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09-08 投稿



garibaldi 发音

英:[,g?r?'b??ld?; -'b?ld?]  美:[,ɡ?r?'b?ldi]

英:  美:

garibaldi 中文意思翻译



garibaldi 网络释义

n. 夹酸栗果酱的饼干;宽大衬衫n. (Garibaldi)人名;(意、葡、罗)加里巴尔迪

garibaldi 短语词组

1、Giuseppe Garibaldi ─── [网络] 朱塞佩加里波第

garibaldi 相似词语短语

1、Bartholdi ─── n.巴尔托迪(男子名)

2、Grimaldi ─── n.(Grimaldi)人名;(英)格里马尔迪;(法、德、西、罗、意)格里马尔迪

3、garibaldis ─── n.夹酸栗果酱的饼干;葡萄干饼干;(加州沿岸的)红雀鲷;加里波第衫(一种宽大罩衫);n.(Garibaldi)(意、爱沙尼亚)加里巴尔迪(人名)

4、ribald ─── adj.下流的;言谈粗俗的;n.言谈粗俗的人;说下流话的人

5、garials ─── 花柱

6、Garibaldi ─── n.夹酸栗果酱的饼干;葡萄干饼干;(加州沿岸的)红雀鲷;加里波第衫(一种宽大罩衫);n.(Garibaldi)(意、爱沙尼亚)加里巴尔迪(人名)

7、garial ─── 匈牙利语

8、waribashi ─── 卫生筷;一次性筷子

9、ribalds ─── adj.下流的;言谈粗俗的;n.言谈粗俗的人;说下流话的人

garibaldi 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Human Female -"I can't wait till this quest is done and I can look for another Garibaldi artifact." ─── 等这个任务结束了我就要去买些新衣服穿。

2、I walked out of the Porta Garibaldi and headed towards the centre of the city, determined to take in as many of the sights as I could. ─── 我走出火车站“加里波第之门”,直接前往市中心,决心要尽可能地多欣赏点美景。

3、In a study coinciding with the bicentenary of Garibaldi's birth, Lucy Riall, a professor at the University of London, also notes the trail of broken-hearted women that he left behind. ─── (同时,)伦敦大学教授LucyRiall进行着一项就加里波第出生后两百年间的调查也显示出有被他抛弃的妇女(存在过)的痕迹。

4、The Klement house on Garibaldi Street was marked with a black X; ─── 克里门特的家在加里波第大街,房子上有一个X记号。

5、A few minutes later we turned onto a lane parallel to Garibaldi. ─── 几分钟后,我们拐入一条与加里波第大街平行的巷子。

6、A staunch follower of Giuseppe Mazzini( the so-called“ prophet of Italy”) in the1830 s, Garibaldi fled to Latin America after a failed mutiny. ─── 十九世纪三十年代作为马志尼(就是所谓的“意大利先知”)坚定信徒,加里波第在一次落败的兵变后逃亡到拉美。

7、As he turned onto Garibaldi, I began my leisurely stroll toward him. ─── 一转弯,他拐进了加里波第大街,我装出一副悠闲的样子朝他走去。

8、Giuseppe Garibaldi [Italy, 1807-1882] ─── 加里波底[义大利]

9、I wanted one of the cars, the Mercedes, positioned on Garibaldi Street, hood up as if disabled, so that Attila would pass directly by it en route home. ─── 我希望停一辆车在加里波第大街,撑起引擎盖,装作出熄火的样子,这样艾希曼回家时才能从旁边经过。

10、Live the American Garibaldi, said Rinaldi. ─── 即期汇票万岁,我说。

11、The other car would turn onto Garibaldi from 202 and take the lead positon to protect us in case of a blockade. ─── 另外那辆车马上从202公路拐进加里波第大街,在前面开道,万一堵车可以保护我们。

12、styled after the red flannel shirts worn by Garibaldi's soldiers. ─── 根据加里波第战士穿的红色法兰绒衬衫设计。

13、The two separated, the man turning onto Garibaldi Street. ─── 艾赫艾荣压低了嗓子说。

14、The "Redshirts" were the soldiers of the Italian leader Garibaldi, who unified modern Italy in the nineteenth century. ─── 在“红衫军(Redshirts)”均是意大利领导人加里波第的士兵,他在十九世纪统一了现代意大利。

15、It's the male garibaldi who makes the nest. ─── 雄性红鱼负责建造巢穴。

16、Critical of earlier historians who tended to treat Garibaldi with condescension, Ms Riall is anxious to display him as the resourceful manipulator of his own legend. ─── 对于那些认为加里波第好强人所难的早期历史学家所做出的批判,Riall女士急于展示出加里波第在其自身的传奇中其实是一位足智多谋的领军人物。

17、It was taken by Italian patriot Giuseppe de Garibaldi in 1860 and made part of the kingdom of Italy. ─── 巴勒摩在第二次世界大战期间遭受严重轰炸,1943年被盟军占领。

18、Now take the bus 125 ( Mura Portuensi ) and after 3 stops you will get off in Via Garibaldi / via dei Panieri . ─── 定金/预付政策:酒店将不收取定金。含增值税及城市/旅游税:包括增值税。包括服务费。酒店将不收取城市/旅游税。

19、The Giuseppe Garibaldi trophy is awarded to the winner of the Six Nations match between Italy and France. ─── 六国赛中,意大利和法国一战的胜者将夺得加里波第杯。

20、A piazza in Poggio Santa Cecilia is named for him, and letters from Garibaldi to the family are included in the sale. ─── 圣塞西莉亚有一座广场得名于他,加里波第写给博尼·塞尼家庭的信件也包含在售价中。

21、I returned to San Fernando alone on the No. 203 bus and walked up Garibaldi Street.It was close to midnight now and freezing cold.All was silent. ─── 搭上203公共汽车我一个人来到圣-弗朗多,进了加里波第大街已近午夜,天寒地冻,万籁俱寂。

22、Years after, Northmour was killed fighting under the colours of Garibaldi for the liberation of Tyrol. ─── 几年后,诺什莫尔在加里博尔迪麾下,为了解放蒂罗尔,作战牺牲了。

23、a loose high-necked blouse with long sleeves; styled after the red flannel shirts worn by Garibaldi's soldiers. ─── 长袖高领的宽松上衣;根据加里波第战士穿的红色法兰绒衬衫设计。

24、A loose, high-necked blouse styled after the red shirts worn by Garibaldi and his soldiers ─── 红色阔罩衫一种宽松、高领的罩衫,由加里波第及其战士们所穿的红色衬衫而流传下来

25、Unusually, the Garibaldi trophy has two "godfathers"; Diego Dominguez of Italy and Jean Francois Tordo of France. ─── 更不同寻常的是,加里波第奖杯有两个“教父”。他们是意大利的Diego Dominguez和法国的Jean Francois Tordo。

26、After that, across the straits of Messina, and it was almost a stroll to Naples; Garibaldi arrived there by train. ─── 此后,加里波第坐火车度过了墨西拿海峡,几乎像去那不勒斯闲逛那样轻松。

27、After Garibaldi's death in 1882, an official national cult did its best to sanitise the hero worship, airbrushing away the old hero's biting criticism of poor or corrupt government. ─── 加里波第卒于一八八二年,在他死后,一群忠于国家的信徒竭尽全力消除英雄崇拜,祛除旧有英雄留下的尖锐的贫困和政府腐败问题。

28、It was chosen by Garibaldi in 1860 as is favourite Marsala. ─── 她存放于橡木桶中至少两年,并在装酒后放四个月。早在1860年。

29、A staunch follower of Giuseppe Mazzini (the so-called "prophet of Italy") in the 1830s, Garibaldi fled to Latin America after a failed mutiny. ─── 十九世纪三十年代作为马志尼(也就是所谓的“意大利先知”)的坚定信徒,加里波第在一次落败的兵变后逃亡到拉美。

30、the manager of the Mercure Napoli Garibaldi, would like to welcome you. ─── 在美居,我们将尽一切可能,确保您能度过一个美好的夜晚!

31、At that instant, a young man turned up Garibaldi on a bicycle, his overcaot whipping behind him like a cape. ─── 就在那一刻,一个年轻人骑着自行车出现在加里波第大街,外衣被大风吹起拍打着后背。

32、The other car would turn onto Garibaldi from 202 and take the lead positon to protect us in case of a blockade. ─── 另外那辆车马上从202公路拐进加里波第大街,在前面开道,万一堵车可以保护我们。

33、After a jewellery shop visit they retired to the Garibaldi bar for a drink with Sol Campbell and Rio Ferdinand. ─── 逛完珠宝店后,这几位太太又与索尔·坎贝尔和里奥·费迪南德一同去加里波第酒吧喝东西。

34、The content of this page is from the GARIBALDI port or GARIBALDI customs import and export company directory; ─── 本页面内容主要是来自GARIBALDI港口或GARIBALDI海关的进出口公司目录;

35、Holiday Inn Milan - Garibaldi Station : Book Direct. Click Here. ─── 现在就可以拿到绝佳的价钱!

36、The island continued to change hands until a later kingdom was conquered by Giuseppe Garibaldi in 1860 and became part of unified Italy. ─── 在经过其他人相继统治之后,公元11世纪该岛被置于诺曼人管辖之下,并形成了两西西里王国的核心部分,由西西里和意大利南部组成。

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