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09-08 投稿



hammerer 发音

英:[?h?m?r?r]  美:[?h?m?r?(r)]

英:  美:

hammerer 中文意思翻译



hammerer 词性/词形变化,hammerer变形


hammerer 短语词组

1、hammerer architekten gmbh ─── 锤炼建筑师股份有限公司

2、hammerer - renaissance 180 ─── 哈默-文艺复兴180

3、hammerer aluminium industries ─── 哈默铝工业公司

4、hammerer west coxsackie ─── 西柯萨奇铁锤手

5、hammerer aluminium industries gmbh ─── 哈默尔铝工业股份有限公司

6、hammerer sc ─── 锤击机sc

7、hammerer dwarf fortress ─── 锤子矮人要塞

8、hammerer aluminium ─── 铝合金锤

hammerer 相似词语短语

1、hamperer ─── 锤子

2、yammerer ─── 亚默

3、stammerer ─── n.口吃的人

4、dummerer ─── 愚蠢的

5、hammermen ─── n.锻工;铁腕人物

6、chamferer ─── 倒角

7、chamberer ─── n.出入闺房者

8、hammered ─── adj.锤成的;铸打成的;v.锤打(hammer的过去式和过去分词形式)

9、Kammerer ─── n.(Kammerer)人名;(英、德、匈)卡默勒

hammerer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He struck the nail with a hammer. ─── 他用锤子敲打钉子。

2、He attached the man in the van with a hammer. ─── 他用锤子袭击了那个在大蓬车里的男人。

3、The doctor hit my knee with a hammer to test my reflexes. ─── 医生用锤子敲敲我的膝盖,看看有没有反应。

4、He will hammer down the shingles. ─── 他会把这片墙板敲下来。

5、If you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail. ─── 如果你是一个铁锤,你看什么都是钉子。

6、He stops his work and puts down his hammer. ─── 他停下手里的活儿,放下榔头。

7、An ax having a hammer face opposite the blade, used to slaughter cattle. ─── 屠斧一端有刃一端有锤面的斧子,用来屠宰牲畜

8、What the hammer? What the chain? ─── 什么样铁链?什么样铁锤?

9、They could not hammer any new idea into their grandfather's head. ─── 他们无法向祖父灌输任何新思想。

10、Can you lend me your hammer for a while? ─── 你能把你的锤子借我用一下吗?

11、They decided to bring the property to the hammer. ─── 他们决定把这份产业拿出去拍卖。

12、A hammer is used for driving in nails. ───  子是用来钉钉子的。

13、He broke the lock with one stroke of the hammer. ─── 他一锤就把锁砸坏了。

14、"What is the big brass gong and hammer for? ─── “那个大铜锣和锤子是干什么用的?

15、The husband and wife were quarreling hammer and tongs. ─── 夫妻俩吵得很凶。

16、He cracked the nuts with a hammer. ─── 他用锤子击破坚果。

17、Dual action: hammer drilling and hole drilling. ─── 二模式动作:锤钻及单钻孔。

18、George wants Dan to give him a hammer. ─── 乔治想让丹拿给他一把锤子。

19、Seven Stars Buckle and thrust hammer. ─── 七星扣捶。

20、George: Give me that hammer please. Fred. ─── 乔治:请把那把锤子给我,弗雷德。

21、They employed a hammer to drive nail. ─── 他们用一只锤子钉钉子。

22、The workman flatten a piece of metal by hammer it. ─── 工匠将一块金属锤平。

23、I want to hammer is a few facts if I can. ─── 如果有可能,我要反复强调几个事实。

24、He struck the rock a mighty blow with a hammer. ─── 他用铁锤使劲地猛击那块岩石。

25、He hit the nail into the wall with hammer. ─── 中文:他用一把锤子把钉子打进墙里去。

26、Why do you hammer at the subject day after day? ─── 你为何日复一日地钻研那个科目?

27、He shivered the mirror with a hammer . ─── 他用铁锤打碎镜子。

28、A rule-based hammerer model was proposed on the basis of fuzzy control theory. ─── 基于模糊控制理论建立了锻工模型;

29、A good anvil does not fear the hammer. ─── 好砧不怕锤打。

30、He cracked the chestnuts with a hammer. ─── 他用铁锤把核桃砸开。

31、He can no more swim than a hammer can. ─── 他不能游泳正如锤子不能游泳一样。

32、He accidentally hit his thumb with the hammer. ─── 他不小心用铁锤敲着了拇指.

33、He would hammer a nail into the wood with a series of blows that continued to down long after the head was flush with the boards. ─── 他老是连续不断地锤击,把钉子敲进木头,而且钉头与板面平齐之后,还是一个劲儿地敲。

34、D: Me hammer is always ready, lads. ─── 俺的战锤随时待命,伙计。

35、Sarcasm became a sledge hammer in their debate. ─── 在他们的辩论中,讽刺成为强有力的武器。

36、A good anvildoes not fear the hammer. ─── [谚]好砧不怕锤打。

37、Joe hammer a tack into the wall to hang a picture. ─── 乔用锤子把一只大头钉敲进墙中用来挂一幅画。

38、He bashed her over the head with a hammer. ─── 他用锤子猛击她的头部。

39、model was proposed on the basis of fuzzy control theory. ─── 基于模糊控制理论建立了锻工模型;

40、He shivered the mirror with a hammer. ─── 他用锤子将镜子砸得粉碎。

41、He was chipping away at the rock with a hammer. ─── 他用锤子一点一点地击碎那块石头。

42、She smashed the hammer down onto the box. ─── 她用锤子猛击箱子。

43、Please hammer down the lid first . ─── 他先用钉子把盖子钉牢。

44、A flat-faced swage or hammer used by blacksmiths. ─── 平整工具铁匠用的一种平面铁模或铁锤

45、He hit the nail into the wall with a hammer. ─── 他用一把锤子把钉子打进墙里去。

46、"What is the big brass gong and the hammer for? ─── “那个大铜钟和锤子是干什么的呢?”

47、She can equip Leather Armor and Hammer. ─── 她可以装备皮甲以及榔头。

48、He scarred the door with a hammer. ─── 他用锤子将门敲得疤痕累累。

49、Saying this, he grabbed Old John's hammer. ─── 他说着抓起了老约翰的锤子。

50、He opened the box to put in the hammer. ─── 他打开工具箱把锤子放里。

51、HS type Ring Hammer Coal Crushe. ─── HS型环锤式碎煤机。

52、A hammer can make this. So surprised I am. ─── 一把榔头能造成这样,真是让人惊讶呀!

53、He drove in the nail with one stroke of the hammer. ─── 他铁锤一敲就把钉子钉进去。

54、Here, cop hold of the screwdriver while I try the hammer. ─── 喂,握住这把改锥,我用鎯头试试。

55、What nail should you never hit with a hammer? ─── 什么钉子永远不能用榔头钉?

56、He crushed the rock to small pieces with a hammer. ─── 他用铁锤把石头砸碎。

57、He drove a nail into the wall with his hammer. ─── 他用锤子把一个钉子钉进墙里。

58、Because I am go to repair my bike, I need a hammer. ─── 因为我要去修理我的自行车,我需要一把锤子。

59、Hurrah, mark's break the 7.38-meter record in the hammer. ─── 好啊,马克打破了链球项目7.38米的记录。

60、A typical hammer in Qing dynasty. I have one. ─── 典型的清锤,我有把一模一样的.

61、He bruise his finger with a hammer. ─── 他的手指被锤子击伤。

62、He drove in a nail with one stroke of the hammer. ─── 他一锤就把钉子敲进去了。

63、Can you hammer out the dent in the side of my car? ─── 你能敲平我车子侧边的凹痕吗?

64、The blunt or broad end of a tool such as a hammer or an ax. ─── 工具较钝或较宽的一端,如锤子或斧头

65、First hammer the tent pegs into the ground, then tie the ropes onto them. ─── 先把系帐篷的桩子打进地里,再把绳子系在桩子上。

66、Listen as they hammer it 'til everybody's bored. ─── 听听他们猛击,直到人人厌倦。

67、The Hammer Event in the Luss Highland Games. ─── “鲁斯高地运动会”中的掷链球项目。

68、He tried to hammer the thought into the boys. ─── 他想把那种思想灌输给少年们。

69、A rule-based hammerer model was proposed on the basis of fuzzy control theory. ─── 基于模糊控制理论建立了锻工模型;

70、They tried to hammer the rules into my head. ─── 他们企图把那些规则硬性灌输进我的大脑。

71、Get me a hammer from the kitchen, will you? ─── 你从厨房里拿一把铁锤给我好吗?

72、You may crack these nuts with a hammer. ─── 你可以用锤子把这些坚果敲开。

73、One of the US astronauts who made the first deep space walk on the moon dropped a hammer and a feather together. ─── 一位首次在月球上进行太空行走的美国宇航员让一把锤子和一根羽毛一齐落下。

74、He bashed his finger with a hammer. ─── 他用锤子砸伤了自己的手指。

75、A computerized overall forging system's model including hammerer, air hammer and forging part was developed. ─── 开发了人一空气锤-锻件人机系统模型仿真软件。

76、GEORGE:Give me that hammer please,Dan. ─── 乔治:请把那把锤子拿给我,丹 .

77、He took a hammer and recessed a hole into the wall. ─── 他拿起一个榔头,在墙上敲出一个洞。

78、The only tools in the house are a hammer and a saw. ─── 屋子里仅有的工具是一把锤子和一把锯。

79、She pressed down the hammer, and off they went. ─── 她踩了一下油门,车就开走了。

80、You are currently a sledge hammer member. ─── 你当前的成员级别。

81、He gave him a hammer and some nails. ─── 他给了他一把锤子和几颗钉子。

82、A screwdriver and a hammer are the only tools you need. ─── 你需用的工具只是改锥和锤子。

83、Get me a hammer from the kitchen,will you? ─── 从厨房给我拿一个榔头好吗?

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