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09-08 投稿



entertainer 发音

英:[ent?'te?n?]  美:['?nt?'ten?]

英:  美:

entertainer 中文意思翻译



entertainer 反义词

exit | exeunt | go | drop out

entertainer 同义词

input | walk on | perforate | invade | embark | get into |join | go into | go | register | into | in | set | sign up | get in | agree to | figure | inscribe | enrol | recruit | come on | foot | participate | enroll | hand in | pierce | propose | insert | move into | immigrate | set foot in | come in | introduce | infix | submit | compete | record | put down | go in | take part | accede | penetrate

entertainer 词性/词形变化,entertainer变形

动词过去式: entertained |动词过去分词: entertained |动词第三人称单数: entertains |动词现在分词: entertaining |名词: entertainer |

entertainer 短语词组

1、the entertainer smith ─── 艺人史密斯

2、Saori (South Korean entertainer) Saori( ─── 韩国娱乐公司)

3、cruise ship entertainer ─── 游轮艺人

4、the entertainer ─── 艺人

entertainer 相似词语短语

1、entrainer ─── n.夹带剂(形成共沸混合物的溶剂)

2、entertains ─── 招待

3、entertainers ─── n.演艺人员,娱乐圈人士(entertainer的复数形式)

4、unentertained ─── 不受干扰的

5、entertainment ─── n.娱乐;消遣;款待

6、entertained ─── v.娱乐(entertain的过去分词);款待;adj.娱乐的;愉快的

7、entertain ─── vt.娱乐;招待;怀抱;容纳;vi.款待

8、ascertainer ─── 确定人

9、entertaining ─── adj.令人愉快的;v.款待(entertain的ing形式)

entertainer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Her father was an entertainer and although not one of the big names,he was doing very well. ─── 他父亲是一个演员,虽然不是什么大人物,但也表现不俗。

2、His wife likes to entertain. ─── 他的妻子非常好客。

3、I don't entertain very often. ─── 我不常在家请客。

4、I may not give people a better life, but at least I entertain them. ─── 我也许给不了人们更好的生活,但至少我让他们快乐。

5、They laid themselves out to entertain us. ─── 他们为了款待我们煞费苦心。

6、They entertain a great deal. ─── 他们常常招待客人。

7、Refusing to be a "light entertainer" like the hypocrites in Dante's inferno, Mr Hill presents a difficult world as he sees it. ─── 他拒绝像但丁地狱里的伪君子那样,成为一名“跳梁小丑”。

8、They taped a special TV show to entertain their fans. ─── 他们录了一集特别的电视秀娱乐他们的歌迷。

9、He is an itinerant entertainer. ─── 他是个江湖艺人。

10、China will entertain you to the end. ─── 中国将奉陪到底。

11、He's the world's highest paid entertainer. ─── 他是世界上薪金最高的演艺人。

12、We therefore regret we are unable to entertain any liability in the matter. ─── 因此,我们对此事实在无法负任何责任,甚为抱歉。

13、How do you entertain yourself after work? ─── 下班后你如何消遣?

14、She laid by her house hold work to entertain the visitor. ─── 地放下家务去招待来宾。

15、Two small boys and a dog comprised the street entertainer's only audience. ─── 两个小男孩和一条狗成了街头艺人仅有的观众。

16、You are here to fight alone with us, not to entertain. ─── 你到这儿来是同我们并肩战斗,不是供人娱乐。

17、Before she grew old,Aunt Harriet used to entertain lavishly. ─── 哈特丽姑妈年轻时,常常大摆筵席,招待宾客。

18、He is a verbicidal entertainer. ─── 他是个喜欢滥用词语的艺人。

19、What are we gonna do? he's a big customer,but how are we gonna entertain him ? ─── 怎么办好呢?他是个大主顾,但是我们怎样招待他好呢?

20、They got up a dramatic performance to entertain the foreign guests. ─── 他们举办了一次文艺演出来招待外宾。

21、I am afraid we cannot entertain your claim as it have nothing to do with us. ─── 恐怕我们不能接受你方索赔,因为这与我们无关。

22、You should learn how to entertain yourself and enjoy your life. ─── 你应该学会如何娱乐自己,享受你的生活。

23、FAITH LAPIDUS: Taylor Marsh was one of the few students who did not choose an entertainer or a movie star. ─── 信仰拉皮德斯:泰勒沼泽的几个学生,谁不选择一个艺人或电影明星之一。

24、It's impossible for us to entertain your counteroffer. ─── 我们不能[接受]你方的还价。

25、He refused to entertain our proposal. ─── 他拒不考虑我们的提议.

26、She laid by her household work to entertain the guest. ─── 她放下家务去招待客人。

27、Aunt Harriet used to entertain lavishly. ─── 哈丽特姑妈喜欢大摆宴席,招待宾客。

28、If hypes with such way, to entertainer's injury was too big. ─── 如果说用这样的方式炒作,对艺人的伤害就是太大了。

29、They entertain us and make us think. ─── 他们娱乐我们而且使我们想。

30、They spread themselves to entertain the visitors. ─── 他们大肆铺张招待来访客人。

31、They can entertain themselves, and then we can leave. ─── 他们可以款待他们自己,并当时我们可别.

32、I am really exhausted after have to entertain my wife and kid. ─── "为""孝顺""老婆和孩子,我已经筋疲力尽"

33、I was asked to entertain a client from Japan today. ─── 我今天被叫去招待一位日本来的客户。

34、Entertain the guests with refreshments. ─── 以点心招待客人。

35、A professional entertainer who tells jokes or performs various other comic acts. ─── 喜剧演员说笑话或进行各种其他滑稽表演的职业演艺者

36、What famous entertainer or athlete would your like to meet? ─── 你希望遇到哪为娱乐明星或运动员?

37、He was a novelist of a sort that scarcely exists anymore: a serious, highbrow entertainer. ─── 他这一类型的小说家几乎已绝迹:一个严肃、博学的娱乐作家。

38、He even moonwalked on top of his car to entertain fans. ─── 他甚至还在自己的车上来了段太空漫步以愉悦自己的歌迷。

39、An entertainer or sportsman normally requires the services of a manager. ─── 学员或运动员往往需要经纪人为他们服务。

40、To break the silence, he told a joke to entertain us. ─── 为打破沉默,他讲了一个笑话使我们高兴。

41、Before she grew old, aunt Harriet used to entertain lavishly. ─── 在她年迈之前,哈丽特姑母家中常常大宴宾客。

42、His grandfather was a stand-up comic and children's entertainer. ─── 他的爷爷是儿童节目的喜剧演员。

43、Entertain a feeling against sb. ─── 对某人怀有恶感

44、I am really exhausted after having to entertain my wife and kid. ─── 为“孝顺”老婆和孩子,我已经筋疲力尽。

45、An autopsy is expected to be conducted today on the body of entertainer Michael Jackson who died in Los Angeles Thursday at the age of 50. ─── 艺人迈克尔·杰克逊于周四在洛杉矶去世,享年50岁。(验尸官)今天将对其进行尸检。

46、Not quite, I'm more like a royal entertainer of the Pharaonic scions. ─── 不完全是,我更象是个皇家娱乐人员。

47、I will entertain you to-night. ─── 今天晚上你是我的客人。

48、I entertain no apprehension for his welfare. ─── 我不挂念他的安全

49、I don't like that people refer to me as an entertainer. ─── 但是我不喜欢别人把我当作一个"艺人"来看。

50、The dances still entertain people today. ─── 对于今人,它们负载着娱悦心身的寄托,

51、He is an entertainer who impersonates celebrities at night clubs. ─── 他在夜总会表演名人模仿秀。

52、He's a popular television entertainer. ─── 他是大众喜爱的电视演员

53、The Smiths entertain a great deal. ─── 史密斯一家常款待客人。

54、I'll be able to entertain the guests as soon as I've got the house together. ─── 我一把屋子收拾好,就可以接待客人了。

55、He had to entertain some boring local bigwig. ─── 他不得不款待当地一些无聊的大人物。

56、He was not only a subject, but a near kinsman to the king; and he had been his host and entertainer that day. ─── 他不但是国王的臣子,而且是他的近亲,那天他又是国王的东道主。

57、Entertain local and national reporters with his memories of war. ─── 就他在战争中的经历接受当地和全国报刊记者的采访。

58、He used music to entertain us. ─── 他用音乐来娱乐我们。

59、Stage shows were laid on to entertain the foreign guests. ─── 安排了几场演出招待那些外宾。

60、He cut off a bunch of grapes to entertain us. ─── 他剪下一串葡萄招待我们。

61、's no disgrace to be colored," the black entertainer Bert Williams famously observed early in the century, "but it is awfully inconvenient." ─── 作为有色人种并不丢脸,”黑人表演者伯特·威廉姆斯在本世纪初有一句很著名的评论中提到,“但是身为有色人种会极其不方便。”

62、They use conversation to claim attention and to entertain. ─── 他们使用的谈话来获取注意和认同。

63、It was in a show that he was seen playing the piano by a major Taiwanese entertainer, Jacky Wu. ─── 在一次钢琴表演中,台湾名艺人吴宗宪发现了他的才能。

64、He's the world's highest paid entertainer. ─── 他是世界上薪金最高的演艺人。

65、American entertainer known especially for his energetic, goggle - eyed performances in vaudeville and Broadway reviews. ─── 康托尔,埃迪1892-1964美国演艺人员,尤以其在滑稽歌舞和百老汇巡回演出中充满活力的瞪眼表演而出名

66、We must entertain our guests in the correct way in this house. ─── 我们一定要在家里把客人招待得象模象样的。

67、She loves to talk , dance and entertain . ─── 她喜欢谈话、跳舞和招待客人。

68、You cannot evangelize and entertain at the same time. ─── 你没有办法同时又布道又娱乐的。

69、Her mother Hannah was also an entertainer. A wonderful mimic, she had a sweet, charming voice. ─── 他母亲哈那是一位出色的喜剧演员,嗓音甜美动人。

70、American entertainer who starred in The Jazz Singer(1927),the first major film with synchronized sound. ─── 乔森,阿尔1886-1950美国演员,曾主演爵士歌手(1927年),这是第一部同步配音的重要影片

71、A wandering minstrel, poet, or entertainer in medieval England and France. ─── 中世纪游吟诗人中世纪时英格兰和法国的游吟歌手、诗人、或杂耍演员

72、A medieval entertainer who traveled from place to place, especially to sing and recite poetry. ─── 吟游诗人游历各地的中世纪表演者,尤指歌唱或背咏诗歌的演员

73、American entertainer known especially for his energetic,goggle-eyed performances in vaudeville and Broadway reviews. ─── 康托尔,埃迪1892-1964美国演艺人员,尤以其在滑稽歌舞和百老汇巡回演出中充满活力的瞪眼表演而出名。

74、We often entertain friends at weekends. ─── 周末我们经常招待朋友。

75、She is a natural entertainer. ─── 她是个天生的表演者。

76、He always reinvented himself time and time again and certainly was a great entertainer and dancer and great to watch with all that energy. ─── 他总是能让自己一次又一次的变出全新的样子。同时,他也是一个伟大的艺人和舞蹈家,看他充满激情的表演是很棒的经历。

77、Sid was sick and had to miss the fun; Mary remained at home to entertain him. ─── 希德生病,没法和大家联欢,玛丽留在家中陪他玩。

78、She had to entertain some boring local bigwigs. ─── 她不得不款待当地一些无聊的大人物。

79、He entertain us for hour with his story and joke. ─── 他给我们讲故事、说笑话,让我们高兴了好几小时。

80、I could never entertain a thought so dishonourable to myself. ─── 我也不至于想出这么下贱的主意。

81、Referred to as the King of Pop, he is recognized as the most successful entertainer of all time, as well as one of the most influential. ─── 杰克逊享有“流行音乐之王”的美称,被公认为迄今为止最杰出的娱乐艺人,成为最具影响力的人物之一。

82、The key to an entertainer's success is personality . ─── 一个演员成功的关键在于他是否有个性。

83、A woman professional entertainer who tells jokes or performs various other comic acts. ─── 喜剧女演员说笑话或进行各种其他滑稽表演的职业女演艺者

84、We do not entertain for Customer just asking price for fun only. ─── 我们一律不招待没有兴趣批发的顾客或者只是问问价格而已。

85、To draw company to the house to entertain her he gave Lucullian banquets. ─── 为了让她在家有伴玩,他举行豪华的酒宴。

86、He said to the monkey, ?lochMonkeys have to entertain people. ─── 他对猴子说:猴子必须带给人娱乐。

87、I you could meet a famous entertainer or athlete, who would that be, and why? ─── 如果你能够遇到一位娱乐人士或者运动员,你希望遇到谁?原因?

88、typical lion tamer in people's mind is an entertainer holding a whip and a chair. ─── 人们心目中典型的驯狮师是拿着鞭子和椅子的表演者。

89、I don' t entertain very often. ─── 我不常在家请客.

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