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09-08 投稿



trussed 发音

英:[tr?st]  美:[tr?st]

英:  美:

trussed 中文意思翻译




trussed 短语词组

1、trussed bent ─── 桁架弯曲

2、trussed partition ─── 桁架隔墙, ─── 桁架式隔墙

3、trussed rafter ─── 桁架式缘子

4、trussed girder ─── 构成桁架梁,桁架梁,桁梁

5、trussed roof ─── 桁架屋顶

6、trussed frame ─── 桁构架

trussed 词性/词形变化,trussed变形

动词第三人称单数: trusses |动词过去式: trussed |动词现在分词: trussing |动词过去分词: trussed |

trussed 常用词组

steel truss ─── 钢桁架

space truss ─── 空间桁架

roof truss ─── 屋架;屋顶架;支持屋顶的三角形桁架

trussed 相似词语短语

1、-tressed ─── adj.有一绺绺长发的;梳成辫子的;v.把头发梳成一绺(tress的过去式和过去分词)

2、-bussed ─── n.公共汽车;vt.乘公共汽车

3、trusteed ─── n.受托人;托管人;vt.移交(财产或管理权)给受托人

4、stressed ─── adj.紧张的;感到有压力的;v.强调(stress的过去分词);给…加压力

5、tressed ─── adj.有一绺绺长发的;梳成辫子的;v.把头发梳成一绺(tress的过去式和过去分词)

6、trusted ─── adj.可信的,可靠的;v.信任,信赖;相信,认为可靠;委托,托付;依靠(运气、命运等无法控制的东西);想,希望(trust的过去式和过去分词);n.(Trusted)(英、印)特拉斯特德(人名)

7、untrussed ─── vt.解开;使脱开

8、trusses ─── n.[建]桁架;[外科]疝气带;捆(truss的复数);v.用桁架支撑;捆(truss的三单形式)

9、trusser ─── n.束;构架;捆(truss的变形)

trussed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Hollow box structures for both the deck and piers, whether of steel or concrete, are better than steel trussed structures. ─── 无论是钢结构还是混凝土结构,空心的箱型结构对承梁和桥墩都比钢梁桁架式结构好。

2、You got us all trussed up here and now we're cooling our heels. ─── 叫我们穿这个在这里耗。

3、Analysis is made on the structure of the space truss compound girder made from steel pipe concrete, and given directly the potential development. ─── 介绍了钢管砼空间桁架组合梁式结构型式,通过分析它的受力特点,大胆预测了这种新型结构型式的广阔发展前景。

4、They trussed up the captives hand and foot and dumped them in the back of the lorry. ─── 他们把俘虏们连手带脚捆了起来,丢在卡车的后面。他把鸡腿紧扎起来以例烹烤。

5、Different node form, the connection of web to truss chords and connection of truss chords to frame column are discussed. ─── 不同的桁架节点形式,分析了桁架腹杆两端与弦杆的连接和弦杆与柱连接形式对结构受力性能的影响。

6、Before the astronauts left for their space walk, the S3/S4 truss segment was put on the station with the help of the station's giant robotic arm. ─── 在两名太空人太空漫步之前,S3/S4连接构架组件已在太空站的巨型机器人手臂协助下,放上太空站。

7、For a complanate parallel chords truss, the axial forces of a member can be solved by the shear-diagram and two simple expressions. ─── 借助与桁架对应的梁的剪力图和弯矩图根据两个关系式可直接求出一般平面平行弦桁架任一根杆件的轴力。

8、Kazuhide Ando, Jin Mistsugi and Yumi Senbokuya. Analyses of cable-membrane structure combined with deployalble truss[J]. ─── 张京街,关富玲,胡其彪.带弹簧节点的大型构架式展开天线结构设计和研究[J].空间结构,2000,6(2):30-37.

9、He trussed the chicken's feet up. ─── 他把鸡腿紧扎起来以便烹烤。

10、The suspended structure was designed to be truss stiffened, and its erection was carried out without disturbing heavy sea traffic reaching about 1400 ships per day. ─── 大桥加劲梁为桁架式,架设时没有干扰桥下日通行量达1400艘的船舶交通。

11、He was bearing a truss of trifles at his back. ─── 他在背上背了一捆没有价值的杂物。

12、LONDON (Reuters) - Punctuation seemed to be headed for the scrap heap in the UK till writer Lynne Truss came to the rescue. ─── 伦敦:英国作家琳-特鲁斯最近站出来解救标点符号,在此之前,标点符号在英国几乎成了废物。

13、If they must truss me, I will repent of nothing so much, even at the last hard pinch, as of the injury I have done to my Lily. ─── 如果他们一定要把我绞死,即使在我断气的时刻,再也没有什么比我对我的百合花造成的损害更使我悔恨的事。

14、The captives were trussed up hand and foot and dumped in the back of a ship. ─── 俘虏们被捆得结结实实的,仍在船尾。

15、For a truss with more than one redundant bar, more than one release will be required to obtain the primary frame . ─── 对于有一个以上多余杆的桁架要得到基本体系,就要放松一个以上的约束。

16、The 1st to 12th vibration modes and periods which influence greatly on the truss are listed to investigate the distributions of the truss mass and stiffness. ─── 在对该结构体系进行模态分析后,提取对结构有影响的前12阶模态,列出每一阶模态的自振周期及主振型,用于考察结构的质量分布和结构刚度。

17、A 2001 study conducted by the Minnesota Department of Transportation found "several fatigue problems" in the bridge's approach spans and "poor fatigue details" on the main truss. ─── 一项明尼苏达交通部在2001年开展的调查显示,在大桥的两端延伸处有多处金属疲劳问题,而在桥的主干道上金属疲劳问题严重。

18、Investigation on Lateral Dynamics Behaviour of Half-Across Steel Truss Bridge and Its Reinforcing Measures? ─── 半穿式桁梁桥横向动力性能及其改善措施的研究?

19、During the roof design, combined with the functional demand,the novel hyperboloidal roof with prestressed cabled truss system was adopted. ─── 屋面设计中,结合建筑功能要求,采用了新颖的预应力索桁架双曲屋面结构体系。

20、In this model, axial yarns, braider yarns and resin were treated as spatial beam elements.Each unit cell is then treaded as space truss. ─── 其中,轴纱、编织纱和基体均被视为两端铰接的空间杆单元,复合材料用离散的杆单元组成的桁架结构代替。

21、The machinery used in the construction of arch roof truss of grain reserve depot in Xianyang as well as operation key points are introduced. ─── 介绍了咸阳市粮食储备库拱板屋架的施工机具设备以及操作要点,探讨了拱板在屋面预制施工中的关键环节,并提出了操作要点,保证了工程的施工质量。

22、They deployed the outboard Payload Attach System on the Earth-facing side of the Starboard 3 truss, after overcoming some initial difficulties. ─── 在克服了一些起初遇到的小麻烦后,两名宇航员安排部署了在飞机右舷3架外侧附加载荷系统。

23、They found the body of missing schoolgirl Yim Pui-shan trussed in a blanket and stuffed in a wardrobe. ─── 他们在衣柜里发现失踪女童严佩珊的尸体,尸体用毛毯包着。

24、The Application of the Prestressed Concrete of Bonded Post Tensioning in the Construction of a Large Span Roof Truss. ─── 后张法有粘结预应力砼在大跨度屋架施工中的应用

25、An active vibration control system for the piezoelectric flexible adaptive truss structure was set up for real-time computer active vibration control experimental tests. ─── 建立了压电柔性自适应桁架结构主动控制实验系统,并对这类自适应结构进行了实时计算机振动主动控制实验研究。

26、Because of large span, the steel truss transfer member in a tall building will get a huge load effect with a vertical loading. ─── 带大跨度钢桁架转换层结构的建筑物,由于转换层的跨度大,在竖向荷载作用下,将会产生较大的荷载效应。

27、This paper introduces the actual operating course of the truss hoisting with herringbone rotating longeron supported by concrete frame. ─── 介绍了利用砼框架支撑人字转动桅杆吊装桁架的实际操作过程。

28、She trussed him quickly with stolen bandage, and gagged his mouth. ─── 她用偷来的绷带快速将他捆紧,并塞住了他的嘴。

29、The main truss chord block and side of the positioning accuracy is the overall precision control beam core. ─── 主桁块体和边弦杆的定位精度是钢梁整体精度控制的核心。

30、The analytical results show that: the vibration period of the truss is short, and the stiffness is between the equivalent frame and shear wall structure stiffness. ─── 分析结果表明,该结构体系的振动周期较小,结构整体刚度较大,介于相同条件的框架和剪力墙之间。

31、They trussed up the guards before they plundered the bank. ─── 他们捆好守卫然后抢劫银行。

32、In the evaluation of highway steel truss bridges based on the method of fracture mechanics, the plane fracture toughness K IC must be detected firstly. ─── 应用断裂力学方法对公路钢桁桥的安全性能进行评估中,必须首先测出平面应变断裂韧度K IC。

33、Section 48 contains the auxiliary power unit(APU) and horizontal stabilizer truss. ─── 48部分包括辅助动力装置和水平安定面桁架。

34、A three-dimension finite element model of Qingshui Bridge has been built for investigating the damage reason of trussed combination arch bridge. ─── 为了分析桁式组合拱桥的损伤原因,建立了贵州清水大桥的三维实体有限元模型。

35、The body of missing five-year-old Law Shui-wai was found trussed up and drowned off Tsing Yi yesterday, three days after he was abducted outside a restaurant in Aberdeen. ─── 四日前在香港仔一间餐厅外被掳走的五岁男童罗绍伟,昨日被发现浮尸青衣对开海面,全身遭捆绑。

36、DONG Shi-lin, DENG Hua.A simple computation method of pretressed space truss and its global-process pretensioning analysis [J].Journal of Building Sructures, 2001, 22(2): 18-22. ─── [8]董石麟,邓华.预应力网架结构的简捷计算法和张拉全过程分析[J].建筑结构学报,2001,22(2):18-22.

37、The robber trussed up the middle- aged woman. ─── 强盗把这位中年妇人的双手绑在身上。

38、Using a flexible truss system to construct a three dimensional organic freeform structural system for sculptural and expressive geometric design. ─── 以灵活的桁架系统来建造现代独特及富表现力的三维有机自由结构系统。

39、How to Set Up the Operation Truss Suitable For China's Private Banks? ─── 如何建立适合中国特点的私人银行业务构架?

40、The expression of satisfaction at the acts of torture being inflicted on helpless, trussed, naked victims is only part of the story. ─── 在向无助的、被捆绑的裸体受害人施加酷刑的行动中表现出的满足感仅仅是故事的一部分。

41、Concerning the steel truss system that has been most common used in practice, the dissertation describes the material, conformation and development in particular. ─── 其次对于大跨度中常用的钢桁架结构体系,专门介绍了其形式、材料、构造和我国当前的发展。

42、ZHOU Sheng-li,LIN Ya-chao.High-speed railway steel truss bridge deck structural design and structural measure of reducing the noise[J].Foreign Bridges,1996(3):22-32. ─── [2]周胜利,林亚超.高速铁路钢桁梁桥桥面结构设计及减小噪音的结构措施[J].国外桥梁,1996(3):22-32.

43、Fig.12 illustrates a timber double post roof truss. This type of truss is constructed where a wider span or a less restricted roof space is required. ─── 图12所示为一个双柱木屋顶桁架。这种桁架主要建于跨度要求较大或屋顶空间限制较少的地方。

44、These formulas calculate secondary stresses of truss at high accuracy and good economic utility. ─── 利用这些公式计算了桁架考虑轴向力效应时的次应力,精度高,经济效益好。

45、The post-tensioned and shaped space truss is an innovative kind of space structure, combining traditional space truss with post-tensioning technology. ─── 后张拉预应力成形网壳是传统网架结构和后张拉预应力技术的结合,是一种具有创新性的空间网格结构。

46、Suspended equipments on the lower chord level of the roof truss exceed those of any other hangars in China both in numbers and in weights. ─── 屋盖下弦布置悬挂设备的数量和吊重均为国内机库之首位。

47、Ortega changed the singer's mind with a safety warning: 'If we add 10 more pounds to the truss we're in danger of it falling from the ceiling,' he recalls saying. ─── 奥特加回忆自己当时说,如果我们在架子上再加10磅,它就有从天花板上掉下来的危险。

48、At the same time for different axial-loads the RC shear wail with concealed steel truss can improve the seismic behavior of the shear wall. ─── 不同轴压比下内藏钢桁架混凝土组合剪力墙均能明显提高钢筋混凝土剪力墙的抗震性能。

49、The inelastic response history analysis of mega trussed tube structure under strong motion earthquake is carried out. ─── 大型支撑框筒结构是巨型桁架体系的主要形式之一。


51、In the case of wire-rope suspenders, the stiffening must be provided by trusses constructed at the level of the deck, the depth of the truss varying with the length of the span. ─── 在使用悬链吊索的情况下,应在板桥水平位置上构筑桁架进行加固,桁架高度随跨度长度而有所不同。

52、Its lower end is anchored at the erection truss by a clamp. ─── 其下端由一夹钳锚定在施工桁梁上。

53、They found the body of missing schoolgirl Yim Pui-shan trussed in a blanket and stuffed in a wardrobe. ─── 他们在衣柜里发现失踪女童严佩珊的尸体,尸体用毛毯包着。

54、Over the past few days, the Space Shuttle Atlantis visited the ISS and added pieces of the Integrated Truss Structure, including an impressively long array of solar panels. ─── 在过去的数天之中,太空梭亚特兰提斯号造访国际太空站,并带来数个组合式支架结构的组件,其中包括一组很长的太空能板。

55、She was trussed up with yellow nylon rope. ─── 她被人用黄尼龙绳子捆得一点儿也动不了了。

56、Long-span spatial truss string structure is a new form of prestressed spatial structure. ─── 大跨度张弦立体桁架结构是一种新型的预应力空间结构形式。

57、The roof of Nan-tong natatorium adopted the structure combined by arch and small rise/ span ratio truss and large overhanging steel-column. ─── 南通游泳馆采用了弧形小矢跨比空间桁架与大悬挑钢柱共同作用的受力体系,体系新颖,外形优美,受力明确,性能优良。

58、The robber truss him up and locke him in the bathroom. ─── 强盗们把他捆起来锁进洗澡间。

59、Equipment rental: truss, lights, tents, tables and chairs negotiations, drinking fountains, plants, Front Desk lease. ─── 器材租赁:桁架、灯具、帐篷、洽谈桌椅、饮水机、植物、接待台租赁。

60、Most cantilever bridges have two arms of truss structure that meet or support a section between them. ─── 大多数悬臂桥都有两个桁架臂用以对接或支撑两臂之间的桥段。

61、The comparison between the analytical results and 3-D FEM ones shows the validity of this method for truss structure and rigid frame consisting of hollow circular beams with CDL. ─── 分析结果同三维有限元分析结果作了比较,证明了该方法的可行性,为圆形截面构件组成的刚架和桁架结构约束阻尼层振动抑制分析提供了简单的计算方法。

62、Over the past few days, the Space Shuttle Atlantis visited the ISS and pieces of the Integrated Truss Structure, including an impressively long array of solar panels. ─── 在过去的几天里,"亚特兰蒂斯"号 航天飞机到达了国际空间站,并且送去了数个完整的构架结构,其中包括一块相当长的太阳能电池板。

63、The structural system consists of three piece Y-shaped truss,the special spiral-truss and the large diameter steel tube adopted as the wellhole. ─── 塔身结构体系由超大直径钢管井筒、三片"Y"形桁架及空间螺旋桁架组成,塔体结构形式新颖、独特。

64、Joe Tanner and Heidemarie Piper are installing the power cables for a new solar array and its supporting truss. ─── J和H正在为一组新的太阳能电池组和支撑它的构架安装电缆线。

65、The portable aluminum alloy truss. ─── 便携式铝合金桁架。

66、Attempted to compose distributed enterprise application in highly quality and unstableness by multilayer B/S truss and J2EE principle. ─── 并结合实际项目工作,对如何应用多层B/S构架及J2EE原则和技术方法构建高质量、高可用的分布式企业应用进行了尝试。

67、It had a wood-trussed clear span of over 25 meters (83 feet). It finally collapsed in the middle of the second century. ─── 在二世纪中期倒塌的它木桁架净跨超过25米。

68、To resolve the dissimilarity problem of analysis model in flexure-predominant and torsion-predominant reinforced concrete members,an improved space truss model was established. ─── 为了解决以扭为主和以弯为主的钢筋混凝土弯扭构件的分析模型不统一问题,建立了改进的空间桁架模型。

69、Whether antenna deployable truss can unfurl to the appointed place in time and by rule and line affect the success of the whole antenna launching task directly. ─── 天线伸展臂能否及时、准确的展开到位直接影响到整个卫星发射任务的成功与否。

70、He might have taken some comfort in that if he had not been trussed up like a goose and lashed to a saddle. ─── 若没被捆得像只鹅还被拴在马鞍上的话,他会更舒服点。

71、The robbers trussed him up and locked him in the bathroom. ─── 强盗们把他捆起来锁进洗澡间。

72、This paper introduces the overhaul procedure of Shengang7100 crawler-type crane boom trussed pole, proposes the attention point during exchanging the crane boom trussed pole. ─── 介绍了神钢7100履带吊臂杆桁杆的修理过程,提出臂杆更换中的注意要点,为起重机臂杆桁杆修理提供借鉴。

73、The truss structure featured by small flow resistance,strong toughness and less pressure loss. ─── 具有流阻小,刚性好,压力损失小的桁架式结构。

74、The works on the performance behavior of staggered truss system of steel structure under severe earthquake were studied. ─── 对钢结构交错桁架体系在强震作用下的工作性能进行了研究。

75、An example of a timber roof truss having a single post is given in Fig. 11, which illustrates an isometric view of a common form of roof construction. ─── 图11所示为带一个立柱的木屋顶桁架的示例。它展示的是一个普通屋顶结构的轴侧图。

76、The correctness and validity of this method were made clear by the mechanism synthesis of the octahedron variable geometry truss. ─── 八面体变几何桁架机构综合实例表明了该方法的正确性与有效性。

77、Blindfolded men, women and children trucked into the compound in the middle of the night. Men carried, trussed like pigs, on bamboo poles. ─── 午夜时分,蒙住眼的男子,妇女和儿童被卡车运进集中营。

78、In your skinny facial features, I saw this has lived frailest you, that moment, you were really “lack the strength to truss up a chicken”. ─── 在你枯瘦的面容中,我看到了此生最脆弱的你,那一刻,你真是“手无缚鸡之力”了。

79、This article introduces Jin Mao Mansion two extended truss characteristic in structure, installation technique and measurements for construction assurance. ─── 介绍了金茂大厦2道外伸桁架的结构特点、安装工艺与施工保证措施。

80、The hostage was trussed up with mouth plugged up. ─── 人质被捆住并堵住了口。

81、The upper and lower chords of the planar truss are in compression.The compression force is counteracted by the tension force provided by the perimeter beam at the top of columns. ─── 从受力上看属于受压壳,平面桁架的上下弦杆均受压,压力由柱顶环梁的拉力来平衡。

82、The truss model of unit cell is developed based on non-continuum mechanics,and finite element method is utilized to predict the effective elastic modulus of composites. ─── 基于非连续介质力学方法建立桁架结构单胞模型,采用有限元法预估复合材料的有效弹性模量,以材料质量最轻和刚度要求为目标,选用遗传算法优化细观结构参数。

83、"Unlike a vault, the truss exerts no thrust But only downward pressure;supporting walls require no Buttressing or extra thickening. ─── 同拱顶不同的是桁架不承担推力而只承担向下的压力,不需要扶壁或其它特别的加固物来支撑墙体。

84、The Rear Nose consists of a “Triangle” shaped truss in modular sections of several elements, with a length of approx. 20 m. ─── 后鼻梁为三角型珩架,长度大约为20米左右,分为几个模块。

85、Dredging, Truss and Truss belong to our portfolio.For more information please call us. ─── 在以下范围内我们提供产品和服务:桁架支架、耐高温的和管道连接器以及球状石墨、球墨或预热装置。

86、Improved fabricated efficiencies and low mill prices make staggered truss system winning choice for multi-storied residential construction in North America. ─── 交错桁架结构体系因其施工方便、造价低廉而在国外的多层建筑中得到了广泛应用。

87、The robber trussed up the middle-aged woman. ─── 强盗把这位中年妇人的双手绑在身上。

88、The tests of simulating local transfering force in rectangle steel tube truss joint are presented. ─── 介绍了矩形钢管桁架节点局部传力模拟的试验。

89、In this paper,the structural shape,feature and welding technique of integral node of steel truss girder are discussed. ─── 介绍了钢桁梁整体节点构造的结构形式、特点及焊接技术要求;

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