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09-08 投稿


scoffs 发音

英:[sk?fs]  美:[skɑ?fs]

英:  美:

scoffs 中文意思翻译




scoffs 词性/词形变化,scoffs变形

动词第三人称单数: scoffs |动词过去分词: scoffed |动词过去式: scoffed |动词现在分词: scoffing |副词: scoffingly |名词: scoffer |

scoffs 常用词组

scoff at ─── 嘲笑;藐视

scoffs 相似词语短语

1、skoffs ─── skoffs系列

2、scoffer ─── n.嘲笑者

3、coffs ─── 科夫斯(海港名)

4、cloffs ─── 木屐

5、setoffs ─── n.衬托物,装饰;扣除;动身

6、boffs ─── n.卖座的戏;为博取大笑的台词;高声大笑

7、scoffed ─── v.嘲笑,嘲弄;贪婪地吃,狼吞虎咽;n.嘲笑,嘲笑的话;笑料,笑柄;食物,口粮

8、shroffs ─── n.钱币鉴定人;钱币兑换商;vt.鉴定;n.(Shroff)人名;(塞舌)什罗夫

9、scoff ─── v.嘲笑,嘲弄;贪婪地吃,狼吞虎咽;n.嘲笑,嘲笑的话;笑料,笑柄;食物,口粮

scoffs 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Edom will become an object of horror; all who pass by will be appalled and will scoff because of all its wounds. ─── 以东必令人惊骇;凡经过的人就受惊骇,又因他一切的灾祸嗤笑。

2、Science (or rather half-way science)scoffs at reminiscence of dryad and hamadryad, and of trees speaking. ─── 科学(甚至伪科学)嘲笑人们对森林女神和树神的回忆,和树与树的私语。

3、'' ''So would I,'' Alexander scoffs, ''if I was Parmenio.'' Many of his men began to wonder if their leader has finally gone too far. ─── 亚历山大嘲弄道:“若我是帕米尼恩,我也会这么做”多数士兵都开始怀疑这位领袖是否太走火入魔了。

4、He scoffs at religion. ─── 他嘲笑宗教。

5、To utter scoffs; gibe. ─── 嘲讽;嘲弄

6、And they shall scoff at the kings, and the princes shall be a scorn unto them: they shall deride every strong hold; for they shall heap dust, and take it. ─── 他们讥诮君王,笑话首领,嗤笑一切保障,筑垒攻取。

7、It’s wrong to scoff at others’ religious beliefs. ─── 嘲笑别人的宗教信仰是不对的.

8、the Lord scoffs at them. 5 Then he rebukes them in his anger and terrifies them in his wrath, saying, 6 "I have installed my King [c] on Zion, my holy hill. ─── 5 那时,他必在烈怒中对他们讲话,在震怒中使他们惊慌,说: 6 "我已经在锡安我的圣山上,立了我的君王。"

9、Citizens of other cities may scoff at Melbourne's brown river. ─── 其他城市的居民或许会嘲笑墨尔本的褐色泥浆河。

10、Why do they scoff at the idea that he will retire next year? ─── 他们为什么嘲笑他将在明年退休的想法?

11、He's allowed a couple for himself - but most go into the basket - they are far too valuable for even the finest pig to scoff too many. ─── 今天是拉尔邦克的集市,购买块菌的人.从欧洲各地的餐馆来到这里,每个小贩都带着装满块菌的篮子.

12、“In the absence of competition, differential pricing is a hoax,” scoffs Yusuf Hamied, chairman of Cipla, an Indian generics firm. ─── 一些转移可能会发生,是是已经有一些采取差别定价的公司找到了减少这种现象的有效办法。

13、It is expected that many will scoff. ─── 可以预料到会受到很多人嘲笑。

14、Don't scoff, he's quite fight. ─── 别讥笑,他没错。

15、"you can never lose it",scoffs the golfer, "What if you hit it into the water? ─── “是一个很特别的高尔夫球-一个永远不会被弄丢的球!”

16、Wang Xiaodong, a prominent member of the movement, scoffs at the idea of replacing the dollar with a new IMF-backed reserve currency. ─── 这场运动中的主要人物王小东(WangXiaodong)嘲弄以IMF支持的储备货币取代美元的想法。

17、Secret Service returns Palmer to the hotel suite. Sherry tells him about the assassination attempt, but Palmer scoffs at its seriousness. ─── 特勤处送帕默返回了酒店套房。雪莉将暗杀的威胁告诉了他,但帕默并没有认真地当回事。

18、Don't scoff,she's absolutely right. ─── 别嘲笑她,她绝对正确。

19、He scoffs at the difficulty. ─── 他对困难付诸一笑。

20、Senator Judd Gregg scoffs that the “claim of deficit-neutrality is dependent on Congress's willingness to follow through on painful cuts they have been unwilling to follow through on in the past. ─── 参议员乍得葛瑞格嘲笑说“赤字平稳化取决于国会是否愿意将令人痛苦的费用缩减进行到底,而这是他们过去所不情愿的。”

21、He is the scoff of the class. ─── 他是班级的笑柄。

22、He dares to scoff at the Law as it was written down a thousand years ago. ─── 他已经丧失理智,胆敢嘲弄一千年前定下的律法。

23、You scoff at the hand-wringing moralists but somewhere inside you, admit it, there is this nagging doubt. ─── 你嘲笑那些焦虑的道德主义者,可是承认吧,在你内心深处还是有一丝怀疑。

24、You are not supposed to scoff at religion . ─── 你不该嘲弄宗教。

25、"His breakup brought all these rumors and stories and it is not true," he scoffs. ─── "“他的分手引起了所有这些传闻和故事,是不正确的,”他嘲讽道。

26、As he looks back, he sees a car far behind his car. Akai says, "orsche 356A... [scoffs]... ─── 他回头,他看见远处一辆车在他的车之后。赤井说"保时捷356A,"我想这是为了我...""你这样做..."

27、You are pleased to scoff. ─── 你喜欢嘲笑。

28、they scoff and gnash their teeth and say, 'We have swallowed her up.This is the day we have waited for; ─── 他们嗤笑,又切齿说:“我们吞灭他,这真是我们所盼望的日子临到了!

29、"Whattaya mean," scoffs the golfer, "you can never lose it?What if you hit it into the water?""No problem," says the salesman."It floats, and it detects where the shore is, and spins towards it. ─── 免责声明:本站所有文章和图片全部收集自网络,如侵犯到您的权利,请来信告之,我们会立即删除的!

30、Passing through the main gate into the courtyard he could visualize his Big Brother's mocking smile and hear him scoff "Humanitarian!" ─── 他走过大门内的天井,黑暗中忽然现出他的大哥的带嘲笑的脸,口里说:“人道主义者。” 但是这张脸马上又不见了。

31、He scoffs at the suggestion that the era of cheap Labour is over. ─── 他嘲笑廉价劳动力时代结束的说法。

32、Scoff: To mock at or treat with derision. ─── 大声嘲笑。

33、Sick of those who scoff at the suffering of others. ─── 厌恶那些嘲笑别人受苦的人。

34、[NIV] They scoff, and speak with malice; in their arrogance they threaten oppression. ─── 8[和合]他们讥笑人,凭恶意说欺压人的话;他们说话自7高。

35、scoff sb.'s fear ─── 嘲弄某人的恐惧

36、Some doubt Kirlin can get them airborne.He scoffs: “I’ve got all the manuals,” he says, ever confident.“It’s just a matter of time and money. ─── ” 同时,这些飞机被装在平板车厢上,由柯林的人护送到格鲁吉亚的波季市,原打算在那里装船运走,结果格鲁吉亚政府威胁要没收它们。

37、He was the scoff of the town. ─── 他成为全城的笑柄。

38、I personally don't buy into this theory, but there are a few authors out there that would scoff at my preference to the scuff! ─── 也不仅仅是现在,即便是在过去的封建社会,半封建半殖民地社会,这种现象也是屡见不鲜的。

39、Science (or rather half-way science) scoffs at reminiscence of dryad and hamadryad. ─── 科学(或者伪科学)嘲笑人们回忆森林女神和树神。

40、He scoffs at poor officials and simultaneously, he risk any price to plead the powerful people to become an official, protecting his business, which shows he possesses both confidence and humility. ─── 他一方面以自己的富有嘲笑寒酸的官员,一方面又不计代价攀附权贵,由商而官,以官护商,体现出自信与自卑交织的心理;

41、All who pass by her scoff and shake their fists. ─── 凡经过的人都必摇手嗤笑她。

42、They scoff, and speak with malice; in their arrogance they threaten oppression. ─── 他们讥笑人,凭恶意说欺压人的话;他们说话自高。

43、The popular myth Many people scoff at organised dating events. ─── 一些人可能会不屑于参加有组织的集体约会。

44、The drunk is briefly surprised, then softly scoffs, grumbles, climbs down from the bar stool and staggers out the front door. ─── 这个醉汉有点惊讶,然后轻声地嘲笑着,抱怨着,爬下了酒吧的登子,摇摇晃晃地从前门走了出去。

45、Don't scoff: he's quite right . ─── 别讥笑,他没错.

46、5. There was purpose and feeling, banter and scoff playing, mingled, on her mobile lineaments. ─── 在她那变幻无常的外貌上,既有决心,又有感情,既有嘲弄,又有戏虐和开玩笑的神色。

47、Why do they scoff at the idea that he will retire next year?. ─── 他们为什么嘲笑他将在明年退休的想法?.

48、I knew two noblemen, of the west part of England, whereof the one was given to scoff, but kept ever royal cheer in his house; ─── 其中的一位喜欢菲薄他人,但是在家中宴客的时候却总是肴馔极丰的;

49、Some researchers scoff at the need for computers or even therapists to interpret dreams. ─── 一些研究者看不起用电脑来释梦的行为,甚至瞧不起那些临床医学家的作为。

50、You think babies don't remember these things, but to this day that child scoffs at store-bought cake. ─── 你以为小孩子不会记住这些事情,但直到今天小孩仍然嘲笑商店里购买的蛋糕。

51、''We used to be the only shop on this road,'' scoffs Jiang Anmi, the owner of ''One Tea, One Seat,'' a little tea shop in Jiangyou. ─── 他连店的名字还没来得及想好,但他装了个能收看卫星电视的“大锅”来吸引人气。“如果我不占这里,别人也会来的,”他说。

52、Indeed they scoff at kings, And potentates are a derision to them; ─── 10他们嘲弄君王,笑话掌权者;

53、The noise of moment scoffs at the music of the eternal. ─── 刹那的喧闹嘲笑永恒的乐章。

54、I will devastate this city and make it an object of scorn; all who pass by will be appalled and will scoff because of all its wounds. ─── 9我必使他们在围困窘迫之中、就是仇敌和寻索其命的人窘迫他们的时候、各人吃自己儿女的肉、和朋友的肉。

55、'We used to be the only shop on this road,' scoffs Jiang Anmi, the owner of 'One Tea, One Seat,' a little tea shop in Jiangyou. ─── “以前这条路上只有我们一家商店,”江安明不以为然地说。他在江油开了家叫“一茶一坐”的小卖店。

56、But You, O LORD, laugh at them; You scoff at all the nations. ─── 但你耶和华必笑话他们.你要嗤笑万邦。

57、But OPEC officials are offering no apologies, and scoff at the theory that inadequate supply to meet rising demand lies at the heart of today's elevated oil prices. ─── 但是OPEC的官员也没有发表任何道歉,嘲笑供应不足会使需求增加的理论,在这个油价上升的今天撒谎。

58、They deride kings and scoff at rulers. They laugh at all fortified cities; they build earthen ramps and capture them. ─── 他们讥诮君王,笑话首领,嗤笑一切保障,筑垒攻取。

59、But the activist scoffs at the notion that entire battalions of spies had suddenly appeared in Russia. ─── 但是,活动人士对俄罗斯突然出现大批间谍的说法嗤之以鼻。

60、Before you scoff at my suggestion that Lamar should eventually be in the HOF, scan through the list of Hall of Famers and you will come across a guy like Joe Dumars. ─── 在大家在看过我的分析之后可能就不会嘲笑我为什么说喇嘛最终会入选名人堂了。浏览一下名人堂的名单你会发现一个人叫杜马斯,他的数据很“体面”。

61、And though this temple is now imposing, all who pass by will be appalled and will scoff and say, 'Why has the LORD done such a thing to this land and to this temple? ─── 人必回答说、是因此地的人离弃领他们列祖出埃及地之耶和华他们的神、去亲近别神、事奉敬拜他.所以耶和华使这一切灾祸临到他们。

62、There will be those who will scoff at it, especially the fact of Christ's second coming. ─── 不少人会嘲笑神的话,尤其是有关基督再来的预言。

63、Ironically, today's scoff law spirit is being encouraged unwittingly by government at many levels. ─── 具有讽刺意味的是,今天的藐视法令态度,却都能受到各级政府的极不明智的纵容。

64、Most people still scoff at the idea that a woman could become president. ─── 大多数人仍然对女性当总统这一想法嗤之以鼻。

65、They follow me, invade my sleep, scoff at The dream that turned to ashes in my hands! ─── 他们跟着我,让我不能入眠,在梦里嘲笑我手里的尘土!

66、Because of the Lord 's anger she will not be inhabited but will be completely desolate. All who pass Babylon will be horrified and scoff because of all her wounds. ─── 因耶和华的忿怒,必无人居住,要全然荒凉。凡经过巴比伦的要受惊骇,又因他所遭的灾殃嗤笑。

67、scoff at other people's beliefs ─── 嘲笑别人的信仰.

68、to scoff somebody ─── 嘲笑(或愚弄)某人

69、scoff at other's religion ─── 嘲笑别人的宗教信仰

70、He liked to scoff aloud at Louis XVIII. ─── 他故意大声挖苦路易十八。

71、[NIV] I will devastate this city and make it an object of scorn; all who pass by will be appalled and will scoff because of all its wounds. ─── 8[和合]我必使这城,令人11惊骇嗤笑;凡经过的人,必因这城所遭的灾,惊骇嗤笑。

72、they scoff and shake their heads at the Daughter of Jerusalem: "Is this the city that was called the perfection of beauty, the joy of the whole earth? ─── 他们向耶路撒冷城嗤笑,摇头,说,难道人所称为全美的,称为全地所喜悦的,就是这城吗?

73、7. She ignored the scoffs of her workmates. ─── 她对同事的嘲弄不屑一顾.

74、96 The noise of the moment scoffs at the music of the Eternal. ─── “短暂”所发出的喧嚷,嘲笑着永恒的乐音。

75、People who are out of work cannot afford to scoff at any job. ─── 失业的人就不能看不起任何工作。

76、science fiction," scoffs another. ─── 科幻小说吧,”另一个讽刺道。

77、He scoffs an advice given by his elders. ─── 他对长辈的劝告总是冷嘲热讽。

78、But you, O Lord , laugh at them; you scoff at all those nations. ─── 和合]但你耶和华必笑话他们,你要嗤14笑万邦。

79、People will scoff at Mourinho's ordeal, bearing in mind the sums at his disposal to build a squad. ─── 人们将会嘲笑穆里尼奥现在排兵布阵时所面临的严酷考验。

80、And not Lamar Odom “I scoff at your notion of positions” cool-weird; ─── 他不像是奥多姆那样可以用“我可以嘲笑你根本不懂我在场上的位置”如此怪异言论去评价。

81、Don't scoff at the mistakes of others. ─── 不要嘲笑别人的错误。

82、But observers scoff at such notions. ─── 但是观察家对这种说法嗤之以鼻。

83、the scoff of the world ─── 天下的笑话 [笑柄]

84、the Lord scoffs at them. ─── 主必嗤笑他们。

85、You should not scoff at others'belief. ─── 你不能嘲笑别人的信仰。

86、The life of this world is alluring to those who reject faith, and they scoff at those who believe.But the righteous will be above them on the Day of Resurrection; ─── 不信道的人,为今世的生活所迷惑,他们嘲笑信道者,复活日,敬畏者将在他们之上;

87、Don' t scoff : he' s quite right. ─── 别讥笑, 他没错.

88、"If you got a puncture on the way to the bank, you'd be out of pocket, " scoffs Ishiyama. ─── “如果你在去银行的路上车胎被扎破了,那你这笔储蓄就亏了,”西山贵子嘲笑着说。

89、Indeed they scoff at kings, And potentates are a derision to them; They deride every fortress, For they heap up dirt and take it. ─── 10他们嘲弄君王,笑话掌权者;他们嗤笑一切保障,堆筑土垒攻取。


英文:I want to have a man heart until my hair white not leave 中文:我想有个男人的心到我的头发白不离开 古风:心似千千结,唯愿君如瑶台花上蝶,花落蝶成雪,白发无相别。 英文:Love is a play that a person who gets gains and losses 中文:爱情是场患得患失的戏 古风:风月如我相思局,怎堪相思未相许 英文:If I know what love is,it is because of you 中文:因为你,我懂得了爱 古风:如是良人长相绝,犹恐梦中思上邪 英文:No matter the ending is perfect or not,you cannot disappear from my world 中文:不论结局好坏,你不能从我的世界消失 古风:乱世繁华,只为你倾尽天下。苍水蒹葭,只为你归田卸甲。 英文:Wherever you go, whatever you do,I will be right here waiting for you. 中文:无论你身在何处,无论你如何忙碌,我都会在此守候 古风:去年海棠锁朱楼,花下卿舞袖,如今,人空瘦,海棠落琼眸 英文:Well,not that emotional,but I move the heart 中文:说好了不动情,我却动了心 古风:情如风雪无常,却是一动即觞 英文:You lay on the grass raising the eyes.Far away from the green playground.Not a baby bird below the sky.Raindrops fell on your hair. 中文:你躺在草地上眺望。远离绿色操场。没有一只鸟的天空下。雨滴落在你的头发。 古风:枕彼碧丝兮,轻敛眉睫。杳杳旷野兮,不见鴥鴥。烟雨迢递兮,沾子云鬓。

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