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09-08 投稿



distorts 发音

英:[d??st??ts]  美:[d??st??rts]

英:  美:

distorts 中文意思翻译



distorts 词性/词形变化,distorts变形

动词过去分词: distorted |动词过去式: distorted |名词: distorter |动词第三人称单数: distorts |动词现在分词: distorting |

distorts 相似词语短语

1、bistort ─── n.拳参

2、distomes ─── n.双盘吸虫

3、distort ─── vt.扭曲;使失真;曲解;vi.扭曲;变形

4、disturbs ─── vt.打扰;妨碍;使不安;弄乱;使恼怒;vi.打扰;妨碍

5、distorter ─── n.畸变放大器

6、distorted ─── adj.歪曲的;受到曲解的;v.扭曲(distort的过去式和过去分词)

7、bistorts ─── n.拳参

8、disports ─── vt.使欢娱;使快乐;vi.娱乐;玩耍;n.娱乐

9、detorts ─── 绕道

distorts 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Man distorts the picture of another. He both detracts and supplements, since generalization is always both less and more than individuality is. ─── 人曲解、贬低和补充其对他人的想像,因为普遍化总是同时比个性多一些或少一些。

2、The loudspeaker seemed to distort his voice. ─── 他的声音从喇叭里传出来好像失真了。

3、In fact, the appointment of as few as one single member to the District Council suffices to distort the elected representation. ─── 即使政府只委任一个区议员进入区议会,也必然会扭曲和损害议会民意的代表性。

4、It distorts the natural formation of trends. ─── 它扭曲了自然的趋势。

5、The thin glass slides distort under presure and the fringes move and change accordingly. ─── 受压后薄玻璃片会变形,因此条纹也会跟着移动和改变。

6、It will distort trade, foster huge financial imbalances and trigger a contentious competition for scarce raw materials. ─── 它会扭曲贸易、孕育巨大金融失衡并引发对稀有的原材料不可调和的竞争。

7、Thus, the line of credit distorts the allocation of capital. ─── 因此,信用额度扰乱了资本市场的资本分配。

8、In fact even the appointment of a single member of the District Council would inevitably distort the elected representation. ─── 事实上,即使政府只委任一个区议员进入区议会,也必然会扭曲和损害议会民意的代表性。

9、Urgash's body is perpetually surrounded by what seems to be a heat haze that "distorts" reality around it. ─── 鄂加斯的身体被永恒的高温烟雾所包围,这些烟雾“扭曲”了周围的现实。

10、As the coffee is stirred, the drop distorts into a filament and finally disperses all over the cup, losing its identity. ─── 当搅拌咖啡时,这滴乳酪变成细丝,并最后在整个杯子中完全散开,损失它的本体。

11、The role change from goddess to succubus reveals ultimately how a patrilineal value system distorts and oppresses that of female. ─── 女性形象从天使向妖妇转变的趋势,多少隐藏着男性父权制社会观念对女性的苛求与歪曲。

12、According to Einstein's general theory, the presence of a massive body like the Sun distorts the geometry of space and time. ─── 根据爱因斯坦的“广义相对论”,像太阳那样的巨大天体的存在势必使时空结构变形。

13、If the valve is left open or partially open, it could distort and leak during operation. ─── 如果阀门处于开启或部分开启状态,可能会造成变形并在使用过程中产生泄漏。

14、Doctors should know better thanto distort facts and mislead patients. ─── 医生应该知道不要歪曲事实,误导病人。

15、I would warn against such an adventure that will distort our Asian policy for decades. ─── 在此,我对这种冒险行为郑重提出警告,因为它将在未来的几十年中歪曲我们的亚洲政策。

16、Some newspapers distort news to make it seem more exciting. ─── 一些报纸为了使新闻看起来更令人兴奋而歪曲事实。

17、Any attempt to distort or een deny resolution 2758 (XXI) is futile. ─── 任何旨在歪曲、甚至否定联大第2758(XXI)号决议的企图都完全是徒劳的。

18、The lables should also be flat on the garment and not loose so that it distorts. ─── 商标在成衣中应平整,不应松散走样。

19、Marketers as well as politicians have doubtless helped to distort the meaning of the Dream. ─── 商人和政治家们一样,无疑助长了对美国梦含义的歪曲。

20、They represent feelings that may be a response to the commercialism that distorts the real spirit of Christmas. ─── 他们代表也许是对商业主义的一个反应变形圣诞节的真正的精神的感觉。

21、It distorts our economic decisions,penalizes thrift,and crushes the struggling young and the fixed_income elderly alike. ─── 它严重影响了我们的经济决策,动摇了我们勤俭节约的传统,彻底击垮了正在奋斗的年轻人和有固定收入的老年人。

22、The former may distort the the choice of factor inputs (that is, capital vs labor), while the latter will not. ─── 前者扭曲的是“要素投入的选择”(即资本与劳动力),而后者却不是这样。

23、Furthermore, the incomplete soul entering the next dimension of thought-form goes on to distort the dimension above. ─── 加之,进入下一维度思想形态的不完整灵魂继续扭曲着上面的维度。

24、The thin glass slides distort under pressure and the fringes move and change accordingly. ─── 受压后薄玻璃片会变形,因此条纹也会跟着移动和改变。

25、Extending the bailout to insurers would also distort what is now a very competitive insurance market. ─── 同时,对保险公司的救助一旦蔓延将伤害业已充分竞争的保险市场。

26、With the development of deep exploration in the Fan Kou lead-zinc mine, some eng ineering begin to distort or collapse. ─── 凡口铅锌矿深部开拓后,部分工程发生变形、垮塌,给生产和安全带来威胁。

27、Clean out the goods in pocket.if you hang on your suits with full pockets,the suits are easily tl distort. ─── 回家后,立即换下衣服,取出口袋内的物品.如让口袋内添满东西而吊挂着,衣服很容易变形.

28、Yet doing so threatens to distort competition, giving rivals fair grounds to complain. ─── 但这样做就扭曲了公平竞争,工党的对手们有足够理由来抨击政府了。

29、Anything that distorts the user source code from its original form is going to create problems. ─── 任何对原始形式的用户源代码的曲解都将造成麻烦。

30、The human understanding is like a false mirror,which,receiving rays irregularly,distorts and discolors the nature of thingsw by mingling its own nature with it. ─── 人的理解如同一面假镜子,无规律地接疏光线,将自己的本质和事物的本质混合起来,从而歪曲和玷污了事物的本质.

31、Any attempt to distort or even deny resolution 2758 (XXVI) is futile. ─── 任何旨在歪曲、甚至否定联大第2758(XXVI)号决议的企图都完全是徒劳的。

32、Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. ─── 乃将那些暗昧可耻的事弃绝了,不行诡诈,不谬称神的道理。

33、Your imagination distorts reality. ─── 你的想象力歪曲了现实。

34、It preserves direction and shapes but distorts size, in an increasing degree away from the equator. ─── 它维持方向和形状但扭曲大小,离赤道愈远的纬线间隔愈大。

35、Its function is to spread a bemusing mist that conceals realities: to delude, to distort and to divert. ─── 其作用在于散布一种掩盖现实的茫茫云雾; 借以制造假象、歪曲事实和转移视线。

36、Changed: Pausing processing no longer distorts the time estimation. ─── 变化:暂停过程将不会被计算在估算的时间里.

37、The blood vessels may leak fluid, which distorts vision. ─── 血管可能渗漏出液体,扰乱视觉。

38、You're an attorney. It's your duty to lie, conceal and distort everything, and slander everybody. ─── 你是一名律师。说谎,掩盖,歪曲一切,诽谤每一个人是你的职责。

39、It's a very deceptive and devious way to distort the curriculum in our public schools," he said. ─── 他们的提议是一种欺骗,而且用一种狡猾的方式歪曲了公立学校的课程。”

40、The mercator projection is one of the most used world map projection. It preserves direction and shapes but distorts size, in an increasing degree away from the equator. ─── 27麦卡托投影是世界上最常用的投影之一。它维持方向和形状但扭曲大小,离赤道愈远的纬线间隔愈大。

41、The solar wind grossly distorts the earth's magnetic fields, dragging it out to a long tail. ─── 太阳风使地球磁场的形状发生很大的变化,将它向外牵拉,扯出一条长尾。

42、His playing can be so intensely expressive that he contorts phrases, distorts musical structure and fills his music-making with distracting affectations". ─── 他的演奏透着如此强烈的个人主张,以至于他所弹奏的每一个音符与乐章仿佛背离了原有的味道,让人有种迷离出神的感觉。”

43、Any silk wet after can distort, do not have to use the towel and the paper napkin cleans the dirt the place. ─── 任何的丝绸都会在湿了之后变形,不要用毛巾和餐巾纸擦拭污渍的地方。

44、Did the 183-hour goal distort the testing? ─── 183小时的目标误导了试飞么?

45、Is effectively dead, which distorts how the JIT will optimize the code; it may be able to eliminate the entirety of the synchronization test. ─── 保护的代码实际上是无用的,这扭曲了JIT优化代码的方式。编译器可能可以消除整个同步测试。

46、The Party was trying to kill the sex instinct, or, if it could not be killed, then to distort it and dirty it. ─── 党是企图扼杀性本能; 若是无法扼杀,便去歪曲它,玷污它。

47、In addition, some brain scientists notice that diseases and pysical damages can change ones' nature and distort their spirits. ─── 另外有一些脑科学家注意到疾病和身体损伤能够改变人的秉性,歪曲人的心灵。

48、Single curved glass would distort nature, how much more would a pair of them? ─── 如果单一的曲面镜会歪曲自然,那么一对曲面镜对自然的歪曲又会多大呢?

49、The underlying meaning of "literary translation" is simply "do not distort the features of the original text". ─── “直译”的意义就是“不要歪曲了原作的面目”。

50、But, remember a most fundamental and essential fact: an attitude (a belief) doesn't allow you to touch life itself but contorts or distorts life. ─── 但是,请记住一个最基本、最根本的事实:态度不允许你去触及生命本身,它扭曲生命,曲解生命。

51、Other than to distort structural data which introduced in the article, here we try to structuralize visual data. ─── 一、随着文明发展,个体能获取的能力将会越来越大。

52、It distorts our economic decisions, penalizes thrift and crushes the struggling young and the fixed-income elderly alike. ─── 使储蓄的人反而受到惩罚,并且使为生活而挣扎的年轻人和靠固定收入为生的老年人都受到严重打击。

53、So we reinterpret or even distort the character. ─── 因此我们重新解释,以至曲解了这个角色。

54、Database of only store type is put in this locality, appear easily two big questions: IC card is decoded, in-house personnel distorts data. ─── 单店式数据库放在本地,轻易出现两大问题:IC卡被解密、内部人员篡改数据。

55、In the attachment, truth cannot be understood, for the blending of energy distorts the truth. ─── 在连线中,真相不被了解,因为混合的能量扭曲了真相。

56、Therefore, we would disdain and distort an opinion if we judge it with the criterion of the other opinion simply. ─── 因此,简单套用任何一方的模式评判另一方,均是对对方的蔑视与歪曲;

57、The solar wind grossly distorts the earth's magnetic fields, dragging it out to a long tail. ─── 太阳风使地球磁场的形状发生很大的变化,将它向外牵拉,扯出一条长尾。

58、Just as a person would while fighting a drug addiction, she said, a lovelorn person obsesses, craves and distorts reality. ─── 正如一个人在毒瘾发作时挣扎一样,她说,一个失恋的人会痴迷渴望,甚至歪曲事实。

59、As with any famous location, sensationalism by the press often distorts the facts. ─── 像在其他著名地点发生的一样,媒体追求轰动效应的做法经常歪曲了事实。

60、It distorts our economic decisions, penalizes thrift and crushes the struggling young find the fixed-income elderly alike. ─── 使储蓄的人反而受到惩罚,并且使为生活而挣扎的年轻人和靠固定收入为生的老年人都受到严重打击。 这种通货膨胀使我们在经济方面的决定不能顺利执行。

61、One can see how technology pollutes or distorts if it is non-resonant in this experience. ─── 你可从该经历中看到,技术如果非共振的话是如何造成污染或扭曲的。

62、They distort the measurement of their market shares in order to infer ideal prospects for business revenues. ─── 它们歪曲市场份额,目的是从中推测出完美的公司预期收入。

63、Cursed is he who distorts justice due a sojourner, an orphan, or a widow. And all the people shall say, Amen. ─── 19向寄居的和孤儿寡妇屈枉公理的,必受咒诅。百姓都要说,阿们。

64、M101 is so large that its immense gravity distorts smaller nearby galaxies. ─── M101是如此之大,其巨大的引力扭曲了较小的邻近星系。

65、After installation of valve, support the pipe line; a sagging pipe line can distort the valve and cause failure. ─── 在安装阀门后,要对管道加上支撑物,否则下垂的管道可能会使得阀门变形并造成故障。

66、As discussed earlier, two factors which tend to distort the market system are the related problems of "externalities" and "collective goods". ─── 如前所述,两个易于扭曲市场机制的因素是与“外在性”和“集体性商品”相关的问题。

67、After installation of valve, support line; a sagging pipe line can distort valve and cause failure. ─── 安装阀门后,要支撑住管道:下垂的管道会使阀门产生变形而导致失败。

68、Dunhill also recommends that you do not overfill your item of leather, as this can distort the shape. ─── dunhill同时建议,您的皮具切勿装填过满,否则可能导致变形。

69、These risks will hinder the marketization process and distort the purpose of it. ─── 因此,在推动这一改革进程中,不能忽视其潜在的风险。

70、IBT selects the attribute pairs and then distorts them with isometric transformation. ─── IBT先随机选择属性向量时,然后对属性向量对进行等距变换。

71、Gain saturation distorts its envelope, and affects the self-phase-modulation (SPM) caused by nonlinear polarization. ─── 增益饱和导致包络失真,同时也影响到由非线性极化所造成的自相位调制。

72、For the unconscious skews your vision in such a manner that it may distort your conscious intent. ─── 因为无意识以这样一种方式扭曲你的想像,所以它会扭曲你有意识的意想。

73、How dare he distort the facts so brazenly! ─── 他怎么敢如此肆无忌惮地歪曲事实!

74、One of London Zoo's recent advertisements caused me some irritation, so patently did it distort reality. ─── 一个动物园的广告让我有些愤怒,它如此公然地歪曲事实。

75、Accountant distorts the reason is evades taxes, plasters the achievement, creates a false impression, the embezzlement burglary for the profit. ─── 会计失真的原因是偷税漏税、粉饰业绩、为获利而造假、贪污盗窃。

76、It distorts the quality cost, do not know its potential impact. ─── 它歪曲了质量成本,没有搞清楚其潜在的影响。

77、The more diverse the product types are, the more seriously the traditional costing systems distort the information of product costs. ─── 产品种类越多,传统成本计算制度歪曲成本信息的程度越严重。

78、Any attempt to distort or even deny resolution2758( XXVI) is futile. ─── 任何旨在歪曲、至否定联大第2758(XVI)决议的企图都完全是徒劳的。

79、The draft Party Constitution provides that Party members be truthful and honest with the Party and not conceal or distort the truth. ─── 党章草案规定,党员必须对党忠诚老实,不隐瞒和歪曲事实真相。

80、The publishing industry also distorts for profit the frequency of “thrill” murders. ─── 出版行业为了谋利也歪曲“惊险”谋杀的频率。

81、Irresponsibly distort the news content for some political purpose. ─── 为了某种政治目的擅自修改新闻内容。

82、The Cox Report intentionally distorts the research projects included in the "863 Program''. ─── 《考克斯报告》对中国“863计划”中的研究项目进行有意曲解。

83、The mind often distorts the souls commands, causing us to make mistakes and affecting our social relationships. How can we overcome such situations? ─── 头脑会扭曲来自灵魂的命令,让我们做错事,影响我们的人际关系,如何克服这些情况?

84、The media distorts reality; it categorizes people as all good or all bad. ─── 媒体歪曲事实,将人分为十足的好人和坏蛋。

85、He fought stubbornly against all attempts to distort Marxist theory. ─── 他顽强地和一切歪曲马克思主义学说的企图作斗争。

86、Nothing can rescue person who always distorts others' goodwill. ─── 八五、永远扭曲别人善意的人,无药可救。

87、For the sake of brevity, I paraphrase his description, and hope that in doing so I do not distort his meaning. ─── 为了节省篇幅,现在我用自己的话来把这件事转述一下,希望不至于走样。

88、The Hindu sectarian view of Indian nationalism is based on a historical misinterpretation, and then they distort history by rewriting textbooks. ─── 印度派对印度国家主义的看法,是对历史的误解,因而,他们在重写教科书时,扭曲了历史。

89、To distort sound recording or transmission by overloading a microphone or loudspeaker. ─── 声音失真由于麦克风或扬声器负载过重而使得声音记录或传送失真

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