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09-08 投稿


chromic 发音

英:[?kro?m?k]  美:[?kr??m?k]

英:  美:

chromic 中文意思翻译



chromic 常用词组

chromic acid ─── [化]铬酸

chromic anhydride ─── 铬酐;铬酸酐

chromic oxide ─── 三氧化二铬;氧化铬

chromic 短语词组

1、chromic ammonium alum ─── [化] 铬铵矾

2、chromic aquopentammine halide ─── [化] 卤化一水五氨合铬

3、chromic acid butter ─── [医] 酪酸试验(检乙醇)

4、cesium chromic sulfate ─── [化] 硫酸铬铯

5、chromic carbide ─── [化] 碳化铬

6、chromic acid anodizing ─── [化] 铬酸阳极氧化

7、chromic bromide ─── [建] 溴化铬

8、chromic acid cell ─── [建] 铬酸电池

9、chromic arsenide ─── [化] 砷化铬

10、ammonium chromic sulfate ─── [化] 铵铬矾; 硫酸铬铵

11、chromic boride ─── [化] 硼化铬

12、chromic alum ─── [化] 钾铬矾; 铬钾矾

13、chromic acid ─── [化] 铬酸 ─── [医] 铬酸

14、ammonium chromic alum ─── [化] 铵铬矾; 硫酸铬铵

15、chromic acetate ─── [化] 乙酸铬; 醋酸铬

16、chromic bleaching ─── [建] 铬漂白

17、chromic anhydride ─── [化] 三氧化铬 ─── [医] 铬酸酐

18、chromic acid mixture ─── [建] 洗液, 铬酸混合液

19、chloro-chromic acid ─── [化] 氯铬酸

chromic 相似词语短语

1、chromite ─── n.铬铁矿;亚铬酸盐

2、chromatic ─── adj.彩色的;色品的;易染色的

3、chronic ─── adj.慢性的;长期的;习惯性的;n.(Chronic)人名;(英)克罗尼克

4、chromise ─── 镀铬

5、chroming ─── v.镀铬;用铬的化合物来印染(chrome的现在分词)

6、chromide ─── 光鳃鱼

7、chromier ─── 色度计

8、dichromic ─── adj.重铬的;二色的

9、achromic ─── adj.色素缺乏的;无色的(等于achromous)

chromic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The cupreous plating chromic price of a few joint-stock brands or homebred brand is relatively substantial nowadays, and price of chromic product of stainless steel plating is lower. ─── 如今一些合资品牌或国产品牌的铜镀铬价格相对实惠,而不锈钢镀铬产品价格更低。

2、Keywords chromic pulmonary heart disease reason for the death early treatment reduced mortality; ─── 慢性肺源性心脏病;死亡原因;及时处理;降低病死率;

3、Chromic sulfate was recovered from chrome tanning wastewater by precipitation, f locculation and purification.And tanning wastewater was exhausted below the pri mary standard (1.0 mg/ L). ─── 以铬鞣废水为研究对象,通过沉淀、絮凝、纯化等处理方法,将铬鞣废水中高含量的铬回收为硫酸铬,使铬鞣废水达标排放。

4、This article presents an improved method to determine the anhydrous chromic chloride content with alkalineprocess. This method is easy to perform,and does not cause any hamnful gas. ─── 提出一种碱溶法测定无水三氯化铬的方法,该方法简便易行,不产生有害气体。

5、In the project produces oily dirt, dirt and fuel, chromic acid, lime etc scrap, decomposition leather coagulation fat. ─── 工程中产生的油垢,污垢,以及燃料、铬酸、石灰等残余物,分解皮革的凝固油脂。


7、Well, we'll ship the bichromate in steel drums and the chromic anhydride in oil cans. ─── 嗯,我们会把重铬酸盐用钢桶装,而无水铬酸则用油罐装。

8、Treatment of Chronic Hemophilic Synovitis with Colliodal 32p Chromic Phosphate ─── 32磷胶体滑膜切除术治疗慢性血友病滑膜炎

9、Keywords microwave radiation technology;chromic slag;feasibility analysis; ─── 微波辐照技术;含铬废渣;可行性分析;

10、Oxidation of tropine with chromic oxide gave tropinone which can be quaternized to 5 in quantitative yield. ─── 为了使反应的研究简化,将阿托品水解为托品醇、再氧化为托品酮,托品酮季胺盐与氢化钠反应。

11、Keywords chromic hepatitis B;reasonable treatment;principle; ─── 慢性乙型肝炎;合理治疗;原则;

12、Evaluation of Uncertainty of Measurement for the Determination of Chromic Anhydride Content for Industrial Use ─── 工业铬酸酐含量的测量不确定度评定

13、Zinc plating chromic acid salt after the passivation, corrosion resistance can improve 6 to 8 times. ─── 锌镀层经铬酸盐钝化之后,耐蚀性可提高6 ~ 8倍。

14、Chromic anhydride for industrial use ─── 工业铬酸酐

15、Kocour Centrifuges are used primarily with Test Set KSTS to measure sulfates in Chromic Acid based Plating baths. ─── 主营业务:测厚仪,水质测试包,金相耗材和设备,可焊性测试仪

16、In this paper, oxidative procedure of chromic acid and chromic acid derivatives is described. ─── 探讨了铬酸及其行生物的氧化过程,并从结构上解释了铬酸衍生物的选择性氧化作用。

17、Keywords chromic cor pulmonale;serum;trace elements; ─── 关键词肺心病;血清;微量元素;

18、A process of Cr electroplating at room temperature with low chromic anhydride content was proposed. ─── 提出了一种常温低浓度镀铬工艺。

19、Keywords anemia of chromic disease;serum transferring receptor;bone marrow iron staining; ─── 慢性病贫血;骨髓内外铁;血清转铁蛋白受体;

20、Depression is a common psychical disease influnced human physicopsychic health.Some acute or chromic stress may induce depression and HPA axis plays important role. ─── 抑郁症是影响人类身心健康的一大类精神疾病,各类急性或慢性应激往往可以诱发抑郁症,而下丘脑垂体肾上腺(HPA)轴在其中发挥了重要作用。

21、chromic hexamminochloride ─── 三氯化六氨铬

22、Keywords Metallic chromium;Electrodeposition;Chromic acid solution; ─── 关键词金属铬;电沉积;铬酸溶液;

23、The Manufacture of the Chromic Acid Passivated Liquid ─── 无铬酸钝化液的研制

24、Chromium plating in low chromic anhydride-containing bath at low temperature has been widely used for years for its peculiar advantages. ─── 低温、低浓度镀铬具有其独特的优点,已推广使用多年。

25、One week after the three rabbits in group C have been induced as models,44.4 MBq colloidal chromic phosphate 32P was injected into the right knee joint cavity. ─── C组3只诱导成模型1周后,右膝关节腔内各注射32P-胶体磷酸铬44.4MBq。

26、Keywords chromium sludge;chromic pellet;pelletization;recovery; ─── 含铬污泥;含铬球团;造球再利用;

27、reversible chromic material ─── 可逆变色材料

28、mainly produce sodium bichromate,chromic acid,chrome oxide green and basic chrome sulfate. ─── 主要生产氧化铬绿、铬酸酐、铬盐精。

29、In this paper, the surface of UHMWPE fiber was treated by chromic acid under ultrasonic processing. ─── 本文采用在超声下,利用铬酸溶液对纤维进行表面改性。

30、chromic aquopentammine halide ─── 卤化一水五氨合铬

31、chromic [Cr(Ⅵ)] ─── 六价铬离子

32、chromic atrial fibrillation; warfarin; anticoagulantion; efficaciously;safely. ─── 慢性房颤;华法令;抗凝;有效性;安全性

33、Process of Cr electroplating at room temperature with low chromic anhydride content ─── 常温低浓度镀铬工艺研究

34、Respiratory failure of chromic obstructive pulmonary disease ─── 慢性阻塞性肺病呼吸衰竭

35、chromic selenite ─── 亚硒酸铬

36、The chromium in the hair when angina of coronary heart disease comes on is reduced apparently, hint chromic lack may be one of critical factors that cause coronary heart disease. ─── 冠心病心绞痛发病时头发中铬明显降低,提示铬的缺乏可能是导致冠心病的危险因素之一。

37、This paper introduces the process technology and properties of dense chromic oxide refractories, details its application in E-glass fiber furnace, soda-lime metlter and attention rules. ─── 介绍了致密氧化铬耐火材料的生产工艺及性能,详细论述了其在无碱玻璃纤维及钠钙硅玻璃窑炉上的应用及注意事项。

38、chromic chloropentammine dichloride ─── [化] 二氯化一氯五氨合铬

39、In the project produces oily dirt,dirt and fuel,chromic acid,lime etc scrap, decomposition leather coagulation fat. ─── 工程中产生的油垢,污垢,以及燃料、铬酸、石灰等残余物,分解皮革的凝固油脂。

40、Control of chromium plating in low chromic anhydride-containing bath at low temperature ─── 低温、低浓度镀铬工艺的控制

41、produces and sells Chromic Acid,Chromium Oxide Green,Basic Chromium Sulphate,Sodium Sulphide etc. ─── 主营业务:生产、销售铬盐系列产品:铬酸肝、铬绿、铬粉、重铬酸钠、硫化钠等。

42、Chromic bacteria-free prostatitis ─── 慢性非细菌性前列腺炎

43、In the presence of acetic acid and polyethylene glycol, chromic anhydride and acenaphthene react under mild condition and acenaphthene can completely convert into acenaphthenone. ─── 在醋酸、聚乙二醇存在下 ,铬酸酐和苊在温和的条件下反应 ,苊可以完全转化为苊酮。

44、Improved technology for chromic wastewater treatment in color kinescope industry ─── 改进彩管行业含铬废水处理工艺

45、But the use atmosphere of both is distinguished somewhat however, chromic Xi Gong can be used only at oxidizing flame firing condition. ─── 但是二者的使用气氛却有所区别,铬锡红仅能使用于氧化焰烧成条件。

46、In order to realize the overall sintering of chromic acid lanthanum heating element,it is necessary to add sintering aids in it. ─── 为了使铬酸镧发热元件能够整体烧结,成型前在铬酸镧粉末中加入助烧剂,将收缩率调节一致。

47、Keywords ridge regression spectrophotometer;zinc plating;chromating;chromic anhydride;nitric acid;potassium permanganate; ─── 岭回归法;镀锌;钝化液;铬酐;硝酸;高锰酸钾;

48、The chromic edema,muscled atrophy, joint stiffness, and disuse osteoporosis that can result from knee joint immobilization, because of lower limb fracture surgery. ─── 下肢骨折手术后,长期卧床和膝关节制动可引起关节肿胀、肌肉萎缩、关节僵硬、骨质疏松,最终导致膝关节功能障碍。

49、Studying on Recovery Chromic Sulfate from Chrome Tanning Wastewater ─── 从铬鞣废水中回收硫酸铬技术的研究

50、Keywords furfuryl alcohol;cupric and chromic oxide;spent catalyst;recovery; ─── 关键词糠醇;铜铬氧化物;废催化剂;回收;

51、UHMWPE fibers were treated by chromic acid oxidation and pyrrole vapor deposition respectively. ─── 采用铬酸氧化法及吡咯气相沉积聚合法处理UHMWPE纤维。

52、UHMWPE fibers were treated by chromic acid oxidation and pyrrole vapor deposition respectively. ─── 摘要采用铬酸氧化法及吡咯气相沉积聚合法处理UHMWPE纤维。

53、Zinc basic coating, prepared with flake zinc powder, aluminum powder, chromic anhydride and some other organic compounds, possessed good combination force and corrosion resistance. ─── 利用片状锌粉、铝粉、铬酐及其它有机物配制的锌基涂料具有良好的结合力和耐蚀性。

54、The article introduced the processing method of the chromic wastewater,the biological method,physical-chemistry method,chemistry method etc. ─── 对含铬废水的处理方法如生物法、物化法、化学法等机理进行了简要的阐述,并展望了含铬废水处理技术的发展前景。

55、Twice technology reforms and the structure of main equipment for the recovery of chromic acid sludge by phosphoric acid method are described. ─── 介绍该厂铬盐车间利用磷酸法对铬酸渣回收利用的两次技术改造及主要设备的结构,以供同行业厂家参考。

56、or chromic. An electic current is applied to the cell, converting the aluminium surface into a coating of aluminium oxide. ─── 电解液是酸,通常是硫酸或铬酸。电解池通过电流,铝片的表面就逐渐积聚起氧化铝层。

57、The factors are analysed affecting chromic hydroxide recovery, between product in chromium metal production in chemical engineering process. ─── 对金属铬生产过程中影响化工工序中间产品氢氧化铬回收率的因素进行了分析。

58、In 14 dogs, renal artery stenosis wag produced by unilateral subtotal ligation. chromic catgut. Renovasoular hypertension developed in 12 of them. ─── 对14条犬用手术方式结扎单侧肾动脉,12条犬产生高血压。

59、Composite materials of glass-ceramics was prepared through using feldspar, quartz, talcum, borax, calcium fluoride, chromic oxide, ect. ─── 采用长石、石英、滑石、硼砂、氟化钙、氧化铬等为原料制备微晶玻璃陶瓷复合材料。

60、Approximate the rectal submucosa with a running suture using a 3-O chromic on a GI needle extending to the margin of the anal skin. ─── 使用GI针,用3-0铬制缝线连续缝合直肠粘膜下层,缝至肛门皮肤边缘。

61、At waste pH below 4, the oxidizing power of the chromic acid begins to attach the resin ─── 当废水pH值低于4时,铬酸的氧化力开始吸附在树脂上。

62、suppressant of chromic acid mist ─── 抑铬酸雾剂

63、The factors are analysed affecting chromic hydroxide recovery, between product in chromium metal production in chemical engineering process. ─── 对金属铬生产过程中影响化工工序中间产品氢氧化铬回收率的因素进行了分析。

64、he gelation of xanthan gum in the presence of chromic ion was tested successfully . ─── 对黄胞胶在铬离子存在下的成冻反应进行了试验。

65、Research on the application of chromic anhydride to surface technology ─── 三氧化铬在表面技术中的应用

66、(Tumour of chromic cell of 3) be addicted to. ─── (3)嗜铬细胞瘤。

67、The technologies for the production of chromic anhydride ─── 已工业化的铬酐生产工艺

68、Keywords Compound Glycyrrhizin Injection;Chromic hepatitis B with acute exacerbation; ─── 复方甘草甜素(美能);慢性乙型肝炎急性发作;

69、At ordinary times unused plating chromic furniture can be on plating chromic layer antirust of Tu Yi layer, put in dry place. ─── 平时不用的镀铬家具可在镀铬层上涂一层防锈剂,放在干燥处。

70、chromic pulmonary heart disease ─── 慢性肺心病

71、Chromic lack brings about candy and adipose metabolization obstacle, affect coronary heart disease secondhand. ─── 铬的缺乏导致糖和脂肪代谢障碍,间接影响冠心病。

72、This paper presents the newest research results on rare earth element additives to chrome plating in chromic acid bath. ─── 对稀土镀铬添加剂的最新研究成果进行了系统的介绍,并就目前应用情况,阐述了今后研究工作中需要进一步探讨的问题。

73、Keywords chromic wastewater;reducing agent;coagulating reagent;oxidation-reduction reaction;sludge recirculation; ─── 关键词含铬废水;还原剂;混凝剂;氧化还原反应;泥回流;

74、In the project produces oily dirt, dirt and fuel, chromic acid, lime etc scrap, decomposition leather coagulation fat. ─── 工程中产生的油垢,污垢,以及燃料、铬酸、石灰等残余物,分解皮革的凝固油脂。

75、Keywords Casuarina equisetifolia;Seed germination;Chromic stress;Physiological and ecological responses; ─── 木麻黄;种子萌发;铬胁迫;生理生态响应;

76、Organic resin was used instead of chromic anhydride in the orthogonal experiment for research on non-chromate Dacromet technology. ─── 摘要以有机树脂代替铬酐,在无铬达克罗工艺研究中进行正交试验。

77、The authors describe the dynamic process of the gelation reaction,and analyse the influences ofthe temperature,chromic ion concentration and shear rate upon the reaction rate. ─── 描述了反应的动力学过程,考察了温度、铬离子浓度以及剪切速率对反应速度的影响。

78、In the paper, the approach of chromic residue phosphate recycling has been introduced, and the feasible conditions of production technique have also been fixed. ─── 介绍了磷酸铬渣回收再利用的途径,并给出适宜的生产工艺条件,为废渣的处理提供了依据,也为六价铬的回收再利用找出了一种新方法。

79、Some is smooth but the plating of person of ancient bronze mirror is chromic; ─── 有的则是光可鉴人的镀铬;

80、A titrimetric method has been developed for rapid determination of the concentration of chromic anhydride and sulfuric acid in ABS roughing solution. ─── 介绍了一种快速测定ABS粗化液中铬酐与硫酸浓度的方法。

81、radioactive chromic phosphate ─── 放射性磷酸铬

82、Feasible Analysis of Producing Sodium Dichromate from Used Chromic Residue Phosphate ─── 利用磷酸铬渣生产重铬酸钠的可行性分析

83、Keywords Anhydrous chromic chloride alkaline process content determination; ─── 无水三氯化铬;碱溶法;含量测定;

84、Namely copper, iron, zinc, iodic, Selenium, manganese, chromic, cobaltic. ─── 即铜、铁、锌、碘、硒、锰、铬、钴。

85、The effect of chromic trioxide content in solutions on the properties of sintered zinc rich coatings was studied by employing zinc flakes and aluminum flakes as materials. ─── 以片状锌粉和铝粉为原材料,研究了涂料中铬酐含量对烧结式富锌涂层性能的影响。

86、To use insulating materials in non-working section of chromeplating hanging fixture can prominently cut down the consumption of chromic acid and electric power, and also raise production efficiency. ─── 摘要镀铬挂具的非工作部位应用绝缘材料会明显降低铬酐和电流消耗,提高生产效率。

87、UHMWPE fiber were treated by chromic acid etching and chemical vapor depositing polypyrrole(PPy). ─── 摘要采用铬酸刻蚀和化学气相沉积聚吡咯处理了超高相对分子质量聚乙烯(UHMWPE)纤维。


89、Purification of recoererd chromic sulfate was high and could be used as chemical materials.So it is a hig hly effective method for tanning wasterwatev treatment. ─── 回收的硫酸铬纯度高,可作为铬鞣的化工原料,这是沉淀铬鞣废水行之有效的途径。

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