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09-08 投稿



estimative 发音


英:  美:

estimative 中文意思翻译



estimative 词性/词形变化,estimative变形

动词过去式: estimated |名词: estimator |动词第三人称单数: estimates |形容词: estimative |动词现在分词: estimating |动词过去分词: estimated |

estimative 短语词组

1、estimative figure ─── [统计]估计的数字 ─── [统计]估计数字

estimative 相似词语短语

1、estimate ─── n.估计,估价;判断,看法;v.估计,估量;判断,评价

2、estimation ─── n.估计;尊重

3、castigative ─── 严厉的

4、restorative ─── adj.有助于复元的,恢复健康的;整容的,整形的;滋补的;n.滋补剂;恢复药;补酒

5、restitutive ─── 有恢复作用的(restitute的变形)

6、instigative ─── 煽动的

7、entitative ─── adj.实体的;本质的

8、estimations ─── n.判断;尊重;估计量(estimation的复数形式)

9、estimating ─── n.估算;评估;预算能力;v.估计(estimate的ing形式)

estimative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、unbiased estimative ─── 无偏估计值

2、non-regular estimative ─── 非正规估计量

3、The Estimative Method of Fuzzy Regression Parameter and Its Application to Signal Analysis of Satisfying Program to Prosperity ─── 模糊回归参数估计方法及应用于景气对策信号分析

4、ratio estimative ─── 比例估值, 比推定量

5、least squares estimative ─── 最小二乘估计量

6、An Estimative Method of Deceleration-time of Penetration and Perforation for Concrete Target ─── 混凝土靶体中侵彻与贯穿的过载估算方法

7、The combined method optimized by genetic algorithm based on simulated annealing method that combines the different estimative results of some mathematics solves this problem successfully. ─── 基于最小二乘法原理和模拟退火遗传算法的数据预处理组合方法,综合了各种处理方法的结果,很好地解决了这个问题。

8、To classify all the possible factors of the investing risks and establish an estimative system for financial risks. ─── 针对购物中心开发之财务风险因子进行系统性之分类,建立可行之财务风险评估架构。

9、experimental results show that the above-mentioned method can be used not only as estimative analysis but also as quantitative analysis of mechanism balance. ─── 机构支座约束反力的理论计算和实测结果表明:上述测试台不但能用于机构平衡的定性分析,还能用于机械平衡的定量分析。

10、Analysis on Estimative Precision and Influencing Factors of Checking Cutting Amount of Sublot in Felling Area ─── 关于伐区小班采伐量核查估计精度及影响因素的分析

11、2 C ond itiona l m orta lity probab ility of S.ex igua in fected bySeNPV(A)and estim ated by TDM m odel(B)vary ing w ithtem perature after inocu lation. ─── 标题: 图2感染SeNPV(A)和TDM模型模拟(B)的甜菜夜蛾种群随时间和温度变化的日病死率 F ig.

12、The Estimative Algorithm of Rotational Motion Parameter Based on the Correspondence of Conics in the Serial Image ─── 基于序列图像中二次曲线对应的纯旋转运动参数估计算法

13、A low complexity joint channel estimative and decoding algorithm for STBC-OFDM systems in time varying or unknown channel is presented. ─── 摘要提出一种针对空时块码正交频分复用(STBC-OFDM)系统在信道不确知或时变情况下的低复杂度联合信道估计与解码算法。

14、reform the assessment mode of the administrative departments on the achievements, erect scientific estimative system on working accomplishments; ─── 改革行政部门业绩考核方式,建立科学的绩效评估制度;

15、biased estimative ─── 有偏的估计量

16、An Estimative Method of Deceleration-time of Penetration and Perforation for Concrete Target ─── 混凝土靶体中侵彻与贯穿的过载估算方法

17、Keywords human settlements;community scale;estimative index; ─── 人居环境;社区尺度;指标体系;

18、establish more scientific and reasonable estimative system; ─── 以及对我国高等教育管理的启示。

19、median unbiased estimative ─── 中位数无偏估计量

20、Estimative Analysis of the Social Benefit of Shanghai UMT System ─── 上海城市轨道交通体系社会经济效益估算分析

21、Quantitative Estimative Study of Ecological Carrying Capacity on the North Slope of Qinling Mountains ─── 秦岭北麓生态承载力定量评价研究

22、randomized estimative ─── 随机化估计值

23、Joint Long-Range Estimative Intelligence Document ─── 联合远程判断情报文件

24、regression estimative ─── 回归估计量

25、best invariant estimative ─── 最佳不变估计量

26、maximum likelihood estimative ─── 极大似然估计量

27、This dissertation mainly research solar power generation, using the measure of current pre-estimative arithmetic and voltage double-loop control to improve the wave of output current and voltage ; ─── 本文主要针对太阳能光伏电池发电进行了研究,采用电流预估计算法和电流电压双环控制的方法提高逆变输出的电流电压波形;

28、radiation estimative ─── 剂量计

29、Research on optimal linear estimate of estimative function in mixed model and derived model ─── 混合模型及其导出模型下可估函数的最佳线性无偏估计研究

30、rollability estimative ─── 溜放特性测定器

31、It is not necessary to assume the concrete stochastic process model for a repairable system when we estim... ─── 认为运用灰色预测模型来估计可修复系统的故障时刻,不必假定系统的随机过程模型。且估计精度较高,是1种有效方法。

32、commented on the estimative method for fatigue life of blade. ─── 评述了叶片疲劳寿命评估方法;

33、estimative standard ─── 正当化根据

34、invariant estimative ─── 不变估计量

35、absolutely unbiased estimative ─── 绝对无偏估计量

36、minimum chi square estimative ─── 极小X2估计量

37、logarithmic estimative ─── 对数估计量

38、unbiased ratio estimative ─── 无偏比估计量

39、A new kind of estimative measure,basing on D-S theory,is also put forward here,to judge the complication degree. ─── 对复杂电磁环境的概念与表现形式进行研究,提出一种基于证据理论的电磁环境复杂程度的模糊判断方法。

40、BeamfOrming technology inup link and DOA estimative algorithm technology in down Iink in Smart Antennasherewith have been studied systemmatically. ─── 本文系统地研究了智能天线技术中上行链路中的波束形成技术和下行链路中的DOA估计算法。

41、Contrast analysis to estimative model of residual life of steam-generator's boiler pipe ─── 蒸汽发生器炉管剩余寿命预测模型对比分析

42、regular estimative ─── 正则估计量

43、generalized least squares estimative ─── 广义最小二乘估计量

44、point estimative ─── 点估计量

45、Keywords fixed asset;estimative remnant value;average fixed number of years law;work mensuration;sum total of years; ─── 固定资产;预计残值;平均年限法;工作量法;年限总和法;

46、uniformly best estimative ─── 一致最佳估计量

47、best asymptotically normal estimative ─── 最佳渐近正规估计量

48、linear unbiased estimative ─── 线性无偏估计量

49、Quantitative Estimative Study of Ecological Carrying Capacity on the North Slope of Qinling Mountains ─── 秦岭北麓生态承载力定量评价研究

50、mean-unbiased estimative ─── 平均无偏估计量

51、Contrast analysis to estimative model of residual life of steam-generator's boiler pipe ─── 蒸汽发生器炉管剩余寿命预测模型对比分析

52、inconsistent estimative ─── 不相容估计量

53、At the same time, as a result of limitations of investigation and basic financial data of the project is estimative and forecast able, financial evaluation has unavoidable limitation. ─── 同时也指出,由于市场调研分析存在一定的局限性、项目基本财务数据出于估算和预测,因而财务评估也不可避免地存在一定的局限性。

54、th e second statement: the chief mood of其 is interrogative, estimative, as well it can express the imperative mood and be going to. ─── 第二种说法是,“其”的主要语气是疑问、测度,还可以表示命令的语气和将要的意思。

55、An estimative examination to the hedge electrostatic discharge of high voltage and high power solar array ─── 高压大功率太阳电池阵防静电措施评价试验

56、This is an estimative figure. ─── 这是一个估计数字。

57、consistent estimative ─── 一致估计(量)

58、The traditional OLSE regression can only get a set of estimative coefficient, but can not deeply explain the determinants of capital structure in different financial leverage. ─── 摘要传统的OLSE回归只能得到一组系数估计值,因此无法深入分析不同财务杠杆程度下资本结构的影响因素。

59、estimative remnant value ─── 预计残值

60、sufficient estimative ─── 充分估计量

61、good estimative ─── 精确估计

62、admissible estimative ─── 容许估计量

63、Speaking from the essence, it is a kind of defensive method that puts importance on the explanatory function of the economic theory, but neglects its estimative function. ─── 从本质上讲,它是一种防卫性的方法,重视经济理论的解释作用,而忽视其预测作用。

64、estimative figure ─── 估计(的)数字

65、unbiased regression estimative ─── 无偏回归估计量

66、efficient estimative ─── 有效估计量


68、Estimative Analysis of Bearing Capacity of Traffic Lane Slab in Circular Section of Da- Pu Road Tunnel ─── 打浦路隧道圆形段车道板承载力评估分析

69、The Estimative Method of Fuzzy Regression Parameter and Its Application to Signal Analysis of Satisfying Program to Prosperity ─── 模糊回归参数估计方法及应用于景气对策信号分析

70、According to estimative numbers in USA, Europe and Japan are 50 million men suffering in impotence. ─── 据估算数字在美国,欧洲和日本的50万人的痛苦,在阳痿。

71、ancillary estimative ─── 辅助估计量

72、best linear unbiased estimative ─── 最佳线性无偏估计量

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