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09-08 投稿


decrying 发音

英:[d??kra???]  美:[d??kra???]

英:  美:

decrying 中文意思翻译



decrying 词性/词形变化,decrying变形

动词现在分词: decrying |动词过去分词: decried |动词第三人称单数: decries |名词: decrier |动词过去式: decried |

decrying 短语词组

1、decrying synonym ─── 谴责同义词

2、decrying means ─── 谴责手段

3、decrying antonyms ─── 谴责反义词

4、decrying lyrics ─── 谴责歌词

5、decrying meaning ─── 贬义

6、decrying define ─── 谴责定义

7、decrying definition ─── 贬义

decrying 相似词语短语

1、descrying ─── vt.看见;发现;察看

2、decrypting ─── 解密

3、decrewing ─── 递减

4、decreeing ─── v.裁定,判决;颁布(decree的现在分词)

5、decurving ─── 下弯

6、decoying ─── n.诱饵;诱骗;vt.诱骗;vi.被诱

7、decaying ─── adj.腐烂的;衰减的,衰落的;v.腐烂;衰退(decay的现在分词)

8、decarbing ─── 脱碳

9、decerning ─── v.宣判;辨别(等于discern)

decrying 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He delivered a sober speech restating the message that America is entering a “new era of responsibility” and decrying “our collective failure to make hard choices”. ─── 他用审慎的讲话来重申这一信息:美国正将进入一个“需要负起责任的新时代”,并谴责:“是我们的‘集体失败’导致的‘选择困难’”。

2、Conservative critics quickly pounced on the news, decrying Harvard's new policy as a symbol of everything that ails American schooling. ─── 保守者对这则突如其来的消息大加批驳,将哈佛的这项新政比作美国教育行业种种弊端的集中体现。

3、Well, maybe so, could be. But I'm skeptical of generalizations like that. For thousands of years, people have been decrying the present and pointing to a more noble past. ─── 好吧,也许是,有可能。但是,我对这样的总结抱有怀疑。数千年来,人们一直都在批判”当前“,去指着更崇高的过去。

4、We should rally for our team, instead of decrying theirs. ─── 我们应该集合我们的团队,而不是谴责他们的。

5、We should rally for our team, instead of decrying theirs. ─── 我们应该享受奥运和向中国学习。 我们应该集合我们的团队,而不是谴责他们的。

6、1.Democratic leaders are decrying President Bush's plan to indefinitely halt troop withdrawals from Iraq after July. ─── 民主党领导公开谴责布什总统七月后无限停止从伊拉克撤兵的举动。

7、It was flooded with letters from readers decrying the brutal nature of the trade. ─── 雪片般的读者来信强烈反对这种野蛮的交易。

8、"So we are fortunate to have a talented individual who is willing to step up and assume this responsibility, and rather than decrying it, and lambasting him, we ought to be thanking him. ─── "所以选出这样一位有才干,并能承担责任的领导人感到辛慰,而不是去埋怨和责备他,我们应心怀感激.

9、Culturists say we should enjoy the Olympics and learn from China.We should rally for our team, instead of decrying theirs. ─── 文化主义者说我们应该享受奥运和向中国学习。

10、When Mr Obama gave a speech that made him famous, in 2004, decrying “blue states” and “red states”, it seemed unlikely that he would be the one to bridge the divide. ─── 当奥巴马在2004年发表那次使他成名的谴责“蓝色州”和“红色州”的演讲时,他好象并不能成为那个消弭分裂的人。

11、Activists have long criticised the industry's defence of patents and unrestricted pricing, decrying huge marketing budgets as wasteful (and, they allege, intended to corrupt doctors). ─── 活动人士一直都在谴责制药业对专利过度保护和对药品随意定价,浪费了庞大的营销预算(他们还声称,这些预算意在腐蚀医生)。

12、And he wasted no time decrying Apple's vision of the cellphone market and strategy for the i Phone. ─── 他马上开始贬低苹果对手机市场的眼光和iPhone战略。

13、Yes-fault divorce.A push for religious leaders to stop spending so much time decrying some marriages (e.g., gay ones, interracial ones), and instead focus on encouraging marriage in the first place. ─── 敦促宗教人士不要再花那么多的时间来抨击某些婚姻(如同性婚姻、异族通婚等),而应该把首要精力放在鼓励人们结婚上;

14、My fear is that innocents like yourself, proclaiming China's comeback in pre 1750 terms and decrying universal values as "western", take us in the wrong direction. ─── 但我最害怕的就是像您这样天真无邪的人,一方面预言中国将恢复其于1750年之前在世界上的地位,另一方面又将普世价值诋毁成是“西方的”,并由此将我们引向谬误。

15、I am not decrying silent courage, but I think that the silence has been over valued.It may be, to some extent, the cause for the alarming increase in mental breakdowns. ─── 当然,我不是贬低沉默的勇气,而只是觉得这种沉默的价值被夸大了,而且从某种程度上说,可能正是由于这种沉默才使精神崩溃的案例惊人地增加了。

16、An amateur videographer would capture Kobe outside of an Orange County shopping center decrying the Lakers decision not to trade Bynum for Kidd. ─── 一个狗仔队记者抓拍到科比在奥兰治县购物中心外谴责湖人没有拿安猪交易基德.

17、BEIJING -- Demonstrators angry at a crackdown on dogs staged a noisy protest in China's capital on Saturday, decrying police killings of dogs and new limits on pet ownership. ─── 北京-本周六,大批愤怒的示威人群于中国首都北京举行了一场示威活动,抗议政府近日新出台的限制养犬的规定及中国警察杀死犬只的行为。

18、Soon Chinese Internet users, including government agencies, were decrying the 'poisonous panda. ─── 不久,中国网民以及政府机构纷纷谴责“影响极坏的熊猫烧香”。

19、We do not gain by decrying China for knowing it is a sovereign nation with a different culture. ─── 中国是一个有着不同文化的主权国家,谴责它我们不会有所得益。

20、Its members proceeded to vote down a proposed resolution decrying the Sri Lankan government's disregard for civilian life. ─── 成员进行投票否决了谴责斯里兰卡政府漠视人民生命的建议决议案。

21、Anger is not decrying injustice on Facebook, or in blogs, it's marching through the streets with bullhorns, a la Harvey Milk. ─── 愤怒不是在脸谱网上或是博客上谴责社会的不公正,它是通过在街道上用扩音器和模仿哈维。米尔克的游行。

22、U. S. and European generals and strategists are often decrying China's increasing influence around the globe. ─── 欧美公众与战略专家们经常公开谴责中国在全球日益增长的影响。

23、I know many are decrying the slow rate at which solutions are being applied, and the lack of a good business case. ─── 我知道很多人谴责该解决方案的应用速度缓慢,并且缺乏优秀的业务实例。

24、France, Guinea's traditional ally and former colonial power, has distanced itself from him, cutting military ties and decrying his “savage” treatment of the protesters. ─── 几内亚的传统盟国和前殖民国家法国已疏远了几内亚,在军事上切断和几内亚的关系并谴责它对抗议者实行残酷的镇压。

25、Yet instead of decrying this lawless conduct, Congress essentially legalized it. ─── 但美国国会非但没有反对这项违法活动,甚至还从根本上使之合法化。

26、While decrying Mr Cameron’s plan as a sham, he is likewise keen to revitalise people power. ─── 尽管谴责卡梅隆的计划是一场骗局,但他自己同样乐忠于“重振人民的力量”。

27、Bernie Ecclestone has opened the door to a tirade of condemnation by decrying democracy and defending the world's most universal tyrants Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein. ─── 伯尼已经开门了长篇大论的谴责谴责民主和捍卫世界上最具普遍性的暴君希特勒和萨达姆侯赛因.

28、He was fiercely anti-Western, decrying the European Union as a Zionist Christian club and railing against usury and the free market. ─── 埃尔巴坎曾经强烈地反对西方,谴责欧盟作为犹太复国主义的幕后推手,还反对高利贷和自由市场经济。

29、3.But police in Bombay are planning to monitor cybercafes, a move some are decrying as excessive regulation that could create a dangerous precedent. ─── 但是孟买的警方正计划对网咖进行监控,此举遭到了不少人的谴责,认为这开了个不好的先例。

30、Appalled by such hubris, a libertarian scholar called Gene Healy wrote “The Cult of the Presidency”, a book decrying the unrealistic expectations Americans have of their presidents. ─── 一位自由学者对他的言论感到胆寒,写了一本书叫总统崇拜,书中谴责了美国人对总统的不切实际的期望。

31、As long ago as the Middle Ages Japanese writers were decrying the interpretation of symbols in art. ─── 其实早在中世纪一位日本作家就大声反对对艺术形式中符号的解释。这是非常正确的!!!

32、You are too bitter to realise you are not being objective here.Anyway, it's a free forum, just go ahead and put yourself on the same level as those people you are decrying so loudly. ─── 想念的心装满的都是你,我的吉他弹奏的都是你,我的日记写满的都是你的名,才发现我是真的爱你向雷锋同志学习?在上海没有这个人类吧!

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