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09-08 投稿


articular 发音

英:[ɑ?'t?kj?l?]  美:[ɑr't?kj?l?]

英:  美:

articular 中文意思翻译



articular 词性/词形变化,articular变形

副词: articularly |

articular 短语词组

1、articular head ─── [医] 关节头

2、articular crescent ─── [医] 关节半月板

3、articular disc ─── [医] 关节盘

4、articular lamella ─── [医] 环节软骨板

5、articular cheilectomy ─── [医] 关节唇切除术

6、acute articular rheumatism ─── [医] 急性关节风湿病, 风湿 ─── [性]热

7、articular neuralgia ─── [医] 关节神经痛

8、articular gout ─── [医] 关节痛风

9、articular fracture ─── [医] 关节 ─── [面]骨折

10、articular leprosy ─── [医] 关节麻风, 残毁性麻风

11、articular dropsy ─── [医] 关节积水

12、articular crepitus ─── [医] 关节咿轧音, 假咿轧音

13、articular circumference ─── [医] 环状关节面

14、articular corpuscle ─── [医] 关节(神经)小体

15、articular capsule rupture ─── [医] 关节囊破裂

16、articular muscle ─── 关节肌

17、articular rete ─── [医] 关节网

18、articular sensation ─── [医] 关节感觉

19、articular eminence ─── [医] 关节结节

articular 相似词语短语

1、auricular ─── adj.耳的;耳状的

2、particulars ─── n.细节;详情(particular的复数)

3、vorticular ─── 旋涡

4、articulacy ─── n.口齿清楚的说话能力

5、particular ─── adj.特别的;详细的;独有的;挑剔的;n.详细说明;个别项目

6、acicular ─── adj.[植]针状的;针尖状的

7、articulate ─── vt.清晰地发(音);明确有力地表达;用关节连接;使相互连贯;vi.发音;清楚地讲话;用关节连接起来;adj.发音清晰的;口才好的;有关节的;n.【动物学】有节体的动物

8、articulator ─── n.发音之人或物;发音纠正器;接骨的人

9、avicular ─── 小泡

articular 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Methods:To exercise articular genu function as early as possible after internal fixation with penetrative steel-wire binding. ─── 方法:穿入式钢丝捆绑内固定后尽早膝关节功能练习,创口愈合后加中药熏洗使关节功能恢复良好。

2、The glistening white articular cartilage of the femoral condyle can be seen just to the right of the tumor in the opened joint space. ─── 关节腔处可见闪亮的白色股骨髁的关节软骨恰好靠近肿瘤的右部。

3、Biphasic porous medium model based on mixture theory can be used to accurately depict the mechanical behavior of articular cartilage, and the permeability of articular cartilage is related to volume strain of solid phase. ─── 摘要基于混合物理论的两相多孔介质模型可以准确描述关节软骨的力学行为,关节软骨的渗透率与固体相体积应变相关。

4、We compared the in vitro viability of human articular chondrocytes after exposure to bupivacaine, ropivacaine, and saline solution control. ─── 我们比较了人体关节软骨细胞在体外接触布比卡因、罗哌卡因和生理盐水对照组后的细胞活性。

5、No significant change of TD/TP indicated that the position of articular disk was not affected. 3, There is no condylar remodeling indication that can be visualized on the MRI. ─── TD/TP在治疗后未发生明显的改变,说明关节盘在关节窝内的位置没有发生明显变化。3、 在治疗后的颞下颌关节MRI片上,没有观察到髁状突的增生变化。

6、Methods 128 patients with osteoarthritis were accepted sodium hyaluronate injected into articular cavity 25mg once a week,five times totally. ─── 方法对128例膝关节骨关节炎患者关节腔内注射玻璃酸钠25毫克,每周1次,共5次。

7、The injury and defect of articular cartilage is one of the common problems in orthopedics. ─── 关节软骨的损伤和缺损是骨科常见的问题之一。

8、The type of osteotomy is based on the location of the malunion,tendon balance, and any soft-tissue or articular contracture. ─── 截骨术的方法取决于畸形愈合的部位、肌腱平衡、以及任何软组织或关节的挛缩。

9、Some chondrocytes survived in nonbearing area of the articular. ─── 异体骨关节血运可重建。

10、The repair capacity of articular cartilage is limited after injury.Tissue engineering cartilage provide a challenge for the treatment of cartilage diseases. ─── 关节软骨损伤后修复能力有限,组织工程为软骨疾病的治疗开辟新的途径。

11、A simple deformity consists of only a skeletal injury whereas a complex malunion inoles associated soft-tissue and/or articular dysfunction. ─── 一个简单的畸形只涉及骨的损伤,而一个复杂的畸形包括软组织和/或关节功能障碍。

12、Historically, management has involved removal of the fragment, leaving a large area of bone devoid of articular cartilage on the weight-bearing surface of the lateral femoral condyle. ─── 历史上,治疗包括祛除骨折块,在股骨外髁的遗留大片祛除了关节软骨的负重骨面。

13、Both TGF-b signaling and BMP signaling are indispensable for the maintenance and repair of articular cartilage. ─── TGF-b信号和BMP信号对于关节软骨的维持和修复都是不可或缺的。

14、Objective To discuss clinical curative effect of combination of massage and cupping therapy in the treatment of cervical vertebrae posterior articular disturbance and the mechanism. ─── 摘要目的探讨综合推拿手法配合火罐疗法治疗颈椎后关节紊乱的临床疗效和作用机理。

15、On CT scans, the lesions were characterized by blurred articular surface, bony destruction and widened articular space. ─── CT表现为不同程度的关节面模糊、骨质破坏伴浓密,关节间隙增宽。

16、Restoration of the normal anatomy of the hip joint is essential as any incongruity of the joint can lead to erosion of the articular cartilage resulting in post-traumatic osteoarthritis. ─── 恢复髋关节的正常解剖关系是根本性的,关节的任何不协调都有可能导致关节软骨的破坏,进而导致创伤性关节炎。

17、Articular cartilage also can be cryopreserved in this manner. ─── 关节软骨也可用类似方法冻存。

18、While this optimism is perhaps somewhat premature, durable low-wear articular couples are available today that permit use of large heads to deliver both mobility and stability. ─── 尽管最佳选择尚未出现,但使用大头以提高活动性和稳定性的持久型低摩擦关节目前已得以应用。

19、Behcet's disease is a chronic relapsing inflammatory process affecting mucocutaneous, ocular, intestinal, articular, vascular, urogenital, and neurologic systems. ─── 摘要贝西氏症是一种侵犯多种器官系统,慢性、反覆发作的发炎性病变。

20、Whe rogramming i a high-level language, it i o ible to concentrate o algorithm and a licatio without worrying about the detail of a articular roce or. ─── 当在高级语言上编程时,不需要考虑特定处理器的细节,只用关心算法和应用。

21、It has the function of lubricating joints, releasing adhesion, relaxing muscles and tendons, relieving spasm, strengthening and renewing articular moving ability. ─── 具有滑利关节,解除粘连,舒筋解痉,增强与恢复关节运动功能的功效.

22、In pathologic humeri, there is severe distortion of the anatomy, making it more difficult to define the normal neck-shaft angle or the location of the normal articular surface. ─── 在病理状态下,肱骨解剖结构可能存在明显的改变,将使确定其颈干角以及关节面显得更为困难。

23、TMJ disc is a specific connective tissue as stress concentration absorber between condyle and articular fossa, but it does not belong to fibrocartilage. ─── 关节盘是特殊类型的结缔组织,不属纤维软骨,是髁突和关节窝之间的应力集中缓冲器。

24、Abstract Objective To study the histological structure of normal articular cartilage and the pathological changes of osteoarthritic cartilage of rat, rabbit and human. ─── 摘要 目的:研究大鼠、兔和人正常关节软骨组织学结构和关节炎软骨的病理变化。

25、Unicortical screws are indicated for periarticular fractures in which the screws are placed in the direction of an articular surface, such as in the proximal part of the humerus. ─── 单皮质螺钉适于固定关节周围骨折时螺钉朝向关节面的情况,例如肱骨近端骨折。

26、The menisci are two semilunar, fibrocartilaginous disks located between the medial and lateral articular surfaces of the femur and tibia in each knee. ─── 半月板为膝盖中股骨胫骨间两个分别位于内侧和外侧的半月形的纤维软骨盘。

27、Glucosamine is necessary in the body for the structure and function of the articular cartilage. ─── 为关节软骨组织的结构和功能,氨基葡萄糖是必要的。

28、Four patients had essentially intact articular cartilage overlying the lesion, which was characterized by disruption of the trabecular architecture indicative of subchondral bone fracture. ─── 4位患者关节软骨本质上是完整的并覆于损伤表面,损伤的特征为骨小梁结构断裂提示的软骨下骨折。

29、The addre u i used y the roce or to elect a ecific memory locatio or register withi a articular eripheral. ─── 地址总线被处理器用来选择在特定外设中的存储器地址或寄存器。

30、Three-dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Articular Disk and Articular Cartilage of TMJ with Forces at Chin in 5 Different Mouth Openings. ─── 5种不同张口位时下颌骨颏部受力瞬间对TMJ关节盘及髁突软骨影响的有限元分析

31、The femoral head at the left (removed because of fracture) shows smooth, glistening articular cartilage, while the femoral head at the right shows a rough, eburnated, irregular appearance typical for osteoarthritis. ─── 左边的股骨头(骨折离断)显示了光滑、闪亮的关节软骨,而右边的股骨头则显示了骨关节炎的典型的粗糙、坚硬、不规则的外形。

32、We report a case of a patient with a displaced intra-articular calcaneal fracture who presents with a large benign calcaneal bone cyst. ─── 我们报告一例患者的流离失所跟骨关节内骨折谁提出有大量良性跟骨骨囊肿。

33、Abstract: Articular cartilage is a thin layer of low-friction, wear-resistant, load-bearing, soft hydrated tissue covering articulating bony ends in diarthrodial joints. ─── 摘 要 :关节软骨是覆盖于骨关节面的一薄层低摩擦、耐磨损、负重的水化组织。

34、Methods Cartilage microparticle acellular tissue matrix from sheep articular cartilage were prepared with KCl, trypsin and EDTA, the diameter of which was from 0.100 mm to 0.154 mm. ─── 方法分别利用氯化钾、胰蛋白酶和乙二胺四乙酸钠对绵羊关节软骨进行脱细胞,并制成直径0.100~0.154mm的微粒。

35、To examine the role of matrix metalloproteinases(MMP) expressed by the tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP)-positive mononuclear and multinucleated cells in articular cartilage damage. ─── 基质金属蛋白酶-2、9在耐酒石酸盐酸性磷酸酶(TRAP)阳性的单个核及多核细胞中的表达及其在关节软骨损伤中的作用。

36、Atlas: 19.3% of the inside oblique angle of superior articular face, 10.7% of outside oblique angle of inferior articular face and 7.3% of inside oblique angle of aside massa were asymmetry. ─── 寰椎上关节面内倾角、下关节面外倾角及侧块内倾角两侧不对称分别占 19.3%、10 .7%和 7.3% ;

37、Theincrease rate of the Von Mises stress in the articular disc was higher than that in the condyle and the glenoid fossa. ─── 关节盘等效应力增加的速度较髁状突、关节窝要大;

38、Sports injury in pilots occurs mainly in the lower extremities and wrench in articular and tendon is its main feature. ─── 下肢伤是飞行人员受伤的主要部位,受伤组织主要是关节囊及韧带扭伤。

39、The stresses in the glenoid fossa were the greatest in the back slope of the articular eminence.The regions of the greater compressive stresses of the mandible were those around the force line. ─── 下颌骨较大压应力区位于力的作用线周围区域,较大拉应力区位于下颌支后部及下颌角附近区域。

40、Total knee replacement (TKR) surgery is a common orthopaedic procedure to replace damaged articular surfaces of the knee with prosthetic implants. ─── 全膝关节置换手术是一种关节功能的重建手术。其关键操作是对病人的股骨做五次定向切割与胫骨横向切割,并用合适的假体替换受损关节。

41、Methods Introduce the methods to improve prosthesis materials including polyethylene, metal and ceramics, in term of the materials used as articular surface and as articular stem. ─── 方法从人工关节面材料和人工关节柄材料两个方面介绍了用于制造人工关节的聚乙烯、金属、陶瓷材料的改性方法。

42、Three dimensional reconstruction of the articular discs and articular surfaces was performed. ─── 对关节盘及骨性关节面结构进行三维重建。

43、METHODS: Chondrocytes isolated from newborn rabbit articular cartilage were seeded on the cuttlebone scaffolds and incubated. ─── 方法 消化分离新生兔膝关节软骨细胞,接种于自制海螵蛸片支架上培养,从光学和扫描电镜观察其亲水性和对细胞的吸附力。

44、Bapazhi disease is chronic endemic which manifested ache,and pain of the anklebone at early stages,and it will end with the necrobiosis of the h ead of thighbone and coax articular c avity inosculate. ─── 子病初期为踝关节酸、软、痛,继而疼痛逐渐上移至膝、髋关节,最终以股骨头坏死并与髋关节腔融合为主要病变的慢性地方性疾病。

45、Patients in the experimental group received annular cauterization of zygapophysial joint capule using electro-knife and their articular facet was destroyed. ─── 其中实验组术中电刀环状烧灼小关节囊,破坏关节面;

46、It has the function of restituting articular disturbance and semiluxation,releasing adhesion,lubricating joints,correcting deformity and renewing articular-moving ability. ─── 具有整复关节紊乱及半脱位、松解粘连、滑利关节、矫正畸形、恢复关节运动机能等功效。

47、Results In 23 cases of knee joint injure, lesion of Cartilage. subchondralbone, ligament, muscle and articular capsule are observed. ─── 方法分析运动员膝关节创伤的病例原因及特点。

48、Clinical Relevance: Although bupivacaine is the most commonly used local anesthetic for intra-articular analgesia, the demonstrated toxicity to human articular chondrocytes is cause for concern. ─── 临床意义:虽然布比卡因是术后最常用的消除关节内疼痛的局麻药,但是己证实的对人体关节软骨细胞的毒性令人担忧。

49、The three-joint complex that results is sometimes referred to as the 'articular triad'. ─── 三联合复合体有时候是指“关节三联体”(并非FSU译者注)。

50、The direction of condylar subchondral bone trabeculae was arranged obviously perpendicular to the articular surface in central and posterior parts in the disordered occlusion group. ─── 实验组中部和后部软骨下骨小梁变得明显垂直于髁突表面排列。

51、Methods:Subchondral drilling to create the chondral defect on articular cartilage were performed on 9 goats(9 joints) by arthroscope. ─── 方法:关节镜下对9只山羊(9膝)进行关节面钻孔术,造成软骨缺损模型,对其缺损位置进行准确定位。

52、Before closing the wound, remoe additional cancellous bone from the proximal end of the tibia with a curet.Take care to aoid the articular surface of the tibia or in a child the physis. ─── 在关闭切口之前,用刮匙在胫骨近端取一些松质骨,但要注意不要损伤胫骨近端的关节面,在儿童不要损伤骺板。

53、The regeneration of articular discs had correlate closely with extracellular matrix, especially type I and type II collagen. ─── 关节板组织再生机制与细胞外间质有密切的关联,特别是第一型及第二型胶原蛋白。

54、Objective: To provide anatomic basis for the application of vascularized periosteal flap around joint to repair articular cartilage defecting. ─── 摘要目的:为临床运用关节周围带血供骨膜瓣转位修复关节软骨缺损提供解剖学依据。

55、The capsular ligament is a sac surrounding the articular cavity of a freely movable joint and attached to the bones. ─── 关节囊韧带是一种包围着某个自由运动关节的关节腔并连接到骨头上的关节囊。

56、As a result, the infernal circle finally lead to articular cartilage cataplasia. ─── 恶性循环最终导致关节软骨退变。

57、Objective To study the morphology of patella cartilage, to evaluate the imaging methods, value of multi-slice CT in morphological study on articular cartilage. ─── 摘要目的对髌骨关节软骨进行形态学研究,探讨螺旋CT对关节软骨的最佳成像方法及在关节软骨形态学研究中的应用价值。

58、Swelling of articular cartilage serves as an important biomechanical property and one of the early signs of osteoarthritis(OA). ─── 关节软骨肿胀属性的改变可作为检测早期关节炎的指标之一。

59、Title: Histological Observation of Articular Cartilage and Synovial Injury after Ischemia in the Animal Hind Limbs. ─── 关键词:肢体;缺血再灌注损伤;关节软骨;滑膜;组织学

60、Multiple subchondral perforation is relatively a simple and effective method in enhancing the recovery of articular cartilage regarding its poor ability in self-repairing. ─── 关节软骨自身修复能力很差,软骨下骨钻孔术是比较简单有效的方法,可促进软骨的修复。

61、Professor Yu's research interest is sport injury, including articular cartilage injury, tendon repair, and prevention of enthesopathy diseases. ─── 于教授长期从事运动创伤的临床和基础研究,近十余年来在关节软骨损伤、肌腱修复、末端病防治等研究领域获得一批研究成果。

62、Arthritis in cats is the progressive deterioration of joint (articular) cartilage. ─── 猫关节炎是关节(关节),软骨慢慢恶化。

63、Objective: To estimate the clinical curative effect of fibrous ankylosis of articular genu by the method of early rehabilitation training. ─── 摘要目的:介绍并评价关节镜下微创松解粘连结合术后早期康复训练的方法治疗膝关节纤维性强直的临床效果。

64、According to Essex-Lopresti Classification, there were 13 cases of ligulate fracture, 8 cases of articular compression fracture. ─── 按EssexLopresti分类法分舌状骨折13例,关节压缩骨折8例。

65、Biphasic porous medium model based on mixture theory can be used to accurately depict the mechanical behavior of articular cartilage. ─── 基于混合物理论的两相多孔介质模型能准确描述关节软骨的力学行为。

66、Title: Choice of serums on in vitro culturing adult human articular chondrocytes. ─── 关键词:软骨细胞;细胞培养;血清;关节;生长因子

67、Mankiin HJ, Conger KA. The acute effects of interarticular hy drocortisone on articular cartilage in rabbits [J]. J Bone Joint Surg (Am), 19 66,48:1383. ─── 张熙恩,张震康.关节下腔注射醋酸强的松龙治疗颞下颌关节紊乱综合征器质性破坏期的近期疗效观察[J].中华口腔科杂志,1985,20:93.

68、Methods Sixty cases were equally randomized into two groups: treatment group was treated by acupuncture plus TDP irradiation and control group was treated by articular cavity blockage. ─── 方法60例患者随机分为治疗组、对照组各30例,治疗组采用针刺加TDP治疗,对照组为局部关节封闭治疗,疗程均为14d。

69、There are many hypotype in the MMPs.The relationship is extreme intimate between the MMP-13 and the degradation of articular cartilage. ─── 它有许多亚型,其中MMP-13与关节软骨的降解关系最为密切。

70、Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystal deposition can occur in spinal structures such as intervertebral discs ligaments articular cartilage synovium and joint capsules16. ─── 双水焦磷酸钙结晶沉积可发生在脊柱,例如椎间盘,韧带、关节软骨,滑膜和关节囊。

71、A oftware development tool that tra late high-level language rogram into the machine-language i tructio that a articular roce or ca understand and execute. ─── 把高级编程语言程序转换到只有特定的处理器能了解和执行的机器指令的一种软件开发包。

72、Jiang Song,Wang Chentao,Cheng Xiyun,et al.Tribological Properties and Tribochemistry of Articular Synovial Fluids Made of Physiological Saline and Calf Serum[J].Tribology,2004,24(6):527-530. ─── [7]蒋松,王成焘,程西云,等.人工关节滑液的摩擦学性能及摩擦化学研究[J].摩擦学学报,2004,24(6):527-530.

73、The headless screw must be fully buried beneath the articular cartilage of the proximal scaphoid to avoid radioscaphoid impingement. ─── 无头螺钉应被完全埋入近侧舟状骨关节软骨内以避免桡舟关节受损。

74、Natural articular cartilage is well known as a special connective tissue with multiple effects and functions,which are important and irreplaceable,in human synovial joints. ─── 人体滑膜关节中,天然关节软骨具有多重不可替代的特殊功能和重要作用。

75、Osteoarthritis of knee exists in articular cartilage and there is no obvious change in synovium in the first period. ─── 从大量文献资料可以看出膝关节骨性关节炎早期最先发生于关节软骨,滑膜无明显改变;

76、Background: The most effective method for the fixation of an intra-articular distal radial fracture has not been established. ─── 背景:最有效的治疗桡骨远端关节内骨折固定方法还在探寻。

77、Articular cartilage, which is composed with a solid phase of collagen fibers and proteoglycan and a pore fluid phase, can be depicted with two-phase porous medium model based on mixture theory. ─── 关节软骨为一由骨胶原和蛋白聚糖固体相和孔隙流体相组成的多孔材料,其可以用基于混合物理论的两相多孔介质模型准确描述。

78、Abstract: Objective:To study BMP-2 influence upon the metabolism of RAC and act on the injury and repair of articular cartilage. ─── 摘 要: 目的:探讨BMP-2对体外培养兔关节软骨细胞代谢影响进而了解其在关节软骨损伤修复中的作用。

79、Pluronic group: 25% Pluronic F-127 was poured into the articular cartilage defects. ─── 单纯支架组只将25%Pluronic F-127注入股骨内髁软骨缺损区。

80、Objective: To study the effect of different movements on suprficial/deeply damage of articular cartilage. ─── 摘要目的:观察不同术后活动方式对关节软骨损伤再生的影响。

81、The most serious articular cartilage destroy and osteophytes formation appeared in the group of total medial meniscectomy. ─── 内侧半月板全切除组的内侧胫骨平台和内侧股骨髁的软骨破坏和骨赘形成最为严重。

82、One of the most early pathological changes is the protein synthesis reduction of the articular cartilage polysaccharide . ─── 发生的最早期病理改变之一是关节软骨合成蛋白多糖减少。

83、Aiming at probing the pathogenetic mechanism of osteoarthrosis at molecular level, the oncogenes expressions and their interrelationship in articular chondrocytes of osteoarthrosis were observed. ─── 为了探索骨关节病在分子水平上的发病机理,观察了骨关节病的关节软骨细胞的癌基因表达及其相互关系。

84、MRI can delineate normal meniscus and articular cartilage. ─── MRI显示正常半月板及关节软骨的外形、信号强度。

85、The curative effect was found in patient after treatment with fluconazol injection and articular cavity douching with amphotericin B for 8 weeks. ─── 后改用氟康唑静脉滴注治疗8周并用两性霉素B关节腔冲洗获治愈。

86、Assessment of articular fragment displacement in acetabular fractures: a comparison between computerized tomography and plain radiographs.Chin J Orthop Trauma,2004,6:851-854. ─── CT和X线片对髋臼骨折移位程度评价的比较.中华创伤骨科杂志,2004,6:851-854.

87、The surgery will create small holes in the bone at the base of the articular cartilage to allow blood to form clots with bone marrow elements that will produce a new cartilage surface. ─── 手术将会在他的关节软骨下部的骨头上开一些小孔,这样血液将与骨髓组织一起凝固来形成一个新的软骨表面。

88、After 4, 8 and 12 weeks, the pathohistologic changes . of the articular cartilage of the different groups were scored according to Colombo et al. [2]. ─── 在4、8,12周,分别用普通光镜和原位杂交法观察不同组关节软骨组织学和bFGF-mRNA表达。

89、Retrograde afflection and abrade of cartilage, cirrhosis of substance of bone, cystic degeneration and articular transfiguration are the center of the osteoarthritis of knee in the last period. ─── 后期软骨退变磨损,骨质硬化、退变、骨赘等形成,关节肥大变形,构成膝关节骨性关节炎的核心。

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