40、Amiability is Highly Valued ─── 和为贵

41、Then Professor Einstein, his whole figure still conveying good will and amiability, drifted away out of sight. ─── 然后爱因斯坦教授飘然而去身形间仍然洋溢着善意和亲切。

42、My first Impression about America is the beauty of its land and the amiability of its people. ─── 美国给我的最初印象是国土美丽和人民友好。

43、Your kindness beget to you amiability,, amiability beget loyalty ,, loyalty beget love ,, love beget all what you wish in your life provided that to be trustee . ─── 您的好意才会给你和蔼,,和蔼招致的忠诚度,忠诚度才会有爱,爱才会有所有你想在你的生活条件是必须受托人

44、He doesn't have what people call an "open" look, but is restrained at times, despite his amiability, forbidding ─── 他没有人们所说的那种“开诚布公的”目光,他的目光是含蓄的,有时甚至是吓人的,尽管他表现的和蔼可亲。

45、Then Professor Einstein, his whole figure still conveying good will and amiability, drifted away out of sight. ─── 然后爱因斯坦教授飘然而去,身形间仍然洋溢着善意和亲切。

46、The Uigur minority miss of the beauty amiability kind and genial and good young man. ─── 美丽可爱的维吾尔族姑娘和善良的小伙子。

47、Therefore loyalty towards one's country, loyalty towards one's team, and loyalty towards one's ideal must be combined with amiability. ─── 以无论是对一个民族国家的忠诚、对团队的忠诚,还是自己理想的忠诚,一定要与随和紧紧结合在一起,这样才容易真正保持内心深处的忠诚。

48、So look at me, independent familiar womans in mindset, really compare those imaginationses after getting married, everything was livinged by my daughter of the man to want the amiability many. ─── 男人都是脆弱的我想我不得不承认,男人其实是种脆弱的动物,尤其是在竞争如此激烈的现代社会。

49、Amiability index ─── 亲和指数

50、” Through a wise education, people can acquire various virtues such as courage, temperance, generosity, amiability, truthfulness, wittiness, friendliness, etc. ─── 通过明智的教育,人们可以获得各种美德,其中包括勇气、节制、胸怀宽阔、待人和蔼可亲、做事诚实、诙谐机智、友好等。

51、Encouraged by how youthful my newfound amiability made me feel, I sent a text message to my Twitter entourage that said, “I mean to mention earlier, you look really good today. ─── 我被我刚刚产生的亲和力所鼓舞,我又发了一条消息:“我想早点说,你今天看起来很不错。”

52、I really grow the amiability...Is a pitiful nobody love..Ok or not! ─── 我的确长得可爱...是可怜没人爱..好不好!

53、For perhaps another five minutes we stood side by side. Then Professor Einstein, his whole figure still conveying good will and amiability, drifted away out of sight. ─── 我们肩并肩站了大约五分钟。然后爱因斯坦教授飘然而去,身形间仍然洋溢着善意和亲切。

54、The inclination to comply willingly with the wishes of others; amiability. ─── 讨好乐于顺从别人心意的性格;讨好

55、He assumed a set smile of amiability. ─── 他脸上堆着一副亲切的笑容。

56、When I saw him for the first time, I was impressed by his honesty, sincerity and amiability. ─── 初次见面,他就给我留下忠厚、诚挚、和蔼的深刻印象。

57、I hope to seek a filial piety, docile, amiability, having more very economic basal lady as the life-long companion. ─── 我希望找一个孝顺、善良、可爱、靓丽,有较好经济基础的女士为终生伴侣。

58、a man of boundless amiability ─── 蔼然可亲的人

59、His amiability condemns him to being a constant advisor to other people's troubles. ─── 他那和蔼可亲的性格使他成为经常为他人排忧解难的开导者。

60、I watched my master's face pass from amiability to sternness; he hoped I was not beginning to idle. ─── 我看着老师的脸色从和蔼变得严肃;他希望我不是开始放松学业了。

61、This world because of sincerity but amiability, because of having a love just complete. ─── 这个世界因真诚而可爱,因为有爱才完整。

62、The idea of harmony suggests that amiability begets riches. One can make one's business successful only by creating a sound atmosphere and environment for cooperation through consultation and closer contacts. ─── “和”的思想认为“和气生财”,只有通过商量沟通工作,营造出合作共事的良好氛围与环境,才容易把生意做成、做好。

63、Perhaps I is not you imagine medium that amiability! ─── 也许我不是伱想象中那么可爱!

64、it is not to be called amiability , it is her duty ; a slave does not dictate to a master . ─── 那不叫和善,而是她的本分,一个奴隶不能拂逆她的主人。

65、The talk with him further gave evidence to his simplicity, modesty, amiability, ingenuity, and wide interests. ─── 在与先生的交谈中,更是愈发感受到先生的朴素、谦逊、随和,且兴趣广泛,机敏好学。

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