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09-08 投稿


jovially 发音

英:[['d???v??l?]]  美:[['d?o?v?rl?]]

英:  美:

jovially 中文意思翻译



jovially 短语词组

1、jovially define ─── 愉快地定义

2、jovially defined ─── 愉快地定义

3、jovially definition ─── 愉快的定义

4、jovially synonym ─── 快乐的同义词

5、jovially meaning ─── 愉快的意思

jovially 同义词

happy | good-humored | cheery | full of beans | breezy | blithe | good-hearted | buoyant | gay | merry | comic | gleeful | good-natured | boon | bright and breezy | fun-loving | festive | jocund | hearty | joyful | cheerful | mirthful |jolly | kindly | good-humoured

jovially 词性/词形变化,jovially变形

副词: jovially |名词: joviality |

jovially 反义词

sorrow | grief

jovially 相似词语短语

1、alodially ─── 拨号

2、cordially ─── adv.诚挚地,诚恳地;友善地

3、jovial ─── adj.天性快活的;主神朱庇特的

4、synovially ─── 滑膜

5、socially ─── adv.在社会上;在社交方面;善于交际地

6、trivially ─── adv.琐细地;平凡地;无能地

7、coaxially ─── 同轴地

8、joviality ─── n.愉悦;快活;高兴

9、ovally ─── adv.卵形地

jovially 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the mean time, leisure also needs education, and the people who have acquired leisure capability via education can feel more jovial and happy things. ─── 同时休闲也需要教育,通过教育而获得休闲能力的人能够感受到更多的快乐和幸福。

2、He was in a jovial mood. ─── 他的心情很愉快。

3、An unnaturally jovial manner ─── 在新的环境里感到不安

4、a jovial host ─── 一位和蔼快活的男主人

5、One god, however, the jovial Bacchus, was dear to the blacksmith. ─── 只有女神们为了不使阿佛洛狄忒太难堪都留在家里。

6、He greeted his friend jovially. ─── 他愉快地向他的朋友问好。

7、Proper limitation always leads to a sound and jovial life. ─── 合适的"度"才能让我们有一个健康、快乐和完整的生活。

8、JOVIAL Jules Own Version of the International Algebraic Language ─── 国际代数语言的朱尔斯特有版本

9、Sipping his tea contentedly, Chen, a rotund, jovial man sporting a striped shirt with red braces, agreed. ─── 他心满意足地呷着茶,陈,一个圆,平易近人的人运动条纹衬衫,红色括号,表示同意。

10、He is a jovial giant, with a huge appetite for food, drink and women. ─── 他生性乐观,身材魁梧,贪吃贪喝又贪色。

11、Men began to throng into the office and call at him over the railing, jovially, sharply, viciously, excitedly. ─── 人们开始涌入办公室,隔着扶手栏杆朝他大喊大叫,有的欣喜若狂,有的横眉竖眼,有的恶意满怀,有的激动不已。

12、social and jovial by nature ─── 天性活泼, 爱交际

13、How could anyone stoop so low?Our manager at the restaurant where I worked was a much beloved, jovial man. ─── 我们的餐厅经理是一位深受大家爱戴,和蔼而又快乐的人。

14、Her grandfather is a jovial, ruddy - faced old gentleman. ─── 她的教父是一位脸色红润的幽默老绅士。

15、For the most part he painted landscapes, interiors and small street scenes which he saw with an artist's jovial and slightly mocking eye. ─── 他画的大部分作品是他以一个艺术家的愉快而略带讥讽性的眼光来看待的风景、室内场景和小街景。

16、Featuring snake charmers, acrobats, storytellers, and open-air food stalls, nightfall at the Djemma el-fna in Marrakech attracts crowds of foreigners and jovial locals alike. ─── 夜幕降临的德吉玛广场上,有特色的耍蛇人、杂耍艺人、说书人和露天小吃摊吸引了大量的外国人和快乐的当地人。

17、There was a light and jovial mood on this set. ─── 在这剧组有一种轻松愉快的气氛。

18、a jovial host.See Synonyms at jolly ─── 一位和蔼快活的男主人参见

19、he greeted his friend jovially. ─── 他愉快地向他的朋友问好。

20、Today bill became jovial and expansive. ─── 今天比尔变得快活而健谈。

21、But yet they seem serene and often have a jovial disposition. ─── 但他们似乎依然心情平和,天性快活。

22、feeling jolly and jovial and full of good humor ─── 感觉到快活和完全的好心情

23、He just drank himself jovially into oblivion. ─── 他一味痛饮直到自己神志不清。

24、"Hello, Wilson, old man, " said Tom, slapping him jovially on the shoulder. "How's business? " ─── “哈罗,威尔逊,你这家伙,”汤姆说,一面嘻嘻哈哈地拍拍他的肩膀,“生意怎么样?”

25、Alternately jovial and stern, a Great Unclean One commands his legion with affectionate bellows of praise and bombastic cajoling. ─── 时而和蔼时而严厉,大不净者用高声的赞扬和夸张的哄骗引领着他的军团。

26、JOVIAL Jules Own Version of the International Language ─── 国际代数语言的朱尔斯特有版本,朱氏国际代数语言

27、The vigors of youth have made LeBron mostly jovial, as he caroms with his teammates and genuinely seems to enjoy their company. ─── 年轻人的活力使得詹姆斯通常都很会交际,跟队友们玩胸击,看起来是真的喜欢这群伙伴。

28、He smiled with jovial condescension. ─── 他带着轻松而居高临下的神气微微一笑。

29、I have also learned how to convey correct concepts, love, and concern to them, in a casual and jovial manner. ─── 同时,也学会如何在嘻笑怒骂间,传达给他们正确的概念及关爱。

30、Today Sarah became jovial and expansive. ─── 今天莎拉变得快活而健谈。

31、Accordingly he held the toy jovially before him, and, coming out into the dining-room, where Jennie was working at the sideboard, he exclaimed in a mock solemn voice, “Where did this come from? ─── 想着,他就高高兴兴的把那玩具擎在手里,走到餐室,见珍妮正在食器台上做活,他就假装严厉的声音嚷道,“这是哪里来的?”

32、He is a friendly jovial fellow. ─── 他是个和蔼而快乐的人。

33、He was always jovial and gay, contented with himself and with the world at large. ─── 他总是兴高采烈,快快活活,自满自足,也满足于世态民风。

34、It is a great treat to have a jovial, easy-going fellow on business trip. ─── 出差时,有个风趣随和的人做伴真是一种享受。

35、A gregarious man, he enjoyed the companionship of a large number of jovial friends. ─── 他是爱社交的人,喜欢和一大群快乐的朋友作伴。

36、Sagittarius can arrive at your door dripping from a rainstorm and still be enthusiastic and jovial they have the ability to make the absolute best from any situation. ─── 射手座:即便刚被大雨淋湿,天性乐观的射手还是会带着最好的心情来赴宴。

37、"And say," he whispered, jovially, pulling Hurstwood over by the shoulder so that he might whisper in his ear, "if this isn't a good show, I'll punch your head. ─── “喂,”他快活地拉着赫斯渥的肩膀,把他拉过来说句悄悄话,“要是戏不好,我可要敲你的头。”

38、On Valentine's Day this year campaigners protested against the law by staging jovial mock wedding ceremonies in a Beirut bar. ─── 今年情人节,示威人士在一家贝鲁特酒吧兴奋地举行了一次搞笑的结婚庆典,以此来对抗法律。

39、The jovial Lippmann, who likes to tease his customers in German, is one of the most popular vendors in Osthoff. ─── 个性活泼的利普曼喜欢用德语逗顾客开心,是奥斯托夫极受欢迎的一名摊商。

40、I was in a jovial mood yesterday. ─── 我昨天心情很愉快。

41、Judging by his jovial manner he must have enjoyed his meal. ─── 从他快活的样子看,他这顿饭一定吃地很开心。

42、Milan general manager Adriano Galliani was in jovial mood today when asked about the rumours that Coach Carlo Ancelotti was set to take over at Chelsea. ─── 当被问及到关于安切洛蒂将要执教切尔西的谣言时,米兰经理加利亚尼却处于愉快的心情。

43、“Hello, Wilson, old man,” said Tom, slapping him jovially on the shoulder.“How's business? ─── “哈罗,威尔逊,你这家伙,”汤姆说,一面嘻嘻哈哈地拍拍他的肩膀,“生意怎么样?”

44、The town was criss-crossed by processions of men in white anoraks and jovial women in coloured beads and embroidered seal-skin outfits. ─── 城镇中,身着白色厚茄克的男人们和扑着玻璃粉,穿着海豹皮衣、愉快的女人们行进的队伍来来往往。

45、He was in jovial mood. ─── 他精神抖擞。

46、My grandfather was a jovial general contractor, so he enjoyed telling a joke or story as much as we enjoyed listening. ─── 我祖父是一个天性快乐的普通人,他喜欢讲笑话就像我们喜欢听一样。

47、A gregarious man, be enjoyed the companionship of a large number of jovial friends. ─── 一大群朋友给一个人带来交往中的快乐。

48、"Oh, go on, " he said jovially. "All you have to do is whistle and he'll come running. " ─── “啊,做到吧,”他欢欢喜喜地说,“你只要吹一声口哨他就会赶快跑来的。”

49、He was a good-tempered man, who found it difficult to keep down his jovial easiness even by the bed of sickness of death ─── 他是个性情和善的人,就在病榻和死人面前也难改变他那逍遥自在的态度。

50、JOVIAL compiler ─── [计] 国际算法语言朱尔斯专用文本编译程序

51、The Major came up to the table, and took up his glass and drained it with a jovial smack ─── 少校回到桌边,端起酒杯,一饮而尽,高兴得直咂嘴巴。

52、Mr. Wei, a jovial man, knows something about the environmental destruction coal mining can inflict on the land. He himself is in the coal-mining business in northern China. ─── 快人快语的魏勇对煤矿破坏自然环境有些了解,因为他本人曾在内蒙古搞过煤矿。

53、said Tony, emphatically but jovially. ─── "托尼加重语气但仍很高兴地说。

54、They were both of them jovial about the cold in winter and the heat in summer. ─── 他们两人都对冬季的寒冷、夏季的炎热感到痛快。

55、Chinese people like to do business in a pleasant, amiable manner, and more statues of the jovial Maitreya are set up in front of stores than are found in temples. ─── 弥勒接过佛祖所传衣钵,盖在右手,只能盖住两个指头,左手也是,众人非常惊讶地倾听弥勒的解释。

56、A no-nonsense character who never jettisoned the elements of his Merseyside upbringing he'll always be remembered by supporters for his shock of white hair and his jovial demeanour. ─── 他从不说废话,墨西赛德的教育影响他终身。他乐观的举止和白发会被球迷记住。

57、Throughout the three jovial weeks the visitors came and went, and every day the blithe bread was piled in the peck. ─── 在整整三周的大喜日子里,客人来往不绝,每天喜庆添丁分赠宾客的食品堆得满满的。

58、He's cool, aloof, even jovial, but during that Great 48 every night, nothing gets between him and baskets, boards, stops, or fouls drawn. ─── 他很酷、很冷漠,但同时却又快乐,不过每晚在赛场上的48分钟里,没有东西可以阻隔他与篮筐、篮板、盖帽、或是造犯规进行“亲密接触”。

59、In the weeks that my husband, kids and I had been staying with my cousin while house-hunting, I had come to enjoy Ben's jovial repartee ─── 在找房子期间,我和丈夫、孩子们一直住在堂兄家里。

60、I am in a jovial mood today. ─── 我今天心情很愉快。

61、On a Thursday in January, in a dreary basement room of the Boston Public Library, Bernard Margolis and Richard Wendorf came together for a jovial "debate. ─── 在一月份的一个星期四,在波士顿公立图书馆的地下室里,马格里斯.伯纳和温道夫.理查聚在一起进行一次愉快的“辩论”。

62、My inclination was always to say, "I bet you saw her naked a lot, buddy! " and then elbow him jovially in the ribs. ─── 我想说,“伙计,我肯定知道你经常看到她裸体!”然后我想再用手肘子开玩笑一样的捅几下他的肋骨处。

63、a friendly jovial fellow ─── 和蔼而快乐的人

64、English:Our manager at the restaurant where I worked was a much beloved, jovial man. ─── 中文:我们的餐厅经理是一位深受大家爱戴,和蔼而又快乐的人。

65、Our manager at the restaurant where I worked was a much beloved, jovial man. ─── 我工作所在饭店的经理是一位很可爱,有趣的男人。

66、That Olympian company is certainly a jovial, amorous, loving, lying, quarreling and vow-breaking,petulant lot; ─── 奥林匹克那一群的确是一些快活的,好色的,会恋爱,会说慌,会吵架,也会背誓的性急易怒的家伙;

67、feeling jolly and jovial and full of good humor. ─── 感觉到快活和完全的好心情。

68、He seemed jovial, but his eyes avoided ours. ─── 他显得很高兴,但他的眼光却避开了我们的眼光。”

69、At the same time Danton was a jovial family man. ─── 但与此同时,丹东又是一位快乐的居家男人。

70、Today Sarah became jovial and expansive ─── 今天萨拉变得快活而健谈。

71、His only friend, Liu Chengguang is a jovial and happy-go-lucky person. ─── 家辉唯一的朋友是活泼开朗的刘承光(李创锐饰)。

72、But the relationship between police and protesters was placid, even jovial at times. ─── 但是,总体上来说,警察与示威者关系并不紧张,有时还有点欢快。

73、Our manager at the restaurant where I worked was a much beloved, jovial man.But there was one subject you didn't dare discuss in front of him -- his height.Or, should I say, his lack of it. ─── 在我工作的饭店,我们的经理非常爱交际.但有个问题你一定不能在他面前讨论--他的身高.或者,我应该说,他的缺点.

74、a jovial voice ─── 愉快的声音

75、We gathered together and talked in a jovial mood. ─── 我们在一起谈笑风生。

76、Half a dozen jovial lads were talking about skates in another part of the room, and she longed to go and join them, for skating was one of the joys of her life. ─── 五六个快活的小伙子在房间的另一头大谈溜冰,她心痒难禁,恨不得也走过去参与,因为溜冰是她生活中的一大乐趣。

77、The jovial tone set the mood for the gig which witnessed an enthusiastic mosh pit throughout the show. ─── 不仅仅是这样愉快的开场,整场演出的气氛都是热烈异常的.

78、Jovial and rakish in manner. ─── 快活的、不拘小节的风格

79、A jovial hullabaloo among the spheres. ─── 抽打出一阵天体间快活的喧嚣骚动。

80、He smiled with jovial condescension, and added: "Some sensation!" ─── 他带着轻松而居高临下的神气微微一笑,又说:“可真叫轰动

81、He was a husky , jovial man. ─── 他是一个健壮、快活的男子汉。

82、Simply pour him a drink and he'll jovially clink glasses with you, before downing the liquid in a single manly gulp. ─── 只要给他倒一杯酒,他就会高兴地与你碰杯,然后大口喝下去。

83、hall greeted him jovially enough , but gorman and watson scowled as they grunted curt " good mornings . " ─── 霍尔兴致十足地向他打招呼,戈曼和沃森却满脸不豫之色,敷衍地咕哝句“早安”。

84、"If I don't go to Ferrari I think a lot of people (reporters) will lose their jobs," the Spaniard said jovially at the Spa-Francorchamps paddock in interview with the AS newspaper. ─── “我如果不去法拉利的话,我想很多人(记者)将会失去他们的工作。”西班牙人在斯帕接受AS报采访时,开玩笑的说道。

85、The music remains a common blend of varied emotional attitudes ranging from the jovial to the melancholic. ─── 他们的音乐有一个共同点,就是都混合着从欢愉到忧郁的各种情感因素。

86、He was prepared to be jovial, setting the scene for their meeting. ─── 他准备高兴一点,为他们的见面做好准备。

87、We saw her jovial aunt playing with a bunch of kids on beach. ─── 我们看到她和蔼快活的姨妈在沙滩上与一群孩子们玩耍。

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